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Valiant 09-07-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by thecoffeeguy (Post 8876895)
So, I just picked this up on Sunday (BestBuy had it in stock...woot!)

Anyway, fired it up and logged in.
First thing I noticed, I need to upgrade my rig LMAO (which is pretty good right now) to take advantage of all the graphic settings. Very anxious to do that.

Rolled a Charr Thief.
Combat is VERY different, but very very entertaining. Honestly, I thought I would absolutely hate to have to 'dodge', but I actually quite like it.
Combat takes some getting used to so I am still learning how everything works. For example, my main attack (button 1 by default), when I hover over it, it lists several different attacks and I am not quite sure when/how they work or are used...little confusing.

It DEFINITELY is different from traditional MMO's, but so far, it is refreshing. There is a learning curve, but thats cool...

I tried out PvP (I am a big time PvP'r...PvE is meh for me, but i still enjoy it).

I was floored when I saw all the different items you can get for PvP. Its like two different games really. PvP and PvE. Did a few matches last night and so far, after a few hours playing, i like it. I like that you cant just steamroll somebody due to gear difference. Combat is actually challenging and entertaining.

I tried to queue up for WvWvW, but I had to log after waiting about 10mins because it was full. Definitely want to try that out.

I tried a Thief and Ranger. Both are fun. Want to try a Necro and Mesmer.

BTW, can you only have a total of 5 character slots across all the servers?

You can buy more slots with cash/gems or gold, but you better be an epic farmer for that.

hometeam 09-07-2012 07:33 PM

Items CAN have different stats, but basically all items are the same statwise. Ie; they all have a stat pool that can be a myriad of different things, so that you can specialize in one stat or another, but once your in the top tier items, they all have the same amount of total stats/damage.

All gear is absolutely even in Spvp.

The same goes for pve/wvw. While there is a top tier you can reach, after that, anything 'better' is based purely on cosmetic and what works for your particular build, nothing is inherently more power than anything of the same tier.

I think it goes like

Normal - white
Fine - blue
Masterwork - green
Epic - yellow
Legendary - gold

AndChiefs 09-09-2012 12:38 AM

Level 400 - Armorsmith

Let me know if you need anything made.

hometeam 09-09-2012 08:45 PM

ohhh sexayyy - what server?

AndChiefs 09-09-2012 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 8896246)
ohhh sexayyy - what server?

Same as you. Name is Brimian. I'll be out of town until Thursday though.

I'm a 390 jeweler as well.

Valiant 09-10-2012 09:36 AM

So, was questing and filled my bags up again. In 20mins, 6greens and 2 chests..

Up to 32 I think.

hometeam 09-18-2012 09:19 AM



Originally Posted by Arenanet
Announcing Guild Wars 2 for Mac
by The Guild Wars 2 Team on September 18, 2012

Today we’re happy to announce another major milestone in the development of Guild Wars 2: going forward, ArenaNet will also be supporting the game on Apple’s Mac OS X. The Mac Beta client is available immediately for all Guild Wars 2 players. It shares the same features and connects to the same live game servers as the PC client. Anyone who purchases Guild Wars 2 can now play it on both PC and Mac.
Bringing Guild Wars 2 to the Mac is huge for us, because it introduces the game to an entire group of players who are often ignored by game developers. The ability to play together with your friends is one of the underlying principles of Guild Wars 2, and providing a Mac client means that friends and guildmates can play together regardless of what operating system they favor.
On top of it all, ArenaNet staffers are big fans of Macs. We offer them as part of our employee laptop subsidy program, and our president Mike O’Brien is rarely seen without his Mac laptop. We’re as excited as anyone to play Guild Wars 2 on OS X.
The Mac Beta is available to anyone who has purchased or purchases Guild Wars 2. All you need is an active Guild Wars 2 account to download the Mac Beta client. Just log in to and click Download Client to get started. If you have any questions, check out our Mac FAQ.
Keep in mind as you play the Mac Beta that it is a beta product. Performance and system requirements aren’t finalized. Review the beta hardware specification, and understand that your overall experience will be better when we release the final version. Even though it’s a beta, the Mac client does connect to the same live environment that the PC client connects to.
To bring Guild Wars 2 to the Mac, ArenaNet worked with our partners at TransGaming, whose Cider technology allows us to mirror the game experience as closely as possible between the PC and Mac. This means that future updates to Guild Wars 2 will be available for both platforms simultaneously.
So whether you’re a PC or a Mac, or both, we’ll see you in-game!

chasedude 10-12-2012 06:54 PM

How's everyone's experiences going? Got my Necro to 80, Ranger to 35 and Mesmer to 26. I've yet to hook up with an experienced group doing dungeons. I work too damn much can't seem to hook up with my guild mates to give it a go.

I've been enjoying PvP more than I've ever in any other game to date. I've never been an avid Pvper so this is quite a feat of change.

So now I'm in dire need of better FPS. Time to build me a new system. Been a couple years since I've built my own. I built a wish list up on newegg watcha think?

Need to find a good liquid cooled heatsink, any suggestions?

Anyway, again... how's everyone's experience going?

Pants 10-12-2012 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 9006405)
How's everyone's experiences going? Got my Necro to 80, Ranger to 35 and Mesmer to 26. I've yet to hook up with an experienced group doing dungeons. I work too damn much can't seem to hook up with my guild mates to give it a go.

I've been enjoying PvP more than I've ever in any other game to date. I've never been an avid Pvper so this is quite a feat of change.

So now I'm in dire need of better FPS. Time to build me a new system. Been a couple years since I've built my own. I built a wish list up on newegg watcha think?

Need to find a good liquid cooled heatsink, any suggestions?

Anyway, again... how's everyone's experience going?

I wouldn't get a liquid cooled heatsink and I would honestly get the i5 2500k instead of that FX CPU. :thumb:

chasedude 10-12-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 9006547)
I wouldn't get a liquid cooled heatsink and I would honestly get the i5 2500k instead of that FX CPU. :thumb:

You think the Intel chips are that much better?

I've always used AMD CPU's, never had problems. I havn't compared benchmark tests but would like to see how they square up to each other.

chasedude 10-12-2012 08:25 PM

Twice as much as the AMD chip, is it really worth it?

Pants 10-12-2012 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 9006657)
You think the Intel chips are that much better?

I've always used AMD CPU's, never had problems. I havn't compared benchmark tests but would like to see how they square up to each other.

I'm a huge AMD fanboy, but man... they really failed with the FX chips. I was really sad when the benchmarks came out. I've posted as much on CP before. The i5-2500k is faster than the FX 8170 and we're talking about stock frequencies. The 2500k is a breeze to OC to 4 Ghz (with no need for a liquid cooling solution either).

Here are some benchmarks (yes, the FX 4100 is there, it's just way down in the list). You can look at the other charts on that website if you feel like it.

As far as GW2 goes, I'm still enjoying it. :D

chasedude 10-12-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 9006723)
I'm a huge AMD fanboy, but man... they really failed with the FX chips. I was really sad when the benchmarks came out. I've posted as much on CP before. The i5-2500k is faster than the FX 8170 and we're talking about stock frequencies. The 2500k is a breeze to OC to 4 Ghz (with no need for a liquid cooling solution either).

Here are some benchmarks (yes, the FX 4100 is there, it's just way down in the list). You can look at the other charts on that website if you feel like it.

As far as GW2 goes, I'm still enjoying it. :D

Thanks for the link, I compared both and the i5 seems to excel more than the FX does. Looking further on Newegg a comparable i7 is only 80 more. Yet the i5 has the Intel HD Graphics 3000 to where the i7 does not.

I understand this to be used primarily with onboard graphics which I care less since I'm adding a PCI-E graphics card. So I'm assuming it doesn't matter then with my build.

Edit: Glad to hear you're still enjoying GW2 :thumb:

Pants 10-12-2012 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 9006774)
Thanks for the link, I compared both and the i5 seems to excel more than the FX does. Looking further on Newegg a comparable i7 is only 80 more. Yet the i5 has the Intel HD Graphics 3000 to where the i7 does not.

I understand this to be used primarily with onboard graphics which I care less since I'm adding a PCI-E graphics card. So I'm assuming it doesn't matter then with my build.

Edit: Glad to hear you're still enjoying GW2 :thumb:

I'd still get the 2500k and put that $80 into a quality mobo, but that's just a personal preference. I never skimp out on mobos and PSUs.

chasedude 10-12-2012 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 9006787)
I'd still get the 2500k and put that $80 into a quality mobo, but that's just a personal preference. I never skimp out on mobos and PSUs.

Going SS on HD so I need 6GB throughput and a reliable QUIET PSU is a must. Ok, gonna pick your brain further, which GPU chipset you prefer, AMD or NVIDIA?

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