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keg in kc 04-30-2011 05:58 AM

Woah. I did not see that coming, either.

Certainly twisted the season all the hell around.

vailpass 04-30-2011 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7607640)
Woah. I did not see that coming, either.

Certainly twisted the season all the hell around.

I like the dark Cass, I guess.

keg in kc 05-01-2011 04:36 AM

Thought it was a good twist. They teased it all season, but I still had no idea the whole time.

KurtCobain 05-01-2011 05:53 PM

what happened?

RedNFeisty 05-01-2011 06:09 PM

It's a great show.

Fish 05-02-2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by KurtCobain (Post 7611970)
what happened?

If you really wanna know:


Frosty 05-17-2011 08:01 AM

I can't believe that our local CW station is preempting the Supernatural season finale for a Arena Football game. :banghead: So far, it doesn't look like they are going to reschedule it. Guess I'll have to figure out some way to download it.

vailpass 05-17-2011 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 7644224)
I can't believe that our local CW station is preempting the Supernatural season finale for a Arena Football game. :banghead: So far, it doesn't look like they are going to reschedule it. Guess I'll have to figure out some way to download it.

They show whole episodes on the CW site after they are aired.

keg in kc 05-21-2011 08:44 PM

Have to say I have mixed feelings on those 2-hours. I really didn't like the way Dean handled Lisa and Ben, and although I liked seeing Rafael blown to bits, I'm not sure about Crowley's escape and Cas becoming the new God. It was also a bit strange to see nearly the entire final hour take place in Sam's head.

On a positive note, Cas having "plans for Crowley" sounds ominous, and Crowley being alive means more Mark Sheppard, which is never a bad thing. But all-in-all, that finale left me feeling largely unfulfilled, like it's part 2 of a 3 parter, instead of a season finale.

Season 7 should be interesting though. Some changed dynamics and a lot of issues left to deal with, from Sam remembering the pit to Dean beating himself up endlessly over Lisa and Ben (and Cas), to seeing how the brothers deal with Cas (and Crowley).

I guess, though, I expected to be blown away a little bit more.

Shaid 05-21-2011 09:06 PM

Isn't a season finale supposed to have some cliffhanger elements to it though? Part 2 of a 3 parter seems to fit that mold. I know what you are saying about the finale though. It would have been pretty sweet to see Cas and Rafael have a badass fight but how easily he was destroyed shows just how much power is in Cas. We also have no way of knowing how messed up Sam is going to be now that he remembers hell. I'd have liked more as well but I agree that it does set up some interesting plot lines for the next season.

keg in kc 05-21-2011 09:41 PM

Oh, cliffhangers are great, I just didn't feel like much of anything was resolved. They left a lot of questions and gave basically zero answers.

I liked the HP Lovecraft tie-in, too. Forgot to mention that. I wasn't sure I liked them turning the dragon sword lady from Bobby's past into a...whatever she was, though. That was a Chekov's Gun that didn't quite work for me.

All in all, it just felt like it was lacking the 'oh shit' moments of past finales.

Bowser 06-18-2011 01:33 PM

I have avoided this thread like the plague. I'm halfway through season 6. The last episode watched is where the dragon guys released Mother (?) from Purgatory. Really liking this season so far. No soul Sam was a bad mofo.

KurtCobain 06-19-2011 01:41 AM

No soul sam was a bad mofo.

Bowser 07-16-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7655587)
Have to say I have mixed feelings on those 2-hours. I really didn't like the way Dean handled Lisa and Ben, and although I liked seeing Rafael blown to bits, I'm not sure about Crowley's escape and Cas becoming the new God. It was also a bit strange to see nearly the entire final hour take place in Sam's head.

On a positive note, Cas having "plans for Crowley" sounds ominous, and Crowley being alive means more Mark Sheppard, which is never a bad thing. But all-in-all, that finale left me feeling largely unfulfilled, like it's part 2 of a 3 parter, instead of a season finale.

Season 7 should be interesting though. Some changed dynamics and a lot of issues left to deal with, from Sam remembering the pit to Dean beating himself up endlessly over Lisa and Ben (and Cas), to seeing how the brothers deal with Cas (and Crowley).

I guess, though, I expected to be blown away a little bit more.

FINALLY finished the season.

I was underwhelmed by the finale, as well. Dark/all-powerful Cas just doesn't seem to fit. The key, I think, is Sam, and what knowledge he retained from the pit (aside from the obvious misery/suffering part). And, when does the original "God" show up? I'm thinking he's going to be a bit miffed about another creature trying to lay claim to the "all-powerful" title. I like that Crowley survived, and what he may bring to the table.

A bit disappointed in the finale, but the show is still better than most others.....

keg in kc 07-23-2011 08:43 AM

I don't think there's anything new in this, but it was the comic-con trailer.

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