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Nightwish 02-22-2009 09:12 PM

Am I the only one getting a sense of temporal inconsistency in the Ellen story arc? I mean, she was killed on New Caprica, and presumably resurrected shortly after. But when she and Boomer rejoined Galactica, it was in the now, which would necessitate several months having gone by since her resurrection. But the previous episode seemed to suggest that only a few days had gone by before she and Boomer made their escape. So either something unrevealed went on between the time they escaped and the time they rejoined Galactica, or this jumping process sometimes screws with both space and time, or some writer messed up the timeline.

Bowser 02-22-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nightwish (Post 5517026)
Am I the only one getting a sense of temporal inconsistency in the Ellen story arc? I mean, she was killed on New Caprica, and presumably resurrected shortly after. But when she and Boomer rejoined Galactica, it was in the now, which would necessitate several months having gone by since her resurrection. But the previous episode seemed to suggest that only a few days had gone by before she and Boomer made their escape. So either something unrevealed went on between the time they escaped and the time they rejoined Galactica, or this jumping process sometimes screws with both space and time, or some writer messed up the timeline.

I thought the arc kept jumping back and forth, i.e. - 18 months ago, 10 months ago, 4 months ago, until they wouldn't show how long ago that event was taking, which led me to believe it was present day. I assumed that when Boomer stole away with Ellen, it was real time activity, but you could be right - they could have been running for a period of time, and possibly went to some locale for reasons as of yet unknown.

Third Eye 02-22-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 5517035)
I thought the arc kept jumping back and forth, i.e. - 18 months ago, 10 months ago, 4 months ago, until they wouldn't show how long ago that event was taking, which led me to believe it was present day. I assumed that when Boomer stole away with Ellen, it was real time activity, but you could be right - they could have been running for a period of time, and possibly went to some locale for reasons as of yet unknown.

This is correct.

Silock 02-22-2009 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 5515727)
I'm going to hazard a guess and assume Moore has you right where he wants you. I think he knew that the big finish was imminent, but couldn't do it without some essential info being put out there, hence the last two episodes. You think Cavil is just going to let Ellen run to the humans without cracking her noggin open?

Of course not. But I don't think he meant to bore the **** out of us with season 3, either.

keg in kc 02-22-2009 11:28 PM

I think the point of the episode was to do what Moore told everbody he intended with this season, and that's to blur the line between human and cylon.

I just expected it to be a little less...estrogen.

I like drama as much as anybody, but Friday's episode wasn't all that entertaining.

Bowser 02-22-2009 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 5517467)
Of course not. But I don't think he meant to bore the **** out of us with season 3, either.

Heh, that's a bit harsh. Season 4 has completely outpaced Season 3, but I certainly don't feel like I got the **** bored out of me back then.

Silock 02-22-2009 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 5517521)
Heh, that's a bit harsh. Season 4 has completely outpaced Season 3, but I certainly don't feel like I got the **** bored out of me back then.

It had its moments, but by and large there was a whole lot of nothing going on for me. Not enough shit blowing up.

Bowser 02-22-2009 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 5517502)
I think the point of the episode was to do what Moore told everbody he intended with this season, and that's to blur the line between human and cylon.

I just expected it to be a little less...estrogen.

I like drama as much as anybody, but Friday's episode wasn't all that entertaining.

A good take, and I agree. Strangely, this very statement has me looking forward to next week's episode even more, since we all know some heavy shit is on the way....


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 5517580)
It had its moments, but by and large there was a whole lot of nothing going on for me. Not enough shit blowing up.

We are in complete agreement here. I like lots of big explosions in space.

keg in kc 02-22-2009 11:56 PM

I think it's pretty clear they're saving budget for a huge ending. I'm expecting some spectacular space battles.

Nightwish 02-23-2009 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 5517633)
I think it's pretty clear they're saving budget for a huge ending. I'm expecting some spectacular space battles.

I think I heard somewhere that Galactica will be joined in the final battle by the Enterprise, and the Cavil-cade will be joined by the Death Star!

007 02-23-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 5517502)

I like drama as much as anybody, but Friday's episode wasn't entertaining.


Buck 02-23-2009 07:01 PM

Earlier I said the last episode didn't do anything to advance the story-line, but thats not entirely true.

The Pure-Bred Cylon baby did die. That was sorta important.

Nightwish 02-24-2009 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding (Post 5519913)
Earlier I said the last episode didn't do anything to advance the story-line, but thats not entirely true.

If it really died. Part of me is half-expecting them to pull the same stunt they did with Sharon's baby. Of course, they'd have to be pretty desperate to pull the same stunt twice.

Buck 02-24-2009 03:37 PM

I tried to write the following sentence like 3 times, and each time after I read it back it was all garbled and confusing, so keep that in mind.

Now that the Resurrection Hub is destroyed, do you think it will be easier for Cylons to reproduce w/ eachother? Theres no other way for the Cylons to resurrect now, so they have to somehow keep the race alive, and I don't think the Humans are going to be that willing to procreate w/ the Cylons...

keg in kc 02-24-2009 03:55 PM

I thought what they were trying to get across is that 'love', or perhaps better 'humanity' is the secret ingredient in successful cylon reproduction. So in that sense, the resurrection technology probably is a hinderance. What I mean is that 6 and 8 are the least machine-like models, and they're the two that have achieved it. Love led to Hera, at least. Caprica 6 and Tigh is a little more complicated, but it's obvious that love was a part of it by the end, and that a question of that is what ended it.

I think that's part of the whole 'what is human? what is cylon?' question. The cylon civil war was essentially the machine cylons (cavil, doral and simon) attacking the human cylons (leoben, six and sharon). We learned two weeks ago about Cavil hating what he is, wanting to be more of a machine, and the whole series has shown six, sharon and even leoben (albeit in a twisted way) seeking 'love'.

It's pretty deep stuff if you stop to think about it.

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