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MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:05 PM

I can't be what I'm not.
1 Attachment(s)
Some people are jocks. Some people are preps. Some people are sluts. Some people are popular. Some people are all of the above, or a combination of one or more.

Some people are nerds.

I am a nerd.

Nerds don't go to parties. Those other people do.

I'm not those other people. I don't do what they do.

After covering my basketball games (which put the evening at 7pm) I went to the library and got on the computer until it closed at 8. Then I went to a mexican restaurant and ate dinner. It was then 9 pm. I was led to believe the party was starting at 9:30 or 10 pm. I drove over to her house and parked in a nearby lot. I waited. I felt sick. I went to the university center, and looked in the mirror. I looked like a nerd. I went back to the parking lot, ended up circling the house five times and parking again each time.

The last attempt I actually got out of the car. Guys I was so scared my entire body was screaming for me to get back in the car where it was safe. I got in there and left, and tried not to turn my head to look at that apartment building and the people outside it as I passed it.

Two songs played in the car as I began that trip home. Joe Walsh's "Life's been good to me" and AC/DC's "Hell's Bell's." Those are two of my favorite songs, and they are never played on the radio.

Those were my mp3s, calling me home.

I had a good cry on the way home, but I'm here now, where I belong. With you guys, my geforce 4 and no one else.

To thine own self be true. :thumb:

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:09 PM

So what happened nobody was at the party or you just couldn't bring yourself to go?

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:10 PM

I could not bring myself to go.

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:11 PM

Nerds have social lives. Nerds meet women. Nerds go to parties. Nerds get laid.

You need group therapy or something. You won't find THAT here.

I'm sorry you missed the party. Actually, it's still not too late. If a party starts at 9ish, people show up throughout the night unless it is a formal occassion celebrating something.

If it's just an informal party, you can arrive all the way up to 1:00 AM. I think you need to sack up and go. If you have the balls to pour your heart into posts on here every night in front of hundreds of people, you can go to a party with a few of your co-workers and fellow students. You were invited. You can't be as big a nerd as you believe.

When the boss invites you to a party, you go.

Average_Assclown 01-18-2003 11:13 PM

If you get drunk, and the girl gets drunk, your chances of getting laid increase by about 75%. It's be proven scientifically, or something.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:13 PM

It takes me an hour to drive over there. fuck that. I already wasted three fucking hours tonight and have shit to show for it. I could have been playing with my new video card tonight instead.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:14 PM

The worst part of this is I ran into our photographer at the game and I asked her when it started. She then asked me if I was coming and I said "maybe."

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:14 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I could have been playing with my new video card tonight instead.
Speaking of wasting time.

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:15 PM

You're doing this to yourself. Just because you see yourself as a nerd doesn't mean everyone else will. How do you think people would act towards you if you would have went inside?

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:15 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
The worst part of this is I ran into our photographer at the game and I asked her when it started. She then asked me if I was coming and I said "maybe."
Well, if you don't show up, you're really screwed. It isn't like you're going to a party where you don't know anybody. Suck it up.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:16 PM

I don't know, but I would have felt extremely out of place and very stupid. I would have ended up bored and left after an agonizing hour of embarrassment.

It's very simple guys. I bet the people at the party never play with geforce 4's either. Someone has to.

DaWolf 01-18-2003 11:16 PM

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:17 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

Well, if you don't show up, you're really screwed. It isn't like you're going to a party where you don't know anybody. Suck it up.

Why am I screwed?

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:17 PM


Originally posted by DaWolf

DEAD on.

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:18 PM

Dude you gotta lighten up on yourself. I don't know you other than what I read here. But I think you owe it to yourself to come out of your shell. Life will get mighty lonely for you if you don't.

I am not saying you gotta go score on some chick or anything like that. I think you first need to learn how to interact with them. Talk to them. I am not sure of the whole episode here. But I think you were invited to a party by some Girl you are attracted to. Do you have other friends that were going to the party?

Man the guys on here will be ruthless to you. I hope for your sake you have a thick skin.

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:18 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
I would have ended up bored and left after an agonizing hour of embarrassment.
That's about 100x better than driving up to the door and hanging out in the car by yourself. Go. Get out of here.

CHIEF4EVER 01-18-2003 11:19 PM

Holy mackerel dude. Unless you have a humpback or hair on your palms you need to go to this party and GET LAID. Look at it this way.....if "Slick Willie" Clinton can get his cigar smoked, you have to be a shoo in. Cmon dude, grab your nads and go bearded clam hunting.

ROBHONDA <---- Wishes he was a hundred years younger.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:20 PM

Yes I have thick skin don't worry. I'm just stupid.....I thought I could change...why should I change? I am what I am.

It's not like I'm a complete hermit. I enjoy going to the bar for Chiefs games more than anything else, and I know all the guys there. I know how to interact with women, I do it every day at work.

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:20 PM


Originally posted by 2bikemike
I am not saying you gotta go score on some chick or anything like that. I think you first need to learn how to interact with them. Talk to them. I am not sure of the whole episode here. But I think you were invited to a party by some Girl you are attracted to.
That's EXACTLY what I had hoped would happen. Dude - you aren't going to score tonight, but you ARE going to gain a little confidence in your social capabilities.

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:20 PM

What's wrong with going up and saying hi to the people you know and introduce yourself to the people you don't know? Do you think you're the only one that might feel uncomfortable? As long as you don't act beligerant to people and be relatively polite people wouldn't see you as being a nerd.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:21 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

That's about 100x better than driving up to the door and hanging out in the car by yourself. Go. Get out of here.

No. I am where I should be. Where I have been every night for the past 11 years, for the most part.


MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:22 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

That's EXACTLY what I had hoped would happen. Dude - you aren't going to score tonight, but you ARE going to gain a little confidence in your social capabilities.

This isn't about scoring. This is about doing what I wanted to do, and I obviously didn't want to go to that party.

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:23 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
This isn't about scoring. This is about doing what I wanted to do, and I obviously didn't want to go to that party.
Stop lying to yourself. You WANTED to go. You just pussed out.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:24 PM

I wanted to go until I realized that I shouldn't go. I wasted three hours of my life tonight and I hate myself for it.

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:24 PM

You seem so down on yourself that I can't believe this is what you want. If your interact with these people at work you can do it at a party. Just be yourself. Not all guys are suave and smooth. You don't have to be. Get it out of your mind that you have to be something your not. Just be yourself and have fun. The rest will come naturally.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:26 PM

What the fuck was I supposed to talk with them about? Certainly not work. Sitting around making small talk and drinking beer (which I wouldn't have done) is not my idea of a good time. Nor is dancing.


PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:29 PM

gochiefs I live in Plano which is pretty close to Carrollton. If you want next time you get invited to one of these parties I'd be willing to go with you so you don't feel so awkward going by yourself. I could probably get you in a good position to score with this chick you like. I'm a pretty good wingman.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:31 PM

How old are you.

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:31 PM

Just strike up a conversation and look for common ground. How do you know that you won't find someone at the party with the same interests. How well do you know these people? You come on this BB and tell us things about this party. Deep down I think you want the interaction with some of these people from the party but are just too shy and afraid to do it. You really seem to beat yourself up over it.

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:32 PM

I just turned 26.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:32 PM


Originally posted by PunkinDrublic
I just turned 26.
You're a little old to be hanging out with college students....wouldn't work.

Phobia 01-18-2003 11:33 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
You're a little old to be hanging out with college students....wouldn't work.
Another cop-out.

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:34 PM

Not really my friends range from 19 all the way up to 26 and I go to college parties all the time.

DaWolf 01-18-2003 11:35 PM


Originally posted by PunkinDrublic
Not really my friends range from 19 all the way up to 26 and I go to college parties all the time.
Another reason why he's been disappointing his parents since 1976.


2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:35 PM

Really introduce him as your cousin from Dallas. Hell when I was 26 I looked 20 got carded all the way to 30. Now I never get carded:cuss:

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-18-2003 11:35 PM

Check out the poll results, pretty damn close to the truth:eek:

I for one consider myself a nerd. Guess what it doesn't matter.
There are alot of chicks out there who dig nerds. Thet get tired of the prettyboy, muscle bound boys. You can still be a nerd and score!


MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:36 PM

Well....we'll see. I'll let you know if I decide to make another attempt.

TopJet2 01-18-2003 11:38 PM

From one fellow nerd to another.........YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DONT YOU WILL END UP HATING YOURSELF FOR NOT INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE trust me on this I look back on the days where I too felt sick to my stomach when I met new people and I feel like I wasted most of my High School years being afraid of rejection. I mean do you know how much pooty I missed out on because I didnt get the nads up to go to such parties till my junior year. I kick myself in the ass at least once a week just for that reason. One other thing your not as weird as you think. I would be willing to guess you are overly critical of yourself and you will be the person that judges you the harshest so go have a good time and if they dont like u F##K THEM:thumb:

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:38 PM


Originally posted by theultimatekcchiefsfan
Check out the poll results, pretty damn close to the truth:eek:

I for one consider myself a nerd. Guess what it doesn't matter.
There are alot of chicks out there who dig nerds. Thet get tired of the prettyboy, muscle bound boys. You can still be a nerd and score!


Are you really a nerd? Do you own a pair of Boba Fett boots? Did you cry when Spock, Kirk and Data died? Do you own the soundtrack to every Star Trek movie? Do you ready science fiction novels? Do you own seven plastic lightsabers? Do you go to science fiction conventions? Do you have Jabba the Hutt sitting on top of your monitor, flanked by the Fetts?


Phobia 01-18-2003 11:38 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs
Well....we'll see. I'll let you know if I decide to make another attempt.
The next time you have a party to attend, your ID will be disabled during the time you're supposed to be there. We're all trying to help, believe it or not.

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:40 PM

Everybody feels uncomfortable in some social situations. If you continue to live in fear you're gonna have a lot of regrets.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:40 PM


Originally posted by pHoBiA

The next time you have a party to attend, your ID will be disabled during the time you're supposed to be there. We're all trying to help, believe it or not.

I know you are, and I appreciate it. I really tried tonight. I drove past that house intending to leave twice and turned back twice......

KcMizzou 01-18-2003 11:40 PM

Your problem is you see "them" as the cool people, and don't see yourself that way.

I gave that up when I left highschool, and went to Warrensburg. I was in the so called Honors dorm... and was surrounded by what you might call nerds. It was coed, which was cool.... but it only meant you had both male and female nerds. ;) In that enviroment I was the partier of the group. My buddy Matt and I'd run up and down the halls, bangin' on doors... tryin' to get those bastards to go down to Pine street with us.

Sad thing is... we partied alot, but neither of us came back the next year. It was easy to predict, and I'd change it if I could. BUT... I learned how to have fun. That's a pretty good thing to learn, if you wanna lead a happy life.

Once you get outta highschool.... there is no "cool" anymore. If people like you, great! If they don't? fuck 'em. Why should it matter to you? Get some balls and go out. Somethin' will happen.... you'll have a great time with the guys... get some good feedback from a girl... (god forbid) make out with some chick.... and then you'll be hooked. Star Wars and Chiefsplanet aint got chit on that. ;)

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:40 PM

Something you might try is to take small steps into the social life. For instance tonights party. Just stop by for a short period of time say an hour. In that hour make it a goal to talk to 2 or 3 people and then leave. People will stop inviting you if you never show up.

Stop beating yourself up. Quit saying your a nerd or that your stupid for wasting your time.

Ugly Duck 01-18-2003 11:42 PM

The bummer is..... there was a girl-nerd at that party. One that finally got the gutz to walk in or was dragged there by her friends. She just hung around the back of the room, not knowing how to make small talk and feeling uncomfortable. Wishing that some guy-nerd would show up and start talking to her. Someone just like her, someone that knows how it feels to be uncomfortable in a party situation. But you never showed up and she sat there alone.

You two will never hook up until you scope for for her like she's scoping for you. She's out there. Look for her - she needs you...

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-18-2003 11:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Dude why don't you pick up a chick on-line. I personally don't chat,
but I know plenty of people who have met chicks and scored through yahoo chat.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:42 PM

It's just very hard for me guys....I spend so many nights alone that it seems like that's the only way to do things. :sulk:

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:43 PM


Originally posted by theultimatekcchiefsfan
Dude why don't you pick up a chick on-line. I personally don't chat,
but I know plenty of people who have met chicks and scored through yahoo chat.

Uh, no.

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-18-2003 11:43 PM

Dude, how old are you?

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:44 PM


I will say this. If she lived a few blocks away I might have gone over there by now.

DaWolf 01-18-2003 11:44 PM

I mean, if the Shermanator can bang Nadia, anything can happen, right?

KcMizzou 01-18-2003 11:45 PM


Originally posted by 2bikemike
People will stop inviting you if you never show up.

very true

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:45 PM


Originally posted by DaWolf
I mean, if the Shermanator can bang Nadia, anything can happen, right?

That guy had a lean body and friends. Makes alot of difference.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:46 PM


Originally posted by KcMizzou

very true

This is the third party I've been invited to in two semesters.

htismaqe 01-18-2003 11:48 PM

My college roomate was a GEEK...stereotypical Jim Henson-looking, computer-programming NERD. The dude never left the house, spent all his time on his computer, and was always lamenting that he couldn't get chicks.

Well, then I met this chick while I was tripping on acid, she was WAYYYYYY too freaky for me, so introduced her to my roomate.

They dated for like 8 months and he got laid HUNDREDS of times. Not only that, but he never had problems going out and meeting girls after that.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:49 PM

Well at least he had a friend. I don't.

theultimatekcchiefsfan 01-18-2003 11:49 PM

Show up with your digital camera, take alot of photos (chicks like to be photographed) Tell everyone you will be posting the pictures on the web after the party for everyone who didn't show up to see what they missed. You'll call it "Girls and Guys gone wild 2003! Everyone will go out of their way to be on film. You'll be a smash!!:D

KcMizzou 01-18-2003 11:50 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs

This is the third party I've been invited to in two semesters.

well then get off your ass... stop feelin' sorry for yourself... and DO something.

I'm about ready to give up on ya. :shake: Maybe you'll meet a girl when you're 47, at a trekkie convention. :rolleyes:

htismaqe 01-18-2003 11:50 PM

Nothing like peer pressure, but I can't help but say:

Go out, drink a couple shots of JW black label and smoke some bud, dude. You need to lose your inhibitions in a SERIOUS way.

Hang loose, be yourself, and the chicks will COME TO YOU.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:51 PM


Originally posted by theultimatekcchiefsfan
Show up with your digital camera, take alot of photos (chicks like to be photographed) Tell everyone you will be posting the pictures on the web after the party for everyone who didn't show up to see what they missed. Everyone will go out of their way to be on film. You'll be a smash!!:D
I have nowhere near the level of balls needed to do something like that.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:52 PM

You know what else has contributed to f***ing me up? I used to be a Jehovah's Witness.

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:52 PM

I would be willing to bet in todays day and age that you have something in common with 90% of young people today and you don't even realize it. Computers you are into computers right? Aren't most young adults your age? Video games are another area. Music? Do you like music? I wish you the best of luck in climbing out of your shell. You can't relive your life so now is the time to enjoy life. Don't let the fear of rejection stop you in your tracks. Why did they invite you to this party if they didn't think you belonged.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:53 PM

They invited everyone to the party.......

Again, if it was two blocks away I would probably go. But it's not.....

PunkinDrublic 01-18-2003 11:53 PM

You're only young once do you want to spend that time being agoraphopic (hope I spelled that right). You gotta learn to not care so much what others are going to think. Anyway I gotta go but I'm serious next time you get invited to a party send me a smoke signal we'll meet up and I'll go to the party with you. Worst case scenerio is you end up hanging out with someone who shares a common interest in the Chiefs and Chiefs planet.

KcMizzou 01-18-2003 11:54 PM

Man.. honestly... I think you're full of shit. I don't think meeting a girl is even on your list of priorities. I think you're an attention whore. You'd much rather have people on a web-site pandering to you than actually experience anything real. I'm bored with it. :rolleyes:

Jeremy Bulloch 01-18-2003 11:54 PM

I know you don't have friends, gochiefs. May I call you gochiefs? Do you have a first name? Please call me Jeremy.

I used to be just like you until I went to a party. You'll do fine, chap. Your behaviour is not uncommon for youngsters such as yourself. I'd like for you to give yourself a little credit and move on to the next stage of your life.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:56 PM


Originally posted by KcMizzou
Man.. honestly... I think you're full of shit. I don't think meeting a girl is even on your list of priorities. I think you're an attention whore. You'd much rather have people on a web-site pandering to you than actually experience anything real. I'm bored with it. :rolleyes:
You're wrong.

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:57 PM


Originally posted by Jeremy Bulloch
I know you don't have friends, gochiefs. May I call you gochiefs? Do you have a first name? Please call me Jeremy.

I used to be just like you until I went to a party. You'll do fine, chap. Your behaviour is not uncommon for youngsters such as yourself. I'd like for you to give yourself a little credit and move on to the next stage of your life.

I highly doubt you are really the actor that played Boba Fett.

KcMizzou 01-18-2003 11:57 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs

You're wrong.

hope so

2bikemike 01-18-2003 11:57 PM

Dude I hope you take up Punkin Drublic on his offer. Nothing to lose there.

htismaqe 01-18-2003 11:57 PM

I have nowhere near the level of balls needed to do something like that.

That's why you need some "chemical augmentation"...

MeatPeeker 01-18-2003 11:58 PM


Originally posted by 2bikemike
Dude I hope you take up Punkin Drublic on his offer. Nothing to lose there.
I might.

InvinciBill 01-18-2003 11:59 PM


Originally posted by gochiefs

I highly doubt you are really the actor that played Boba Fett.


MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:00 AM

It was pretty funny. I think someone was trying to appeal to my nerd side. They must have thought I am incredibly stupid as well. :rolleyes:

htismaqe 01-19-2003 12:00 AM

I highly doubt you are really the actor that played Boba Fett.


He IS a nerd.

siberian khatru 01-19-2003 12:01 AM

How can somebody who's a sportswriter be afraid to talk to people? In your job, you're required to go up to complete strangers and ask them personal questions all the time ("What were your emotions?" "What were you thinking?" "Why did you do that?")

Yet, you can't hold a beer at a crowded party and talk sports or movies or computers or school with folks you at least kinda know?

If you can screw up your courage to do interviews, you can socialize on a college campus, where you already have much in common with everyone else -- you're all going to the same school, taking many of the same classes. A little conversation about that can reveal other common interests. You just have to take that first step and scratch the surface, after that it snowballs.

KcMizzou 01-19-2003 12:01 AM


Originally posted by htismaqe
I highly doubt you are really the actor that played Boba Fett.


He IS a nerd.

lmao... maybe I should rethink this whole BS theory

2bikemike 01-19-2003 12:01 AM

Nothin to it but to do it! Any way I gotta go for now I hope you will lighten up on yourself and stop viewing yourself as someone who can't mingle with anyone you so choose.

MeatPeeker 01-19-2003 12:02 AM


Originally posted by htismaqe
I highly doubt you are really the actor that played Boba Fett.


He IS a nerd.

Can you name the other character that Jeremy Bulloch played?

His name was Lieutenant Sheckil, an Imperial officer who is the unmasked Bulloch, seen here:


RJ 01-19-2003 12:02 AM

I never want to go to parties, and I'm a pretty sociable guy. Salesman by trade. But I always dread the small talk, thinking I'll be bored if there aren't people I know there. And I almost always end up having a great time.

Point being, it's too bad you didn't go as you'd likely have enjoyed yourself. The good news is that you're in college and there'll be plenty of parties and eventually something will happen that will get you to walk in the door. You'll be fine once you do.

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