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teedubya 01-26-2013 02:53 AM

Anonymous just hacked over the Aaron Schwartz "suicide"

It's live right now. Holy shit. 2:40am

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

teedubya 01-26-2013 02:56 AM

Citizens of the world,

Anonymous has observed for some time now the trajectory of justice in the United States with growing concern. We have marked the departure of this system from the noble ideals in which it was born and enshrined. We have seen the erosion of due process, the dilution of constitutional rights, the usurpation of the rightful authority of courts by the "discretion" of prosecutors. We have seen how the law is wielded less and less to uphold justice, and more and more to exercise control, authority and power in the interests of oppression or personal gain.

We have been watching, and waiting.

Two weeks ago today, a line was crossed. Two weeks ago today, Aaron Swartz was killed. Killed because he faced an impossible choice. Killed because he was forced into playing a game he could not win -- a twisted and distorted perversion of justice -- a game where the only winning move was not to play.

Anonymous immediately convened an emergency council to discuss our response to this tragedy. After much heavy-hearted discussion, the decision was upheld to engage the United States Department of Justice and its associated executive branches in a game of a similar nature, a game in which the only winning move is not to play.

Last year the Federal Bureau of Investigation revelled in porcine glee at its successful infiltration of certain elements of Anonymous. This infiltration was achieved through the use of the *same tactics which lead to Aaron Swartz' death. It would not have been possible were it not for the power of federal prosecutors to thoroughly destroy the lives of any hacktivists they apprehend through the very real threat of highly disproportionate sentencing.

As a result of the FBI's infiltration and entrapment tactics, several more of our brethren now face similar disproportionate persecution, the balance of their lives hanging on the severely skewed scales of a broken justice system.

We have felt within our hearts a burning rage in reaction to these events, but we have not allowed ourselves to be drawn into a foolish and premature response. We have bidden our time, operating in the shadows, adapting our tactics and honing our abilities. We have allowed the FBI and its masters in government -- both the puppet and the shadow government that controls it -- to believe they had struck a crippling blow to our infrastructure, that they had demoralized us, paralyzed us with paranoia and fear. We have held our tongue and waited.

With Aaron's death we can wait no longer. The time has come to show the United States Department of Justice and its affiliates the true meaning of infiltration. The time has come to give this system a taste of its own medicine. The time has come for them to feel the helplessness and fear that comes with being forced into a game where the odds are stacked against them.

This website was chosen due to the symbolic nature of its purpose -- the federal sentencing guidelines which enable prosecutors to cheat citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to a fair trial, by a jury of their peers -- the federal sentencing guidelines which are in clear violation of the 8th amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishments. This website was also chosen due to the nature of its visitors. It is far from the only government asset we control, and we have exercised such control for quite some time...

There has been a lot of fuss recently in the technological media regarding such operations as Red October, the widespread use of vulnerable browsers and the availability of zero-day exploits for these browsers and their plugins. None of this comes of course as any surprise to us, but it is perhaps good that those within the information security industry are making the extent of these threats more widely understood.

Still there is nothing quite as educational as a well-conducted demonstration...

Through this websites and various others that will remain unnamed, we have been conducting our own infiltration. We did not restrict ourselves like the FBI to one high-profile compromise. We are far more ambitious, and far more capable. Over the last two weeks we have wound down this operation, removed all traces of leakware from the compromised systems, and taken down the injection apparatus used to detect and exploit vulnerable machines.

We have enough fissile material for multiple warheads. Today we are launching the first of these. Operation Last Resort has begun...

Warhead - U S - D O J - L E A - 2013 . A E E 256 is primed and armed. It has been quietly distributed to numerous mirrors over the last few days and is available for download from this website now. We encourage all Anonymous to syndicate this file as widely as possible.

The contents are various and we won't ruin the speculation by revealing them. Suffice it to say, everyone has secrets, and some things are not meant to be public. At a regular interval commencing today, we will choose one media outlet and supply them with heavily redacted partial contents of the file. Any media outlets wishing to be eligible for this program must include within their reporting a means of secure communications.

We have not taken this action lightly, nor without consideration of the possible consequences. Should we be forced to reveal the trigger-key to this warhead, we understand that there will be collateral damage. We appreciate that many who work within the justice system believe in those principles that it has lost, corrupted, or abandoned, that they do not bear the full responsibility for the damages caused by their occupation.

It is our hope that this warhead need never be detonated.

However, in order for there to be a peaceful resolution to this crisis, certain things need to happen. There must be reform of outdated and poorly-envisioned legislation, written to be so broadly applied as to make a felony crime out of violation of terms of service, creating in effect vast swathes of crimes, and allowing for selective punishment. There must be reform of mandatory minimum sentencing. There must be a return to proportionality of punishment with respect to actual harm caused, and consideration of motive and mens rea. The inalienable right to a presumption of innocence and the recourse to trial and possibility of exoneration must be returned to its sacred status, and not gambled away by pre-trial bargaining in the face of overwhelming sentences, unaffordable justice and disfavourable odds. Laws must be upheld unselectively, and not used as a weapon of government to make examples of those it deems threatening to its power.

For good reason the statue of lady justice is blindfolded. No more should her innocence be besmirked, her scales tipped, nor her swordhand guided. Furthermore there must be a solemn commitment to freedom of the internet, this last great common space of humanity, and to the common ownership of information to further the common good.

We make this statement do not expect to be negotiated with; we do not desire to be negotiated with. We understand that due to the actions we take we exclude ourselves from the system within which solutions are found. There are others who serve that purpose, people far more respectable than us, people whose voices emerge from the light, and not the shadows. These voices are already making clear the reforms that have been necessary for some time, and are outright required now.

It is these people that the justice system, the government, and law enforcement must engage with. Their voices are already ringing strong with a chorus of determined resolution. We demand only that this chorus is not ignored. We demand the government does not make the mistake of hoping that time will dampen its ringing, that they can ride out this wave of determination, that business as usual can continue after a sufficient period of lip-service and back-patting.

Not this time. This time there will be change, or there will be chaos...




Sofa King 01-26-2013 03:03 AM

I'm not downloading those files. lol

007 01-26-2013 03:05 AM

I'll have to wait to get home to watch this. Blocked at work.

'Hamas' Jenkins 01-26-2013 03:05 AM

That might redefine ballsy.

If the people behind this get caught they're probably going to be tried for cyberterrorism.

This also makes me want to put all of my money in my mattress.

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:15 AM

Holy ****ing shit.

Your move, Obama.

RustShack 01-26-2013 03:16 AM

Well would you look at that

Hootie 01-26-2013 03:18 AM

Jesus Christ

Tribal Warfare 01-26-2013 03:19 AM

Well **** me

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:19 AM

I love their music choices. LMAO

So what the hell is in these files?

Tribal Warfare 01-26-2013 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352056)
I love their music choices. LMAO

So what the hell is in these files?

missile codes supposedly

SPchief 01-26-2013 03:20 AM

Yeah, this is kinda huge

007 01-26-2013 03:21 AM

Its all sunshine and rainbows now.

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:23 AM

What they did to Swartz was pretty BS:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tribal Warfare 01-26-2013 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief (Post 9352058)
Yeah, this is kinda huge

SaveOurChiefs doesn't have shit on them

Phobia 01-26-2013 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 9352061)
SaveOurChiefs doesn't have shit on them

The hell? SOC actually got what we wanted. These guys will.... not.

SPchief 01-26-2013 03:27 AM

BTW BRC predicted this in DC earlier today.

Tribal Warfare 01-26-2013 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9352062)
The hell? SOC actually got what we wanted. These guys will.... not.

launching missiles > pricing banners

Lumpy 01-26-2013 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 9352062)
The hell? SOC actually got what we wanted. These guys will.... not.

Fwiw, I'm pretty sure that some of the members of Anonymous were for the banners though. :D

Phobia 01-26-2013 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare (Post 9352065)
launching missiles > pricing banners

Fortunately, Clark Hunt is a reasonable man. It never came to that. But don't think we didn't have a plan in place.

teedubya 01-26-2013 03:32 AM

I'm not sure if Anonymous is even who they say they are... IMO, they very well could be a CIA black ops used to trap "hacktivists"... like the FBI does with its "entrapment of terrorists" program.

You can never assume anything at face value in the theater of politics and media.

IMO, this "Anonymous Attack" could very well have something to do with this...

US Senators Introduce the Cybersecurity and American Cyber Competitiveness Act of 2013

Earlier this week, United States senators John Rockefeller, Tom Carper and Dianne Feinstein have introduced a new cyber security bill, the Cybersecurity and American Cyber Competitiveness Act of 2013.

After the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 failed to pass Congress twice, the Obama administration decided that it would issue an executive order aimed at protecting the country’s critical infrastructures against cyberattacks.

However, most officials agreed that without proper legislation, the most critical systems would still be exposed to attacks from cyberspace.

If it passes the vote of Congress, the newly proposed bill will help the US secure itself against cyberattacks, and it will improve communication and collaboration between the public and private sectors.

In addition, the bill will “enhance American competitiveness and create jobs in the information technology industry, and [...] protect the identities and sensitive information of American citizens and businesses.”

Rockefeller, who is the chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, urges the new Congress to reach consensus in an effort to strengthen the nation’s cybersecurity.

“Throughout my five years of work on cyber, our military and national security officials and our country’s top business executives have made it abundantly clear that the serious threats to our country grow every day,” Rockefeller explained.

“The private sector and the government must work together to secure the networks that are vital to American businesses and communities. It is a priority this year to act on comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. I am grateful to Leader Reid for his leadership on the cybersecurity debate.”

Feinstein, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, added, “The threat of a cyber attack is real, and it is growing. Congress must act soon to improve the government’s ability to share and receive information on cyber attacks and threats with the private sector.”

“Our national and economic security depend on robust information sharing, and I look forward to working with my colleagues again this Congress to develop strong incentives for this practice, coupled with the needed privacy protections.”

teedubya 01-26-2013 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief (Post 9352063)
BTW BRC predicted this in DC earlier today.


Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:37 AM

These guys just need to release an Obama Doc. and pen the Declaration of Independence II.

The people will take care of the rest.

teedubya 01-26-2013 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352070)
These guys just need to release an Obama Doc. and pen the Declaration of Independence II.

The people will take care of the rest.

Well it won't happen until you start making gifs and videos and shit. :-D

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:43 AM

It's a good thing I care more about the Chiefs than I do our shitty government, otherwise I'd probably be in jail for life.

SPchief 01-26-2013 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by teedubya (Post 9352068)
I'm not sure if Anonymous is even who they say they are... IMO, they very well could be a CIA black ops used to trap "hacktivists"...

I'm leaning this way "knowing" BRC based on what he's provided us over the years

Originally Posted by teedubya (Post 9352069)
here you go

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 03:48 AM

TimeForWasp 01-26-2013 04:10 AM

Scary shit. Don't download shit !

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 04:16 AM

Thinking about this for awhile...I would bet the gubment set this up as a trap. Anyone who downloads one of those files or edits the website in any way will be investigated surreptitiously.

TimeForWasp 01-26-2013 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352077)
Thinking about this for awhile...I would bet the gubment set this up as a trap. Anyone who downloads one of those files or edits the website in any way will be investigated surreptitiously.

exactly what I was thinking. They may be even watching this thread because we are discussing it at all.

zigbazah 01-26-2013 04:24 AM

yeah, don't touch those files with a ten foot pole.

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Touchdown Kansas City !!! (Post 9352078)
exactly what I was thinking. They may be even watching this thread because we are discussing it at all.

After our victory over a powerful sports dictator we are now being watched.

Dunerdr 01-26-2013 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352081)
After our victory over a powerful sports dictator we are now being watched.

This thread is crazy but that, that is funny stuff!

CoMoChief 01-26-2013 05:13 AM

Well the only thing bad about this is that they're going to run through some internet cyber security bill that allows the govt to shut down the internet whenever they want.

htismaqe 01-26-2013 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by CoMoChief (Post 9352084)
Well the only thing bad about this is that they're going to run through some internet cyber security bill that allows the govt to shut down the internet whenever they want.

Nah, that's what they have net neutrality for. Much more subtle, much more sinister.

Mr. Flopnuts 01-26-2013 07:29 AM

Website is down.

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 07:49 AM


kstater 01-26-2013 07:50 AM

There are dumbasses in this world, Anonymous be thy name.

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 07:58 AM

Anonymous Hacks U.S. Government Site, Threatens Supreme 'Warheads'
Anonymous Hacks U.S. Government Site, Threatens Supreme 'Warheads'

Chris Taylor
5 hours ago

The hacktivist group Anonymous hacked the US federal sentencing website early Saturday, using the page to make a brazen and boisterous declaration of "war" on the U.S. government.

The group claims mysterious code-based "warheads", named for each of the Supreme Court Justices, are about to be deployed.

As of midnight Pacific time, the front page of — the Federal agency that establishes sentencing policies and practices for the Federal courts — is filled with a long screed in green on black, together with this YouTube video:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

All areas of other than the front page appear to be functioning normally. In other words, there's no denial of service attack or widespread vandalism. (Update, an hour later: it's getting a little slow and has all the hallmarks of a DDoS.)

At the bottom of the page is a series of nine files, mirrored three times. Each file is named for a current U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

The statement opens with a lament for Aaron Swartz, the Reddit programmer and Internet activist who committed suicide earlier this month. Promising revenge for his treatment at the hands of a federal prosecutor, the screed veers into some of the most inflammatory — dare we say hyperbolic — language we've seen on a simple front page hack.

The group talks of planting "multiple warheads" on "compromised systems" on various unnamed websites, and encourages members to download a given file from that is "primed, armed and quietly distributed to numerous mirrors." It has given the warhead "launch" the name of "Operation Last Resort," the text said:

There has been a lot of fuss recently in the technological media regarding such operations as Red October, the widespread use of vulnerable browsers and the availability of zero-day exploits for these browsers and their plugins. None of this comes of course as any surprise to us, but it is perhaps good that those within the information security industry are making the extent of these threats more widely understood.

Still there is nothing quite as educational as a well-conducted demonstration...

Through this websites and various others that will remain unnamed, we have been conducting our own infiltration. We did not restrict ourselves like the FBI to one high-profile compromise. We are far more ambitious, and far more capable. Over the last two weeks we have wound down this operation, removed all traces of leakware from the compromised systems, and taken down the injection apparatus used to detect and exploit vulnerable machines.

We have enough fissile material for multiple warheads. Today we are launching the first of these. Operation Last Resort has begun...

Here's the list of files the group is encouraging its followers to download:

What's in the files, and does it have anything to do with the recent "Red October" series of security breaches, thought to be prevalent in China and Russia? Anonymous plays coy:

The contents are various and we won't ruin the speculation by revealing them. Suffice it to say, everyone has secrets, and some things are not meant to be public. At a regular interval commencing today, we will choose one media outlet and supply them with heavily redacted partial contents of the file. Any media outlets wishing to be eligible for this program must include within their reporting a means of secure communications.

We have not taken this action lightly, nor without consideration of the possible consequences. Should we be forced to reveal the trigger-key to this warhead, we understand that there will be collateral damage. We appreciate that many who work within the justice system believe in those principles that it has lost, corrupted, or abandoned, that they do not bear the full responsibility for the damages caused by their occupation.

It is our hope that this warhead need never be detonated.

What "collateral damage" is the hacktivist group talking about — and is there anything to their threats? We're continuing to update this story, but give us your take in the comments.

Mr. Flopnuts 01-26-2013 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9352049)
That might redefine ballsy.

If the people behind this get caught they're probably going to be tried for cyberterrorism.

This also makes me want to put all of my money in my mattress.

Holy ****. I just watched the video. This is nothing short of a declaration of war. And these guys aren't ****ing around. Shit just got realer than real.

Hammock Parties 01-26-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts (Post 9352177)
Holy ****. I just watched the video. This is nothing short of a declaration of war. And these guys aren't ****ing around. Shit just got realer than real.

This is basically a small scale cyber civil war.

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by kstater (Post 9352167)
There are dumbasses in this world, Anonymous be thy name.

Rausch 01-26-2013 08:15 AM

Makes me wonder just how many of the old silos in the Kansas/Missouri area are still active...

the Talking Can 01-26-2013 08:31 AM

these guys make militia wannabes look like pussies....

Saulbadguy 01-26-2013 08:38 AM


Ace Gunner 01-26-2013 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352060)
What they did to Swartz was pretty BS:

this is our "new & better america" at work.

Marty Mac Ver 2.0 01-26-2013 08:43 AM

Ha ha ha ha


Originally Posted by GoWalrus (Post 9352081)
After our victory over a powerful sports dictator we are now being watched.

seamonster 01-26-2013 08:51 AM

Cyber terrorist bully pieces of sht. That dork took the cowardly way out and probably deserved the litigation coming his way. And it's not like the new anonymous people are hacking anything substantial, like the iranian guy that exploited the CA's in the netherlands. They just go after vulnerable networks associated with donkey members of the government and then post ridiculous attention whore videos.

Marty Mac Ver 2.0 01-26-2013 08:55 AM

Wrong. This country engages in selective prosecution and the 50-years in jail he was facing is beyond extreme and beyond excessive.

notorious 01-26-2013 08:56 AM


notorious 01-26-2013 09:06 AM

I must be an internet dumbass, but why do they call it "fissile material" when it doesn't have anything to do with nuclear material?

Is that just some internet slang?

Bob Dole 01-26-2013 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 9352239)
I must be an internet dumbass, but why do they call it "fissile material" when it doesn't have anything to do with nuclear material?

Is that just some internet slang?

Because the information released could sustain a chain reaction that topples the government?

stonedstooge 01-26-2013 09:09 AM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by stonedstooge (Post 9352249)
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

seamonster 01-26-2013 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Marty Mac Ver 2.0 (Post 9352230)
Wrong. This country engages in selective prosecution and the 50-years in jail he was facing is beyond extreme and beyond excessive.

Newsflash...All that pirated software, the mp3's, and the research papers this clown hoarded cost money and nobody f'ing works for free, cluding shwartz. I have no sympathy for dicks that abuse the system so they can steal from other peoples work and take food off their table, and I despise online bullies even more.

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by seamonster (Post 9352257)
Newsflash...All that pirated software, the mp3's, and the research papers this clown hoarded cost money and nobody f'ing works for free, cluding shwartz. I have no sympathy for dicks that abuse the system so they can steal from other peoples work and take food off their table, and I despise online bullies even more.


stonedstooge 01-26-2013 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by AussieChiefsFan (Post 9352253)

Many don't venture into DC

AussieChiefsFan 01-26-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by stonedstooge (Post 9352268)
Many don't venture into DC

Fair enough.

notorious 01-26-2013 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 9352246)
Because the information released could sustain a chain reaction that topples the government?

Internet slang, then.

This reminds me of the ending to Escape from LA.

Bob Dole 01-26-2013 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 9352272)
Internet slang, then.

Not aware of it being internet slang. It is definitely hyperbole, though.

petegz28 01-26-2013 09:24 AM

This calls for a Dennis Leary cameo..

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Chief Roundup 01-26-2013 09:28 AM

Ok so they are pissed. What are they going to do? Shut down a federal website?

ChiefRocka 01-26-2013 09:29 AM

Would be pretty awesome if congress bank accounts were zeroized!!

petegz28 01-26-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Roundup (Post 9352311)
Ok so they are pissed. What are they going to do? Shut down a federal website?

Leak a ton of info our Fed Gov doesn't want leaked???? :hmmm:

seamonster 01-26-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by AussieChiefsFan (Post 9352259)

Can't blame somebody for this. It's always easier to hide behind cute emoicon bullshit than to actually engage in a discussion on intellectual property and proprietary software. Personally I've written scripts that leverage big boy programming languages and the shit ain't easy, and I have no patience for morbidly obese fat jerk offs that think they can just own everything for free because it's online.

notorious 01-26-2013 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 9352324)
Leak a ton of info our Fed Gov doesn't want leaked???? :hmmm:

Fox Mulder is furiously masterbating right now.

DaFace 01-26-2013 09:41 AM

Well, this could be interesting.

notorious 01-26-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by petegz28 (Post 9352324)
Leak a ton of info our Fed Gov doesn't want leaked???? :hmmm:

It makes a person wonder,"If something is so important that it needs to be kept secret, why the **** is it connected to the outside world?"


Bob Dole 01-26-2013 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by seamonster (Post 9352334)
Can't blame somebody for this. It's always easier to hide behind cute emoicon bullshit than to actually engage in a discussion on intellectual property and proprietary software. Personally I've written scripts that leverage big boy programming languages and the shit ain't easy, and I have no patience for morbidly obese fat jerk offs that think they can just own everything for free because it's online.

You really are illustrating that you're clueless.

He was being prosecuted by the feds, when JSTOR claimed they suffered no loss, and asked the feds NOT to pursue prosecution.

htismaqe 01-26-2013 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 9352360)
He was being prosecuted by the feds, when JSTOR claimed they suffered no loss, and asked the feds NOT to pursue prosecution.


Government bullying at it's finest.

pr_capone 01-26-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by seamonster (Post 9352334)
Can't blame somebody for this. It's always easier to hide behind cute emoicon bullshit than to actually engage in a discussion on intellectual property and proprietary software. Personally I've written scripts that leverage big boy programming languages and the shit ain't easy, and I have no patience for morbidly obese fat jerk offs that think they can just own everything for free because it's online.

First... dude was skinny.

Also... learn about what is going on before you start spewing bullshit. The case against him was because he downloaded a ton of info from JSTOR... stuff he had legal access to.

"MIT gave campus visitors unbridled access to its wireless network and JSTOR. The case against Swartz was not that he wasn't authorized to download academic articles but that he downloaded them too quickly, in violation of JSTOR's policies.

Although Swartz made peace with JSTOR and didn't distribute the downloaded articles, prosecutors went after him anyway, filing charges that could have resulted in a 35-year prison term and a $1-million fine. His family says the feds' intimidation — prosecutors reportedly insisted that Swartz go to prison as part of any plea deal — was a key factor in his suicide. (Another factor, friends say, was the depression he'd suffered from since he was a teen.)"

KCrockaholic 01-26-2013 09:54 AM

So I don't understand anything outside of football, so what does this "warhead"thing mean? Or what is it stemming from?

mcaj22 01-26-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by seamonster (Post 9352334)
Can't blame somebody for this. It's always easier to hide behind cute emoicon bullshit than to actually engage in a discussion on intellectual property and proprietary software. Personally I've written scripts that leverage big boy programming languages and the shit ain't easy, and I have no patience for morbidly obese fat jerk offs that think they can just own everything for free because it's online.

there's a 99 percent chance your stupid ass uses some sort of project Schwartz has either written or been involved in in his young short career. So you need to shut up and educate yourself.

Sannyasi 01-26-2013 10:05 AM

Anonymous is better at making a dramatic video than they are at anything else. What has this group actually done that makes anyone take them seriously?

Titty Meat 01-26-2013 10:12 AM

Feinstein to introduce bill banning assault computers

Rasputin 01-26-2013 10:17 AM

Anonymous sounds like a Draftebater.

pr_capone 01-26-2013 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 9352394)
Anonymous sounds like a Draftebater.

draftabulator (if you are referring to Wendy)

Rasputin 01-26-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 9352404)
draftabulator (if you are referring to Wendy)

Yes thank you. Draftabulator I was referring it to the Wendy meets a Draftabulator.

'Hamas' Jenkins 01-26-2013 10:43 AM

"The fissile material" does not allude to real warheads, nor do they have missile codes. It's rhetoric.

houstonwhodat 01-26-2013 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins (Post 9352049)
That might redefine ballsy.

If the people behind this get caught they're probably going to be tried for cyberterrorism.

This also makes me want to put all of my money in my mattress.

See "fire sale"

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