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Old 01-08-2003, 03:20 PM   #8

Casino cash: $
edited because it wasn't nice.

well kccm...

I bagged groceries for 3 years in HS, worked the checkout, and have been in a job my first 3 years out of college where I changed the addresses of every person in 4 counties....sent them a letter with an 800 number and my name, and work with the public now on a regular basis. I've also worked with a business I run on the side doing custom ink drawings for people.

so no...other than volunteering at fall dinners at a church, I've never waited tables....But I do have a log book where I recieved over 700 calls in 4 weeks from pissed off people, and was able to deal with all of them in a courtious manner......except the drunk guy that came in my office at 9am and threatened me.

so Paul, maybe I DO know something about dealing with people, even though I'm not responsible for such demanding duties as filling their Tea and bringing the Pie cart..
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