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keg in kc 05-20-2013 12:44 PM

Star Wars: Rebels
And here's our replacement for Clone Wars. Coming to Disney XD in fall 2014. Bridges the gap between Eps 3 and 4. Looks...very cool. Conceptually.

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Bit more detail:

Originally Posted by Entertainment Weekly
Star Wars Rebels, a one-hour animated pilot already in production at Lucasfilm, is scheduled to premiere in Fall 2014 on the Disney Channel before the new brand leaps to Disney XD for the ongoing series, according to Lucasfilm sources.

The series will mine material from the 19 years that follow Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and precede the Episode IV: A New Hope. In other words, using the life of the Skywalker twins as a measure, the series will be active in the story years that come after their separation as newborns and before their (unwitting) reunion on the prison level of the Death Star.

No word on whether the show will feature Darth Vader (who would be in the Empire’s power consolidation years and earning his reputation) or even pull in a character like Han Solo, the smuggler and cynic who becomes an unlikely freedom fighter when he opts to stand with his friends against cosmic odds. The title of the show is vaguely phrased in a way that any rebel — even a Boba Fett or Ahsoka Tano might qualify as a title character merely by walking an outsider’s path.

The series has three executive producers: Dave Filoni, the point man on The Clone Wars animated series that launched in 2008; screenwriter and producer Simon Kinberg, who has a flair for tonal rewiring and energizing familiar brands with new edge (e.g.: X-Men: First Class, Sherlock Holmes); and Greg Weisman, whose credits include well-regarded work on Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man.


Hammock Parties 05-20-2013 01:01 PM


Finally done with Clone Wars bullshit.

DaneMcCloud 05-20-2013 03:42 PM

My understanding is that it will depict the Empire spreading across the Star Wars galaxy while Vader hunts down the remaining Jedi Knights.

If so, count me in!

Setsuna 05-20-2013 05:10 PM

Disney XD? Get off.

DaneMcCloud 05-20-2013 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 9695219)
Disney XD? Get off.

What's your issue with Disney XD? Their shows are very well produced and very cool, IMO.

keg in kc 01-24-2014 01:45 PM

Lengthy interview in Entertainment Weekly, talking about how the new series goes to dark places and embraces the 1977 film's spirit:

Couple of highlights:

How will this look or feel different from Clone Wars?

It will look quite different. The intention of what I’ve seen so afar, and we’re pretty far down the line, the intention is for it to feel quite different from Clone Wars. The place we went back to as to a visual template was Ralph McQuarrie, who was one of the original concept artists for the original Star Wars films. His art is softer, a little more figurative, more of a feel of being drawn, less computer generated. The first few movies had a bit of a hand-made quality. We wanted the show to have that. There’s also in the archives where [creator George] Lucas keeps all the original art and props, there’s tons of art that’s McQuarrie’s musing on the Star Wars universe that was never used in the films. There’s places where we’ve quite literally taken world-creation or vehicles or creatures from his original art that was never used in the films and made that part of show.

That’s fantastic. What about story-telling differences? How dark can you go on Disney XD?

We haven’t talked in those terms. But the world we’re creating is an Imperial world. You’re seeing the impact of the Empire, of stormtroopers around the galaxy, abusing and oppressing people. Thematically and politically, it goes to some dark places. But for the tone of the show we took our cues from the original movies, which had fun and adventure and swashbuckling with emotion and grounded human characters. We took all our cues from the original films. Obviously there are slight tonal differences between New Hope, Empire and Jedi. But I think the closest intended voice of the show is A New Hope. So there are places where we get into darker backstories, there are places we see how cruel and malevolent the Empire can be, but for the most part it’s a fun and character-driven story. Again taking our cues from the original films, it’s less maybe political than the prequels and more personal. It starts with a few character introductions that will precede the show. I wrote the first two episodes, they’re like a one-hour story across two episodes where we introduce the main characters in the show.

Is Darth Vader and the Emperor in the show? And if so is any possibility of the original voice talent being used?

I don’t think I’m allowed to answer that. I can say that wherever possible we would want to use the original talent.

So what else about the new show Rebels that you think fans would be particularly interested to know that you would feel comfortable discussing at this juncture.

The reason I wanted to do this. I really felt like there was an opportunity to tell an untold story. I’m a fan of The Clone Wars and aspects of the prequels, but really the original movies were the reason I wanted to get into movies. I always loved origin stories and the origin of an entire organization, I don’t think we’ve seen that before, and we’ve approached it in a real-world way. If I told the story of the American Revolution, I wouldn’t want to start with the most famous battle I’d want to start when it was just four guys in a room, the earliest spark of that seems dramatic and cool. That’s a big part of the fun of it, the little back-room dealings, the first time you see it’s possible to stand up to the Empire.

keg in kc 02-17-2014 12:45 PM

Have to say I'm not particularly thrilled with either of these, though it's not much to go on...

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It's probably because I'm not real enthused about the apparent protagonist, Ezra:

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keg in kc 02-17-2014 12:45 PM

Guess I neglected to post the Kanan clip last week:

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And then there's Chopper:

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keg in kc 02-17-2014 12:52 PM

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Hammock Parties 02-17-2014 05:16 PM

This looks awesome, and I am probably going to have to go download the entire Clone Wars series now.

Javabean 02-18-2014 11:41 AM


and Greg Weisman, whose credits include well-regarded work on Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man.
Those were both excellent series. I'll definitely be checking this out.

keg in kc 02-19-2014 01:20 PM

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NewChief 02-19-2014 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 10441510)
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Oh hell. This should set off the purists. I game with a SW geek, and he's extremely apprehensive about the direction Disney is going to take the franchise. Their main concern is in contradicting or negating the EU as outlined in the books and comics. When you start throwing in new alien species and such, you're confirming their fears.

KcMizzou 02-19-2014 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Douche Baggins (Post 10438160)
This looks awesome, and I am probably going to have to go download the entire Clone Wars series now.

It's all coming to Netflix March 7th, FWIW.

keg in kc 02-19-2014 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10441837)
Oh hell. This should set off the purists. I game with a SW geek, and he's extremely apprehensive about the direction Disney is going to take the franchise. Their main concern is in contradicting or negating the EU as outlined in the books and comics. When you start throwing in new alien species and such, you're confirming their fears.

I used to think like that but my attitude now is more along the lines of "if you go in looking for something to nitpick, you're going to find it". Basically try not to set myself up with a predetermined negative reaction, makes it easier to evaluate stuff on its own merit. Or at least seems that way.

BWillie 02-20-2014 01:48 AM

15 virgins ITT

Probably have Harry Potter and LOTR posters in their rooms

Hammock Parties 02-20-2014 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 10442769)
15 virgins ITT

Probably have Harry Potter and LOTR posters in their rooms

keg in kc 02-20-2014 11:14 AM

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BWillie 02-21-2014 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Douche Baggins (Post 10442778)

I don't know what this is

Anyong Bluth 02-21-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 10441915)
It's all coming to Netflix March 7th, FWIW.

Can't wait that long...

Joking aside, I tired of the Clone Wars and gave up after watching like half a season's worth maybe - just seemed too soft and not a very exciting show?

Btw, how the hell are you not going to have Vader when it's dealing with between III & IV??????
I'd think that's a major draw...

KcMizzou 02-21-2014 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10445738)
Can't wait that long...

Joking aside, I tired of the Clone Wars and gave up after watching like half a season's worth maybe - just seemed too soft and not a very exciting show?

Btw, how the hell are you not going to have Vader when it's dealing with between III & IV??????
I'd think that's a major draw...

I've never seen a episode. When I mentioned it to my teenage son, he was pretty "meh" about it. He said, "It's definitely made for kids."

Kinda dampened my enthusiasm for checking it out.

Bowser 02-21-2014 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 10446072)
I've never seen a episode. When I mentioned it to my teenage son, he was pretty "meh" about it. He said, "It's definitely made for kids."

Kinda dampened my enthusiasm for checking it out.

By and large your son is right. Some episodes it was very apparent they were for kids, but there are storylines that actually get kind of dark. There are some pretty cool battle moments throughout, especially the space battles.

It is worth a watch if you've got nothing else going on. I saw on here or somewhere that some people that worked with the DC animated show Young Justice were on board with this. That makes me happy; YJ was a fantastic show that was cancelled way before its time.

NewChief 02-21-2014 09:11 PM

The Clone Wars got really really dark. The Darth Maul, Savage Oppress, and witches storyline got to the point that I wouldn't let my son watch it. Whole series of episodes focused only on dark side characters.

Bowser 02-21-2014 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10446099)
The Clone Wars got really really dark. The Darth Maul, Savage Oppress, and witches storyline got to the point that I wouldn't let my son watch it. Whole series of episodes focused only on dark side characters.


Toonami started showing the Clone Wars from the beginning. The show really does take a turn for the more mature as time goes on. It's pretty stark the contrast from the beginnings of the Clone Wars show to the end.

Anyong Bluth 02-21-2014 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 10446105)

Toonami started showing the Clone Wars from the beginning. The show really does take a turn for the more mature as time goes on. It's pretty stark the contrast from the beginnings of the Clone Wars show to the end.

So about where can I jump up to and skip the Y & Y7 episodes?

I mean the maturity level on some of them was atrocious - it wouldn't even rise to near the level of say the 1st Potter book- really undersold the bar, but at least it got better... (?)

keg in kc 02-24-2014 03:01 PM

Speaking of Clone Wars....

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keg in kc 04-21-2014 01:27 PM

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keg in kc 05-02-2014 04:09 PM

Pretty cool...

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keg in kc 05-05-2014 07:40 AM

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keg in kc 07-17-2014 10:55 AM

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keg in kc 07-22-2014 08:56 AM

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Deberg_1990 07-22-2014 03:14 PM

Ok, so all these young Jedi running around.

Why was Luke so special then?

I'm nearly at the point of Star Wars overkill and I used to love it.

Anyong Bluth 07-22-2014 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 10760362)
Ok, so all these young Jedi running around.

Why was Luke so special then?

I'm nearly at the point of Star Wars overkill and I used to love it.

This was known even in the original trilogy- when the Jedi were almost all wiped out and very few went into hiding. Luke was special because of how much stronger the force was with him-

Frosty 07-23-2014 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10760446)
Luke was special because of how much stronger the force was with him-

Luke had a lot of midi-chlorians.

*runs and hides*

hometeam 07-23-2014 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 10760362)
Ok, so all these young Jedi running around.

Why was Luke so special then?

I'm nearly at the point of Star Wars overkill and I used to love it.

Lukes story takes place after clone wars/prequels/new series .. im not sure exactly how much time passed.. 25-30 years? And by then Jedi are all in hiding, and only few left - So not only was Luke special that he was force sensitive, he was from the blood line of the most naturally gifted force user of all time, Darth Vader.. Who in the end, fulfilled his prophecy and restored balance to the force by killing all the Jedi (mostly) and then throwing the emperor down a shaft.

keg in kc 07-25-2014 09:50 AM

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keg in kc 08-05-2014 10:27 PM

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Silock 08-05-2014 11:48 PM

Just can't get excited about this.

keg in kc 08-06-2014 12:31 AM

Felt kind of flat to me, but I see some promise.

Silock 08-06-2014 12:49 AM

That main character doesn't seem likable. At least the Clone Wars had people you could root for.

keg in kc 08-06-2014 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 10797302)
That main character doesn't seem likable. At least the Clone Wars had people you could root for.

Eventually. Early episodes of Clone Wars were just awful.

Silock 08-06-2014 01:02 AM

I didn't feel that way.

keg in kc 08-06-2014 01:08 AM

If I had watched the pilot movie when it came out I would never have watched the rest of the series.

Silock 08-06-2014 01:16 AM

The movie isn't the series. For some reason, it's way worse.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 11:21 AM

Just all the Empire bullshit gets my wang hard.

I'm in.

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 11:24 AM

The kid character is pretty annoying though. He's like Aladdin in Star Wars.

The thing about this show is...both that Jedi and the kid need to die to fit in Canon. Hopefully. :D

Hammock Parties 08-06-2014 02:48 PM

Fett will be in SWR

Hammock Parties 08-11-2014 04:06 PM

Vader gonna be in it too!

keg in kc 08-12-2014 02:35 PM

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Rausch 08-12-2014 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 10766689)

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Was that a "force-slingshot?"

That's really dumb...:shake:

keg in kc 08-18-2014 11:05 AM

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Sweet Daddy Hate 08-20-2014 12:36 PM

I've seen the short. Very "Disneyfied". I was waiting for Nemo to show up.

NewChief 08-20-2014 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10814078)
Was that a "force-slingshot?"

That's really dumb...:shake:

I pretty much hate everything I've seen about the new SW franchise.

keg in kc 09-05-2014 09:50 AM

This seems more... ... Star Wars, to me.

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keg in kc 09-22-2014 04:02 PM

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Sweet Daddy Hate 09-22-2014 06:56 PM

Did they really have to do the "IN A TIME"...shit???

Still, nice editing.

keg in kc 10-02-2014 05:32 PM

Disney XDs already given them a second season. I've seen some pilot reviews and the general consensus seems to be that it's good. It apparently starts with the tone we've seen in most of the promo videos (which has felt off to me...) and then eventually settles down into something that feels a little more traditionally Star Wars.

Guess we'll find out tomorrow...

Hammock Parties 10-03-2014 12:02 PM

Looks fun. Can't wait to see how those two Jedi die, because they have to.

Bowser 10-03-2014 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Claynus (Post 10975436)
Looks fun. Can't wait to see how those two Jedi die, because they have to.

They'll go into hiding, just like Asoka did.

Sweet Daddy Hate 10-03-2014 07:27 PM

I was VERY disappointed that Asoka did not die at the hand of Dooku.

It would have made Anakin's, "derp-derp goes your head"-treatment of Dooku at least somewhat more plausible.

Valiant 10-04-2014 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 10976482)
They'll go into hiding, just like Asoka did.

Yeah, arent there dozens if not a hundred jedi alive after the hunt?

Personally, I want a Kyle Katarn movie.

Sweet Daddy Hate 10-04-2014 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 10979195)
Yeah, arent there dozens if not a hundred jedi alive after the hunt?

Personally, I want a Kyle Katarn movie.

By the time of Yavin, it's down to Yoda and Obi-Wan. And Luke/Leia as prospects.

Revan is the only EU character outside of Bane( who can never get a movie now that Disney is in charge )that has story and marketing potential. You could cram so many characters in to a Revan movie.

Valiant 10-04-2014 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by 505 Chief (Post 10979250)
By the time of Yavin, it's down to Yoda and Obi-Wan. And Luke/Leia as prospects.

Revan is the only EU character outside of Bane( who can never get a movie now that Disney is in charge )that has story and marketing potential. You could cram so many characters in to a Revan movie.

Really I was reading some site that showed tons of jedi still alive just hiding all over the universe in recluse places.

Hammock Parties 10-04-2014 11:34 AM

how was the first episode?

unlurking 10-10-2014 05:33 PM

I had super low expectations when watching the first episode. Was better than I expected in terms of story and voice acting.

The animation is horrible though. Absolutely pathetic. Possibly the worst animation for action scenes possible. Stop motion video would have been an improvement of immeasurable levels. The battle scenes are very stiff and disjointed. I could only think that the animators were playing with the plastic action figures and decided that the cartoon figures should have the same range of motion.

The Wookies from the second episode are an absolute joke. Before they came on, I was thinking "...well at least there has been no Jar Jar and Wookies are cool." Afterwards I was wishing for a Jar Jar episode. It really was that bad.

For me, this show is an absolute fail after Clone Wars for adult viewers. They may have some great stories, but with such horrible animation it's unwatchable. Probably perfect for young kids though.

Hammock Parties 10-10-2014 06:45 PM

I don't understand why they couldn't use the same animators from Clone WARs?

Bowser 10-10-2014 06:46 PM

The kid was annoying, and they revealed the Jedi WAY too early. Should have stretched out his reveal. Not bad, but not great. Hopefully it hits its stride soon.

Sweet Daddy Hate 10-10-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 11000483)
I don't understand why they couldn't use the same animators from Clone WARs?

Isn't it basically the same style?

unlurking 10-10-2014 08:02 PM




Sweet Daddy Hate 10-10-2014 08:04 PM

That pretty much looks like Clone Wars wookie to me.

unlurking 10-10-2014 08:17 PM

I guess you'll just have to watch it then. The Clone Wars was a pretty annoying animation choice for me as well, but Rebels takes it further. I thought CW was lacking in texture and definition. Rebels makes CW look like a Pixar movie.

Sweet Daddy Hate 10-10-2014 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 11001295)
I guess you'll just have to watch it then. The Clone Wars was a pretty annoying animation choice for me as well, but Rebels takes it further. I thought CW was lacking in texture and definition. Rebels makes CW look like a Pixar movie.

It seemed like the last season of CW was pretty dense in terms of the animation...

unlurking 10-10-2014 08:24 PM

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Sweet Daddy Hate 10-10-2014 08:29 PM

Yeah, those textures look like a nicer version of 'Davey and Goliath'.


NewChief 10-11-2014 08:13 AM

Yeah. I've disliked the animation choice for Rebels from the get go. A serious step back from the more realistic clone wars. It's disney though, and it looks like Disney.

DaneMcCloud 10-28-2014 02:00 AM

The series is better with each episode. I'm not a huge fan if some of the animation but I'm really curious to see how this eventually ties into Episode VII.

My best guess is that Ezra is involved and most likely on the Dark side.

keg in kc 10-28-2014 10:43 AM

Last ep was the best so far. They're starting to nail the original star wars feel.

duncan_idaho 10-29-2014 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 11062406)
Last ep was the best so far. They're starting to nail the original star wars feel.


I think Kanan and Ezra are both interesting... more powerful naturally than they realize (Kanan broke out some impressive displays of power during the duel with the Inquisitor).

Silock 11-06-2014 01:15 AM

Solid show.

DaneMcCloud 11-06-2014 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by duncan_idaho (Post 11066857)

I think Kanan and Ezra are both interesting... more powerful naturally than they realize (Kanan broke out some impressive displays of power during the duel with the Inquisitor).

This new tact with the Jedi is interesting. They're showing Ezra as far more powerful than we saw Luke in the OT, who was the son of the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy.

Kanan and Ezra also appear to be much more powerful than Qui Gon and Kenobi. Are they setting us up for Episode VII?

I think so...

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