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Gonzo 08-27-2014 12:19 AM

All Things Video Games & Game Reviews
Hey guys...
Thought we could use a thread to help one another out with purchasing new and used games. Now that the next gen consoles are out and the holiday season will soon be upon us, many new games are going to drop. We've been throwing 'reviews' in several different threads or making new threads for each game. I thought we might like to converge and discuss them as a whole. Whether you're on PS3, 360, PS4, XB one or even a wii, PC and Mac, this is a repository for what you're playing and how you rate it.

Let's try to do a 1-10 scale for each game. Take into account the following:

Online functionality
Downloadable content
Length of gameplay

You can use all or some of those as a guide to score the game. If there are other aspects you'd like to tell as about with your game, please do so. These are just suggentions.

Please note what system, (if necessary i.e. It being exclusive to a system) you're playing on and let us know what you think.

1. Sucks, I'd rather watch Brodie Croyle play as our starter. This game is dogshit.
2. Don't waste your time. It's obviously been programmed by a bunch of chimps with syphilis.
3. I'd rather eat tapioca pudding out of my grandmothers colostomy bag, then stick my tongue in her stoma.
4. Meh, there's really better stuff to do, (like waxing my pubes) but I was lazy.
5. This is kinda like purgatory. It's not the best place to be but it could be worse.
6. Not bad at all... It's like I just scored a BJ from my hot first cousin.
7. Entertaining as all hell, kinda like the feeling where you just drank enough not to puke and can still walk.
8. Buy this game, I'm super-cereal. It's got stuff that makes my nipples tingly.
9. HELL F'ing YEAH! I'd talk more about it but I'm gonna be locked in place for a week just playing this ****er.
10. This game is like godfather two and the empire strikes back joined forces to **** your face off with wow. I'm taking all of my PTO days and going on FMLA.

EDIT: We can also discuss upcoming/all things gaming in here as well.

007 08-27-2014 12:26 AM

I expect Uncharted 4 to be 10's across the board. Unfortunately, thats still 15 months away. :deevee:

Gonzo 08-27-2014 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 10852462)
I expect Uncharted 4 to be 10's across the board. Unfortunately, thats still 15 months away. :deevee:

I know... I really wish I could sign up for a beta test. I loved all of them.

Gonzo 08-29-2014 12:31 AM

I might as well start us off here with a double-header.

Since getting my PS4 last weekend, I've been playing, (and I've completed) two games.
Infamous Second Son and Wolfenstein, the New Order.

Let's start with Second Son:

If you're not familiar with the franchise, Infamous is about a group of people that have a genetic predisposition for super-powers. The first two were centered around a guy named Cole who could harness electricity. The first took place in New York, the second in New Orleans (post Katrina). Second Son is centered around a guy named Delsin in Seattle. All three are open world games.
The game allows you to either be a vigilante with 'Bad Karma' or a Hero with 'Good Karma.'

I was a big fan of the first two. Cole was an easy character to like and the games were entertaining, (although a little repetitive).

The protagonist, 'Delsin' is not easy to like, at all. He's actually kind of a douche.
His super powers center around smoke and fire, however you acquire other powers as the game evolves. I won't delve into what powers because they didn't make much sense to me.
The game was obviously originally made for last generation consoles since the story and gameplay mechanics were very similar. However, since it was one of the very first PS4 games, it does try to show off what the console can do. Lasers, Neon lights and fire are so impressive. The sound effects and soundtrack is excellent and the graphics wowed me. It's a beautiful game with a good amount of detail. Things like paper flying in the air when you cause en explosion and embers floating in the air after a fire. Just awesome.

Well, that was the positive. The negative is I beat the main story line in this game in roughly 8 hrs.... (And that was with a lot of side quests).
When I played through a second time, I did it in just over six.
The first infamous was nearly two times longer. IIRC
The story line was sub par at best. A little boring, honestly.
Delsin really is a ****wad. Especially when you play with bad karma and become a vigilante.

The game is playable and very good looking. All in all I enjoyed it and there's a lot of DLC out now which helps. The side missions are far too repetitive but they add another 3-5 hours of boring gameplay.
I give this game a solid 6.5. Kind of like a BJ from an ugly girl.

Wolfenstein the New Order:

I just finished this action-packed FPS. As a fan of the original Wolfenstein from the mid 90's, I couldn't wait to play this even though I've grown to hate the FPS genre.
The game centers around our old hero Capt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz and his undying hate for "Those Nazi ****s."
This is the first Wolfenstein I've played and enjoyed since the original Escape from Castle Wolfenstein. The other games in the series weren't all that good. I did have high hopes for this one from all the online hype and the game trailers.
Let me say... It delivered. BJ is one mean, funny, hardcore badass. The Nazi war machine was literally just that. Giant mutant super soldiers, robotic hell hounds, gigantic Mechs that shoot lasers and a disfigured nazi fräulein.
Just wunderbar.
The storyline is as follows: BJ and his crew get captured on one final push to a German fortress. The games antagonist, General Deathshead is performing inhumane experiments on pow's and asylum prisoners. In the beginning, he makes BJ chose one of his two war buddies for an experiment that will end in death. Choose carefully, btw. The game doesn't make huge wholesale changes between the two but things do change.
(I played both)
Of course you have the huge, epic boss fights SS and all things Wolfenstein. New guns, an all purpose plasma cutter/pulse laser. Armor and health packs galore.
Lots of Easter eggs in this one, btw. One of which is and. BJ takes a nap on a certain bunk and you're suddenly playing a reboot of the original Wolfenstein from the 90's.
The story is great, the action is awesome and the scenery/graphics really show off the next gen.
My one gripe? I beat it in about 7 hours but that's about average for a FPS. However, the replay-ability is high. I truly enjoyed this game. From the battles in 1940's Germany to 1960's London. Oh, get this... You get to walk on the moon. It was a beautiful addition and very convincing.
All in all, a solid pickup if you have the dough. You really can't go wrong if you're looking to waste a day in front of the tube, blowing shit up and drinking beer.

I give this title a solid 8. Give it a try. Used discs are going for 30 bucks now.

The Franchise 08-29-2014 09:24 AM

I just realized that when I bought my last controller for my came with Infamous as a "freebie". I still haven't taken the plastic wrapping off of that game.

Gonzo 08-29-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 10859712)
I just realized that when I bought my last controller for my came with Infamous as a "freebie". I still haven't taken the plastic wrapping off of that game.

It's not a bad game at all. It's a little dated now via the graphics and such but it's enjoyable. It's cutscenes are set up like a comic book.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 10:57 AM

I started playing 'Thief' yesterday...

It's going back to the store for something else. I've been duped twice now with this franchise. I bought 'Dishonored' last year and it was ****ing terrible. You'd think I would learn, right?
Well, with so few games available for the PS4 and the nerdy fanboy behind the desk telling me it was a great game... I bit.

Sneak over here and steal a watch, sneak over there and steal a wallet.
Oh wait, now you have supernatural powers!
**** you
I literally gave this thing four hours of my life that I'll never get back.
**** it, I'll trade it in on MLB or Madden or something.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 08:07 PM

Ok, ok.
I got rid of Thief today and ran through my options for a replacement. Decided to go against my oath of not buying a new Madden until they took some serious time to update and evaluate.
There just wasn't another interesting option so I decided to bite the bullet and give it a shot...
Thus far, I have got to admit.... It's pretty damn good. Then graphics are smooth and the game itself is very intense. They throw you right into the NFC championship game from last year.
It's not as bad as the YouTubers would lead you to believe.
I'll post more later as I get into the game. I've played it for about two hours so far and it looks really pretty good.

Jerm 08-30-2014 08:23 PM

Rogue Legacy is sooooo good, esp. for old school NES fans like myself. It has a great sense of humor and wit to it as well.

Never played a Diablo game before D3 and it's pretty damn good....such an awesome multiplayer game. Highly addictive as the fact that i can jump in and play for 2 hours or 15 mins.

Madden 15 is the best Madden since Madden 2005...the gameplay is immensely better and it's fun to play defense again, esp. with the new camera. I had been waiting for EA to give me a reason to get back into Madden hardcore and they have. Still really miss NCAA Football though. :-\

Right now The Golf Club owns my's what I've always fluff, no goofy boosters or silly gimmicks...just good gameplay that rewards actual skill, critical thinking, and a good golf IQ.

Loving the variance of courses I'm seeing...gonna be incredible once people really get the course creator dialed in.

Playing with ghosts is such a blast...always interesting to see how different people attack the course.

Dayze 08-30-2014 08:36 PM

I tried a demo of a game called 'Payday" a week or two ago. it was pretty fun, but I suspect it might get really repetitive. I liked the concept though.

kcxiv 08-30-2014 08:36 PM

im have been Addicted to Planetside 2 right now. Its PC only right now but it will be coming to the PS4, its a free to play game.

You cant beat 3 factions fighting for territory when its like 150 vs 150 vs 150. its call of Duty on Crack, but with Tanks and fighter aircrafts. lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cant say that shit looks fun when your in them massive battles.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 10864702)
Rogue Legacy is sooooo good, esp. for old school NES fans like myself. It has a great sense of humor and wit to it as well.

Never played a Diablo game before D3 and it's pretty damn good....such an awesome multiplayer game. Highly addictive as the fact that i can jump in and play for 2 hours or 15 mins.

Madden 15 is the best Madden since Madden 2005...the gameplay is immensely better and it's fun to play defense again, esp. with the new camera. I had been waiting for EA to give me a reason to get back into Madden hardcore and they have. Still really miss NCAA Football though. :-\

Right now The Golf Club owns my's what I've always fluff, no goofy boosters or silly gimmicks...just good gameplay that rewards actual skill, critical thinking, and a good golf IQ.

Loving the variance of courses I'm seeing...gonna be incredible once people really get the course creator dialed in.

Playing with ghosts is such a blast...always interesting to see how different people attack the course.


Originally Posted by Dayze (Post 10864815)
I tried a demo of a game called 'Payday" a week or two ago. it was pretty fun, but I suspect it might get really repetitive. I liked the concept though.


Originally Posted by Fruit Ninja (Post 10864817)
im have been Addicted to Planetside 2 right now. Its PC only right now but it will be coming to the PS4, its a free to play game.

You cant beat 3 factions fighting for territory when its like 150 vs 150 vs 150. its call of Duty on Crack, but with Tanks and fighter aircrafts. lol

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cant say that shit looks fun when your in them massive battles.

Thank you all for your input here. I really want this thread to be a "one stop shop" for everything gaming.

I've been struggling over madden 15. I really wanted to give it a shit review due to their history of douchebaggery. I haven't even tackled any of the online options yet and I am going to give this game a great review. It looks like EA may have heard our cries of disdain for some reason.
Im very impressed thus far. I'll get into the online stuff next week and give a full review afterwards.

I have to admit something... When you can look up and see shit like "Chiefs Kingdom" (which is lame) on the jumbo-tron and see individual blades of grass on the field... You're making drastic improvements on your product.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:49 PM

Ok... So I may have been caught up in Madden 15's aesthetics a little. It really is impressive with it's details.

You know what ? Nahhh
It really is that impressive. Maybe the ****heads at EA really did hear out bitchings this year.
This game is very challenging. It keeps you riveted and interested. I can, (for the first time in years) see myself actively working towards a Lombardi the right way... You know it?

Just the offline version itself holds my interest. Good for you EA, prove to us that you deserve the license.
I'm going to continue playing both off and online features. Hopefully the online has improved a lot.

Gonzo 08-30-2014 09:56 PM

BTW... This just hit me...

Keep in mind that this review is all on a next- gen console. (ps4)
I'm sure the regular versions suck the donkey dick.

Crush 08-30-2014 09:59 PM

I'm currently playing the Shadowgate remake for PC. I would rate it a 10. Of course, I loved the original Shadowgate.

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