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Rain Man 11-26-2016 03:15 PM

The Good Place
Anyone else watch this show yet? I kind of enjoyed Sesaon 1. It's about a dead woman who mistakenly gets sent to "the good place" when she should have gone to "the bad place". Kristen Bell really makes the show, and Ted Danson is very good as well. I can take or leave the rest of the cast, but Bell is great.

Baby Lee 11-26-2016 03:51 PM

I think Danson makes the show. If you enjoy him in this role, I recommend a lightly regarded HBO show Bored to Death. Its the role where he kind of honed his new comedic schtick as an absent-minded well-meaning patrician. In Bored to Death, Jason Schwartzman and Zach Galifinakis open an amateur detective agency in Queens. If you know Jonathan Ames [Blunt Talk], it's very much his baby, kind of a reality-based Wes Anderson. Danson plays their rich Manhattan buddy who helps their 'sleuthing' and digs them out of trouble when the need arises, and who shuffles around rich and mildly high [and of course hilarious] the rest of the time.

NJChiefsFan 11-26-2016 03:56 PM

Season 1 is over? I didn't even know it started.

Baby Lee 09-29-2017 05:13 AM

Season 2 is underway [2 back to back as premiere, then one last night].

Even after the wild plot to end last season, they've upped their game yet again, thus far.

In terms of quality comedic writing, only Rick and Morty compares [yes, I compared a network show favorably to R&M].

MoF, the show is now such a highwire act that people watch in fear. 'When is going to fall apart? It has to eventually fall apart, right?'

Geez, if you watched just last season, the assessment that it's as good as ever even comes across as a bit of a spoiler for these three episodes.

If you aren't up to date on it, don't research it, or look for other opinions. Just watch and enjoy.

old_geezer 09-29-2017 06:12 AM

I caught the last half of the last episode of season 1 just by chance (I had never heard of it) and enjoyed it so much I set my DVR to record any future episodes. This season has been a complete hoot so far and has turned into one of my favorite comedies. I see a DVD of season 1 is coming out in October. I don't usually buy DVDs but I will make an exception for this one.

Rausch 10-01-2017 09:21 AM

The wife is a huge Bell fan (I can't say I hate watching her either) but it's on the ass-end of our Netflix...

Rausch 10-01-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 13111328)
In terms of quality comedic writing, only Rick and Morty compares [yes, I compared a network show favorably to R&M].

This will be excellent or I will lead the horde of torches and pitchforks...:harumph:

JD10367 10-04-2017 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13113904)
The wife is a huge Bell fan (I can't say I hate watching her either) but it's on the ass-end of our Netflix...

IMO the "good place" is definitely right between Bell's legs. She's a smokeshow. And she can sing and is funny and seems like a nice person.

Nickhead 02-04-2018 03:51 AM

1 Attachment(s)
everybody knows your name :D

cooper barrett 02-04-2018 06:55 AM

Where did you find that, I'd like to see that in 4k.

There is too much good TV to watch Ted Danson....

Baby Lee 10-06-2018 01:37 PM

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font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:550; line-height:18px;"> View this post on Instagram</div></div><div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"><div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"></div></div><div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"></div> <div style=" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; 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They are constantly making us laugh with thier hidden gems. (Things to note: the size of the drinks compared to my hand, the grand canyon getting ruined by a monster truck, the new famous heads of mt. Rushmore, and my personally favorite: the items on the menu at the Cowboy Skyscraper Buffet). Thank u a million times over to the crew of @nbcthegoodplace for sharing your talents with us all.</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href=";utm_medium=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> kristen bell</a> (@kristenanniebell) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2018-10-05T04:04:12+00:00">Oct 4, 2018 at 9:04pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>

Check out the menu in the 2nd picture

Nickhead 10-12-2018 01:19 PM

i can feel jason's pain when it comes to watching the nfl while in australia ROFL

DJ's left nut 10-12-2018 01:26 PM

I've watched this entire show certain that they have no way to keep it going for another year but they've done a damn nice job so far.

Mike Schur (the creator; created Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99 as well) is a guy I was following years and years ago without even knowing it. There was an old baseball blog that used to mock ridiculous sports broadcasting called 'Fire Joe Morgan'. One of their founders was a guy who went by the pseudonym 'Ken Tremendous' and the dude was funny as hell.

Years later I found it he was Mike Schur.

Smart, funny people are pretty much always gonna be smart and funny people.

carcosa 10-12-2018 02:25 PM

The cast is the sitcom equivalent of the Chiefs offense. Top to bottom home run hitters.

Schur = Reid
Danson = Mahomes
Bell = Hill
Harper (Chidi) = Hunt
Jacinto (Jason) = Kelce
Carden (Janet) = Watkins
Jamil (Tahani) = Conley

DJ's left nut 10-12-2018 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by carcosa (Post 13809799)
The cast is the sitcom equivalent of the Chiefs offense. Top to bottom home run hitters.

Schur = Reid
Danson = Mahomes
Bell = Hill
Harper (Chidi) = Hunt
Jacinto (Jason) = Kelce
Carden (Janet) = Watkins
Jamil (Tahani) = Conley

That's not true.

I have never in my life searched for Conley naked on the internet, come up short and then masturbated to the mere possibility of finding pictures of Conley naked on the internet.

Shit. I've said too much...

carcosa 10-12-2018 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13809807)
That's not true.

I have never in my life searched for Conley naked on the internet, come up short and then masturbated to the mere possibility of finding pictures of Conley naked on the internet.

Shit. I've said too much...

Conley is so nice that he'd probably send you nudes if you asked

Baby Lee 10-12-2018 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by carcosa (Post 13809814)
Conley is so nice that he'd probably send you nudes if you asked

Yeah, but that's what Okoye said, too.

carcosa 10-23-2018 10:37 AM

Jameela Jamil is very funny on Hollywood Handbook today. I didn't know what to expect, since she's not really a comedian, but she's great!

Baby Lee 10-23-2018 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by carcosa (Post 13838479)
Jameela Jamil is very funny on Hollywood Handbook today. I didn't know what to expect, since she's not really a comedian, but she's great!

She was one of the better guests on Never Not Funny, just a few weeks back as well. Haven't heard her on HH yet, but it's currently cued right behind Arden Myrin on DumbPeopleTown.

EDIT: her story about mixing up idioms [and going around Hollywood telling people not to KICK a gift horse in the mouth] was ****ing hilarious.

Baby Lee 11-03-2018 09:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)

"question, do you have a penis? . . . '

chiefs1111 12-05-2018 11:33 AM

Renewed for season 4

Rain Man 12-09-2018 04:02 PM

The most recent episode where they hung out in Janet's void is one of the best episodes yet.

Megatron96 05-15-2023 05:05 PM

good show. Just quirky fun. Mostly, anyway. Well-written, solid cast.

Mephistopheles Janx 05-15-2023 08:08 PM

Literally re-watching it right now. At S2E11 right now.

Megatron96 05-15-2023 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx (Post 16946146)
Literally re-watching it right now. At S2E11 right now.

S4 E8. Really enjoyed it to this point. Just funny in an interesting, quirky way.

Megatron96 05-19-2023 12:31 PM


DJ's left nut 05-19-2023 02:07 PM

"A time...knife?!?!"

Probably my favorite moment in the whole show and I have no idea why.

ToxSocks 05-19-2023 03:11 PM

My wife started watching this 2 days ago. I've caught pieces here and there. Surprisingly funny. Not typically the type of cast/premise i'd tune in for.

Megatron96 05-19-2023 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16951378)
My wife started watching this 2 days ago. I've caught pieces here and there. Surprisingly funny. Not typically the type of cast/premise i'd tune in for.

Pretty much what I was thinking before I decided to watch the first episode. not really my wheelhouse. But it quickly grew on me.

Megatron96 05-19-2023 05:05 PM

"Eleanor farted, and then she blamed it on her chair. That’s gonna cost her at least a few points.’

Mephistopheles Janx 05-19-2023 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 16951481)
Pretty much what I was thinking before I decided to watch the first episode. not really my wheelhouse. But it quickly grew on me.

It doesn't hurt that Elanore is smoking hot.

Megatron96 05-19-2023 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mephistopheles Janx (Post 16951562)
It doesn't hurt that Elanore is smoking hot.

Kristen Bell is very cute/sexy, but not smoking hot, imo.

But yeah, it helps.:thumb:

Actually gave this show a chance because of Ted Danson. Was a huge Cheers fan when it was running.

Mephistopheles Janx 05-19-2023 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Megatron96 (Post 16951579)
Kristen Bell is very cute/sexy, but not smoking hot, imo.

But yeah, it helps.:thumb:

Actually gave this show a chance because of Ted Danson. Was a huge Cheers fan when it was running.

Girl next door is my thing.

TBH, Ted was the only reason I watched it as well. As fun to look at as Bell is there was no way I was tuning into this show because of her. Though I remember Cheers I was a kid when it was on and I watched it because my folks did.

Becker was the first show starring TD that I got into though I'll admit that a lot of what made me watch Becker to begin with was Terry Farrel leaving DS9 and joining the cast of Becker.

I've always enjoyed the way he plays characters and was glad to be able to watch something with him in it again as I don't care for CSI thus didn't watch him there.

Megatron96 05-19-2023 08:26 PM

Big fan of terry farrell as well. Super easy on the eyes, and her smile is one in a million.

I will say that Kristen kind of blew me away with just how good she was in the Good Place. I think she did a great job with Eleanor. I didn’t expect to appreciate her acting as much as I did by the end of the second season.

Megatron96 05-21-2023 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 16951307)
"A time...knife?!?!"

Probably my favorite moment in the whole show and I have no idea why.

"It was neat."

finally finished it. Not sure I loved the ending, but overall enjoyed the series a lot. Two thumbs up and all that.

Chiefspants 05-21-2023 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 16951378)
My wife started watching this 2 days ago. I've caught pieces here and there. Surprisingly funny. Not typically the type of cast/premise i'd tune in for.

It's good stuff. It was the show I needed during the lockdown year.

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