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ToxSocks 02-03-2017 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by beach tribe (Post 12721714)
Lol at people who don't realize the vastness of possibility and our lack of knowledge concerning the true nature of what we perceive to be our reality.

Whoa.....for sure, man.

But for real, puff puff pass that doobie. Clockwise.

Easy 6 02-03-2017 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12724371)

Wow, thats a lot of information on the subject... very telling as well to see a top scientific mind like Elon Musk being a serious proponent of the idea

Jerm 02-07-2017 09:41 PM

Anyone else watch/listen to Rogan's podcast with Alex Jones/Eddie Bravo on it?

Holy shit......

Dayze 02-08-2017 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 12732328)
Anyone else watch/listen to Rogan's podcast with Alex Jones/Eddie Bravo on it?

Holy shit......

I saw that the other night. 02-08-2017 12:05 PM

Give us the cliff notes version

Dayze 02-08-2017 12:22 PM

Moon landing hoax. I was half asleep watching it but I think Eddie Bravo was of the opinion we never went, and Alex had the opinion that they had two crews in space in case the moon mission itself failed, they could pretend they succeeded by using the 2nd crew/film/footage etc. Something to that effect if I recall. Or, they had the 2nd crew here on earth filming all the footage, in case the landing failed. Something like that.


Chem Trails - Eddie Bravo called it something else. HARP, weather manipulation/weaponization.

I don't necessarily subscribe to these conspiracies FWIW, but I do like listening to a lot of conspiracy theory type stuff, even if I don't agree with it etc. Some stuff, like Flat Earth.....yeah, that's too far out for me to even entertain. In fact, I didn't even know it was a thing until very recently.

My first exposure to Rogan and Bravo.....I enjoyed Rogan, but Bravo struck me as an annoying pot-head friend of Rogan. He was super annoying; constantly interrupting, asking the same rhetorical questions over and over if he didn't get an answer he subscribed to. If he weren't friends with Rogan he'd likely be homeless. That's how he came across to me lol.

keg in kc 02-08-2017 06:02 PM

No question chemtrails are real. I've seen them periodically going on twenty years.

I think pizzagate is a smokescreen to draw attention away from podesta's ufo interest, and probably to help derail Clinton's campaign.

The moon landing happened, but I believe there's a lot about the Apollo program that we don't know. And I wouldn't be surprised if there was studio footage in the can just in case.

ThaVirus 02-08-2017 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12721500)
I would enjoy some more info on I

I'm not too "educated" on the matter, but from what I grasp the theories state that vibrations are everything. All living things give off vibrations, even the earth itself. The pyramids are supposedly some ancient design meant to tap into that vibrational energy or some shit. Idk.

I was hoping someone in here would actually know more about it than what I've read.

aturnis 02-08-2017 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12722187)
Or your naive to believe anything that tells you that could be a possibility then that's pretty sad you lack any critical thinking skills. .

Tell us again how a computer other dimension beIng programmed music to exist,, different language dialects, things like the industrial revolution etc.

Other dimensions, hell even parallel universes make more sense than us being a computer gen

You don't think those things can be programmed to develop randomly? Don't keep up on AI much? You should start, investment opportunities and all.

Same with storage. You realize we already know of and are experimenting with much much more efficient information storage methods. Like proteins. Just imagine what we aren't even capable of imagining yet.

aturnis 02-08-2017 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12722866)
A computer mimics what a brain can do, but will never have the compacity of a brain. A computer is limited to its imperfect maker.
Do you comprehend the type of computing power it would take to have the ability to process our "generated universe". Not even the computing power, but the storage space? Or to even have "humans" break the code and realize we may be generated? Where are the glitches? Must have taken quite the minds to come up with how to program birth, music theory, art of war, advancement in tech, love, empathy.. I hope someone ups my XP. I wanna fly. I'm all for thinking outside the box.. other dimensions, a possible different universe.. maybe another earth somewhere with a different outcome.

Oh wow this is arrogant.

aturnis 02-08-2017 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12724729)
The problem with all these things and saying it can never be true, is that it can't be true based on what we know right now.

Kind of like saying stuff about aliens and the distances they would have to travel in space to get place to place. Yeah, they couldn't travel that far based on what we know now. But if it's a civilization thats been around say, a million years, who knows.

I mean, those cats who supposedly hung out with Jesus totally knew humans would be able to zoom around from place to place at 270mph, soon to be 700+mph. It was just a matter of time. The tech was there. Just needed someone to put it all together. Yanno?

DMAC 02-09-2017 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12733862)
I'm not too "educated" on the matter, but from what I grasp the theories state that vibrations are everything. All living things give off vibrations, even the earth itself. The pyramids are supposedly some ancient design meant to tap into that vibrational energy or some shit. Idk.

I was hoping someone in here would actually know more about it than what I've read.

Well, you are sort of close. I have read numerous theories that they are more meditation type chambers than anything.

They were aligned in this way with vents leading out in certain areas to allow ones consciousness to achieve transcendence to the spiritual realm.

This is totally possible for us, but takes quite a bit of discipline. Or, you can just smoke some DMT and cheat your way in.

Anyway, it is thought that being in a pyramid amplifies the meditation, or something. 02-09-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by aturnis (Post 12734016)
I mean, those cats who supposedly hung out with Jesus totally knew humans would be able to zoom around from place to place at 270mph, soon to be 700+mph. It was just a matter of time. The tech was there. Just needed someone to put it all together. Yanno?

Lol, right.

I always find it weird when people talk about never being able to do stuff like this. Well, we don't think we can right now.

Hell, 20 years ago look at the shit we couldn't do that we do now.

RobBlake 02-09-2017 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by aturnis (Post 12734016)
I mean, those cats who supposedly hung out with Jesus totally knew humans would be able to zoom around from place to place at 270mph, soon to be 700+mph. It was just a matter of time. The tech was there. Just needed someone to put it all together. Yanno?

Yet somehow we know and can understand we are currently living in a simulation a la matrix. I mean makes sense... Yano? Anyone can throw out a ridiculous theory and people will run with.. well ya never know! What indications do you have we are computer generated. Because it's not that we can't right now, it's that it's already happened, already progressed, the real world is already much much much much more aged in "reality". Are we just a sim in a governments comp system where we are all connected? Are we a sole program in a users universe where there could be billions of said simulations. Go out today thinking everything is simulated

loochy 02-09-2017 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 12734524)
Yet somehow we know and can understand we are currently living in a simulation a la matrix. I mean makes sense... Yano? Anyone can throw out a ridiculous theory and people will run with.. well ya never know!

We don't know or understand anything. It's just a wild ass suggestion that can't be proved or disproved.

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