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tooge 08-06-2014 09:49 AM

My dog needs surgery
So my Swissy needs surgery to remove a ****ing hunk of fabric she decided she just couldn't live without eating. They are doing it today. I guess it's lodged in her intestine. Dammit!

KC_Lee 08-06-2014 09:50 AM

Thoughts to you and yours. Hope everything goes well for your pup.

blake5676 08-06-2014 09:52 AM

That sucks! My parents have a yorkie-poo that eats clothes all the time. We always joke that when she dies you'll be able to make an entire wardrobe out of all the fabric she has to have stuck in her stomach.

On another note, one of my dogs is having surgery tomorrow. Second freaking dog of mine to blow out a knee!! And this shit isn't cheap either....his is gonna cost about $3,500.

Easy 6 08-06-2014 09:52 AM

Best of luck.

tooge 08-06-2014 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by blake5676 (Post 10797543)
That sucks! My parents have a yorkie-poo that eats clothes all the time. We always joke that when she dies you'll be able to make an entire wardrobe out of all the fabric she has to have stuck in her stomach.

On another note, one of my dogs is having surgery tomorrow. Second freaking dog of mine to blow out a knee!! And this shit isn't cheap either....his is gonna cost about $3,500.

ouch. Hope the best for your dog

Bufkin 08-06-2014 09:53 AM

Had to so the same to my bulldog with bologna string.

blake5676 08-06-2014 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 10797547)
ouch. Hope the best for your dog

Likewise! They're a part of the family...always a little tough to see them in pain.

Lonewolf Ed 08-06-2014 10:02 AM

I hope it all goes well and the dog somehow associates the ordeal with what she ate and won't do it anymore. My rott used to love to chase golfballs (not on a course, ones that I'd hit for her in the pasture) and she would swallow them instead of spitting them out and going after the next one. My vet said to force a quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide down her throat and the golfballs would come out. Sure enough, they did violently and soon, she figured out why she had to get that stuff forced down her neck that made her hurl and stopped swallowing golfballs.

ptlyon 08-06-2014 10:06 AM

Prayers sent tooge

Donger 08-06-2014 10:12 AM

Been there and done that. Good luck.

Kman34 08-06-2014 10:12 AM

My boxer used to eat clothes and poop them out the next day. Always thought she would get plugged up but she never did. She eventually grew out of it.
Hope you dog goes through the surgery ok and is back to normal soon....

seclark 08-06-2014 10:15 AM

had to pull a chewed up garbage bag out of my bulldogs ass once. damn thing drug me all over the yard.

ChiTown 08-06-2014 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by seclark (Post 10797572)
had to pull a chewed up garbage bag out of my bulldogs ass once. damn thing drug me all over the yard.


rtmike 08-06-2014 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by seclark (Post 10797572)
had to pull a chewed up garbage bag out of my bulldogs ass once. damn thing drug me all over the yard.

The visual on that is entertaining. :D

rtmike 08-06-2014 10:34 AM

You guys' with pups' going in under the knife. Did the Dr. ask if you wanted to do a blood test 1st? I guess the blood test checks to make sure their heart can handle the anesthesia.

We had a Bengal that almost didn't come back to. At that time, vet said no more anesthesia. Now there's a shot for it.

Anyhoots, our Golden is going in for dental work. He has 2 broke teeth that they plan to pull & his teeth/breath is pretty bad. We'll keep up on brushing after the cleaning.

Our house could use some maintenance but our pupster comes 1st. He & I have become really close. If I stop too fast he runs into the back of my chair since he's always following me around.

It doesn't get much better than this:

Rain Man 08-06-2014 10:43 AM

Some dang beagle has a small chunk of my jeans in his stomach now. I was walking to work and some woman was walking him on a leash, and BAM! He sprints over and tries to take a chunk out of my leg. The woman yanked him back as I tried to dodge, but the little son of a b***h (and I mean that literally) got my jeans and ripped a hole in them. So much for looking sharp for today's focus group moderation.

Dave Lane 08-06-2014 10:44 AM

Good luck man. The vets are pretty damned good. Heres to a good outcome!!

tooge 08-06-2014 10:54 AM

Well, she is done. Vet pulled two hunks of fabric out and said she's fine. Thanks for the well wishes. This is one great dog, but we're havin a little chat when she gets home

tooge 08-06-2014 11:00 AM

So, vet calls me, and the beast had almost 20 feet of frilly fabric in her gut. WTF?

Gonzo 08-06-2014 11:03 AM

Had a dog eat a glass picture frame once. That ran me a cool grand.

LoneWolf 08-06-2014 11:11 AM

I have a question for all you fellow dog owners. At what price point would you elect to not have your dog go through the surgery and instead have him/her put down?

Gonzo 08-06-2014 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10797647)
I have a question for all you fellow dog owners. At what price point would you elect to not have your dog go through the surgery and instead have him/her put down?

Suppose it depends on the dogs health and age.
It's the duty of an owner to do anything and everything you can.

Katipan 08-06-2014 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10797647)
I have a question for all you fellow dog owners. At what price point would you elect to not have your dog go through the surgery and instead have him/her put down?

I wouldn't starve my family for it. But there are charities and organizations to help defray costs if it came to that.

Oxford 08-06-2014 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10797635)
Had a dog eat a glass picture frame once. That ran me a cool grand.

Had a Lab eat a bottle of Advil. It had a few pills inside, rattled and made of plastic. That qualifies as a "edible" in her world. Cost us $3000 but she made it through. She's gone now :deevee:, but she was worth every penny.

Oh yeah, she ate a CD case and all. Must have not liked the music

Window Licking Whiner 08-06-2014 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by blake5676 (Post 10797543)
That sucks! My parents have a yorkie-poo that eats clothes all the time. We always joke that when she dies you'll be able to make an entire wardrobe out of all the fabric she has to have stuck in her stomach.

On another note, one of my dogs is having surgery tomorrow. Second freaking dog of mine to blow out a knee!! And this shit isn't cheap either....his is gonna cost about $3,500.

that is the exact same quote and surgery that I have to get for my GSD Panzer.

What's worse is that the first vet we took him to, diagnosed him with something like Lyme's Disease.. She had him on prensisone for a year. He made NO progress for a year, so we wanted a second opinion.. Yep he ripped his acl in his knee a year ago. 3500 to fix it, and because he's been babying his left leg for that long the muscles in his leg have atrophied. All cause the first vet didnt want to take an xray..

LoneWolf 08-06-2014 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10797648)
Suppose it depends on the dogs health and age.
It's the duty of an owner to do anything and everything you can.

Here was the scenario that made me ask this question. My wife and I had a Yorkshire Terrier when we first got married, and he went in for his normal yearly checkup. They pulled blood during the checkup and a day later we got a call saying his liver enzymes were extremely elevated and that we needed to send him up to the clinic at K-State right away. We were doing just OK financially at the time and I had just started a flooring business. I asked how much this was going to cost and they estimated (depending on what they found out) anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000. I was willing to spend that amount of money, but I guess my wife didn't think I was acting to enthusiastic about the possibility of dropping $5,000. She told me that she didn't care if it was $10,000 we were sending him to K-State.

I ended up asking them to redo the bloodtest to make sure and the second test came back normal. They think he might have eaten something that elevated his enzyme levels that quickly passes through his system. So we were lucky, but since then I've always wondered what dollar figure would put me over the limit I'm willing to spend on our dogs. I know it's less than $10,000.

Demonpenz 08-06-2014 11:25 AM

I know how grief works and I know I can get over peoples deaths in couple months, but the loss of money haunts me for longer. Especially since I spent so much of my life poor as hell. Must be the St. Joseph in me that keeps me grounded to the fact that dey just dogs.

sd4chiefs 08-06-2014 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10797647)
I have a question for all you fellow dog owners. At what price point would you elect to not have your dog go through the surgery and instead have him/her put down?

For my dog 1 Billion dollars. :Pinky:

cosmo20002 08-06-2014 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 10797538)
So my Swissy needs surgery to remove a ****ing hunk of fabric she decided she just couldn't live without eating. They are doing it today. I guess it's lodged in her intestine. Dammit!

My dog once ate one of my socks. I didn't know until I saw him scooting around the backyard and noticed something hanging out of his butthole like a 2nd tail. I carefully removed it and he ran around as happy as can be.

It was a dress sock, so a bit thinner than an athletic sock. That probably helped.

WhawhaWhat 08-06-2014 11:32 AM

Cone of shame as punishment for eating bad things.

bevischief 08-06-2014 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 10797648)
Suppose it depends on the dogs health and age.
It's the duty of an owner to do anything and everything you can.

This. I have had to put down enough dogs and call it for enough people.

Kman34 08-06-2014 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 10797632)
So, vet calls me, and the beast had almost 20 feet of frilly fabric in her gut. WTF?

She was going you make you a nice dress..LMAOLMAO

Just Passin' By 08-06-2014 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kman34 (Post 10797725)
She was going you make you a nice dress..LMAOLMAO

...just wanted to dye it naturally first.

htismaqe 08-06-2014 12:15 PM

I once had a dog eat half of a Nerf football.

RockChalk 08-06-2014 02:18 PM

My parents lab swallowed a sock and had to go through similar surgery, Tooge. Before my parents (and the vet) figured out what was wrong with him, he had become pretty sick and damn near died. After surgery, he was hit and miss for a few days, but eventually recovered.

All of this was going on while my dad was out of town and my brother and sister-in-law were expecting the first grandchild of the family. I was on the phone with my mom during and after surgery so many times that I cannot even recall, but there were a lot of tears being shed just worrying about whether the dog would make it through. I remember my mom saying prior to surgery that she and my dad had discussed a "max" amount they would spend on the dog, to which I replied, "that is BS. you all will spend as much as it takes, and you know it". I think my mom stayed that hospital with the dog almost the entire time he was being cared for.

I guess my point is that me (and my family) love and care for our dogs just like they were any other member of the family.

Hope everything goes well for your pup!

The Franchise 08-06-2014 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 10797647)
I have a question for all you fellow dog owners. At what price point would you elect to not have your dog go through the surgery and instead have him/her put down?

I spent $3500 on a dog that I had just adopted. Little guy got parvo. Spent 7 days at the vets office...and he died in the end.

blake5676 08-06-2014 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by gochiefs_va (Post 10797671)
that is the exact same quote and surgery that I have to get for my GSD Panzer.

What's worse is that the first vet we took him to, diagnosed him with something like Lyme's Disease.. She had him on prensisone for a year. He made NO progress for a year, so we wanted a second opinion.. Yep he ripped his acl in his knee a year ago. 3500 to fix it, and because he's been babying his left leg for that long the muscles in his leg have atrophied. All cause the first vet didnt want to take an xray..

I took my American Bulldog to the MU Vet Hospital for her knee surgery. She ended up getting what is called tightrope CCL, a less invasive and consequently slightly less expensive knee surgery. Think that one set me back about $2700 for all follow up care, etc.

This little guy is a much better candidate for the more common TPLO knee surgery. It's usually around that $3,500 ballpark range. Sucks, but he's got a lot of years left in him and I don't want him in pain and hobbling. Can't even put weight on it right now.

tecumseh 08-06-2014 03:04 PM

I hope your dog recovers fine. My wife's cat ate a rubberband and we spent $300.00 for invasive removal. That damn cat was meaner than piss after that. I do not like cats. Ungrateful S-bag. Love dogs though. Currently have three.

LoneWolf 08-06-2014 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by RockChalk (Post 10797987)
I remember my mom saying prior to surgery that she and my dad had discussed a "max" amount they would spend on the dog, to which I replied, "that is BS. you all will spend as much as it takes, and you know it".

I know that as dog owners we all say that we will spend whatever it takes, but would anyone besides the really rich spend $10,000 or more on a procedure for their dog? I make what some would consider a very good living, and I cannot see myself spending that much money. I love both of my dogs and treat them like they're my children, but I have responsibilities to the other members of my family that I am not willing to compromise.

RobBlake 08-06-2014 03:32 PM

Anyone who would drop that much on an animal is crazy imo. This of course depends on income, but regardless, you are gonna out live your animal and I know they become special too you.. there's more out there

Skyy God 08-07-2014 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat (Post 10797686)
Cone of shame as punishment for eating bad things.

Some dogs can't be shamed.

KC native 08-07-2014 10:06 AM

Holy ****, some of you have spent $3k for a knee surgery for your dogs?


A dog doesn't need an ACL. My pit ****ed his knee up. Fortunately my vet is awesome and honest. She said we could do the surgery if we wanted, but it was very expensive and he was likely to tear it again after surgery. She gave us some anti-inflammatory medicine and pain meds to get him through the next couple of weeks. He learned how to walk and get around fine during that period and now you would never know that he did that. Occasionally he'll play too hard with our other dogs and limp for a day or two but he's fine overall.

stumppy 08-07-2014 10:26 AM

Hope everything turns out ok tooge.

As far as what I would spend on my dog. That's pretty much a grey area. It would all come down to what needs to be done, quality of life for him or her (Dodger- my avatar pic or Betty- my 18 year old beagle sleeping in the background) and if I could afford it.

With the exception of my 3 kids I like my dogs better then any person I know.

htismaqe 08-07-2014 10:48 AM

My ceiling is about $500. After that, I just can't spend that kind of money on an animal.

Frosty 08-07-2014 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 10799694)
My ceiling is about $500. After that, I just can't spend that kind of money on an animal.

Thank you for being the bad guy and actually posting this.

I agree, tho.

Fairplay 08-07-2014 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by tooge (Post 10797622)
Well, she is done. Vet pulled two hunks of fabric out and said she's fine. Thanks for the well wishes. This is one great dog, but we're havin a little chat when she gets home

Glad she is well tooge.

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