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PastorMikH 11-12-2004 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
OK, I enjoyed it a lot anyhow. Just stand the average woman up next to the average man and the difference is obvious. Those feminazis that want equality don't seem to notice the difference. I really enjoy what they have that we don't but they don't seem to return the favor.

They want equality until it's time to take the trash out.

You heard about Rush Limbaugh in an elevator and Hilary Clinton got on didn't you? She hit the stop button, turned to Rush, started taking her clothes off and told him she wanted him to make her a real woman. So, he takes off all his clothes, bends over, picks both his and her clothes up, hands them to her and says "Here, Fold These."

go bo 11-12-2004 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by PastorMikH
They want equality until it's time to take the trash out.

You heard about Rush Limbaugh in an elevator and Hilary Clinton got on didn't you? She hit the stop button, turned to Rush, started taking her clothes off and told him she wanted him to make her a real woman. So, he takes off all his clothes, bends over, picks both his and her clothes up, hands them to her and says "Here, Fold These."


i hadn't heard that, it's hilarious!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

KcMizzou 11-12-2004 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by PastorMikH
They want equality until it's time to take the trash out.

You heard about Rush Limbaugh in an elevator and Hilary Clinton got on didn't you? She hit the stop button, turned to Rush, started taking her clothes off and told him she wanted him to make her a real woman. So, he takes off all his clothes, bends over, picks both his and her clothes up, hands them to her and says "Here, Fold These."

ROFL That is pretty good.

alanm 11-13-2004 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
Next to cops, firemen are the laziest people on earth. They work 48 on and 24 off. When they are "on" they play cards all day. Until the captain tells them to wash the firetrucks for the fourth time in three days.

Let's not forget Skip that when they actually have to respond to a call Firefighters entering to fight a burning building or to rescue someone inside a burning building jumps right to the top of the list as one of the most hazardous jobs to ones life there is. In fact they have a much higher casuality rate for injuries and death than Law enforcement personel. Can't speak for Cops since I wasn't one. But I was in Law enforcement on the federal level. I suppose if you consider riding around in a cruiser all day being lazy you could look at it from that angle. But when you approach a vehicle you stopped or respond to a call you best have your wits about you. Or it could cost you your life. So I'll cut these guys some slack.

KcMizzou 11-13-2004 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by alanm
I suppose if you consider riding around in a cruiser all day being lazy you could look at it from that angle. But when you approach a vehicle you stopped or respond to a call you best have your wits about you. Or it could cost you your life.

I have a really close friend who's a cop. (weird, aint it?) He describes his career like this...

"It's generally 8 hours of boredom, but now and then you have a few minutes of sheer terror... and that's when you have to remember how to do your job.."

alanm 11-13-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou
I have a really close friend who's a cop. (weird, aint it?) He describes his career like this...

"It's generally 8 hours of boredom, but now and then you have a few minutes of sheer terror... and that's when you have to remember how to do your job.."

The same job description goes for a grunt or jarhead in Iraq and Afganistan everyday. When their given the word to mount up and move out and then word comes down to lock and load the blood pressure and adrenaline skyrockets. And everyone of your 5 senses and 6 if your lucky are redlining.:eek:

PastorMikH 11-13-2004 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou
I have a really close friend who's a cop. (weird, aint it?)

Nah, it ain't weird. We'd expect you to have a cop or two as friends for as much time as you have spent with them.:p

KcMizzou 11-13-2004 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by PastorMikH
Nah, it ain't weird. We'd expect you to have a cop or two as friends for as much time as you have spent with them.:p

Heh... I haven't spent near as much time around cops as you guys think. :harumph:

Actually, I have... but only because I've had cops in the family since I was a kid.

alanm 11-13-2004 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou
Heh... I haven't spent near as much time around cops as you guys think. :harumph:

Actually, I have... but only because I've had cops in the family since I was a kid.

Same here. One of my Uncles was a Homicide Det in Kansas City. He left the force a number of years back and went to work as a Insurance investigator. Better hrs. and a lot more $$$. He was instrumental in my interest in Law Enforcement. I applied for the *** about 3 years after I graduated college and spent time bumming around and not really knowing what I wanted to do with my degree in Business. Course I was sort of the hippy type and partied quite a bit. Drank a lot and did about every drug known to man and then some a time or two. And my best friend who was about to join the Air Force and still is in the Air Force but is due to retire soon got me to fill out a app for the *** at a job fair we went to. I was shocked that after a few months had gone by that I got a call to come in for a interview. Came in and had to fill out another application. When it came down to the question about whether or not I drank, used or had used drugs before I answered yes to all of the above. I knew they were going to find out anyway if they did a background check on me by talking to friends, neighbors, teachers, employers ect. So why lie about it. I was stunned and floored that after another couple of months went by that I was called in for another interview and then offered the job. Turns out admitting my drug use was a bonus for telling the truth. Go figure.:shrug: So here's a lesson for you boys and girls. Always tell the truth. ROFL

JimNasium 11-13-2004 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Skip Towne
Well, an orange jumpsuit would probably fit any of you gubment employees. You're all thieves.

If you like my uni you'd love my black helicopter.

Skip Towne 11-13-2004 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by alanm
Same here. One of my Uncles was a Homicide Det in Kansas City. He left the force a number of years back and went to work as a Insurance investigator. Better hrs. and a lot more $$$. He was instrumental in my interest in Law Enforcement. I applied for the *** about 3 years after I graduated college and spent time bumming around and not really knowing what I wanted to do with my degree in Business. Course I was sort of the hippy type and partied quite a bit. Drank a lot and did about every drug known to man and then some a time or two. And my best friend who was about to join the Air Force and still is in the Air Force but is due to retire soon got me to fill out a app for the *** at a job fair we went to. I was shocked that after a few months had gone by that I got a call to come in for a interview. Came in and had to fill out another application. When it came down to the question about whether or not I drank, used or had used drugs before I answered yes to all of the above. I knew they were going to find out anyway if they did a background check on me by talking to friends, neighbors, teachers, employers ect. So why lie about it. I was stunned and floored that after another couple of months went by that I was called in for another interview and then offered the job. Turns out admitting my drug use was a bonus for telling the truth. Go figure.:shrug: So here's a lesson for you boys and girls. Always tell the truth. ROFL

Well sure, the FDA considers drug use a plus.

Bearcat2005 11-13-2004 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by chris
Being recently divorced after 13 years of marriage, I joined and started emailng with numerous women.

One was pretty cool. After 4 months of emails, I decided to drive 3 hours to have lunch with her.

She was intelligent, witty, blond, and beautiful. WOW.

After lunch we walked around town talking; then passed a fire station. Her 3 yr son was with us and I got the BRIGHT idea to see if a Fire fighter would give us a tour.

This big burly guy said "sure" and proceeded to show us all the trucks and equipment. Fun for all was had.

Since the lunch, we sent emails back & forth planning my next trip for next week.

I'm thinking this is great! Someone like me who hasn't played the game for all these years has hit the jackpot with this wonderful woman.

THEN YESTERDAY, I get a email stating that she and the firefighter had "ran into" each other, and now they want a relationship with each other!! And the email ended with the dreaded words...."I hope we can still be friends".

Moral of the story: On a first date, don't go to a fire station.


Thats sucks man, talk about bad luck.

angel 11-13-2004 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by KCHawg
Hey Angel! I have a uniform!

the uniform is only a small part of the fireman charm-- there is also the running into burning buildings to save cute puppies or babies, playing cards, having a dalmation, looking fabulous with no shirt on, being strong enough to carry me out of a burning building just in case I faint from smoke inhalation, and not looking like Jacquin Phoenix (he's not attractive).

In short, I'm not really a uniform gal- I'm more of the saving people and puppies from burning buildings lover.

Phobia 11-13-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by angel
the uniform is only a small part of the fireman charm-- there is also the running into burning buildings to save cute puppies or babies, playing cards, having a dalmation, looking fabulous with no shirt on, being strong enough to carry me out of a burning building just in case I faint from smoke inhalation, and not looking like Jacquin Phoenix (he's not attractive).

In short, I'm not really a uniform gal- I'm more of the saving people and puppies from burning buildings lover.

Play cards: check
Used to wear a uniform: check
Used to have a dalmation (dumbest dog ever): check
Used to look fabulous with no shirt on: check
being strong enough to carry you out of a building: check

How much ransom do you think your family could afford, angel?

angel 11-13-2004 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia
Play cards: check
Used to wear a uniform: check
Used to have a dalmation (dumbest dog ever): check
Used to look fabulous with no shirt on: check
being strong enough to carry you out of a building: check

How much ransom do you think your family could afford, angel?

three out of the five you checked off are in the "used to" category... that just won't fly


what does kidnapping have to do with anything?

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