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Pants 03-11-2011 03:24 PM


keg in kc 03-11-2011 04:03 PM

Pretty awesome first real look at space combat, from PAX:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You guys saw the awesome trailer before the whole 'elitists suck ass' tangent started, right?

bowener 03-11-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7483355)
Pretty awesome first real look at space combat, from PAX:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" allowfullscreen="" width="640" frameborder="0" height="390"></iframe>

You guys saw the awesome trailer before the whole 'elitists suck ass' tangent started, right?

Looks pretty sweet. I played EVE online for about 4 months (3 or 4 years ago), and the space game reminds me of that. I always thought it would be cool if a game could take EVE and WoW and combine them... looks like that is what has happened!

keg in kc 03-11-2011 05:14 PM

Gameplay videos are starting to show up from pax.

Not sure what's going on in the first one. Smuggler healing I think.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Longer video, about 15 minutes.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 03-12-2011 02:59 PM

Official developer walkthrough of Taral V.

This looks ****ing amazing...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 03-25-2011 11:39 AM

This week's update, a Jedi Knight progression video:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 04-01-2011 10:23 AM

They've outdone themselves with their April Fool's update (remember the sarlaac last year?):

Pants 04-01-2011 11:16 AM

When is this damn game coming out?

keg in kc 04-01-2011 11:36 AM

If I had to guess, I'd say September. If it was coming sooner than that, I think we'd know, and I don't believe they'll want to hold off for a holiday release, especially not with ME3 hitting sometime in that time frame. I think (hope) they're going to announce open beta at E3.

The reaction to PAX has been pretty overwhelmingly positive, as is everything I've heard out of beta (no direct sources there, though).

keg in kc 04-06-2011 10:41 AM

So, there was an event in London last evening where various people from the official swtor forums got to play the game for about an hour each, and the response is overwhelmingly positive. This is notable in part because a few of the people posting these glowing reviews have been blasting bioware on the forums for months/years over certain design decisions. And, as it turns out, they love the game. Whodathunkit...

Write-ups are here:

Consensus from some of the people there is an August/September release.

bowener 04-06-2011 01:44 PM

I can honestly say that I am glad I have managed to remain almost entirely free of mmorpgs. I know I would get hooked, especially on one that looks as immersive as what SWTOR appears to be. Hell, I was bored playing EVE for 3-4 months, but I couldn't stop playing the ****er... and there you don't even get a person/humanoid to look at, just a ****ing spaceship... though they can be pretty epic as you go up in skills.

What I am trying to say is, I really hope I can avoid this game when it finally comes out. I want to continue to have a life :(

keg in kc 04-06-2011 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 7543497)
I can honestly say that I am glad I have managed to remain almost entirely free of mmorpgs. I know I would get hooked, especially on one that looks as immersive as what SWTOR appears to be. Hell, I was bored playing EVE for 3-4 months, but I couldn't stop playing the ****er... and there you don't even get a person/humanoid to look at, just a ****ing spaceship... though they can be pretty epic as you go up in skills.

What I am trying to say is, I really hope I can avoid this game when it finally comes out. I want to continue to have a life :(

Then I would probably stop reading this thread. Because I have a feeling it's going to get crazy when a few of us finally get our hands on it. It's looking like it's going to be an incredible game.

And I'm totally with you on how time-consuming they are. I've wasted a lot of time in a number of MMOs I really didn't like all that much, whether it was EQ or WoW or SWG or even LotRO now (haven't played in weeks, probably done). If what people are saying about TOR is true, that it's basically an online BioWare game and about as good a Star Wars experience as any game has ever had, it's going to end me.

thecoffeeguy 04-06-2011 07:50 PM

So scared for this game...its going to own me. hehhe

keg in kc 04-08-2011 10:36 AM

Big update on Advanced Classes today:

Hello there, I’m Georg Zoeller, and I’m Principal Lead Combat Designer on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. In my previous developer blog, I introduced you to the Advanced Classes Game System in the game. In today’s blog I’m going to explain how the system has evolved over the last few months based on iteration, gameplay testing and focus groups.

Advanced Classes (often abbreviated ACs) are chosen on your faction’s capital world – either Coruscant or Dromund Kaas - when your character reaches level 10 or above. Each base class gets a choice of two Advanced Classes; for example if you are playing a Jedi Knight, you will be able to choose to play the Jedi Guardian or Jedi Sentinel Advanced Class.

Choosing an Advanced Class is very important in The Old Republic, as within your Advanced Class, your character will reach their full potential. Your Advanced Class choice dramatically alters the gameplay experience of your base class by providing access to two exclusive skill trees per Advanced Class, with a third being shared between both Advanced Classes.
Class Abilities

As you level up, your character will gain abilities from three sources:
  • Through trainers, from their base class (e.g. Sith Warrior)
  • Through trainers, from their advanced class (e.g. Marauder)
  • Through skill points spent in the skill trees of their Advanced Class
Skill Trees

Each skill tree provides access to a number of active abilities (which are added to your ability bar, and can be activated during play). You can also assign your training points to passive abilities. Passive abilities are ‘always on’, and alter how your base class abilities work.

It is important to note that the choices you make in your skill tree never subtract from your base class abilities; they instead improve and add to the character’s arsenal.

Skill Tree Choices

Imagine a Sith Warrior character, with the Juggernaut Advanced Class. As part of the tanking and control themed ‘Immortal’ skill tree, he may choose to learn Force Grip. This upgrades the base class ability Force Choke from being a channeled ability, requiring several seconds to activate, to being an instantly used ability. This increases the Juggernaut’s effectiveness at engaging multiple enemies at once, as those being choked not only take significant damage, but are also unable to act. The Force is indeed strong with this ability!

The Marauder Advanced Class on the other hand, as part of the ‘Annihilation’ skill tree, can opt to learn the Close Quarters ability, removing the minimum range requirement from Force Charge. A Marauder with Close Quarters, instead of just opening combat with Force Charge, can use it multiple times in the course of a fight – reinforcing the Marauder’s role as a highly mobile melee damage dealer who moves quickly between multiple enemies on the battlefield.

As well as these two Advanced Class-specific skill trees, both the Juggernaut and the Marauder have access to the shared ‘Rage’ skill tree. Abilities in this skill tree improve the control, mobility and burst damage capability of characters who invest into it – all traits desirable to both the Marauder and the Juggernaut. A sample ability here would be Force Crush, a powerful and very iconic force power that crushes every bone in an enemy’s body.

Remember, you will always have access to a limited number of training points to spend in your skill tree, so your choices are important. You may choose – for an in-game credits fee – to re-assign your skill points if you wish, so you can experiment to find your perfect combination. Any one of the three skill trees are valid to specialize in, or you can spend training points in all of them for a more well-rounded character.
Improvements through Game Testing

We thought it might be good to give you a peek at some of the recent changes made to each Advanced Class since they were announced. While we’re constantly iterating and balancing each class based on our own objectives, we also pay attention to feedback from internal testing, the (ever expanding) Game Testing Program, and the community.

The following list of changes is by no means complete or definitive for the final game, but it should give you a good idea of where the class you are planning to play is heading.

Bounty Hunter Advanced Classes

Mercenary (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

PowerTech (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

As previously announced, the Bounty Hunter’s Mercenary Advanced Class now features the ‘Bodyguard’ skill tree, allowing this iconic class to fill the role of a medic if desired.
The ‘Advanced Prototype’ skill tree, shared between both Bounty Hunter ACs, now features an upgrade to the base class flamethrower, which allows the player to rotate while using the ability.

Imperial Agent Advanced Classes

Sniper (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing)

Operative (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Sniper’s entire skill tree has been reworked to include PvP feedback from internal and external tests. The Sniper is now able to entrench himself, providing a viable initial counter against attacks that would previously knock him out of cover. The Sniper also gained Cover Pulse, a player triggered pulse mine that can knock an unsuspecting attacker away from the Sniper.

The Operative has received a number of updates aimed at providing an alternative, less cover dependent gameplay option if skilled accordingly. Operatives are now more viable in mid and close range combat, using their stealth field generator to approach the enemy unseen before delivering heavy burst damage with their energy blade.

Jedi Knight Advanced Classes

Jedi Sentinel (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Jedi Guardian (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

Based on feedback from testing and requests from the general community, we reworked one of the skill trees on the Jedi Guardian Advanced Class to be focused on dealing damage while utilizing a single Lightsaber. Previously, the Guardian’s only available role was as a tank.

The Sentinel Advanced Class remains targeted at players that prefer damage dealing gameplay over other roles. The variety between Sentinel skill trees has been increased, allowing players to specialize in several very different ways of dealing damage.

Jedi Consular Advanced Classes

Jedi Shadow (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Jedi Sage (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

The Shadow Advanced Class now has a skill tree that allows them to fill the role of a tank effectively, using Lightsaber defense and Force powers.

Based on testing feedback, the Force Slam ability shown in early videos of the class was replaced with Project, which we decided to make more versatile through skill tree abilities (e.g. the ability to project multiple objects at a target). It’s proved more popular with our Game Testers, so it stays in!

Smuggler Advanced Classes

Gunslinger (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, wields dual pistols)

Scoundrel (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Healing, wields scatter gun)

While we demonstrated a healing-focused Scoundrel at PAX East (watch our Developer Walkthrough for details), the scatter gun-centric ‘Scrapper’ skill tree has not been forgotten. Recently, we made several updates aimed at making the Advanced Class more viable in PvP.

The Gunslinger’s Sweeping Gunfire ability has been updated to allow the player to move the cone of fire while the ability is active. While this improves the feel of the attack quite a bit, it also introduces a bit of a risk factor for Smugglers who are not overly concerned with what they are hitting!

Sith Inquisitor Advanced Classes

Sith Assassin (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Tanking)

Sith Sorcerer (Roles: Mid-Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Similar to the Jedi Shadow, an Inquisitor trained in the Assassin Advanced Class now are able to fill the role of a tank, if they work their way up the ‘Darkness’ skill tree, which includes abilities to increase defensive Lightsaber capabilities and area-of-effect damage.

The ‘Madness’ skill tree, shared between both the Assassin and the Sorcerer, has received considerable upgrades with the goal of creating a range/melee hybrid gameplay option.

Sith Warrior Advanced Classes

Sith Marauder (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing. Wields dual Lightsabers)

Sith Juggernaut (Roles: Close Range Damage Dealing, Tanking. Wields a single Lightsaber)

As with the Jedi Guardian, we have given the Juggernaut Advanced Class access to a skill tree that focuses on damage dealing using a single Lightsaber. Previously the high damage dealing option was only available to the Marauder Advanced Class.

Similar to the Jedi Sentinel, the damage dealing-centric Marauder Advanced Class’ offensive arsenal has been significantly reworked and diversified, now allowing for several very different play styles. The Marauder also gained access to a new ability called Force Cloak, granting a short term combat stealth.

Trooper Advanced Classes

Vanguard (Roles: Close - Mid Range Damage Dealing, Ranged Tanking)

Commando (Roles: Mid - Long Range Damage Dealing, Healing)

Like the Bounty Hunter, the Trooper’s Commando Advanced class now has access to a healing focused skill tree, making the Trooper a completely viable medic. An example ability is an Advanced Medical Probe for quick on the field triage, which can also be upgraded to deploy a temporary defense screen on the target.
If you follow the link there are some cool images as well as a bit I didn't copy about how they use their testing metrics. And obviously, all these AC's are subject to change...

thecoffeeguy 04-08-2011 05:40 PM

I cannot wait for this game!!!!

keg in kc 04-22-2011 12:17 PM

Thought you guys might be interested in this. It's a write-up of an upcoming PC Gamer article on the game, which includes the very first details of PvP that I've seen anywhere:

I just recently received my PC Gamer US for this month, and they have a preview of the Imperial Agent from the massive 2 day session that so many of us have heard about. I'll do my best to compile the information.

Article Summary

- Bioware manages to differentiate the Jedi starting area from the Agent starting area.
- Bioware has done an impressive job of replicating the lifestyle of a secret agent.
- There are still a lot of kill-and-deliver quests, but there was usually a more in-depth class quest which added more meaning to the area.
-Example: "When I was sent to sabotage the power factory..., I ran into a small outpost of downtrodden locals. If I was headed into the facility anyways, why not earn a few extra credits by stealing some power generators and stomping a few bad-guy faces for 'em"
-"Tales of TOR's focus on story have not been exaggerated: it's immediately apparent that this is a BioWare game. "
-Kaliyo reminds the reviewer of Morrigan: "dark, sexy and disapproving of everything I did"
-Cover activated by holding Shift. This highlights cover locations; you can tap R to roll into the one you're looking at.
-Cover is NOT a flat percent-damage reduction. If you're behind it when someone shoots at you, it misses completely. If you're shooting, you're going to get hit. Cover degrades as it gets shot, and some abilities are designed specifically to shoot over cover or knock you out of it.
-Cover-exclusive abilities (like Snipe- "a high damage ability with a long cast time", Suppressive Fire- "a channeled spray-and-pray technique that hits all targets in front of you randomly", and Explosive Probe- "Sends a small probe to the target that explodes the next time they're hit").
-"Fighting is all about rhythm"
-"Solo Conversation" mode, which allows players to enter conversations alone, even when grouped.
-Kaas City is interesting- "it takes a very interesting twist that involves rival Sith Lords, terrorist cells plotting to destroy the city and a cult of Revanites"
-Crew Skills- Archeology (Gathering skill, able to mine crystal nodes and three rotating missions that the writer could send their companion on- example is a dead Sarlacc), Underworld Trading (spices), and Treasure Hunters (previously announced).


-Overall, very positive experience- "I'm thrilled. My enthusiasm for TOR is completely renewed"
-"Companions are the key to enhancing TOR's roleplaying experience"
-"The RPG side of TOR reminds me of Dragon Age: Origins... and the game's PvP system feels like an upgraded version of Warhammer Onlines"
-"I'm starting to believe that BioWare can pull off this massive undertaking- the most hyped and biggest-budget MMO of all time- and if they do, just about everyone will have a compelling reason to play it"

Agent Skill Trees

-Marksmanship- cover-based, "take out your enemies from a safe distance"
-Ability- Snap shot- Rolling into cover makes your next snipe instant cast.
-Engineering- "This one's all about controlling pet probes"
-Ability- Detonate probes- Blows up all probes.

-Concealment- "Stealth and daggers"
-Ability- Waylay- Detonates flash bomb and charge at a distant enemy, attacking them instantly and boosting next attack by 20%.
-Medic- "favorite playstyle", heals allies with probes and bact-syringe guns.
-Ability- Kolto Probe- Sends healing droid to target and stacks up to three times, like the Lifebloom spell for WoW's Druid.

-Lethality- Adds venoms to melee and blaster attacks.
-Ability- Seeker Probes- Sends out probes to target, poisoning everyone around them.


-Tanks guard allies and taunt enemies to reduce their damage output on anyone other than the tank
-No player collision
-Deflected damage, taunted enemies, and other effects will be shown visually
-When players are crowd-controlled, their resolve bar fills up. Once it maxes out, player is immune to CC.
-Pace of combat is manageable- no instant kills or burst damage.
-Cover mechanic combined with medic agent is very fun and unique.
-No companions in PvP.

-Valor identical to Warhammer's Renown, an alternate PvP levelling system.
-Badge system similar to Halo: Reach rewards for streaks of success.
-Healing and damage absorption is tracked in the match stats to promote and reward tanks and healers.
-Players can "commend" favorite teamates to give them bonus rewards.
-Seperate PvP gear sets while leveling and at max level.


-Main Room- Contains central computer and Holocom for both players and NPCs.
-Medical Bay- Bacta tank and bed.
-Escape Hatch- Unkown use in space combat.
-Captain's Quarters- No fish tank.
-Cockpit- contains galactic map.
-Engine Room- Shiny equipment, but no interaction so far.
-Mission Terminal- Contains quests that encourage you to do activities taht you haven't tried in a while, such as PvP.
-Companions- each have their own section of the ship
Link to the forum thread is here

Pants 04-22-2011 12:27 PM


keg in kc 04-22-2011 01:42 PM

Was that a "**** my life" or a "for the mother****ing loss"?

Pants 04-22-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7584782)
Was that a "**** my life" or a "for the mother****ing loss"?

**** my soon to be nonexistent life.

keg in kc 04-22-2011 01:55 PM

I hear that, brother. This game's going to be like WoW was at it's worst for me I think. The real world will feel virtual and the game will be life.

Silock 04-25-2011 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7485453)
Official developer walkthrough of Taral V.

This looks ****ing amazing...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just watched this. I REALLY want to like this game, but so far . . . I just don't.

I'll buy it and try it out for sure, but it's going to have to show me something more than this, because that looked pretty much like the same things I've seen in WoW, TBH.

keg in kc 04-25-2011 10:26 AM

I can't really speak to WoW since I haven't played it for 5 years. I will say that 15 minutes of a flashpoint walkthrough is probably not indicative of every aspect of gameplay, and for sure doesn't emphasize what they're pushing as the game's major asset, that being story.

But...I haven't played it, so I can't say for sure.

thecoffeeguy 04-25-2011 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 7589267)
Just watched this. I REALLY want to like this game, but so far . . . I just don't.

I'll buy it and try it out for sure, but it's going to have to show me something more than this, because that looked pretty much like the same things I've seen in WoW, TBH.

I guess the big question is, what is SWTOR going to bring to the MMORPG world that other games haven't.

Outside of being based on Star Wars, lots of in-game voice/character acting, is it really going to do more?

i am guessing, there will be questing/grinding, crafting of some sort, PVP and...

It is going to be interesting to see. There is a ton of hype around this game. It wont meet all expectations, but I suspect it will be a pretty decent game.

keg in kc 04-25-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by thecoffeeguy (Post 7591068)
i am guessing, there will be questing/grinding, crafting of some sort, PVP and...

All of those are confirmed. They (supposedly) have fewer fed-ex and "kill x whatevers" kind of quests, and most of them are optional side-quests that pop up automatically when you're doing class and world quests. The crafting system is a little unusual in that it's your companions that do the crafting, and they can do it while you're doing other things (or not online). Different companions have different strengths, and there are also treasure-hunting and political quests they can do in addition to crafting. They haven't officially released very much information on PvP, basically what I've posted on here in the last week.

The wild card, the 'and...' you mention is the story. They're designing the game differently from other MMOs in that leveling, under their design, is something to be savored rather than sped through so you can get to the end game. They want 0-49 to be just as important to the player as 50, basically. They don't want TOR to be yet another game where you burn your way as quickly as possible to the cap so you can start the real game.

And I'd imagine some traditional MMO players will have difficulties with that. They're (we're...) conditioned to think about leveling as an annoyance to grind through so we can get to raiding. So cinematic sequences and storylines could be a barrier to those folks. Me, personally, that's what has me the most excited about the game.

That's not to say that there won't be end-game. They just haven't released any information on it yet.

At this point, I would say there's probably a lot more that we don't know about the game than we think.

Silock 04-25-2011 09:32 PM

So what happens at end game? Anything?

keg in kc 04-25-2011 09:54 PM

They've talked about PvP, raiding and there've been whispers of some kind of legacy system (rumor is that it would allow you to play additional classes on some races) but they haven't talked in any detail about the endgame yet.

That's just the way they're handling PR: they are very tightlipped about releasing any information about any aspect of the game until it's set in stone. My assumption is that they will have the same kind of endgame options that people are used to, but with maybe a little more emphasis on alts (since story is such a big aspect of the game).

But I honestly don't know for sure...

kcxiv 04-25-2011 09:56 PM

MMO's are done, its been there done that. THey keep making them easier and easier to do.

I lost all faith in MMO's.

thecoffeeguy 04-26-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7591091)
All of those are confirmed. They (supposedly) have fewer fed-ex and "kill x whatevers" kind of quests, and most of them are optional side-quests that pop up automatically when you're doing class and world quests. The crafting system is a little unusual in that it's your companions that do the crafting, and they can do it while you're doing other things (or not online). Different companions have different strengths, and there are also treasure-hunting and political quests they can do in addition to crafting. They haven't officially released very much information on PvP, basically what I've posted on here in the last week.

The wild card, the 'and...' you mention is the story. They're designing the game differently from other MMOs in that leveling, under their design, is something to be savored rather than sped through so you can get to the end game. They want 0-49 to be just as important to the player as 50, basically. They don't want TOR to be yet another game where you burn your way as quickly as possible to the cap so you can start the real game.

And I'd imagine some traditional MMO players will have difficulties with that. They're (we're...) conditioned to think about leveling as an annoyance to grind through so we can get to raiding. So cinematic sequences and storylines could be a barrier to those folks. Me, personally, that's what has me the most excited about the game.

That's not to say that there won't be end-game. They just haven't released any information on it yet.

At this point, I would say there's probably a lot more that we don't know about the game than we think.

It is definitely going to be interesting to see.
There is a ton of hype around this game and I wonder if that is going to impact what people are expecting. Stay tuned.

As of now, I am planning on buying SWTOR and Guild Wars 2. Between those two, Rift and LoTRo, I should be good on MMO's for awhile. :)


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7591324)
They've talked about PvP, raiding and there've been whispers of some kind of legacy system (rumor is that it would allow you to play additional classes on some races) but they haven't talked in any detail about the endgame yet.

That's just the way they're handling PR: they are very tightlipped about releasing any information about any aspect of the game until it's set in stone. My assumption is that they will have the same kind of endgame options that people are used to, but with maybe a little more emphasis on alts (since story is such a big aspect of the game).

But I honestly don't know for sure...

And we still dont have a release date yet for SWTOR right?
Best guesses? My guess is late fall.

Fish 04-26-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7485453)
Official developer walkthrough of Taral V.

This looks ****ing amazing...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" allowfullscreen="" width="640" frameborder="0" height="390"></iframe>

Looks very cool. But some of that action seems very very dependent on your companion characters. It's starting to look like they're really forcing the teamwork aspect and it's going to be the only way to get through some points. I guess that's OK as long as it's done correctly. I just hate relying on others that I may or may not know, to get through a level...

Silock 04-26-2011 03:21 PM

I'm more interested in end game, because that's where the bulk of your time is spent. Not sure this game has it.

keg in kc 04-26-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 7592579)
Looks very cool. But some of that action seems very very dependent on your companion characters. It's starting to look like they're really forcing the teamwork aspect and it's going to be the only way to get through some points. I guess that's OK as long as it's done correctly. I just hate relying on others that I may or may not know, to get through a level...

Just a minor point, but when you use the words "companion characters" in TOR, people will think you're talking about traditional Bioware NPCs that travel with you, and not the PCs that group with you. I know that's not what you meant, I just want to avoid confusion...

The stock answer to being wary about needing to group is "it's an MMO". On the flip side, it's going to be extremely solo friendly, but there are going to be things that, if you want to do them, require groups. Apparently your entire class story arc (which is 200+ hours long) can be soloed, but the world quest arcs will involve flashpoints. Now, so far at least, group size for those flashpoints in TOR is smaller, 4 rather than the traditional 6. And the way beta is currently set up (I'm told...), you can comprise that group of 4 with any combination of PCs and companion characters. For instance, you can do it with 4 PCs, or with 3 PCs and 1 companion character, or 2/2. Although that's in testing and subject to change, not official.

Originally Posted by Silock (Post 7593195)
I'm more interested in end game, because that's where the bulk of your time is spent. Not sure this game has it.

They haven't announced anything, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Developers have stated repeatedly that the game will have endgame, they just aren't ready to announce it. And judging by the way they've handled everything else to date, I don't see any reason to question that.


TOR is not being designed to just be an empty 50 (60/70/85...) levels to burn through so you can get to raiding. It's being designed to be a full, deep game all the way through. So they are going to have more focus, more depth, and so on, during the journey to the level cap than these games traditionally do. Which, as I think I said yesterday, is probably going to frustrate some of the more hardcore mindset players who just want to burn through everything in two days so they can raid and get their world firsts.

Now, the impression I get is that you *can* burn through the game if you want, but you'll be skipping much of the best stuff if you do. You can apparently level through PvP as well, although I'm not entirely sure how that works. (I really, really need to get into beta)

My guess at what's going to happen to a certain segment of the playerbase is that they're going to skip all the story and then complain that TOR isn't any different than any other MMO, when, of course, they've chosen to bypass the very thing that does make it different...

Anyway, endgame will be important. Because MMOs are about retention, and giving players things to do is what keeps them paying the monthly fee. You know that. I know that. And I'm assuming that if you and I can figure out, the people working on the game know it, too.

Although they may have different ideas about it than either of us do. Who knows.

keg in kc 04-26-2011 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by thecoffeeguy (Post 7592375)
And we still dont have a release date yet for SWTOR right?
Best guesses? My guess is late fall.

Nothing yet. I'm still guessing September or October. I can't imagine it would be any sooner than that.

I'm kind of hoping for November, strange as that sounds. I have a lot of work from August to October, and this game is probably going to kill whatever month I get it in. I could see me playing 12-18 hours a day if I'm not working.

Which is a bad, bad thing.

kcxiv 04-26-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 7592579)
Looks very cool. But some of that action seems very very dependent on your companion characters. It's starting to look like they're really forcing the teamwork aspect and it's going to be the only way to get through some points. I guess that's OK as long as it's done correctly. I just hate relying on others that I may or may not know, to get through a level...

Then whats the point of an MMO? its just a single player game if your not dependent on others.

I so miss the days, when you needed a tank, healers, Crowd control/slower and dps. Its just all one big ass zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz now days.

Pants 04-26-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 7593340)
Then whats the point of an MMO? its just a single player game if your not dependent on others.

You can still interact with other people without having to be dependent on them.

Nobody wants to spend hundreds of hours grinding, bro, I do it every day at work. I'm not sure what your gripe with the new MMOs is? Just because something takes a very long time to do, doesn't mean it's hard - only time consuming. The age of grinding is over and it's for the better.

keg in kc 04-26-2011 05:31 PM

Last time I was in lotro, you still needed tanks, healers, CC and dps to raid. Maybe they missed the memo.

Hell, even TOR has tanks, healers and dps, as hard as they've tried to avoid the normal trinity system (I left out CC, because every class has some kind).

Silock 04-26-2011 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7593321)
TOR is not being designed to just be an empty 50 (60/70/85...) levels to burn through so you can get to raiding. It's being designed to be a full, deep game all the way through. So they are going to have more focus, more depth, and so on, during the journey to the level cap than these games traditionally do.

I don't mind that. I like that idea. I just hope there's a payoff for going through the game by having a fully developed end-game. I don't want to level 18 alts. I want one guy and I want something to do with him after the lvl 50 grind is over (if you can even call it a grind).


Although they may have different ideas about it than either of us do. Who knows.
I just hope they have good ones.

keg in kc 04-26-2011 07:29 PM

This is only a guess, but I don't think they're going to make it where alts are the end game. I do think they want to make multiple playthroughs more of an emphasis than other games have, to experience multiple storylines - that's the background of the rumored legacy system I would say - but they've mentioned raiding too many times not to have it, and PvP is clearly in now.

Although as a veteran MMO player (I'm making the assumption that you played WoW from the start like I did), I'd say you might agree that the odds are still pretty good that the full end game system may not even be in at launch. It never has been for any other game I've ever played. It wasn't even close to fully implemented with WoW, nor with SWG or LotRO (the major ones I've played).

Although they might surprise us, since it's been in developement for so long.

keg in kc 04-27-2011 11:51 AM

There are supposedly 3 embargoes for major events in the last few weeks, and they supposedly all end Friday (edit: Check that, officially ONE embargo is ending this week). Some of the fan sites that attended TOR's Fan Site Summit in Austin are teasing some kind of major reveal soon, but I know not what. Not buying too much into it, don't want to end up disappointed, but Friday may be a big day.

keg in kc 04-28-2011 12:04 PM

Massive update on Darth Hater from the Fan Site Summit. Tons and tons of information. I'll post some highlights later on, got to get to work now.

keg in kc 04-28-2011 01:26 PM

Here's a list of the general stuff I found most interesting:

Crew Skills available for training in Kaas City: Cybertech (Reverse Engineering Tech which leads to creating Tech), Underworld Trading, Slicing, Bio Analysis, Bio Chem, Diplomacy, Investigation Mission, Treasure Hunting, Synthweaving, Archeology, and Artifice.

Idle banter can be heard by NPCs throughout the game. These conversations normally pertain to local events and are regularly heard from NPCs that don't offer any other dialogue.

Lore Objects are throughout the world and give you a codex entry when clicked on. These also yield a small amount of experience upon gathering.

Class specific long duration buffs, such as Coordination for the Imperial Agent, stack. If you are in a party with four of the same class you can all buff each other, effectively giving each player a buff four times more powerful than normal.

There are long duration buffs that are specific to Advanced Classes and these do not replace the basic class buffs. This means Sniper Imperial Agents can cast both Coordination and a special Sniper buff on themselves and their fellow party members.

Companions start with four different abilities. The first two are Attack and Passive with the other two being a unique companion ability and a kit. The companion ability is togglable and will allow the companion to use that ability at will. The kit is an equipable companion item that adds an ability to their bar that can be swapped with other kits. The kits are not currently togglable.

Mako starts with a Healing Mode and Concussion Round Kit (deals damage, knocks down lower tier enemies).

Kaliyo starts with a Plasma Round Mode and Grenade Kit (deals AOE damage).

Companion characters will taunt you if they get close to death with unique lines of dialogue.

Some items are only equipable by companion characters. Kaliyo's Jacket is acquired during a class quest and can only be equiped by Kaliyo.

When a companion wants to speak with you, a small dialogue bubble will appear above their picture on the companion ability bar. You can only talk with the companions in private areas like your ship and special cantina rooms.

Companion Affection Points are added or subtracted during cutscenes depending on your choices. Notification pops up in a small blue box on the bottom of the screen.

Companion Affection can also be increased by giving the companions gifts. This system was described as similar to the system seen in Dragon Age. We were also told that in the current build one way to get these gifts was by using the Treasure Hunting crew skill.

Character titles can be gained by your character. Some of these titles appear to be class dependent (Agent x) while others appear to be universal (Friendly x, x the Merciless, x the Outgoing) were x is your character name. These titles appear to be connected to your dialogue choices and may also be connected to any and all other game systems.

Social points are added whenever you win a roll in a group dialogue scene or achieve a specific objective while grouped. These appear in a small blue box on the bottom of the screen. Social points accumulate to give you new social levels or tiers.

Can join party members in group conversations from far away via Holocom. Absent players join the conversation as a hologram. You can also start the quest conversation without party members if you do not want to wait. You are given a count of how many group members have joined in until it reaches the number your group has, at which point the conversation starts automatically.
In the cases where you see a cut scene while on a shuttle to another location, you can press escape (same with the way it works in every other cut scene) to stop the transition to the new area.

Player ship hangars are separated by class. For example, there's one for Bounty Hunter, Sith Warrior, etc. It should also be noted that the hangars appear on Dromund Kaas.

Mako has a minor bonus to Cybertech and significant bonus to Slicing.

Current rarities listed as Legacy, Legendary, Artifact, Prototype, Premium, Standard, and Cheap.

If you are bound to another flashpoint and did not complete the flashpoint you can then synchronize your flashpoint instance id to your new group's. This allows players to join up with a new group at the beginning. This does not work the other direction though; we were unable to sync someone forward in a flashpoint they did not participate in.

You can currently only run each Flashpoint once per day.

There is a conversation mode option for solo or multiplayer when you right click your character's portrait.

You continue to earn experience in Flashpoints while dead as long as you don't click "Return to the Med Center."

Planets have heroic spaces that are non-instanced areas with harder then normal mobs and quests. We saw these before in isolated dungeon-like areas on Tython and Hutta, but we also discovered a large open air heroic area on Dromund Kaas.

Mobs do not respawn in Flashpoints.

keg in kc 04-29-2011 03:02 AM

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kcxiv 04-29-2011 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7593342)
You can still interact with other people without having to be dependent on them.

Nobody wants to spend hundreds of hours grinding, bro, I do it every day at work. I'm not sure what your gripe with the new MMOs is? Just because something takes a very long time to do, doesn't mean it's hard - only time consuming. The age of grinding is over and it's for the better.

That would ****ign totally blow. If you had the ability to do dungeons and beat bosses solo, you may as well just ****ing avoid the montly fee and buy console games.

I Understand games now are pussiefied and loot is basically handed to you, but for me that shit is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I guess thats why i dont play them anymore.

Maybe one day a company will try something oldschoolish with a new school twist. If that happens, i may give it a shot.

keg in kc 04-29-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 7603559)
That would ****ign totally blow. If you had the ability to do dungeons and beat bosses solo, you may as well just ****ing avoid the montly fee and buy console games.

I Understand games now are pussiefied and loot is basically handed to you, but for me that shit is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I guess thats why i dont play them anymore.

I obviously haven't played them all, but I can't think of any major MMO where loot is handed to you or where you can do dungeons and beat bosses solo. Raid sizes have gotten smaller (most games are 12-24 now, instead of 40+), but that's it. And smaller does not necessarily equal easier, or easy. It still takes a lot to get the best stuff, especially when it's new content.

keg in kc 04-29-2011 03:21 PM

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 05-04-2011 03:34 PM

EA earnings conference call today reaffirmed 2011 ship date for TOR. Still no release date, and there was mention of an outside shot at a January 2012 release, but they're assuming calendar year 2011. They mentioned they're holding the release date because they don't want to tip the competition.

There was this in a document:

These forward-looking statements are valid as of May 4, 2011 only. The Packaged Goods title release schedule excludes Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is expected to launch in either Q2 FY12 or Q3 FY12.
Q2 FY12 is July-September (this year...) and Q4 is October-December.

thecoffeeguy 05-05-2011 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7619938)
EA earnings conference call today reaffirmed 2011 ship date for TOR. Still no release date, and there was mention of an outside shot at a January 2012 release, but they're assuming calendar year 2011. They mentioned they're holding the release date because they don't want to tip the competition.

There was this in a document:Q2 FY12 is July-September (this year...) and Q4 is October-December.

I bet we have to wait until 2012. :deevee:

That sucks. :banghead:

keg in kc 05-05-2011 08:52 AM

I'm still thinking september/october.

keg in kc 05-05-2011 10:11 AM

Just did some forum surfing and they reiterated that they intend to launch in the 2nd half of this year, so I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Interesting comment about testing from the call yesterday:

In terms of your first question about interest in the beta, it's exceedingly high. The demand metrics for this franchise are amongst the highest we've ever seen at Electronic Arts, and in fact the customer data coming in from the beta test of intent to purchase, quality rating, desirability, are all at the very high end of what our partners in the testing groups have seen. We're very excited and confident that we've got the right game."

keg in kc 05-05-2011 10:14 AM

Thinking about EAs strategy to keep the release date close to the vest might be a smart one. It's really frustrating, on one hand, but I've noticed over the years that WoW has a habit of releasing major updates right around the times that other games launch. If you can keep the date cloudy, you might be able to avoid that.

keg in kc 05-05-2011 10:29 AM

PvP embargo has been lifted, there's some interesting stuff floating around now. I'm not somebody who's generally interested in PvP (although my initial WoW server was Illidan, go figure...) but I like what I'm reading.

keg in kc 05-05-2011 10:37 AM

PvP impressions article from Darth Hater:

Unlike the weak enemies I scythed through in PVE, PVP combat was a long, protracted ordeal. To succeed, I needed to focus on a single target and execute multiple skill rotations before getting a kill. Similar to the deep health pools found in Warhammer Online, fighting a one on one battle lasted for quite some time, with opponents slowly whittling down each other's health.

This was never more apparent then when I was trying to capture objectives solo. Once the opposing team realized I sneaked past them, I would be forced to fight by myself at the newly captured turret. I quickly found myself out of cover as melee classes converged on me and ranged classes circle strafed my position. I assumed that I would be easy prey, but my health pool was deep enough that I could put up a fight even without cover or stealth. At one point, I even managed to kite four Republic players for a good thirty seconds while using heals and line of sight tricks.

This depth of health was the only real sticking point for me with SWTOR's PVP. I personally prefer a PVP style where short burst damage and massive criticals can utterly destroy opponents. This is probably an artifact of my affinity for First Person Shooters. I love the feeling that comes from catching a target unawares and decimating them. Unfortunately for yours truly, that was not the style of combat seen in The Old Republic.

PVP combat in SWTOR felt more like an MMO boss fight, where players needed to use every skill in their arsenal, and found the greatest success when working as a team. The addition of the Guard ability and taunts supporting weaker DPS and healers meant squads could effectively use tactics that went beyond the simple DPS-overwhelm seen in most MMOs. This group centric design seemed to give tank speced players a unique and desired place. The addition of this traditional MMO mechanic to PVP could encourage all parties, including PUGs, to use group dynamics while playing. Possibly because of the group focus, I found it very difficult to succeed as a lone wolf in this environment.

One amazing benefit of making the PVP group focused was the scenes that organically developed when parties would collide. This style of combat made the clashes between Force users and ranged classes look extremely epic. The battlefield was awash in blaster fire, Force lightning, flying objects, explosions, and the green light of heals. I was genuinely impressed with the visuals.
(more at the link)

Another good article with specific information:

(Includes bits on Resolve, Valor, PvP gear, Badges and so on)

Also an interview with one of the devs dealing with PvP.

Silock 05-05-2011 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7621901)
but I like what I'm reading.

Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but you've got such a boner for this game, I don't think they could do ANYTHING wrong at this point, in your eyes.

That's okay, though. I sincerely hope you enjoy the game (and I hope I do, as well... it would be nice to break away from WoW).

keg in kc 05-05-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 7621968)
Dude, don't take this the wrong way, but you've got such a boner for this game, I don't think they could do ANYTHING wrong at this point, in your eyes.

I'm about the most critical person you're ever likely to meet. If they do something I don't like, trust me, you'll know it.

At this point, they haven't...

keg in kc 05-05-2011 11:33 AM

I think the thing you have to realize is that the game, the way they're designing it, is so far attuned perfectly to both my personality and what I'm looking for in a game. Although I have pretty extensive raid experience ranging from Molten Core and Blackwing Lair in vanilla WoW to all but the latest raids in LotRO (which I can't even get myself to log into right now...) I've always preferred solo or small group play. I would say that probably 85% (or more) of my total time in MMOs has been spent alone, whether it was EverQuest or WoW or SWG or Tabula Rasa or LotRO. And I don't particularly enjoy end game; I'm much more likely to roll an alt than I am to raid nightly (although, again, I have done that). Frankly, raiding feels too much like work for me, and I just don't like that. Anytime a game starts to feel like a job, I lose interest. And, well, let's just say I have some clear antisocial behavior patterns. I've been playing these games for 12 years, been in a number of guilds, but never really felt like I was actually a part of any of them. So to find a game that's going to offer me at least 1600 hours of soloable, story-based play right out of the box is about as perfect a thing as I can imagine in an MMO.

That's really the main selling point for me. The story. If I'm getting an MMO with the kind of storytelling I experienced in KotOR, Jade Empire, the ME series and the DA series, that's all I really need. The rest of the stuff is ancillary. PvP? Take it or leave it. Raiding? Don't really care. The flashpoints I like because I do have a small core of dedicated friends coming into the game with me that I'll be able to do them with. Because I do not, ever, under any circumstances, PUG. Now, that said, that doesn't mean that I don't pay attention to that stuff. Because if it's good, well, that gives me that much more to do. And I am excited about what I'm reading with, for instance, PvP. Because I do like a system where different classes strengths will be utilized and it isn't all just about burst dps. I do like the idea of being able to PvP with my little group of friends. And if the raids - assuming there are raids - are as story based/intense as the flashpoints, I'll enjoy doing those, too. To a point at least.

Now, that's just me, and I know that. I understand that other people want different things from their MMOs, and I do respect that, but this's almost like they're designing it with me in mind. Every announcement so far, with one exception (space combat) has been exactly in line with how I would design a game. And that's a little exciting.

If you don't like my enthusiasm, well, sorry, I guess. :shrug:

keg in kc 05-05-2011 12:06 PM

Interviewee is a non-native english speaker, so he's at times a bit tough to make out. Most of the visuals are from older videos, as well.

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Huffmeister 05-05-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7621973)
I'm about the most critical person you're ever likely to meet. If they do something I don't like, trust me, you'll know it.

At this point, they haven't...

Yeah, I've got a feeling that Keg isn't going to be quiet on anything that he doesn't like.

Keep the info/opinions coming, Keg. This is the thread I come to for almost all of my SWTOR news. :thumb:

keg in kc 05-06-2011 12:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Some potentially big news hinted at in this week's Friday Update, a pretty interesting Developer's Blog on the ingame Codex system. If you look at the image I'm about to attach, you'll see a tab on the UI labeled...Raid Lockouts.

Raids have been rumored all along, obviously, but this is the first official indication that they're in....

thecoffeeguy 05-06-2011 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7624179)
Some potentially big news hinted at in this week's Friday Update, a pretty interesting Developer's Blog on the ingame Codex system. If you look at the image I'm about to attach, you'll see a tab on the UI labeled...Raid Lockouts.

Raids have been rumored all along, obviously, but this is the first official indication that they're in....

Looks cool.

Very high hopes for this game.
The only question I keep asking myself is:

"How am I going to play RIFT, SWTOR and Guild Wars 2 all the time?"


Its a good problem to have. :)

Pants 05-06-2011 12:26 PM

An MMO without end-game raiding would fail as an MMO, so I never had any doubts about that.

keg in kc 05-06-2011 12:26 PM

The problem for me is more along the lines of "how am I going to play TOR, Skyrim, Arkham City and Mass Effect 3 at the same time".

I was actually thrilled ME3 was pushed to 2012.

keg in kc 05-06-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7624191)
An MMO without end-game raiding would fail as an MMO, so I never had any doubts about that.

Yeah, me either.

Usually when they slip something like this into an unrelated update, it means there's a reveal coming. Maybe E3?

keg in kc 05-06-2011 12:39 PM

Meant to quote this earlier from the dev blog and forgot...

we really appreciated the codex used in Dragon Age, which allows players to collect pieces of the story that eventually coalesce into a collected whole. We also looked at the codex in Mass Effect. The focus was slightly different, instead providing an encyclopedic view of the universe as a whole.

For The Old Republic, we took the best of both systems, using our codex to not only elaborate on the settings you fight in and the creatures you kill, but also to plant seeds of knowledge relating to key personages and concepts from your class story and long-lost lore meant to give more feedback at large. We sketched out what we wanted, and told the writers to get to work.

How much work? Current estimates of our codex are around 120,000 words of text. By comparison, the average Star Wars novel comes in at around 100,000 words.
Good lord.

Huffmeister 05-06-2011 01:13 PM

Any word yet on whether there'll be a framework in place for UI add-ons? In WoW, I'm an add-on junky.

keg in kc 05-06-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Huffmeister (Post 7624297)
Any word yet on whether there'll be a framework in place for UI add-ons? In WoW, I'm an add-on junky.

I don't think they've said, but I get the impression that add ons will not be part of the game. But don't quote me on that.

I was also an add-on junky in my WoW days, but I've found somewhat to my surprise that I like the experience in LotRO more, without them.

Huffmeister 05-06-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7624305)
I don't think they've said, but I get the impression that add ons will not be part of the game. But don't quote me on that.

I was also an add-on junky in my WoW days, but I've found somewhat to my surprise that I like the experience in LotRO more, without them.

I'll be cool with that as long as the stock UI is halfway decent. The original WoW stock UI left a lot to be desired.

keg in kc 05-06-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Huffmeister (Post 7624309)
I'll be cool with that as long as the stock UI is halfway decent. The original WoW stock UI left a lot to be desired.

It certainly did.

That's the big thing: what kind of bells and whistles are in the game. There are some things I wish I could do in LotRO that I can't, but a lot of the stuff that I thought necessary in WoW really wasn't.

I also hate the idea of needing to have certain mods in order to do stuff. It's enough, in my mind, to have to deal with gear and (game) experience, I never really did like the idea of a guild or raid leader saying people needed to have mods x, y, or z in order to raid. That was part of the reason I eventually left the game for good in 2006.

But that's obviously a personal taste thing...

keg in kc 05-09-2011 10:10 PM

Have an update on add-ons. Officially, the final word is "no add-ons at launch". Maybe after launch, maybe not after launch, but for sure none when the game first goes live.

Huffmeister 05-10-2011 10:33 AM

Thanks for the info. My guess is that if they don't have them at launch, they probably won't ever have them. They will have bigger fish to fry in the first year or so than to provide an add-on framework. I'm pretty sure WoW had add-on support from launch.

And I'll be cool with no add-ons, as long as the UI is decent.

Pants 05-10-2011 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Huffmeister (Post 7631853)
T I'm pretty sure WoW had add-on support from launch.

Did they really? Seems like addons got huge at about the 2 year mark, but that doesn't mean they were not supported from the get-go.

keg in kc 05-10-2011 11:00 AM

I don't remember whether they had them at launch or not (although I'm pretty sure they did) but they were definitely a much bigger thing the second time I played the game, a year or 18 months after launch. At that point it had started to reach the 'mandatory mods to raid' point as I recall.

(At least I think so, this was years and years ago...)

keg in kc 05-11-2011 03:46 PM

Interesting developer post about the length of the class stories in the game:

Originally Posted by Daniel Erickson

Originally Posted by Neztix
So I was listening to all those interviews from the fan site summit, and there was something the lead writer said that I wanted to clarify.

He was talking about how each class (8) has 3 chapters each. And in his example of the bounty hunter, he said the "great hunt" (chap 1) was 2 times as long as all the story in KOTOR.

Making several assumptions, can we presume that:
8 classes * 3 chapters each * 2x length of KOTOR = 48 times more story then KOTOR?

I think it's reasonably safe to assume that the chapters for each class are fairly close in length to other classes. The only thing I don't know is if Chapter 1 is roughly the same length as Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.

Or, I could have taken it out of context and what he meant was that chapter 1 for all the classes was two times as long as Kotor. Which would mean roughly 6 times more story.

What say you?

Hey Folks,

Glad to clarify. Please bear with me, though, as it can be hard when we're talking about story and story length. So let's start with a few rules for how we tend to talk about it at Bioware:

First: the whole critical path of the game is the length. The walking, the combat, the travel on your ship, world quests, everything you'd have to do to come out the other end the right level. When we say the story of Chapter 1 is X long we do not mean if you somehow took all the conversations and ran them together. Sneaking through the Death Star and shooting stormtroopers was just as much of Luke's story as talking about going and saving the princess. So all the content you're expected to do goes in there. What doesn't go in? Warzones, crafting, socializing, auction house, space game, etc (yes, you could skip world quests and do Warzone or space game quests or Heroics for XP instead but swaps like that tend to more or less even out). Anything not required to level up is outside the estimate.

Second: Your mileage may vary. When we talk about the length of the game at all, we keep it vague for the important reason that people burn through content at different rates. The numbers we're using today are based on best case estimates from hundreds of people playing through Chapter 1. Some people were faster, some people were much, much, much slower as they apparently not just stopped to smell the flowers but had their CCs pick some, studied them, made adrenals out of them and then decided to sit by the roadside and consider what they'd done.

Third: This may change somewhat before ship. Difficulty has been going up in the mid and late leveling game to create real, RPG-style combat challenges. This makes the game longer. Death penalties have been going down. This makes the game shorter. But we have a general idea where we want it to end up and I think it's safe now to make some broad statements.

Okay, with all that out of the way, let me clarify. I was speaking of the a single average first time playthrough of a single class's Chapter 1 being more than twice the length of a single average first time playthrough of the entirety of the original Knights of the Old Republic. Chapter 2 and 3 are each somewhat shorter than Chapter 1 (which are extended by the Origin and Capitol worlds experience) but still pretty darn big.

If we are talking about playthroughs of all the classes we're well into four digit hours but even one class is in the plural hundreds.
Anything more specific is going to get me into trouble and honestly will just make me look silly when one guild makes it their all encompassing mission to beat the leveling game in a single marathon session then Photoshop their completion time onto a shocked looking picture of my face and spread it all over the interwebs.

Hope that helps!

Daniel Erickson

Not anything we didn't know already but still...holy crap.

keg in kc 05-13-2011 01:27 PM

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh my.

Fish 05-13-2011 01:39 PM

Giggity giggity giggity giggity...

I may have missed it already, but does anybody know if it will be setup similar to KotOR, in that your force powers are somewhat restricted by your class? Such that a Jedi won't be able to wield lightning as well as a Sith because it's a "dark" power?

I would assume that is the case. It sucks though, cause force lightning is soooo much fun....

keg in kc 05-13-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 7638946)
Giggity giggity giggity giggity...

I may have missed it already, but does anybody know if it will be setup similar to KotOR, in that your force powers are somewhat restricted by your class? Such that a Jedi won't be able to wield lightning as well as a Sith because it's a "dark" power?

I would assume that is the case. It sucks though, cause force lightning is soooo much fun....

As far as I know, there's no lightning for Consulars or Knights, although there are things the Jedi can do that (as far as I know) the Sith cannot, as far as projecting objects and so on.

That said, I think the Consular is the only class that hasn't gotten a reveal trailer like this one, so the information is really a bit limited for now.

I should probably do a post with all the reveal videos in it.

Pants 05-13-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7639270)

I should probably do a post with all the reveal videos in it.

That would be awesome, keg.

NewChief 05-13-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7639270)

I should probably do a post with all the reveal videos in it.

Yes please.

keg in kc 05-13-2011 05:14 PM

Bounty Hunter

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Imperial Agent

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jedi Knight

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Republic Trooper

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

keg in kc 05-13-2011 05:14 PM

Sith Inquisitor

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sith Warrior

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pants 05-13-2011 07:29 PM

Great! Sith Inquisitor is the ****ing Warlock from WoW except they can also stealth. I'm betting that class is going to get nerfed to shit a few months after the game is released.

keg in kc 05-13-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7639510)
Great! Sith Inquisitor is the ****ing Warlock from WoW except they can also stealth. I'm betting that class is going to get nerfed to shit a few months after the game is released.

Consulars can also stealth. Although it's an advanced class choice for both (I think).

When they go for that advanced class, however, both inquisitors and consulars become melee focused rather than casting (for lack of a better word) focused. They're purportedly being built as stealth-capable dual-blade wielding blink-tanks.

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