This pretty much has to be the best season so far, right?
Hate that it was only seven episodes, but it seems like they crammed ten episodes worth into them... so much happened
All the living Starks reunited
Red Wedding avenged
A dragon goes down, then up again
The northern wall is ice cubes, such a cool scene
Jon Snow is revealed to be John Sand
Little Finger finally get his just reward
An incestuous king and queen pair up
Jamie Lannister finally gives up on that c**t, figured that was gonna happen at some point
Next season will be worth every penny if only to see Cersei go down, man alive I swear she must be RR Martins alter ego... such a deceitful, mean spirited, and spiteful wench
The Night King needs to be the one who takes her down and turns her, thats exactly what she deserves
And I foresee Jon ending the war with the undead by somehow sacrificing himself so that Dany can take the throne
This, the Sopranos, and Deadwood... the 3 best tv shows ever made, cant believe how long I gotta wait for season 8