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frankotank 09-06-2012 12:28 PM

I love horror flicks. always have. but I am a bit less eager when it comes to the subject of demons. I kinda want to see this....and I sorta don't want to.....
anybody seen this yet? it was originally titled The Dibbuk Box...maybe you've heard the "true story" about it.
link attached

lcarus 09-06-2012 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by CJizzles (Post 8878735)
All clowns can suck on a big penis.

Although, great movie.

That movie scared me when I was young. Damn clowns.

NewChief 09-06-2012 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 8883516)
I love horror flicks. always have. but I am a bit less eager when it comes to the subject of demons. I kinda want to see this....and I sorta don't want to.....
anybody seen this yet? it was originally titled The Dibbuk Box...maybe you've heard the "true story" about it.
link attached

I read a review that said it was pretty solid.

Moody and a little slow, with muted colors and a half-empty, alien-feeling suburban setting, Danish director Ole Bornedal’s “The Possession” is a nifty end-of-summer gift for horror buffs. (Understandably, the promotional campaign for this movie has emphasized producer Sam Raimi, but he didn’t write it or direct it, and it never feels much like his work.) This is a lugubrious, lovingly crafted B movie, with more than a little 1970s flavor but no arch postmodern attitude. Is it great cinema, or even a picture you’ll remember clearly this time next year? Maybe not, but “The Possession” is beautifully photographed and well cast, with Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick as a depressed, divorced couple whose younger daughter meets a most unwelcome new friend. Furthermore, it delivers its shocks masterfully and without overkill, and offers a new twist on the familiar exorcism formula.

I’m not going to claim that there’s never been a Jewish-themed demonic-possession movie before, since that’s probably not true — every arcane corner of human religious and spiritual belief has been plumbed by horror screenwriters at some point. (In fact, I dimly recollect a Judeo-centric parody of “The Exorcist,” released on LP, that my big brother owned. Anyone?) Here, writers Juliet Snowden and Stiles White take the genuine concept of the “Dybbuk box,” demonic containers made of ornamented wood sometimes found in the 18th- and 19th-century shtetls of Eastern Europe, and run with it. More interesting still is Bornedal’s portrayal of the Hasidic community in Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood, where Morgan’s stricken dad finally finds a rabbi’s renegade son – played by Matisyahu, the ex-Hasid alt-rock artist – to help cast out the evil one.

By the time Em (Natasha Calis), a girl of 9 or 10, picks out the odd-looking box at a suburban garage sale, we already know it’s extremely bad news, thanks to an actual 1970s prologue sequence. We also know that Em and her older sister Hannah (Madison Davenport) are suffering through their parents’ dreary divorce, which has exiled Clyde (Morgan), their shaggy basketball-coach dad, to a brand-new house in a distant outer suburb and led their thin-lipped mother, Stephanie (Sedgwick), to shack up with an irritatingly cheerful orthodontist (Grant Show). I have the feeling that I’ve seen the orthodontist-as-inadequate-stepfather gag played out before, in other divorce movies, but it still works. I apologize in advance to all those who practice this noble and helpful profession, but doesn’t the very idea – “Mom’s dating a guy who puts braces on kids’ teeth!” – conjure up your inner sixth-grader? (Wait till you see what the imprisoned Dybbuk has in store for him!)

That atmosphere of faint but persistent gloom, along with the underplayed performances of Morgan and Sedgwick, a pair of genuine movie pros, constitutes the true heart of the picture. (The photography, most of it in blues and grays, is by Dan Laustsen, who also shot Bornedal’s delicious noir thriller “Just Another Love Story.”) Movies about demons usually have to choose between psychological and supernatural explanations, but this one insists on both. The muttering entity in the box, which first manifests itself as swarms of oversize moths, is real enough in this movie’s universe – but it can only gain access to Em’s mind and body because she’s vulnerable and unhappy. If I really wanted to, I could construct an argument that “The Possession” has a right-wing, family-values agenda: Don’t get divorced, or the Jewish boogeyman will get your kids! Well, maybe I buy into that agenda, because my reaction to that is advice readers frequently offer me: Chillax, man! It’s just a movie!

Given the understated mood of the picture, Bornedal doesn’t try to stage big, gruesome shocker moments, or for that matter fake shocks designed to make you jump. There’s minimal gore (although I gather the movie was cut down to garner a PG-13 rating), and the movie’s power comes from an inexorable grinding fear that’s very much reality-based, the terror that just as unseen forces ate away Clyde and Stephanie’s love for each other, now something else is eating their daughter. “I feel funny,” Em tells her father during a moment of clarity. “I don’t feel like me.” While “The Possession” is no blindingly original reinvention of horror formula or anything, I found it an intensely creepy invocation of parental fears, with a nifty climax staged in the hallways and basements of a hospital.

I’d have to agree with the sentiment that if you’ve seen one exorcism sequence in a horror movie you’ve pretty much seen them all. This one builds nicely toward two tripped-out final twists, and features the immensely agreeable Matisyahu as Tzadok, a street-wise Hasid who blends his dad’s Old World wisdom with a little NYC hip-hop attitude. As Tzadok explains to the thoroughly goyish Clyde with a certain relish, he has an obligation to violate the Sabbath and get into Clyde’s car, because a human life is at stake. Your obligation, on the other hand, is to catch “The Possession” this weekend with appropriately mixed expectations – and then not to buy the cool-looking box with Hebrew writing on it at the Labor Day garage sale.

NewChief 09-07-2012 09:33 PM

Just watched Inglorious Bastards again. I remember liking it before, but I don't remember guffawing st Pitt's performance like I did this time. May have caught me in the right mood, but damn it was funny.

-King- 09-07-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8887296)
Just watched Inglorious Bastards again. I remember liking it before, but I don't remember guffawing st Pitt's performance like I did this time. May have caught me in the right mood, but damn it was funny.

I watched it too for the first time. Great movie. Although the part right before Shoshanna was killed kind of pissed me off. I hate scenes in movies where a good person starts feeling sympathy for an obvious bad guy.

nstygma 09-10-2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8887296)
Just watched Inglorious Bastards again. I remember liking it before, but I don't remember guffawing st Pitt's performance like I did this time. May have caught me in the right mood, but damn it was funny.

i had the same reaction, the second time around was quite different.

ragedogg69 09-10-2012 11:01 AM

I know I will get crapped on for saying this, but I found the love story plotline so boring. Take that away and the movie is nearly perfect. The bar scene was my favorite scene for the year.

Fire Me Boy! 09-10-2012 11:09 AM

Mrs. FMB! and I saw Lawless last night. We both enjoyed it. Very violent, but very well acted and just beautifully shot. I've come to expect stellar performances from Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce, and Gary Oldman (though underused in this character). And Mia Wasikowska has turned in a number of fine performances since she hit the spotlight a few years ago, but I've really got to give it to Shai LaBeouf. If he can continue on his path to find better scripts and branch out, he may actually be a pretty good actor. He turned in a memorable and moving performance.

Buehler445 09-10-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 8897984)
Mrs. FMB! and I saw Lawless last night. We both enjoyed it. Very violent, but very well acted and just beautifully shot. I've come to expect stellar performances from Tom Hardy, Guy Pearce, and Gary Oldman (though underused in this character). And Mia Wasikowska has turned in a number of fine performances since she hit the spotlight a few years ago, but I've really got to give it to Shai LaBeouf. If he can continue on his path to find better scripts and branch out, he may actually be a pretty good actor. He turned in a memorable and moving performance.

Excellent. I was hoping it was good. I must see this.

Bump 09-10-2012 09:54 PM

caught up on a few movies the past week or 2

The Grey - sucked ****ing balls. I really don't understand how writers/directors do not know what hypothermia is and how you can get it. Plus everything else about it sucked. Liam Neeson should be ashamed.

The Hunger Games - eh, not terrible. Never read the books.

American Reunion - better than I thought it would be I guess.

DBOSHO 09-11-2012 01:25 PM

Im a little late on this one, but i dont know if any of you have seen the prestige, but i rented it a few weeks ago and bought it last night. After a second viewing it might be my favorite film.

I thought it was pretty good but after you watch it the second time you see all the foreshadowing and you get the little twists.

Hugh jackman did great, bale was exceptional. Michael cane was good as always. Scarlett johannson is sexy. Did i mention sexy?

A masterpiece by nolan IMO

Buehler445 09-12-2012 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by DBOSHO (Post 8901627)
Im a little late on this one, but i dont know if any of you have seen the prestige, but i rented it a few weeks ago and bought it last night. After a second viewing it might be my favorite film.

I thought it was pretty good but after you watch it the second time you see all the foreshadowing and you get the little twists.

Hugh jackman did great, bale was exceptional. Michael cane was good as always. Scarlett johannson is sexy. Did i mention sexy?

A masterpiece by nolan IMO

Great movie. If you haven't watched it, do

Coincidentally, this is the only movie to my knowledge that my mother in law and I both like.

Deberg_1990 09-12-2012 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 8887296)
Just watched Inglorious Bastards again. I remember liking it before, but I don't remember guffawing st Pitt's performance like I did this time. May have caught me in the right mood, but damn it was funny.

Pitt was so awesome in that movie. Hes turned into a hell of an actor.

L.A. Chieffan 09-13-2012 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sucky (Post 8633518)
Anyone like There Will Be Blood or Boogie Nights?

Here's the new film from PT Anderson called The Master.

Im really looking forward to this.

PTA is a stud

noa 09-20-2012 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by CosmicPal (Post 6816364)
Watched Dead Man for the first time, last night. I've always wanted to see this movie, but I've heard reviews from both ends of the spectrum and now that I've finally seen it, I have to say I liked it very much.

Johnny Depp plays William Blake, an accountant who was promised a job in a desolate, murky, and hellish western town. The job fell through and after spending his last coin on a bottle of whiskey- the night ends with him on the lam- a hunted dead man.

The film includes Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Mitchum (in his last film), John Hurt, Gabriel Byrne, that freak- Crispin Glover, as well as the totally awesome- Iggy Pop.

Neil Young strums a haunting and brooding guitar throughout the entire movie.

This isn't your typical western- it's more of a spiritual journey such as Dante's The Divine Comedy including conflicts with honor & law, civilization & wilderness, and life & death. So, if you're expecting shoot-outs or John Wayne, you won't like this. This movie is a journey through hell guided by a Native American named, Nobody. There are some very graphic scenes and some subtle comedy in this. It's slow, and that mystery is driven by Neil Young's soundtrack. Not great, but a really good film by one of my favorite director's- Jarmusch.

Just watched this again. Enjoyed it even more this time around. Agree that it's not a great movie, but still one that I find myself drawn to. The music, the acting, and the pacing. Plus I love Nobody.

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