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NewChief 03-15-2013 11:56 AM

A good friend's new miniseries: Rectify
One of the writers of this show is a good friend of mine. Check it out when it airs.


Original programs like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and The Walking Dead are among AMC Networks’ success stories on its namesake channel — and now the company is beginning to branch out, bringing scripted originals to its Sundance Channel as well. The two-part miniseries Restless, starring Downton Abbey‘s Michelle Dockery, premiered on the Sundance Channel last December; Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake will bow in March.
Next on the list: Rectify, a six-episode series created by Oscar-winning filmmaker Ray McKinnon and produced by Mark Johnson and Melissa Bernstein — the celebrated team behind Breaking Bad. The story follows Daniel Holden (Aden Young), an alleged murderer who finds himself exonerated and released from prison after 19 years on death row.
“You’ll often see somebody who gets out of prison, exonerated or not, and somebody will say, ‘What do you want to do now?’ And he’ll say, ‘I want a steak dinner and to go see my mother. What Ray said [to me] is, ‘I want to know what happens the next day,’” Johnson said in a phone interview, explaining what drew him to the series. “The character [Daniel] in many ways is sort of like Chauncey Gardiner, or even Forrest Gump,” he continued. “He’s a little bit of this manchild — not because he’s in any way impaired. The world that he’s now in is completely new to him.”
And Daniel, of course, is only part of the puzzle. “What fascinated me is not so much what happens with him, but what happens with everybody around him,” Johnson said. Get a taste of how the ex-con’s release affects his friends, family, and neighbors in this exclusive Rectify trailer:

One thing you shouldn’t expect to see in Sundance’s upcoming show? Similarities to Breaking Bad — even though the two series share a producing team. “Breaking Bad is about as unique a show as there possibly can be, which is one of the things I’m so hugely proud of,” Johnson told EW, saying that the two aren’t really alike “thematically or even stylistically.” Then again, there is one thing they share: “I think if you were going to go in and pitch either one of those to a studio executive at a movie studio,” he said, “you’d probably get thrown out the door.” Viva cable!
There's a trailer at the link, but I can't embed.

Red Brooklyn 03-15-2013 12:19 PM

Interesting. I'll check it out.

NewChief 03-15-2013 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Red Brooklyn (Post 9502106)
Interesting. I'll check it out.

I have high hopes. He's a great writer and has been responsible for a few different cool projects (and one not so cool one that's the shame of his career). He's also acting in it.

MagicHef 03-15-2013 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9502171)
I have high hopes. He's a great writer and has been responsible for a few different cool projects (and one not so cool one that's the shame of his career). He's also acting in it.

Jersey Shore?

NewChief 03-15-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9502246)
Jersey Shore?

Worse. He cowrote The Love Guru with Mike Myers.

NewChief 03-15-2013 01:50 PM

But in positive things, he also did the Dwight D. Honeycutt for Conway School Board video:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And the Spanola Pepper Sauce short:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That's his humor, he does more literary shit as well.

Red Brooklyn 03-16-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9502171)
I have high hopes. He's a great writer and has been responsible for a few different cool projects (and one not so cool one that's the shame of his career). He's also acting in it.

The trailer looks promising. Cool that there's an element of mystery but it seems to have a character driven spine, which is exactly my cup of tea.

Baby Lee 03-16-2013 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9502171)
I have high hopes. He's a great writer and has been responsible for a few different cool projects (and one not so cool one that's the shame of his career). He's also acting in it.

Nice contingent of Deadwood alumni. And who can lose with Hal Holbrook?

KurtCobain 03-16-2013 11:40 AM

I thoroughly enjoyed the love guru.

NewChief 03-16-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by something cooler (Post 9505642)
I thoroughly enjoyed the love guru.

I'll let him know. Hah.

He was living in NYC, working as a PA and writing partner with Michael Myers at the time. After the movie flopped, he moved out to a small farm on the Buffalo River here in Arkansas for quite a while to recover and find himself a bit. Now he's back in the game.

KurtCobain 03-16-2013 11:57 AM

I really wasn't being sarcastic either, I even own it. A buddy and I just rewatched it a couple of months ago and were busting up laughing the whole time.

I've noticed a lot that just because a movie flops, doesn't mean it's not pretty ****ing hilarious.

Bump 03-16-2013 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9502256)
Worse. He cowrote The Love Guru with Mike Myers.

lol, I think anybody that was involved in the love guru should be banned from making anything else, ever. I might of checked out this series before, but now that I know he cowrote the love guru, nope.

NewChief 04-18-2013 08:04 AM

Getting excellent reviews.


Sundance Channel’s ‘Rectify’ Is the Best New Show of 2013
by Jace Lacob Apr 17, 2013 4:45 AM EDT
Sundance Channel’s ‘Rectify,’ which begins on Monday, is a weighty meditation on crime, punishment, beauty, and solitude. It is also insanely riveting television, says Jace Lacob.

Sundance Channel, the indie-centric network that is closely aligned with corporate sibling AMC, is quickly ascending to a place of prominence in an increasingly fragmented television landscape. For the longest time, the network was identifiable as the home of independent films, repeats of Lisa Kudrow’s short-lived HBO mockumentary The Comeback, and some forgettable reality fare. It lacked a cohesive programming identity and existed within the same hazy hinterlands as IFC.

Adelaide Clemens as Tawney and Aden Young as Daniel in Sundance Channel's Rectify. (Sundance Channel)

But in the last year, Sundance Channel has found itself in the white-hot spotlight normally reserved for AMC—home of Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead—thanks to a slew of high-profile and critically acclaimed shows, like the gripping paraplegic unscripted series Push Girls, Jane Campion’s haunting mystery drama Top of the Lake, and now Rectify, a six-episode drama that begins Monday.

The network’s first wholly owned original series, Rectify, created by Ray McKinnon, is exactly the type of show that would have once aired on AMC. (Ironically enough, it was originally developed for the channel.) It’s a breathtaking work of immense beauty and a thought-provoking meditation on the nature of crime and punishment, of identity and solitude, of guilt and absolution. It is, quite simply, the best new show of 2013.

Sentenced to die for the rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl, Daniel Holden (Aden Young) is released from prison after 19 years, when his original sentence is vacated, due to new DNA evidence that was overlooked at the time of his original trial. Thanks to the persistence of his headstrong sister, Amantha (a perfectly flinty Abigail Spencer), and his lawyer, Jon Stern (Luke Kirby), Daniel returns home to his mother (True Blood’s J. Smith-Cameron) and to a world he hasn’t seen since he was a teenager. In the small town of Paulie, Georgia, Daniel must rediscover a life forgotten and distant, while outside forces look to demonize him and swing the executioner’s axe once more.

With Rectify, McKinnon creates a world of light and darkness, and of heaven and hell, one that exerts a powerful gravity from which it is impossible to escape.
I watched the six-episode first season of Rectify with the sort of rapt attention one usually reserves for high-end television dramas these days, but with one distinct difference. Like Top of the Lake before it, I watched Rectify in two sittings, eagerly speeding through these six episodes with almost beatific devotion. I don’t want to call that “binge watching,” because binge has a rather negative connotation (it implies that you should, perhaps, feel guilt for overindulging). Instead, I see it as “holistic viewing,” attempting to judge the work on its complete form, rather than on just its individual parts.

In either case, however, Rectify embraces a gritty independent cinema feel, delivering installments (and a larger whole) that is both transcendent and weighty, and able to be enjoyed and felt on multiple levels. The twin overarching plots—Did Daniel commit this heinous crime and, if not, who did? How does Daniel readjust to life outside prison?—are merely a gateway for exploring a host of substantive issues, ranging from morality and religious belief to issues of connection and isolation.

After a two-decade stint on death row, Daniel emerges to a world that he does not recognize, and which largely sees him as a figure of scorn and hatred or, at the very least, curiosity and suspicion. Young delivers a dazzling performance as Daniel, a man metaphorically untethered from time and space. Daniel often feels as though he is still in high school, rather than a man in his late 30s; Young imbues a scene of him in the bath, staring at his reflection and the unfamiliar lines on his face, with a sense of wonder and dread. A DVD player becomes an emblem of time’s swift passage; an ancient video game console (and Sonic the Hedgehog) a connection to his lost youth.

Within Rectify, time itself seems fluid and yielding, as the action ricochets between Daniel’s reawakening to sensations and his time on death row, best embodied in his friendship with a fellow death row convict, Kerwin, played with immense compassion by Johnny Ray Gill. Here, in a virtual no-man’s land, Daniel finds himself trapped between an angel and devil, a sort of cinder block purgatory where, condemned to death, he awaits the final verdict. On the outside, Daniel finds himself adrift, and despite the well-meaning intentions of his family, he wanders, lost, in a vast wilderness. His saintly sister-in-law, Tawney (Adelaide Clemens, who could easily be a long-lost sibling of Michelle Williams and Carey Mulligan), offers Daniel a tether, seeing her faith as a way of saving his soul.

Daniel himself seems to exist outside or above human emotion, exhibiting a sort of Zen calm that is at odds with his situation. Young speaks in a deliberately slow, languid style—one that echoes the show itself—as if he is relearning human language word by word. But despite the morose overtones, the show thrives in its depiction of beauty, which it finds in the natural world and in the unexpected connections between people. A grove of trees becomes something profound, a sunrise something majestic, an embrace an electric current. Everything Daniel encounters—including himself—is a puzzle to be solved.

Despite the intensity of the townspeople’s gaze and the palpable heat of their hatred, Young’s Daniel retains a sense of wonder about the world around him as he rediscovers what it means to be human. Daniel’s release from prison creates ripples throughout Paulie, and his presence has unforeseen consequences for all of his family’s members. Rifts form where there were none; the marriage between Daniel’s thorny stepbrother, Ted Jr. (Clayne Crawford), and Tawney suddenly splintering under scrutiny. And when Ted Jr. trains his rancor onto Daniel, the results are startling.

Rectify deftly walks a wire-thin tightrope when it comes to Daniel’s guilt or innocence. What happened the night of Hannah’s murder remains a tantalizing mystery, one with clues sprinkled throughout the six episodes. While Daniel attempts to come to terms with his hard-earned freedom, others—including a venal state senator (Michael O'Neill) and a lazy sheriff (J.D. Evermore)—look to pin the blame for Hannah’s rape and murder back on him, while some in this sleepy town might prefer to take their own brand of justice against Daniel.

Deberg_1990 04-18-2013 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9502256)
Worse. He cowrote The Love Guru with Mike Myers.

Ive learned that just because a movie or TV show flops, there is almost always an audience for it somewhere.

It had a few moments, and wasnt as bad as they made it out to be when i saw it.

This new series sounds intriguing.....ill give it a shot. thanks.

NewChief 04-18-2013 11:19 AM

Damien Echols (West Memphis 3) writes a nice review of the show. Powerful, since he lived the experience the show deals with.

Returned From the Land of the Dead
Posted: 04/18/2013 9:00 am
Death Penalty , West Memphis Three , Death Row , Rectify , Rectify Review , Rectify Sundance Channel , West Memphis 3 , Wrongful Conviction , TV News

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First, I should probably say that I'm not a big fan of prison shows. Or cop shows. Or lawyer shows. Or courtroom drama shows of any sort. I guess that's one of the side effects of being sentenced to death for a crime I didn't commit. In 1993 I was unfortunate enough to see what the inside of the American judicial machine is truly like when I was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for three counts of capital murder. One thing I learned is that almost everything you see on television shows is complete and absolute fiction. Perry Mason is no mote realistic than Superman. So when I was first asked to watch a new show called Rectify, I was wary.

Rectify is the story of a man who was sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit, and spent 19 years on death row before getting out. Much like in my own real life case, the local politicians refuse to admit he's innocent even after DNA testing points towards someone else. In fact, there was so much about this show that mirrored my own life I began to wonder how much of my story had crept into the script.

The writer of the show, Ray McKinnon, was somewhat familiar with my case. His late wife, Lisa Blount was a friend of mine. She and I exchanged letters while I was on death row in Arkansas, and she even sang at a concert in Arkansas, along with Eddie Vedder, Patti Smith, and Johnny Depp, to help raise awareness about my plight.

I heard that McKinnon also did research into the cases of other men who had been on death row and had been released or exonerated. It paid off. I can tell you from first hand experience that Rectify is a very realistic show.

The main character is a man named Daniel. When you look at his eyes, you're looking into the eyes of a man who has seen Hell. There are moments when he looks like he's about to begin screaming at any second, and never stop. The first time you see this is in episode one, when he's about to leave the prison. The guard is treating him like a human being, and it's evident this hasn't happened in an extremely long time. You see the confusion on his face as he wrestles with suddenly being treated decently by the same people who have treated him like an animal for years. He can't quite process it. I know that look well. As he's about to leave the prison, the guard helps him tie his necktie, as he can no longer remember how to do it himself.

It reminded me of my very last day in prison, as I was dressing to leave. I was putting on real clothes for the first time in nearly 20 years, as were the two other men being released -- Jason Baldwin and Jessie Miskelley. I looked over to see one of the guards tying Jessie's tie. He was doing it gently, as if he wanted Jessie to look good on his first day of freedom. It was odd, thinking back on how I'd been beaten, starved, and treated as something sub-human by prison guards for years. Most people have nothing in their frame of reference that would allow them to understand what an impact that has on a person's psyche -- but somehow McKinnon manages to capture it.

Another thing McKinnon captures is the shock and trauma of someone just released after nearly 20 years on death row. The main character falls asleep on the ride home from the prison, and then falls asleep again as his sister drives him around to see how the town has changed. When I first walked off of death row I was so deeply in shock and traumatized that for nearly three months I couldn't watch a movie, a television show, read a book, or take a car ride without falling into a deep, dark sleep that didn't seem to refresh me much when I awakened. All I wanted to do was go out and walk the streets of New York City at all hours of the day and night. I would walk until I was so exhausted I'd stumble over my own feet like a drunk -- and I was drunk. I was drunk on the river of human energy that flowed all around me, over me, and through me. The human interaction and energy I'd been starved of for almost 20 years.

One other thing McKinnon manages to capture is the wonder a man experiences once he's returned from the land of the dead. The main character walks through a convenience store, staring at the hot dog rack like it's a minor miracle. And to him, it is. For me, it was Chinatown. I would walk up and down the streets of Chinatown staring at all the flotsam and jetsam being sold on the side walks in awe. They were the most beautiful things I'd ever seen -- colors, shapes, smells -- I couldn't get enough of it. I could stare for hours at the pigeons everyone else seemed to find revolting. Everything was amazing to me. Everything. I would lie on our balcony in the rain, staring at this beautiful beast of a city that I had fallen head over heels in love with. I would look at the skyline of Manhattan and be so overwhelmed with the monstrous beauty that I wanted to sob and kiss the filthy sidewalks. McKinnon manages to catch something of that energy.

One last thing he manages to convey is how flawed the justice system is, and how skewed our belief in it tends to be. Law enforcement and politicians in the show say that despite what DNA testing shows, the lead character would not have confessed if he weren't guilty. That greatly mirrors the sentiments I've heard in the outside world. The reality is that anyone can be so worn down that they'll eventually confess to anything, no matter how strong they believe themselves to be. And it happens all the time -- from people who are killed after confessing to practicing witchcraft, to people sentenced to lethal injection even though the crime scene bears no resemblance to the confession tortured out of them.

All in all, I'd say Rectify is a powerful and realistic show which more than holds the viewer's attention. But will I be watching it in the future? No, because it's all a rerun to me.

mnchiefsguy 04-18-2013 11:40 AM

When does this air?

NewChief 04-18-2013 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 9599465)
When does this air?

9:00 PM ET Monday, April 29 Sexual Peeling
10:00 PM ET Monday, April 29 Modern Times
1:00 AM ET Tuesday, April 30 Modern Times
9:00 PM ET Thursday, May 2 Modern Times
7:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Always There
8:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Sexual Peeling
9:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Modern Times
10:00 PM ET Monday, May 6 Plato's Cave
1:00 AM ET Tuesday, May 7 Plato's Cave
9:00 PM ET Thursday, May 9 Plato's Cave

Really weird schedule, as they're showing the second episode 3 times and the third episode only once. Not sure what's up with that.

mnchiefsguy 04-18-2013 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9599773)
9:00 PM ET Monday, April 29 Sexual Peeling
10:00 PM ET Monday, April 29 Modern Times
1:00 AM ET Tuesday, April 30 Modern Times
9:00 PM ET Thursday, May 2 Modern Times
7:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Always There
8:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Sexual Peeling
9:00 PM ET Sunday, May 5 Modern Times
10:00 PM ET Monday, May 6 Plato's Cave
1:00 AM ET Tuesday, May 7 Plato's Cave
9:00 PM ET Thursday, May 9 Plato's Cave

Really weird schedule, as they're showing the second episode 3 times and the third episode only once. Not sure what's up with that.

Cool. Will set my DVR and check it out. Thanks!

big nasty kcnut 04-18-2013 06:20 PM

He also wrote my dog skip not bad.

Jenson71 04-18-2013 06:33 PM

Was really hoping for a Love Guru miniseries. Think I'll pass on this one.

NewChief 04-18-2013 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut (Post 9600787)
He also wrote my dog skip not bad.

He actually only acted in that, not wrote.

Deberg_1990 04-18-2013 08:50 PM

Ray McKinnon is your friend NewChief? He was excellent in Sons of Anarchy and pretty much anything else I've seen him in.

NewChief 04-18-2013 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 9601366)
Ray McKinnon is your friend NewChief? He was excellent in Sons of Anarchy and pretty much anything else I've seen him in.

No. Graham Gordy is my friend. He's a cowriter on the show. Graham also has the pilot for Quarry coming out soon which is possibly even a bigger deal.

Thig Lyfe 04-18-2013 09:14 PM

I was hoping it would be Trent Green.

NewChief 04-18-2013 09:15 PM

Here is write up on Quarry (pilot is filming in KC).

Someone actually started a thread about it, but I'll cross post to this one.

Deberg_1990 04-18-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9601449)
Here is write up on Quarry (pilot is filming in KC).

Someone actually started a thread about it, but I'll cross post to this one.

Nice, that sounds solid too. Just watched the trailer for Rectify. Looks excellent.

NewChief 04-18-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 9601481)
Nice, that sounds solid too. Just watched the trailer for Rectify. Looks excellent.

Graham is interesting. His most commercially successful stuff has been humor, but his real love is in more literary drama in the vein of Breaking Bad. His original breakthrough was an off broadway play script that was pretty artistic, then somehow he got into the world of Love Guru. I have mixed feelings. I'm happy as hell for him, but we aren't getting together for some of our usual gatherings (concerts) because he's busy as hell and spending lots of time in LA.

NewChief 04-22-2013 09:12 AM

Premier is tonight on Sundance at 9pm EST.

Buehler445 04-22-2013 12:21 PM

I wish I had Sundance.

morphius 04-23-2013 11:35 AM

Made it through the first half last night. A little odd, but intriguing. Would have watched the rest but needed some sleep.

NewChief 04-23-2013 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by morphius (Post 9616917)
Made it through the first half last night. A little odd, but intriguing. Would have watched the rest but needed some sleep.

I'm going to try to find it online tonight, since I don't have Sundance.

NewChief 04-23-2013 01:48 PM

Can stream premiere here:

morphius 04-23-2013 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 9617057)
I'm going to try to find it online tonight, since I don't have Sundance.

I DVR'd it, and finished it tonight. I was wondering how they were going to do a show just about a guy getting out of prison and living in a smaller town, but knowing that the authorities still think he is guilty adds that extra layer to the story. Slow, and a bit too many compromising position scenes, but could get pretty interesting.

Dr. Gigglepants 04-25-2013 07:57 AM

Slow going so far, but pretty good. It will be interesting to see how it goes when they try to prosecute him again. It's a little disappointing that they removed all doubt of his innocence in the first episode. Now, maybe that will make the audience even more engaged, since it will seem very unjust, but if there was a little doubt in my mind it might have made it more interesting. Will definitely keep watching to see where it goes from here.
Posted via Mobile Device

NewChief 05-01-2013 04:11 PM

This show got picked up for another season, in case you were afraid of committing to a shortlived show.

It's also airing on AMC immediately after Mad Men on Sunday nights (temporarily) for those who don't have Sundance.

I still haven't seen the damned thing, though. :cuss:

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