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Fish 09-28-2017 09:42 AM

Annihilation (2018)
Looks interesting...

Anybody read the novels it's based off?

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sully1983 09-28-2017 10:43 AM

Haven't read the novel but I hear its really good . This looks great . I loved the director's previous film Ex Machina so count me in .

sully1983 02-21-2018 01:50 PM

This is getting a lot of great reviews. Can't wait to see it this weekend!

On a side note, Paramount might be the worst (or one of the worst) studios out there in Hollywood. From what I read online, this is only getting theater releases in USA & Canada and getting a release on Netflix everywhere else in the world. lol its bad enough they dumped it in Feb but apparently the studio thought this film was too "intellectual " for the avg movie goer. smh

Baby Lee 02-21-2018 01:51 PM

Evidently, they should have read the rest of the series. In a later book you finally find out Natalie's character is Asian, . . . and Natalie's not. . . . Soooooo,

sully1983 02-21-2018 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 13428713)
Evidently, they should have read the rest of the series. In a later book you finally find out Natalie's character is Asian, . . . and Natalie's not. . . . Soooooo,

SPOILER ALERT DAMN IT!!! :cuss: just kidding of course haha. I've read up on the internet outrage over that and couldn't help but chuckle. The freaking author of the book was so blown away by this film (in particular the 3rd act & ending) . So if the director approves , I think its all good. Really really can't wait to see this.

Otter 02-21-2018 03:12 PM

It's just a matter of time before Natalie Portman stars as the reluctant hero chopping firewood in bum **** nowhere Alaska when a helicopter lands full of cloak and dagger personal.

Agent X: Natalie, we need you. We need your skills!! Your country needs you!!!
Natalie: I told you...I'm retired. That life is behind me!

Chaos ensues.

Deberg_1990 02-23-2018 08:10 PM

Out today and getting really strong reviews, but the studio doesn’t like its commercial appeal. I guess it’s headed to Netflix in a few weeks.

Will you watch?

Miles 02-23-2018 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 13433983)
Out today and getting really strong reviews, but the studio doesn’t like its commercial appeal. I guess it’s headed to Netflix in a few weeks.

Will you watch?

Is that US or international? Looking forward to this one. Read the book which had a lot going for it and looking forward to the director's follow up to Ex Machina.

sully1983 02-24-2018 10:52 AM

saw this yesterday and really really liked it. Found it to be trippy as hell. The last 20 t0 30 minutes are pretty mind blowing .

bowener 02-27-2018 10:39 AM

Holy ****. I recommend this film, but I don't really know how to explain what I experienced personally. I want to reward any studio making good sci-fi films for one, but yeah, just go see this.

I'm not one who usually feels scared or terrified when watching any kind of film, but


Mentally this had a similar effect on me as Mother! did, where I just sat for a few minutes in my seat after the credits, devoid of most thought just soaking up what I had seen.

The character's story is lacking, but overall it is an enjoyable film for sure. ****ing beautiful.

bowener 02-27-2018 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by sully1983 (Post 13435182)
saw this yesterday and really really liked it. Found it to be trippy as hell. The last 20 t0 30 minutes are pretty mind blowing .

I couldn't help but imagine what some avant-garde or psychedelic director in the 60s would be able to do with today's film tech.

mikeyis4dcats. 02-27-2018 11:23 AM

has some good moments and some really bad. Good cinematography and visuals, some really good sound design. But the story was too choppy and nonsensical at times. I haven't read the book but understand it diverts from it quite a bit.

DaneMcCloud 02-27-2018 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 13433983)
Out today and getting really strong reviews, but the studio doesn’t like its commercial appeal. I guess it’s headed to Netflix in a few weeks.

Will you watch?

The film tested so poorly that Paramount sold the rights to Netflix, sans the US, Canada and China, where it's been released theatrically.

It won't appear on Netflix in the US until later in the year.

BleedingRed 02-28-2018 08:32 AM

Cult classic?

underEJ 02-28-2018 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. (Post 13441935)
has some good moments and some really bad. Good cinematography and visuals, some really good sound design. But the story was too choppy and nonsensical at times. I haven't read the book but understand it diverts from it quite a bit.

It does divert but the spirit is true to the book. It isn't a science fiction book really. It is weird fiction or new weird depending upon whether you think it is a resurgence or a new genre. Weird fiction can have science fiction elements, but the genre also hits on ghosts and other supernatural phenomenon, horror, and also fantasy. I actually think it can be best defined by its attention to strong visual language and extremely creative exploration of familiar themes. I thought the movie was pretty great save for a few places where the expectations of the film medium and a few directorial choices designed to keep the story moving did a bit of disservice to the overall mood which was remarkably well done.

Weird fiction, new weird and bizarro fiction are all genres that have developed owing to or along side a love of film making and strong visual story telling. They should make excellent choices for adaptation to film, and this was a really nice try with which the author is extremely pleased, so they did something right. Finding a balance of strong story telling choices that advance a narrative that makes sense in future adaptations of these experimental genres should address your totally valid choppy and nonsensical notes. There are some pretty great authors in these genres (lots of total crap too so step wisely if you venture into that pasture.)

BlackOp 03-04-2018 09:37 PM

Last 30 minutes were pretty bad-ass...male actor/Portman's husband sucked. Poor casting on that character...

Could have almost done away with the marriage/affair sub-plot all together...could have developed a different angle to get Portman to the "shimmer".

It was a cool movie...for sure. Tons of hermetic influence..especially the lady shooting fire out of her mouth/dissipating into 1000's of little energies.

People didn't know what to think when they were leaving...which was amusing.

Hollywood needs to make more movies like this...

SAGA45 03-15-2018 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13441841)
Holy ****. I recommend this film, but I don't really know how to explain what I experienced personally. I want to reward any studio making good sci-fi films for one, but yeah, just go see this.

I'm not one who usually feels scared or terrified when watching any kind of film, but


Mentally this had a similar effect on me as Mother! did, where I just sat for a few minutes in my seat after the credits, devoid of most thought just soaking up what I had seen.

The character's story is lacking, but overall it is an enjoyable film for sure. ****ing beautiful.

Your post inspired me to see both movies...and I agree. You do sit there for awhile as the credits roll trying to digest and comprehend what just happened. That's rare nowadays and I love it

Nickhead 03-15-2018 10:11 PM

overall, i'd say the movie was a 6.8/10. some plot twists, but was not what i expected. :thumb:

bowener 03-16-2018 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by SAGA45 (Post 13471808)
Your post inspired me to see both movies...and I agree. You do sit there for awhile as the credits roll trying to digest and comprehend what just happened. That's rare nowadays and I love it

I'm happy to hear this! What did you think of the

BigRedChief 03-16-2018 04:20 PM

i liked the movie. Portman is great with state of the art special effects.

crayzkirk 03-20-2018 03:16 PM

Haven't seen the movie (yet). I read the book and didn't find it all that interesting. Maybe it's just too far over my head. The reviews I've seen are fairly positive and indicate that the book and movie are similar in that there is an area where strange things happen to life forms at the genetic level and the group going in are women instead of men.

Mennonite 03-22-2018 07:25 PM

I wasn't crazy about this one. I can see why the studio dumped it.

Cool bear though.

SAGA45 03-24-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13473367)
I'm happy to hear this! What did you think of the


Miles 03-24-2018 10:42 PM

I enjoyed this and good follow up to Ex Machina.

One issue I had with the latter parts


Fish 03-25-2018 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13473367)
I'm happy to hear this! What did you think of the



Deberg_1990 02-01-2019 05:36 AM

Just watched it last night.

WTF did I just watch????? Trippy as hell....

Rausch 02-05-2019 09:05 PM

I really liked it.

Had to watch it twice. I couldn't decide if I loved or hated the ending. I finally decided I loved it.

Oh, and for all the "wamen's need more representation" and "finally a wamen's so and so" this film didn't get much love. Pretty much an all female cast and they did an excellent job IMO. Nothing was forced or contrived it just happened that way. Why wasn't this flick celebrated as pro woman and all the rest?...

Bowser 02-05-2019 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 14092874)
I really liked it.

Had to watch it twice. I couldn't decide if I loved or hated the ending. I finally decided I loved it.

Oh, and for all the "wamen's need more representation" and "finally a wamen's so and so" this film didn't get much love. Pretty much an all female cast and they did an excellent job IMO. Nothing was forced or contrived it just happened that way. Why wasn't this flick celebrated as pro woman and all the rest?...

Because nobody hated it. Ghostbuster's was a shit movie and got lots of hate, but instead of looking at the product and seeing what they could have done differently, they went the lazy route and wanted to hate people that hate women, because surely THAT'S the reason the movie bombed.

Rausch 02-05-2019 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14092918)
Because nobody hated it. Ghostbuster's was a shit movie and got lots of hate, but instead of looking at the product and seeing what they could have done differently, they went the lazy route and wanted to hate people that hate women, because surely THAT'S the reason the movie bombed.

Oh, I get all that. SJW is now a damned genre like Horror or Historical fiction.

What I don't get is there are flicks like this one and Arrival with excellent female performances and the more-wamen's crowd pays no attention.

I guess if they admitted they already can find exactly what they want they wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore.

Buehler445 02-05-2019 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 14092918)
Because nobody hated it. Ghostbuster's was a shit movie and got lots of hate, but instead of looking at the product and seeing what they could have done differently, they went the lazy route and wanted to hate people that hate women, because surely THAT'S the reason the movie bombed.

That's a valid theory.

But Ghostbusters was touted as the ultimate SJW victory lap before it bombed (technically - it looked horribad to start).

I think the real deal is there isn't a male comparison. Ghostbusters had a good Ghostbusters. Wonder Woman has Superman. Captain Marvel has Thor or whatever.

Annihilation doesn't have an male counterpart. So even though it is a good movie featuring women and should be touted as such, it's not because there is nobody's face to rub it in.

Direckshun 02-05-2019 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 14092874)
I really liked it.

Had to watch it twice. I couldn't decide if I loved or hated the ending. I finally decided I loved it.

Oh, and for all the "wamen's need more representation" and "finally a wamen's so and so" this film didn't get much love. Pretty much an all female cast and they did an excellent job IMO. Nothing was forced or contrived it just happened that way. Why wasn't this flick celebrated as pro woman and all the rest?...

I think the obvious answer is that it didn’t get a ton of attention from anyone, period.

It’s a bizarre, difficult film with a deeply nuanced message.

That’s not exactly the kind of film any one other than scifi nerds can really rally behind.

cookster50 02-06-2019 11:02 PM

About the only thing it has in common with the book is the title.

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