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Hammock Parties 10-20-2018 04:33 PM


Rambo going Cowboy

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Rambo V will see John getting back what he does best, namely indiscriminately killing bad guys who threaten good people.

“Bad guys” here means “Mexican sex traffickers slash cartels,” 2018’s action movie bad guys du jour. (See: Peppermint.)

Per the synopsis, “When longtime family friend and estate manager Maria informs Rambo that her granddaughter has gone missing after crossing into Mexico for a party, he sets off with her to find the youngster. What ensues is a violent descent into hell as Rambo uncovers a sex-trafficking ring. He teams up with a journalist whose half-sister has also been kidnapped and must deploy all his skills to save the girls and bring down a vicious crime lord.”

Rasputin 10-20-2018 04:37 PM

Let the bodies hit the flooor

Sassy Squatch 10-20-2018 06:51 PM


Miles 10-20-2018 06:56 PM

The last one taught the lesson of the 50 cal. What will this new one be? We've already seen big ****ing knife and bow and arrow power.

Hammock Parties 10-20-2018 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 13830382)
The last one taught the lesson of the 50 cal. What will this new one be? We've already seen big ****ing knife and bow and arrow power.


cooper barrett 10-20-2018 07:08 PM

More interested in "doing" Stallone's daughters than watching latest movies.

Bowser 10-20-2018 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13830391)


KCUnited 10-20-2018 07:23 PM

Pizza cutter

Bowser 10-20-2018 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 13830419)
Pizza cutter

Hammock Parties 10-20-2018 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13830417)



Besides, RPG was done.

Frazod 10-20-2018 08:40 PM

Gotta hand it to Stallone - the late career sequels of the Rocky and Rambo franchises are well made and entertaining.

kysirsoze 10-20-2018 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13830516)
Gotta hand it to Stallone - the late career sequels of the Rocky and Rambo franchises are well made and entertaining.

TOTALLY agree with the Rocky movies. Looking forward to Creed II.

Rambo, I thought, was just terrible. I thought blending a Saving Private Ryan level of realism and brutality with a throwback 80's/90's cartoonish level of violence was really hard to enjoy on any level. It took itself seriously while making one of the most ludicrously violent films I can recall.

Not a lot of hope for this one.

kjwood75nro 10-20-2018 09:34 PM

This movie will let us know, between Liam Neeson and Sylvester Stallone, who made a better Taken movie.

srvy 10-20-2018 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by kysirsoze (Post 13830557)
TOTALLY agree with the Rocky movies. Looking forward to Creed II.

Rambo, I thought, was just terrible. I thought blending a Saving Private Ryan level of realism and brutality with a throwback 80's/90's cartoonish level of violence was really hard to enjoy on any level. It took itself seriously while making one of the most ludicrously violent films I can recall.

Not a lot of hope for this one.

Instead of dissuading me you actually made me want to see this even more.

Sure-Oz 10-20-2018 09:55 PM

I'll see it...he's already posted like 2 pics on his Instagram in his ranch cowboy gear.

New World Order 10-20-2018 10:09 PM

Hell yeah

Frazod 10-20-2018 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by kysirsoze (Post 13830557)
TOTALLY agree with the Rocky movies. Looking forward to Creed II.

Rambo, I thought, was just terrible. I thought blending a Saving Private Ryan level of realism and brutality with a throwback 80's/90's cartoonish level of violence was really hard to enjoy on any level. It took itself seriously while making one of the most ludicrously violent films I can recall.

Not a lot of hope for this one.

I loved the last Rambo, but I certainly understand that the level of violence isn't for everybody.

Frazod 10-20-2018 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 13830624)
Instead of dissuading me you actually made me want to see this even more.

It's a ****ing blood bath. I went in expecting something along the lines of First Blood Part II, and it made that look like a Road Runner cartoon.

Easy 6 10-21-2018 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Miles (Post 13830382)
The last one taught the lesson of the 50 cal. What will this new one be? We've already seen big ****ing knife and bow and arrow power.

I wanna see someone hit with a 40mm grenade from a grenade launcher

siberian khatru 10-21-2018 11:21 AM

Rambo: The Searchers

Bowser 10-21-2018 11:43 AM

An old favorite...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Easy 6 10-21-2018 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 13831284)
Rambo: The Searchers

John Rambo didnt turn his sword into a plowshare, pilgrim

Frazod 10-21-2018 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13831346)
An old favorite...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That was awesome. LMAO

Rasputin 10-21-2018 12:43 PM

<iframe width="864" height="486" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I wish they would do another Cobra. Stallone was Sly

that was a bad ass car

Deberg_1990 10-21-2018 12:55 PM

Would love a Cobra II !

“Your a disease, and I’m the cure”

Gravedigger 10-21-2018 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13831346)
An old favorite...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yeah I remember seeing that in the theater and thinking, "How many ways can we have Rambo kill as many Burmese soldiers as possible???"

listopencil 10-21-2018 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by kjwood75nro (Post 13830609)
This movie will let us know, between Liam Neeson and Sylvester Stallone, who made a better Taken movie.

Denzel Washington did it better in Man On Fire.

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