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keg in kc 05-27-2011 08:48 AM

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Molitoth 05-27-2011 09:54 AM

You know what pisses me off? Good looking games with faction differences.

I absolutely HATE that if I wanted to play a Sith and my RL best friend wanted to play a Jedi, that we would not be able to do missions together, etc due to a faction difference.

If you want to play together, then you both have to decide on the same faction... which eliminates half of your race/class combinations.

This is why I loved EQ and Vangaurd.... no matter what class/race you choose, you can play with your friends.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 10:20 AM

You're not the only person who feels like that, but I can't imagine a game set in the Star Wars universe where there isn't a faction difference, dark against light.

I still wonder if eventually there won't be cross-faction content, both sides fighting a third party. Although I think it's pretty unlikely.

Molitoth 05-27-2011 12:29 PM

I played SWG when it first dropped and it was ok because I played the game by myself. (I later quit when PvP was so unbalanced that it sucked) Like Commandos being able to 1 shot kill people with the flamethrower.

Anyway... Yes Star Wars based game is going to be Rebelion vs Imperial Army I imagine so you have to choose a side.

I was really into WoW during the design period until they announced the faction wars between human/horde. It cut your choice of race from 8 down to 4.
There are thousands of characters running around the WoW realm with the exact same graphic as yours. (When the game first came out anyway)

Verant/Sigil/SOE just got it right when it came to class/race combo's and having an extreme amount of options.... they did however miss the boat on other things.

While the gameplay on ToR looks pretty good and reminds me of the good things in SWG... I'll still prolly just wait for EQNext to drop before I involve myself heavily in another MMO. I recently just broke my addiction to the Project99 EQ server and am finding myself with a ton more freetime.

kcxiv 05-27-2011 01:41 PM

molitoth is like me in the mmo front. Faction games are basically 2 of the same game on the same server.

I just cant get into games like that. Games have really been dumbed down with so many options. Paths to level up are so linear, its like why do you even have to level now days. Just start out at max level. Everything pre max level, is just snoozefest.

Leveling is fast now days, but its just pointless. Everyone has played mmo's now, they know how to play a character. Back in the EQ days, i agree'd with the leveling it was new, and you had to learn what to do, but that part is gone. There is never any sense of danger in any game anymore. Its like your going to die, its like so what. Means nothing. I remember my friend was doing a planes run in everquest and got his corpse stuck in the plane of fear. lol Took the group i was with 4 hours to get his corpse back. It was one of the most fun ****ing days i ever had in mmo's and it was because of a **** up.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 7666323)
molitoth is like me in the mmo front. Faction games are basically 2 of the same game on the same server.

I just cant get into games like that. Games have really been dumbed down with so many options. Paths to level up are so linear, its like why do you even have to level now days. Just start out at max level. Everything pre max level, is just snoozefest.

That's the WoW influence. Every major MMO on the market is about getting to the cap as quickly as you can so you can start playing the 'real' game. We've talked about that on this thread before. TOR is a different beast, they're designing it to be a game with BioWare style gameplay and leveling, which means long, cinematic storylines, slow leveling curves, companions (which are *not* pets, entirely different concept), basically everything they've done in their single player games but in a multiplayer environment. Getting to the cap is not the focus of the game. Advancing through storylines that are hundreds and hundreds of hours long are what they're placing the highest priority on. Whether that means it will take hundreds and hundreds of hours to reach the level cap, or whether that means you'll be continuing to do hundreds of hours of story content after the cap, I don't know, because the beta is currently under an NDA. What I do know is that each class' story is built up of 3 acts, and the average playtime for just the first act for beta players currently (according to BioWare) runs over 100 hours. I don't know if you're familiar with KotOR, but they've said that the initial act of each class in TOR is longer than an entire play through KotOR. What level folks are at that point, I don't know, but that's a pretty substantial amount of time, and it doesn't include ancillary game activities like exploring, crafting, PvP, heroic quests, or whatever else it is people can do right now. That's just the time involved with the class stories.

As far as making death "meaningful", you're probably never going to see harsh death penalties in an MMO again. Developers are not targetting a niche audience, they're trying to draw in as many players as possible, which means casual choices will generally win over hardcore ones.

NewChief 05-27-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7666392)

As far as making death "meaningful", you're probably never going to see harsh death penalties in an MMO again. Developers are not targetting a niche audience, they're trying to draw in as many players as possible, which means casual choices will generally win over hardcore ones.

Even in the MUD community, which is a subset of a subset, the death issue is a controversial one. Lots of games have started to move to permadeath, but it's still a small fringe that prefer that style of play. It tends to appeal to people who are more interested in realism and roleplay than leveling, though there is another group of hardcore player-killers and such who like it because of the added risk/thrill. I really enjoy permadeath, but that's just me.

And for those not familiar: permadeath means that there is some mechanism in place to where your character can truly die and not be recoverable, so that you have to start a whole new character.

kcxiv 05-27-2011 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7666392)
That's the WoW influence. Every major MMO on the market is about getting to the cap as quickly as you can so you can start playing the 'real' game. We've talked about that on this thread before. TOR is a different beast, they're designing it to be a game with BioWare style gameplay and leveling, which means long, cinematic storylines, slow leveling curves, companions (which are *not* pets, entirely different concept), basically everything they've done in their single player games but in a multiplayer environment. Getting to the cap is not the focus of the game. Advancing through storylines that are hundreds and hundreds of hours long are what they're placing the highest priority on. Whether that means it will take hundreds and hundreds of hours to reach the level cap, or whether that means you'll be continuing to do hundreds of hours of story content after the cap, I don't know, because the beta is currently under an NDA. What I do know is that each class' story is built up of 3 acts, and the average playtime for just the first act for beta players currently (according to BioWare) runs over 100 hours. I don't know if you're familiar with KotOR, but they've said that the initial act of each class in TOR is longer than an entire play through KotOR. What level folks are at that point, I don't know, but that's a pretty substantial amount of time, and it doesn't include ancillary game activities like exploring, crafting, PvP, heroic quests, or whatever else it is people can do right now. That's just the time involved with the class stories.

As far as making death "meaningful", you're probably never going to see harsh death penalties in an MMO again. Developers are not targetting a niche audience, they're trying to draw in as many players as possible, which means casual choices will generally win over hardcore ones.

Ooh i know, the way MMo's are going and they will never revert back. Its EZ mode from here on out. Thats why i just dont play anymore. Ive moved on. It just sux that i have too is all.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 7666398)
Even in the MUD community, which is a subset of a subset, the death issue is a controversial one. Lots of games have started to move to permadeath, but it's still a small fringe that prefer that style of play. It tends to appeal to people who are more interested in realism and roleplay than leveling. I really enjoy permadeath, but that's just me.

And for those not familiar: permadeath means that there is some mechanism in place to where your character can truly die and not be recoverable, so that you have to start a whole new character.

Yeah, I don't think I'd ever play a game with permadeath. I don't particularly enjoy doing things over. So that would mean I could never do anything even remotely dangerous. I'd literally quit if I, say, through an accident or lagspike or some other unforseen event lost a character I'd spent any significant time on. That would be game killing frustration to me. And I don't play games to be frustrated. That's what real life is for. In my opinion, of course.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 7666406)
Ooh i know, the way MMo's are going and they will never revert back. Its EZ mode from here on out. Thats why i just dont play anymore. Ive moved on. It just sux that i have too is all.

I don't think they're easy mode. I think they're just finding the sweet spot. A lot of early MMO play was basically just pointless grinding. And speaking just for me I'd say I don't miss most of that in the least.

Although I do like some grinding - that's the OCD sociopath in me.

Pants 05-27-2011 02:19 PM

Umm EQ was the ****ing mother of all grindfests. Let's get something clear, just because you have to grind for weeks to level, doesn't mean it's 'hard' or interesting. I don't find grinding fun, like not AT ALL. I, for one, am happy with how the MMOs have evolved.

kcxiv 05-27-2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7666418)
Umm EQ was the ****ing mother of all grindfests. Let's get something clear, just because you have to grind for weeks to level, doesn't mean it's 'hard' or interesting. I don't find grinding fun, like not AT ALL. I, for one, am happy with how the MMOs have evolved.

never said it was hard, but we didnt have quests that held your hand. I didnt mind some of the grind fests, the only grind fest that was pure bullshit for me was the Key to Vex Thal. That was what i found that was bullshit. Though i did it like multiple times with people. Aten Ha Ra had to die.

There is no camping in games, but for me, thats when i had the most fun was camping zones for items. Some people can say it was boring and thats ok, but i had fun with that. Watching other groups fight through to get deeper then wiping. Had some great laughs. I wouldnt settle for the old school EQ leveling up system anymore, its outdated. like MOli said VG had alot right but what they had wrong was REALLY ****ing wrong and that was performance. That game had it almost perfectly if it wasnt for a terrible game engine.

I havent played a mmo seriously in 2 years, i am ok with it. I check them out every now and again and see whats out there, but most of the shit they pass out now days, ill take a ****ing pass.

Sports games and Street Fighter Keep me entertained.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 02:48 PM

Camping dungeons was one of the worst parts of EQ, in my experience and opinion. And that doesn't have anything to do with how boring it was. I never liked the idea of other people benefiting from my work, or of people jumping my camp or stealing mobs and loot. Instancing for me has been a welcome improvement for recent MMOs.

'course I'm the kind of person who has as little contact with people that I don't know as possible in MMOs (just like in real life). I don't pug, I don't pvp (although I will in TOR, since it's team-based and not burst-damage based), I don't generally roleplay. I'll help random people when I come across them, but that's about the limit of my social interaction outside of my tight circle of friends. Actually a surprisingly large number of MMOers these days are like me. It's estimated that something like 40+% of the current MMO market (across games) is primarily solo-oriented players. Which is what I am. Although I think I'll probably group a good bit more in TOR since the group size is smaller (4, and currently you can use companions to fill 1 or more of those spots) and I (hopefully) have an established group of players coming over with me.

'course, being able to do things alone or in smaller groups does not in any way mean it's easy. And MMOs have always been soloable, in any case. I primarily soloed EQ lo those years ago, on my wacky bard named (I think, this was sooo long ago) Dantae Goldenlyre.

keg in kc 05-27-2011 02:52 PM

'course you're always going to have a difference in opinion on these things, whether you're talking about camping, leveling, traveling (why I was a bard originally in EQ - drum made me run fast!), grouping, griefing, dying, or anything else. Like any other opinion-based discussion there really aren't 'right' or 'wrong' answers, just differences in taste.

NewChief 05-27-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7666411)
Yeah, I don't think I'd ever play a game with permadeath. I don't particularly enjoy doing things over. So that would mean I could never do anything even remotely dangerous. I'd literally quit if I, say, through an accident or lagspike or some other unforseen event lost a character I'd spent any significant time on. That would be game killing frustration to me. And I don't play games to be frustrated. That's what real life is for. In my opinion, of course.

Well, these are MMORPGs (admittedly text based) with persistent, every-changing worlds. So one character may be a wealth, pampered noble magic user experiencing that life. You get assassinated by a rival, and you could play a low-life street urchin with your next PC that never leaves the ghetto and makes his living picking pockets. There's not really any doing things over because it's a different type of "game."

Even if you play the same class, the experiences that you have in "leveling" the class will be vastly different because your background will be different, the world will have changed since your last time to play a character, and you'll likely find yourself attached to a different organization or employer.

Molitoth 05-27-2011 06:43 PM

Vangaurd was a combination of the perfect grind+quests to level at a sensable rate.

EQ was pure grind. All quests were strickly for loot reward, not xp; which led a lot of quests to be worthless.

The problem with Vangaurd was by the time everyone hit level 50, there was no raid content for another 6 months when they brought out APW. But by that time, a lot of people had already quit and not willing to come back.

I'm just hoping EQnext is Vanguard with end game content.

GordonGekko 05-27-2011 08:52 PM

I may have to give this one a try. I finally kicked the little 5 year WoW habit a couple months ago, but I am itching to play something in the free time.

kcxiv 05-27-2011 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Molitoth (Post 7666675)
Vangaurd was a combination of the perfect grind+quests to level at a sensable rate.

EQ was pure grind. All quests were strickly for loot reward, not xp; which led a lot of quests to be worthless.

The problem with Vangaurd was by the time everyone hit level 50, there was no raid content for another 6 months when they brought out APW. But by that time, a lot of people had already quit and not willing to come back.

I'm just hoping EQnext is Vanguard with end game content.

there was more then just the nothing to do at 50, that was a big part, but folks with the 8800 graphics cards at the time couldnt zone without CTD. lol I think that killed everythign more then the nothing to do at 50. Raiders are the minority in mmo's sadly. lol

keg in kc 06-03-2011 09:12 AM

Interesting bit:

In an interview with Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello, the Wall Street Journal reports (subscription required to view) Star Wars: The Old Republic will exclusively be a part of their new digital delivery service named Origin. EA will announce more details about Origin tomorrow (Friday).

The article reaffirms players will be able to purchase SWTOR in retail stores as well as from Origin, but the EA service will be the only internet-based one to digitally distribute the game. As we reported in our coverage of the UBS Media and Communications conference, EA CFO Eric Brown stated the game's PC client will be available in both a retail packaged format and digital download format. The Origin service is described as similar to iTunes and will let players purchase, download and keep track of multiple EA game purchases as well as act as a social networking platform. This functionality is available to players even if they don't purchase the game through Origin.
Steam, D2D and others can't like that...

keg in kc 06-03-2011 09:42 AM

They've released info on what they're presenting at E3:

The planet of Belsavis holds a terrible secret; a secret unknown to both the Empire and Republic for thousands of years. Now, groups of elite heroes must fight to prevent this ancient threat from escaping and causing massive destruction. Prepare yourself for your first encounter with the Eternity Vault.

You’ve seen Alderaan’s beautiful vistas; you’ve seen the action-packed Warzone. Now you’ll see a showdown with an army of zealous soldiers, protecting a military general who has seized control of the throne. Removing this usurper is not going to be easy, but someone has to do it…

Sandpeople are easily startled, but they’ll come back soon, and in greater numbers… and that might just be the beginning. E3 attendees will get to battle Sandpeople and experience something that’s never been seen before on Tatooine... stay tuned to see it here.
Sounds like we'll be getting some wicked gameplay video next week.

(plus a new blur trailer....)

Saulbadguy 06-03-2011 09:43 AM

No Steam release at all?

keg in kc 06-03-2011 09:47 AM

Nope. Origin exclusive.

keg in kc 06-03-2011 10:02 AM

Pretty good interview on Advanced Classes here. Gives (a few) details on skills for each class.

keg in kc 06-03-2011 10:09 AM

Oooh, they've just put up a pretty cool new Advanced Class page on

Huffmeister 06-03-2011 10:11 AM


The article reaffirms players will be able to purchase SWTOR in retail stores as well as from Origin, but the EA service will be the only internet-based one to digitally distribute the game.
Thank God. The last thing we need is millions of fellow nerds crashing the servers trying to download the game on launch day. The servers should only crash during account creation on launch day, just like any other decent MMO. :p

keg in kc 06-03-2011 05:43 PM

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Fish 06-04-2011 12:54 AM


keg in kc 06-04-2011 01:06 PM

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=""><PARAM NAME=scale VALUE="noScale"><PARAM NAME=salign VALUE="lt"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=allowscriptaccess VALUE="always"><PARAM NAME=allowFullScreen VALUE="true"><PARAM NAME=flashvars VALUE="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=false & bedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml"><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE="opaque"><embed id="mymovie" width="640" height="391" flashvars="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=f alse& 3Dembedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed></OBJECT>

keg in kc 06-06-2011 02:01 PM

Latest cinematic is here:

I'll embed it as soon as an embeddable copy's available. This is not the video that aired during the EA press conference, although parts of it were in the Choose video. It's the Intro Cinematic which I'd assume means this is what we see the first time we (finally) play.

Huffmeister 06-06-2011 02:57 PM

Do you think they'll announce a launch date at E3?

keg in kc 06-06-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Huffmeister (Post 7680841)
Do you think they'll announce a launch date at E3?


Originally Posted by Stephen Reid (TOR Community Manager)
There will be no release date announced during E3 2011, and no pre-order details either. Our release date window has not changed. We are still aiming to release Star Wars: The Old Republic in the second half of 2011.

While I know many of you believed a release date announcement was going to happen - which is understandable - as I've said before, an announcement of that size will effectively be 'pre-announced', and we will not 'bait and switch' you. We aren't going to lay a trail of subtle clues that lead to a release date announcement. We'll be obvious. We're just not there yet.

E3's not over yet, though. This week we'll be allowing the world's media and fan sites to get hands-on with The Old Republic at the EA booth, and they'll be reporting back on their experiences on Tatooine as well as seeing gameplay on Alderaan. Last but not least, they'll get a glimpse at Operation: Eternity Vault, some of the high-end content in The Old Republic.

We're bringing much of this to you on The Old Republic web site this week, so keep checking back - although I will pre-warn you, our Alderaan coverage will be slightly delayed (look for it in a few weeks).

I know many of you are disappointed. I know you want a release date - believe me, all of us know that. It is coming, I promise, and you'll hear about it before it arrives - not through subtle clues, but through obvious signs.

keg in kc 06-06-2011 03:03 PM

Here's a youtube version of Return. It will likely get pulled, but here it is for as long as it lasts...

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-06-2011 03:18 PM


keg in kc 06-06-2011 03:22 PM

Regarding the release date, my expectation is still september/october with the official announcement coming at PAX Prime in August (26th-28th IIRC).

They always save the best stuff for PAX...

Huffmeister 06-06-2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7680916)
Regarding the release date, my expectation is still september/october with the official announcement coming at PAX Prime in August (26th-28th IIRC).

They always save the best stuff for PAX...

So what's the status of the beta? I had always assumed that they would do about 3-6 months of open-ish beta testing before launch. I haven't heard anything about people being accepted into a beta program.

Of course, I could be way off and either the beta has been going on for a while, or they're just doing one.

keg in kc 06-06-2011 04:38 PM

Closed beta has been going on for a long time. I don't have any idea how wide it is, the NDA is still in place, but I get the impression there are a lot of testers. I just don't happen to be one myself or know anybody who is. If I had to guess I'd say they likely have thousands of testers going right now, if not tens of thousands. They're not just in 'friends and family' testing at this point, i.e. internal testing. That's what I think at least...

Open beta I would be surprised to see run more than 3 weeks to a month. They're primarily there to serve as server stress tests, at least in my experience, and to give potential customers a bit of a preview.

They're pretty far along in testing I think. I know they've had players advance hundreds of hours into their story quests, and things like that. I don't think, however, raiding (which is being unveiled at E3 this week...) has been on the external test server yet. Although I'm sure it's already been heavily tested in-house.

Huffmeister 06-06-2011 07:34 PM

Ah, cool. I was afraid that any official announcement would be followed by another 3 to 6 months of testing. Glad to hear that beta testing is well under way (even if it is closed beta).

Molitoth 06-07-2011 12:14 PM

With no news on EQ:Next in forever, I'm guessing that ToR will be my game of choice when it drops. This looks pretty cool, and as long as they have PvP balanced correctly from the start, I will be able to deal with the faction war.

SWG was great until they ****ed up PvP balance hardcore (I played a Polearm class) and couldn't kill anyone with a gun. And Commando's with flamethrowers could 1-2 shot anyone dead.

keg in kc 06-07-2011 12:15 PM

There's a live demo from E3 today at 4.

keg in kc 06-07-2011 08:50 PM

Trailer for The Eternity Vault, the first raid they've unveiled:

<div style="background-color:#<div style="padding:4px;"><embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#</a></p></div></div>

Longer interview about it and other things.
<div style="background-color:#<div style="padding:4px;"><embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#</div>

bowener 06-07-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7680867)
Here's a youtube version of Return. It will likely get pulled, but here it is for as long as it lasts...

<iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" width="560" frameborder="0" height="349"></iframe>

These 6 minutes were better than all 3 of the Prequels combined.

keg in kc 06-08-2011 09:29 AM

Gamespot's stage demo.

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=""><PARAM NAME=scale VALUE="noScale"><PARAM NAME=salign VALUE="lt"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=allowscriptaccess VALUE="always"><PARAM NAME=allowFullScreen VALUE="true"><PARAM NAME=flashvars VALUE="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=false & bedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml"><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE="opaque"><embed id="mymovie" width="640" height="391" flashvars="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=f alse& 3Dembedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed></OBJECT>

keg in kc 06-08-2011 10:04 AM

Here's just the gameplay, minus the interview:

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Bowser 06-08-2011 10:55 AM

Is it possible tha this game is going to be TOO huge and TOO expansive, or is there any such thing for a SW game?

Pants 06-08-2011 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7685248)
Is it possible tha this game is going to be TOO huge and TOO expansive, or is there any such thing for a SW game?

No such thing for an MMO.

MMOs are supposed to be that huge and that expansive.

Bowser 06-08-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7685283)
No such thing for an MMO.

MMOs are supposed to be that huge and that expansive.

I've never been a MMO guy, but this game looks like it will dwarf anything that came before it. And frankly, I'm kinda glad I'm not a MMO guy, because I'm pretty sure I would lose my life to this game if I were.

keg in kc 06-08-2011 11:21 AM

From some players' perspective it may be. We've been programmed to look at MMOs as something you race through to reach the level cap and raid. And this is a game with 200+ hour class stories, without even exploring, doing world arcs or heroic quests or pvping or anything else. And I think that may be daunting to some.

Just speaking for myself, I'm a player who enjoys trying different classes out. Assuming my account ever gets fixed (I was hacked and had all 9 of my toons deleted...) I have 6 level-capped characters in LotRO. I'll do the same thing in TOR. However, it will take me (literally) a year to do it. Minimum. Because we're talking about 1600 hours of just class story. 66 days real time.

(good grief)

keg in kc 06-08-2011 01:26 PM

I didn't see it myself, but apparently Daniel Erickson said a few minutes ago on Gamespot's live feed that there will not be an open beta, essentially because the audience for the game is too large.

keg in kc 06-08-2011 02:39 PM

Better eternity vault vid:

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

bowener 06-08-2011 02:45 PM

Of all the classes, what overall percentage of players will choose to be jedi/sith?


keg in kc 06-08-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 7685673)
Of all the classes, what overall percentage of players will choose to be jedi/sith?


Half or more would be my guess (and primarily sith).

Although I'm seeing a lot of interest in agent, bounty hunter, smuggler and trooper, much more than I expected.

I've been planning on playing a Consular since the game was announced, but I think every class looks like it could be both unique and fun. Which is not something I've really encountered in an MMO before. I know in EQ I basically wanted to be a bard and nothing else, and in WoW I was a warrior 99% of the time and a mage 1%. I can't even decide which class I want my first alt to be. All the non jedi/sith classes look really cool to me (agent/bounty hunter in particular).

Huffmeister 06-08-2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7685685)
I can't even decide which class I want my first alt to be. All the non jedi/sith classes look really cool to me (agent/bounty hunter in particular).

That's been my problem with WoW in the past. I guess I love the grind, because I'll play a class up to about level 30-40, then I'll want to try another class, so I'll roll a new toon (even if I already have one of that class created) and play on that one for a while. But now I've got a 79 paladin that I'm hell bent on getting to 85 (the current level cap).

I have no idea what class I'm going to play in SWToR.

keg in kc 06-08-2011 03:38 PM

The thing that's going to be cool about TOR is that it's a different game every time you level a toon. So not only is your Smuggler going to play completely differently from your Jedi Knight, he's going to have a 200 hour story arc that you haven't seen.

That's been my biggest hurdle in the past. In LotRO I have (had) 6 capped toons. And unfortunately every single one of them had to do the exact same quests and areas to reach that level. It gets so tedious... So TOR is kind of a godsend in that regard.

Fish 06-08-2011 03:44 PM

Guys..... WTF is a toon?


keg in kc 06-08-2011 03:46 PM

A toon is a character.

Fish 06-08-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7685763)
A toon is a character.

Hmm.. Why is it necessary to call a character something other than a character?

keg in kc 06-08-2011 03:49 PM

I think it's just short for "cartoon". Quicker than saying "character" or "avatar" or something else.

Fish 06-08-2011 03:50 PM

Fascinating... thanks.

keg in kc 06-08-2011 10:05 PM

More vids. For whatever reason gametrailers is blowing everybody else away this year.

Interesting note, it looks like they haven't done as wide external testing as I thought: twice today I've heard they only have 1000 external testers. On the flip side, in these vids, Ohlen says the current testing build is playable all the way to level 50 (which I wasn't sure about).

[edit: looks like the videos were removed for some reason]

Fish 06-09-2011 08:17 AM

Dear Keg,

Gametrailers is asking me for authentication when I click on this thread....

keg in kc 06-09-2011 08:27 AM

That should take care of it. Not sure what happened there. The last trio of videos seem to be gone this morning.

Hays 06-09-2011 01:09 PM

Did they announce any timeframe for release?

Pants 06-09-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hays (Post 7687214)
Did they announce any timeframe for release?

2011. Since we're in the 6th month of 2011, you can probably guess what the time frame is. :)

88TG88 06-09-2011 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7680867)
Here's a youtube version of Return. It will likely get pulled, but here it is for as long as it lasts...

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


keg in kc 06-09-2011 03:21 PM

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-09-2011 03:39 PM

I love KOTOR.

I love DX1.

This game might just eclipse them both.

Bowser 06-09-2011 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by 88TG88 (Post 7687511)

No shit, whoa.

Those trailer vids are better than the freaking prequels all rolled into one.

kaplin42 06-09-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7687814)
No shit, whoa.

Those trailer vids are better than the freaking prequels all rolled into one.

Seriously. If only they would do a full movie using that animation. Would be epic.

bowener 06-09-2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Huffmeister (Post 7685724)
That's been my problem with WoW in the past. I guess I love the grind, because I'll play a class up to about level 30-40, then I'll want to try another class, so I'll roll a new toon (even if I already have one of that class created) and play on that one for a while. But now I've got a 79 paladin that I'm hell bent on getting to 85 (the current level cap).

I have no idea what class I'm going to play in SWToR.

Couldn't you sell your character once you reach the level cap to some n00b?

Might as well when this game comes out, right?

Pants 06-09-2011 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7685291)
I've never been a MMO guy, but this game looks like it will dwarf anything that came before it. And frankly, I'm kinda glad I'm not a MMO guy, because I'm pretty sure I would lose my life to this game if I were.

No doubt, man. I was lost to WoW for about a year, these things are like crack.

bowener 06-09-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 7684649)
These 6 minutes were better than all 3 of the Prequels combined.


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7687814)
No shit, whoa.

Those trailer vids are better than the freaking prequels all rolled into one.

Hey now... you owe me royalties for intellectual property or something....

keg in kc 06-23-2011 02:08 PM

Beta impressions from Penny Arcade:

First of all, a lot has been made about the new “fourth pillar” of story telling. Is it really all they are making it out to be? In my personal opinion, yes, it really is a big deal and let me tell you why. In the short time I’ve been playing SW:TOR I have already given more thought to my character than I ever did in all the years I played WOW. I’ve had to make hard choices with my Bounty Hunter that have made me honestly think about who he is and what he’s like. At first I intended to play him as a real asshole but some of the moral quagmires these quests put you in just aren’t that black and white. Do I do what gets me the most credits? Do I stay loyal to the person who gave me the job even it means hurting Innocent people? As a result of all this I have a character that is a hard ass bounty hunter who has a soft spot for people in trouble and children. The only thing I could tell you about my WOW character Dudefella is that he was a mage and a hell of a good dancer.

Of course all MMO’s now are going to have you taking quests but I think the big difference here is that I tend to care more about these quests. I will admit I am not a quest reader when I play an MMO. I click and click until it’s accepted and then read the breakdown on my way out to wherever the wolf bladders are. Playing a class in SW:TOR is like playing a single player Bioware game. People are talking to you and you’re deciding how to respond and making dialog choices. Turning the quests into an interactive experience makes me care a lot more about them. A quest is still a chance to get XP, money and loot but it’s also an opportunity to advance your character towards the dark or light side based on your decisions. In most MMO’s taking quests is what you do so that you can go play. In SW:TOR, taking quests is playing.
(more at the link)

Huffmeister 06-23-2011 03:18 PM

Sounds cool. I'm a habitual quest text skipper when I play WoW. As a result, I know next to nothing about the lore of the game. I always tell myself that I should start taking the time read through the quests. But after about 7 quests of "There's a big bad guy over that we need to kill! But first we need some new thatching for our roofs. Go and collect 12 twine from those smaller bad guys over there." I go back to just skipping over the text.

At first I wasn't that impressed with the amount of dialog that will be in SWTOR. But the more I think about it, I hope it will help to provide a more immersing experience.

keg in kc 06-23-2011 04:35 PM

I'm a text-skipper as well. Even if it's a game where I'm interested in the lore (which I was in lotro at one point), I've never had much of a desire to read walls of text, so I end up tuning out what's going on so I can get back to combat or grinding or whatever other mind-numbing MMO activity I'm doing that day.

Pants 06-23-2011 05:03 PM

Wasn't much lore in WoW quest's unless the quests were for an instance or a huge world event. I read all that. The more local quests had some interesting themes (like when you first travel to Theramore). WoW's lore did have some really awesome heroes and that's what I think made the game so special. My WoW universe nerdiness had me so ****ing excited when I first heard rumors that we would find Tyralion in Burning Crusade. /shame

I freaking loved the WoW lore and I loved visiting all the unique little places in the world.

I also never really understood why the Undercity was alive with little stories and subplots and constant little events taking place in the city while Ogrimmar, Darnassus, Iron Forge and Stormwind were just so meh. It's like they started to design the game with the Undercity, got done with that and were like "**** working so hard on the cities, just throw some shit together for the rest of them and let's start on the rest of the world."

keg in kc 06-23-2011 06:11 PM

I was big into WoW lore when the game first launched lo those years ago, and they had the book trilogy leading into the game.

keg in kc 06-24-2011 01:41 PM

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Barret 06-25-2011 10:46 PM

Something that might add fuel to the fire of when they are releasing TOR to the public.

I was big into Star Wars Galaxies before the dreaded NGE took place. I have been off that and addicted to WoW waiting for a new Star Wars type game. Anyway for those of you that played SWG or know about the game, Sony just released a statement to everyone stating they are stopping the SWG servers as of December 15th. Here is the email I got.

Dear Star Wars Galaxies™ Community Member,
We write to you today to inform you that on December 15, 2011, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) and LucasArts will end all services (MMO and Trading Card Game) for Star Wars Galaxies (SWG). The shutdown of SWG is a very difficult decision, but SOE and LucasArts have mutually agreed that the end of 2011 is the appropriate time to end the game.
We are extremely grateful to all of the SWG fans. We have had the rare opportunity to host one of the most dedicated and passionate online gaming communities and we truly appreciate the support we've received from each and every one of you over the course of the past eight years.
In recognition of your incredible loyalty, we are extending special Fan Appreciation offers to the current SWG community. We also plan to go out with a bang with a galaxy-ending in-game event in December and hope to see you all there. The details relating to these offers and events as well as the timeline and specifics regarding the discontinuation of the service, are provided below.
Again, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our player community for making SWG one of the best online communities in gaming history.
Sony Online Entertainment & LucasArts

Now there is more detail in the email but I didn't want a text wall to assault your eyes. Needless to say I guess Lucas Arts is putting all their eggs in 1 basket instead of trying to keep both Star Wars games up and going.

Bioware and EA have been very quiet on when a release of TOR will happen. I am wandering if they were waiting for this shoe to fall before they could actually say anything.

Bowser 06-25-2011 10:53 PM

Has there ever been a game hyped as much as this one?

keg in kc 06-26-2011 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7715379)
Has there ever been a game hyped as much as this one?

SWG, WoW, EQ2, Vanguard, AoC were all hyped out the yin-yang pre-release. Those are just a few off the top of my head.

I think the difference with TOR is that the game was announced extremely early (Feb '09 IIRC), and they've been giving weekly updates for nearly that entire time, so it's been constantly in the public eye. And they've seemed far more willing to let people play the game at conventions than any other game I can remember. People were I think playing early builds as far back as Gamescom in late 2009, and it was extremely well-received even that far back. I can't think of any real negative reactions to gameplay from anybody in the media whether it was 2009, 10 or 11.

And they've also been, since day it, solidly behind the idea of "it'll be done when it's done", so it's the rare MMO that (so far...) hasn't been rushed to market. As I recall the original estimated release date was Holiday 2010. So if that's an actual delay (no way to know because they've never even hinted at a release date...), then the game's been in development for nearly an extra year, which is a lot more time for hype to build. Although with a lot of us (including me) we're to the point where we're tired of hearing about it and want to play it. Hell, I'd probably be thrilled with playing a buggy TOR at this point.

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