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Tacoman 02-02-2015 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11308114)
Round 11 of chemo for me is tomorrow, starting with the blood draws and the needle being jammed into my chest where it will stay for two days, pumping chemo drugs into me. My first appointment is at 7:45 am. Ugh.

The whole needle jammed in the chest thing sounds brutal :(. Holy shit, man!?

Lonewolf Ed 02-02-2015 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tacoman (Post 11308123)
The whole needle jammed in the chest thing sounds brutal :(. Holy shit, man!?

Well, it depends on the nurse and if she puts her shoulder into it or not. I've briefly looked at it once... damned thing looks like a crooked fish hook. Sometimes, it is about as painful as a large mosquito bite and others it stings like a bee. It takes up to an hour before it gets comfortable in my chest, or maybe it is better to say I can't feel it in there so much so that is about as comfortable as it gets. There is a plastic tube attached to it so the chemo can get pumped into my heart and then throughout my body. I get three bags of chemo stuff, and the final one is given to me through a pump which I have to carry with me in a fanny pack and have it in my bed with me. It pumps folfox or whatever they call it for 46 hours. Then I go back to the cancer center and they take it off, pull the needle out after running saline through the tube, put some cotton and a bandage on me and send me on my way.

It is a pain, but it would be much worse if I had to stay in the hospital for 2 days every other week watching a big bag of stuff drip into me slowly. I can sleep in my own bed and not have nurses and doctors pestering me around the clock, so I just remind myself of that as I bear having a toxic chemical being pumped through me for 2 days. I have to be more careful so as not to catch the tubes in a car door or on a chair.

Tacoman 02-02-2015 11:13 PM

Wow, I can totally see myself being willing to go through all that so I could spend time at home instead of in the hospital.

Tacoman 02-02-2015 11:15 PM

Sleeping in your own bed is so much better than anything they could possibly offer.

Lonewolf Ed 02-02-2015 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tacoman (Post 11308148)
Sleeping in your own bed is so much better than anything they could possibly offer.

That depends on which nurse I got! In all seriousness, though, unless it was Kate Upton... send me HOME! Better bed, better food, and peace and quiet.

Eleazar 02-02-2015 11:43 PM

It's like the pulp fiction overdose needle, huh? :eek:

How many more rounds have you got? Due for any more imaging soon?

Lonewolf Ed 02-03-2015 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Cochise (Post 11308193)
It's like the pulp fiction overdose needle, huh? :eek:

How many more rounds have you got? Due for any more imaging soon?

It isn't that big of a needle, but in my mind's eye, it seems like it could poke out of my shoulder blade on the other side! All I have heard about how many rounds is "indefinite." I am sure they will run another CT scan on me, but no date has been set yet. I meet with the colon doc on the 20th, so for now it's the routine of nurses and needles, nurse guy who takes my vitals, and alternating with the liver doc and the nurse practitioner, then treatment.

Lonewolf Ed 02-03-2015 08:07 AM

So far, so good. I didn't pass out and the needle stick was not bad at all. It didn't really hurt and was more like a feeling of some pressure. For some reason, the nurse had trouble getting blood from me. She said I was nervous, and I asked why she thought that. "Because you're talking a lot!" she replied. Hrrrmph. Well, let me keep yappin' then! Now I am waiting for Eli to come and call me back to get my vitals.

How about that? He came out and called for me as I typed this.

Lonewolf Ed 02-03-2015 09:41 AM

I got some news from the doc that I liked. She told me the treatments are going great but she wants to take me off the oxa- crap, still can't say or spell it after all this time! Anyhow, she wants me off of it for a while after this treatment so I don't suffer permanent nerve damage. That drug is the one affecting my fingers and feet when they get cold, and currently I have a feeling like someone is pinching my fingertips on several fingers, and it has affected my tongue where I have lost some sense of taste but not much and the tip of my tongue feels rough as if I burnt it on some hot food days back. I also like that since the oxawhatever takes 2 hours for the bag to finish dripping into me, I will be getting out of this place in no time the next several treatments! Woo hoo!

Simply Red 02-03-2015 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11308497)
I got some news from the doc that I liked. She told me the treatments are going great but she wants to take me off the oxa- crap, still can't say or spell it after all this time! Anyhow, she wants me off of it for a while after this treatment so I don't suffer permanent nerve damage. That drug is the one affecting my fingers and feet when they get cold, and currently I have a feeling like someone is pinching my fingertips on several fingers, and it has affected my tongue where I have lost some sense of taste but not much and the tip of my tongue feels rough as if I burnt it on some hot food days back. I also like that since the oxawhatever takes 2 hours for the bag to finish dripping into me, I will be getting out of this place in no time the next several treatments! Woo hoo!

Keep plugging away Ed.

Eleazar 02-03-2015 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11308303)
It isn't that big of a needle, but in my mind's eye, it seems like it could poke out of my shoulder blade on the other side! All I have heard about how many rounds is "indefinite." I am sure they will run another CT scan on me, but no date has been set yet. I meet with the colon doc on the 20th, so for now it's the routine of nurses and needles, nurse guy who takes my vitals, and alternating with the liver doc and the nurse practitioner, then treatment.

Ah, gotcha. I was interested because the nature of my work involves surgery and endoscopy, so I read these kinds of reports all the time. I guessed that you might have some more radiology soon to see how things are looking.

Buehler445 02-03-2015 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11308497)
I got some news from the doc that I liked. She told me the treatments are going great but she wants to take me off the oxa- crap, still can't say or spell it after all this time! Anyhow, she wants me off of it for a while after this treatment so I don't suffer permanent nerve damage. That drug is the one affecting my fingers and feet when they get cold, and currently I have a feeling like someone is pinching my fingertips on several fingers, and it has affected my tongue where I have lost some sense of taste but not much and the tip of my tongue feels rough as if I burnt it on some hot food days back. I also like that since the oxawhatever takes 2 hours for the bag to finish dripping into me, I will be getting out of this place in no time the next several treatments! Woo hoo!

Great news. Less medicine is better than more.

Lonewolf Ed 02-03-2015 10:25 PM

Later in the day, I got some news I didn't care for so much. My CEA went up a little bit, to 6.1 from 5.3 and it was 6.3 the time before last when it was checked. I want that number to hit ZERO.ZERO, blast it! The nurse said it was not a big deal and I think it may be why I passed some blood again at times the past week. My cold sensitivity is pretty bad this time, too. As soon as my fingers get a little cold, BAM, there it goes. I couldn't type when I got home because it felt like I was pressing my fingers on one of those little ball-shaped cacti with the fine needles. Both hands even felt asleep when my fingers got cold and that is new, as before it has just been in the fingertips. So, the doc was right to get me off the oxaliplatin before permanent nerve damage occurs. It would make me truly disabled if my hands and fingers felt like that all the time.

On the bright side, I had my favorite nurse, Amanda, bringing me chemo bags today. I like her!

I almost forgot... I asked my doc about the CEA numbers and if I was nearly dead in September when it was 88.5 and she said no, she has seen numbers in the thousands before. Holy crap. Here I was thinking with 88.5, I was neck deep in the grave back then!

Lonewolf Ed 02-05-2015 09:41 AM

I am getting the pump removed in 2 hours, so I am happy to be free of it and get back into a more normal routine!

Hoopsdoc 02-05-2015 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lonewolf Ed (Post 11311825)
I am getting the pump removed in 2 hours, so I am happy to be free of it and get back into a more normal routine!

Keep up the fight, brother.

Cancer sucks.

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