I'm retiring due to health reasons. AMA
I have short term memory loss. The doctors can’t seem to find the root cause. This isn’t some forgetfulness, it’s serious. They tell me I have about 10 years before I will lose all short-term memory. I will retain all long-term memories. So that post you make about me in 2006 is still going to be up there in my noggin.
I have previously shared this diagnosis with the mods. I asked them to keep this information confined to the mod lounge. Which they did and I appreciated their consideration. They encouraged me to share this information with the rest of the Planet. It’s time to come clean.
I also have CLL (Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia). Its only put me in the hospital once and it usually does not kill people these days.
Would not be a BRC post without bragging so…. Last 10 years of my career, I architected, designed, and implemented the first cloud at Bank of America, the largest private cloud in the world for the military and for IBM, the world’s largest serverless IT infrastructure services provider with thousands of enterprise customers, thousands of applications in more than 60 countries.
You cannot do that kind of work without a functioning short-term memory, so I have no choice but to retire.
I’m 65. I’m being forced to retire a little early but only losing a couple of years anyway. I’ll have a comfortable retirement alongside my wife of 34 years.