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ROYC75 04-09-2002 08:37 PM

Well as for me, me thinks Dole enjoyed his little discussion with the man from over yonder. Mr Dole likes to have these type of fits from time to time to ventilate his daily frustations ! Go ahead Bob, rant on some more, we like to read what you think !:rolleyes:

Have another beer and buy a mower and you won't have these neighborhood problems. :D

Another entertaining chapter of "The Life and Times of Bob Dole" ROFL :LOL:

mrs. headsnap 04-09-2002 08:38 PM


Why-Did-I-Get-Elected-to-this-****-Guy: blank stare
I ask myself this question every day. Let me start by saying the guy was out of line. If a minister wouldn't take a job because the lawn across the street looked nappy then he isn't qualified to be a minister. Does he spit on the homeless if they come into the church unbathed? Anyway, I am fortunate enough (not) to be the Secretary-Treasurer of the Homeowners Association in my neighborhood and I get to do that type of **** every day. In my position, if your yard was bad (and it would have to be pretty bad) and you refused to mow it, then I get to hire someone to mow it for you. Then I get to send you a bill. Then if you don't pay I get to charge you interest and penalty fees. Then, if the amount gets high enough, I get to place a lein on your house. Needless to say, no one wants to be my neighbor. Little do these people know that I am the best person to live next to because I see how petty most of the complaints are. I don't care if you leave your landscaping lights on all night or if you have late, somewhat loud, parties on the weekends. If I complain, I just give myself more work. Just don't let your dog crap in my yard and I'll keep to myself except for sharing a beer with you on a nice summer evening in the back yard. Some things are not worth thinking about. If you find a used mower - great, mow the yard. If you don't, don't. The thought you have to put into not mowing just to prove a point is a waste of your time. Plus, the longer you wait, the harder it is to mow! :banghead:

ROYC75 04-09-2002 08:47 PM

Put up a fence and buy some cows, goats,and a horses....... this ought to get them rattled up ! The grass may not be tall, but the smell might turn some heads during the services.ROFL :LOL:

Frazod 04-09-2002 08:51 PM

Had it been me, I'd probably have pointed down the street to where the thieves live (I'm assuming their yard probably ain't in the greatest shape, either) and said "Go talk to those white trash c#cksuckers - they stole all my lawn equipment. And while you're at it, since I assume you're in tight with the Lord and all, perhaps you could get some lighting bolt or brimstone action going to wipe those fuckers off the block. Thanks for stopping by. Would you like a lemon bar?"

Personally, I live in a townhouse. The condo association takes care of that crap. A bunch of Mexicans mow my yard. It works for me.

Logical 04-09-2002 08:55 PM


Originally posted by Kevin
I'm not a religious guy at all, and generally have little patience with discussions of religions, but I have to ask: why should being religious require one to be a sucker? Why can't a person go to a neighbor and say, "Hey, fella, you mind taking care of your property a little better so we're not all embarrassed to be living near you?" without being encumbered to take care of the neighbor's lawn themselves? That's taking expectations of religious charity a bit too far, in my opinion.

Of course, if any of you religious folk disagree, you're welcome to remodel my basement for me. It's the right thing to do, you know.

Kevin it became an issue when the man presented the issue as a special request because a potential new minister was coming to vist that weekend. If in fact he had just said your grass is a little unkept could you take care of it. It would have been a one on one issue. Saying no or yes for that matter would just have been one man saying no to another man.

Nelson Muntz 04-09-2002 08:57 PM

I would love to be neighbors to Frazod and Mr. Dole. all that entertainment, i'd never have to buy cable tv or go to the movies:LOL: :D

JOhn 04-09-2002 08:58 PM


Originally posted by frazod
Had it been me, I'd probably have pointed down the street to where the thieves live (I'm assuming their yard probably ain't in the greatest shape, either) and said "Go talk to those white trash c#cksuckers - they stole all my lawn equipment. And while you're at it, since I assume you're in tight with the Lord and all, perhaps you could get some lighting bolt or brimstone action going to wipe those fuckers off the block. Thanks for stopping by. Would you like a lemon bar?"

Personally, I live in a townhouse. The condo association takes care of that crap. A bunch of Mexicans mow my yard. It works for me.


D@m man, sometimes I worry about you. Always have this image that some fday I'll get to see you..........

On TV with 3/4 of the Chicago PD lying dead in the street, Army tanks in the fore ground, and the TV anchor talking about a derainged man in the Denny's pissed of about the price of his meal, or some other equaly wierd situation :D

J/K ya know :p

Bwana 04-09-2002 09:05 PM

Classic! Nice Call Dole. ROFL

Frazod 04-09-2002 09:07 PM

I've got a really low tolerance level for petty crap, especially when it comes to my house. I'm very happy that I have very little responsibilities when it comes to the outside of my home - all I have to do is water the yard occasionally. That I can handle. I hope I never have to deal with my condo association, because I'm sure it wouldn't go over well. I already had to mount my friggin satellite dish on the ground right in front of my front door because the assholes don't allow them mounted on the building. Apparently it's an eyesore mounted on the building - but right in front of my door, well, that's just fine. :rolleyes: Facist pricks!


Anyway, I'm sure Bob will deal with his yard when he's able. It's only April, for Christ's sake.

And I agree with what Mrs. Headsnap said about the minister. If he bases his decision to minister to a community based upon landscaping appearances, chances are he's not worth having around in the first place.

Pitt Gorilla 04-09-2002 09:08 PM

Awesome, Dole. (ala SNL) "Bob Dole's lawnmower. That's Bob Dole's lawnmower!!"

Frazod 04-09-2002 09:09 PM


Originally posted by JOhn


D@m man, sometimes I worry about you. Always have this image that some fday I'll get to see you..........

On TV with 3/4 of the Chicago PD lying dead in the street, Army tanks in the fore ground, and the TV anchor talking about a derainged man in the Denny's pissed of about the price of his meal, or some other equaly wierd situation :D

J/K ya know :p

Relax, JOhn. If it was going to happen, it would have by now. I'm far calmer than I used to be..... :eek:


Otter 04-09-2002 10:01 PM

Out of line?

Hell no, your my new hero!

I wish I had a sack that big. But I guess when I'm your age gravity will have taken care of that. :p

stevieray 04-09-2002 10:22 PM

Stop the car!!! screeeeech.
I would've mowed it...Then knocked on the door and asked for a beer.

Chiefnj 04-10-2002 08:47 AM

I wanted to bump this up for anyone who missed it. Pretty funny.

I would recommend that Bob Dole purchase a bunch of those little yard Gnomes. Paint them black with pentagrams and adorn them on your lawn in compromising positions. I assure you that the length of your grass will no longer be the primary problem.

Bob Dole 04-10-2002 08:57 AM

Bob Dole was thinking about lining the sidewalk with empty beer bottles with candles stuck in them. Or maybe putting a bunch of trash bags on the front porch.

If Bob Dole gets a chance today, Bob Dole will take a picture of the "lawn" and let people judge for themselves.

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