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chasedude 07-05-2012 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8720311)
I've dabbled with GW1 a few times and it never really drew me in. The controls felt awkward, and the world was boring. I've been itching for a new online game to play, so hopefully this one will be different.

This one is way different. The grind is nearly eliminated. I've been beta testing with friends that played GW1 with me. We've been having a blast!

chasedude 07-05-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8719572)
Dude I assumed it would come out in late Fall. That would be better for me financially. Now I'll be coming late to the party when everyone else is max level and making alts. That pisses me off. Therefore it is too early. :fire:

Sucks to be You! :evil:

Valiant 07-05-2012 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 8720600)
This one is way different. The grind is nearly eliminated. I've been beta testing with friends that played GW1 with me. We've been having a blast!

See I like hard grinds..

It makes players learn their character.. It is a whole game by itself..

Then the other game is endgame at max level..

Of course if I remember correctly, you could start at lvl 20 for the original..

I played it for a few months, but none of my friends joined, all stayed with wow.. I think it will be different now.. So many people want to play a fun game that is not wow.. Problem is, none of the past games have been polished enough to keep them..

Setsuna 07-05-2012 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by chasedude (Post 8720603)

ROFLLMAO Screw you. My plans may have changed and I may be getting this after all! :evil:

Canofbier 07-05-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 8720672)
See I like hard grinds..

It makes players learn their character.. It is a whole game by itself..

Then the other game is endgame at max level..

Of course if I remember correctly, you could start at lvl 20 for the original..

I played it for a few months, but none of my friends joined, all stayed with wow.. I think it will be different now.. So many people want to play a fun game that is not wow.. Problem is, none of the past games have been polished enough to keep them..

I don't mind a grind, so long as it's kept reasonably fun. World of Warcraft, despite how stale it's become as a whole, has a pretty good leveling experience, especially since the newest expansion. Even the endgame content is pretty good, given what its competitors are doing, but a game can only be played for so long before even the new parts seem old.

Perhaps it's because I arrived very late to the party, but leveling in Guild Wars just felt empty and tedious. I do like what I've seen from GW2 so far, though, so I'm definitely keeping my eye on it. Is there any way to play in the beta without having pre-purchased the game? It might be a good opportunity to get a feel for the game.

chasedude 07-05-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Canofbier (Post 8721188)
Is there any way to play in the beta without having pre-purchased the game? It might be a good opportunity to get a feel for the game.

So far it's been mainly the pre-purchasers allowed in the beta. I have seen some of the pc magazines (online only so far) giving out free beta keys. They usually go pretty fast once posted though because of the huge draw for this game.

chasedude 07-05-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 8721040)
ROFLLMAO Screw you. My plans may have changed and I may be getting this after all! :evil:

PBJ Kick Ass! Rumor is the next beta weekend is July 20-22. You better be there!!!

Setsuna 07-06-2012 12:07 PM

Awesome! I hope to have everything settled by then. I will if I can!

hometeam 07-06-2012 08:50 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

pr_capone 07-06-2012 10:31 PM

there is just no way in hell I am going to listen to them for 2 hours.


hometeam 07-07-2012 08:15 AM

If you click through to the actual youtube page, it has timestamps for everything they talk about, pick a few and listen. GREAT resource for people who havent played, or arent sure what to expect.

chasedude 07-09-2012 12:48 PM

I was curious if they were going to wait until full release before showing the new races. Think I'll start me a Sylvari Necro this next Beta weekend PBJ

Play Asura and Sylvari in the July 20-22 Beta Weekend Event!
For our final Beta Weekend Event (July 20-22), we’re making the asura and sylvari races available to beta players for the first time. Players will be able to create characters from any of the five main races of Tyria—human, norn, charr, asura, and sylvari—and begin their Guild Wars 2 experience in any of the five radically different home regions.
For asura players, this means beginning your tale in Metrica Province, a vivid, exotic jungle area full of high-tech laboratories, quirky golems, and competing krewes of mad scientists. Nearby, the massive monoliths of the asuran capital Rata Sum hum with technomagical power. These diminutive geniuses may seem cute at first glance, but never underestimate an asura…
Sylvari players begin their story in the Grove, a luminous living city nestled in the shade of the Pale Tree, the “mother” of every member of this young race of plant humanoids. The sylvari are an enigmatic race of chivalrous explorers who are driven by an insatiable curiosity and guided by a collective Dream.
If you’ve played in previous beta events, you know that each playable race has its own distinct regions, signature city, and personal storyline options. But above all, each race in Guild Wars 2 has its own identity, and the asura and sylvari perfectly illustrate this.
We can’t wait to see players drinking in the mystical atmosphere of the Grove or stopping alchemagical experiments running amok in Metrica Province during our last Beta Weekend Event before launch. If you want to reserve a spot in the beta, pre-purchase your copy of Guild Wars 2 today.

chasedude 07-09-2012 12:51 PM

Those looking for free beta keys!!!

Edit: Today is only available for premium members. If there are some left they'll be avail to non-premium members. Good Luck grabbing one!

chasedude 07-09-2012 01:36 PM

Gear vs. Skill: How Will Gamers React To Guild Wars 2 Skillful Progression?

As I obsessively count down the days until the August 28 release of Guild Wars 2, I do wonder, how will gamers coming from other MMOs perceive it? The innovations that ArenaNet have poured into their highly anticipated sequel are legion. While many aspects of the game will be familiar to MMO fans, there are quite a few departures as well. One of the biggest alterations is that Guild Wars 2 is a skill-based game, while most other MMORPGs offer a gear-based progression system. The question is: Will this design choice be a breath of fresh air or a source of confusion and frustration?

Defining Gear and Skill

In a gear-based MMO, such as World of Warcraft or Star Wars: The Old Republic, achieving the maximum level is the beginning of your journey. At that point, it’s time to jump on that gear treadmill and claw your way to a decent power level. Players are led down a progression path which includes repeating dungeons and raids of varying party sizes and difficulty levels, which grants you statistically better gear for completing them. It works the same on the PvP side, with players competing in matches to earn various currencies to purchase yet more powerful gear. Not to mislead you—skill still plays a major factor in these games. In fact, being extremely skillful can compensate for lower gear levels, but it’s usually unwise to ignore your character’s gear progression if you want to experience the most challenging content. MMO gamers are used to this system. It’s expected and comfortable. So what will happen as the masses discover that Guild Wars 2 doesn’t work like this?

Outside of MMOs, gamers are very familiar with skill-based games. Shooters, for example, frequently offer gamers a level playing field to test their expertise. Fighting games, like Mortal Kombat, don’t require you to spend dozens of hours working to unlock a more powerful set of moves. Imagine having to play twenty matches as Ryu in Street Fighter before being able to sling a single hadouken! In these titles, your skill is the primary determinant of your success. It will work the same in Guild Wars 2.

ArenaNet’s Skillful Approach to Guild Wars 2

It’s easy to see the skill-based framework when you look at how the structured PvP is designed in Guild Wars 2. After a new character completes the instanced introductory area, they have the option to teleport to the Mists. The Mists is a PvP staging area, which is the perfect place to experiment with different builds and equipment configurations before stepping into world vs. world or a structured PvP match. Here characters are bumped up to level 80 with all trait points and skills unlocked. They are also given a set of max-level PvP gear and access to vendors with free weapons, runes and sigils. As you can see, players will be on an even playing field (in regards to gear power) from their very first PvP match.

Obviously, players that choose horrible skills or are clueless about how to set up their traits and equipment will be at a severe disadvantage. Skill is comprised of more than just manual dexterity. Knowledge of your profession and build, your strategy for the various maps, and coordination with your teammates are all facets of being skillful. But the power of your gear will not hold you back. Your progression is dictated by your personal improvement, not by obtaining a new helmet that grants you +30 to Pwnage.

The PVE progression will work similarly. As you level up, you’ll find increasingly powerful gear, but once you hit the maximum level of 80, your statistics will hit a plateau. While we haven’t been able to test any level 80 PVE content ourselves, Lead Content Designer Colin Johanson, has stated: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.” The rewards you receive for tackling dungeons, dynamic events, and crafting will be unique skins for your weapons and armor. So you can work towards looking more bad-ass than everyone else, but your actual prowess in battle is largely dependent on you.

No Gear? Why Play?

Players of the original Guild Wars will be familiar with this set up, as achieving the max level of 20 and obtaining the best armor can be accomplished by the savvy in a matter of hours. MMO veterans, who are used to games like Rift and WoW, might be asking themselves, “What’s the point in continuing to play once I hit max level, if it’s easy to get the best gear?” The topic of incentive is large enough for its own article, but the short answer is: Instead of needing to farm gear in order to the play the game, Guild Wars 2 allows you to simply play the game. Completing the dungeons, working on crafting, experiencing the story, engaging in World vs. World, competing in PvP tournaments and many other activities will all provide players incentive without requiring your gear to be measure against a “you must be this tall to ride” sign. I’ll admit that I had a hard time wrapping my brain around this concept when I first started reading about it. Many MMO gamers will also need to adjust their mindset to understand this paradigm shift.

Gear vs. Skill: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

PvP in gear-based games usually have a tough barrier of entry for new players. A fresh level 50 character in Star Wars: The Old Republic has very limited access to expertise, which is a critical statistic for PvP. This creates a situation where newbies have to endure a period of getting slaughtered as they work on improving their gear. The most skilled and dedicated players will have the most powerful statistics and the performance gap between these players and a neophyte is colossal. Game developers can counter this with several strategies, but it’s a challenge to figure out how to entice new players to join PvP and have a rewarding experience from the start.

Gear-based PvE has similar issues requiring fresh-to-max-level players to gear up before tackling the highest difficulty content the game has to offer. One does not simply walk into the heroic Madness of Deathwing encounter minutes after hitting level 85 in World of Warcraft. Consequently, hardcore guilds often struggle to find new raid members who have the appropriate gear level for the content they are trying to defeat. Once again, there are strategies the developers can use to lessen the impact of a gear-based system, but they need to be constantly aware of these undesirable byproducts.

As most people know, Guild Wars 2 will not have a subscription fee. ArenaNet will, instead, support the game through microtransactions. The skill-based nature of the game allows them more freedom in the items they can sell in the in-game store without upsetting balance. Karma boosts, for example, aren’t game-breaking in Guild Wars 2, because the progression is based on player skill. However, selling currency boosters in a gear-based game would create a situation where players would feel compelled to buy those boosters if they wanted to remain competitive.

It may sound as if skill-based MMOs are all puppies and flowers with no drawbacks at all, but this is far from the truth. In fact, I’m concerned that some of my friends and family may struggle in Guild Wars 2. Level 80 players exploring Tyria can’t compensate for a lack of skill by obtaining more powerful gear. Before you say, “Well, duh. Learn to play, noob!”, realize there are many players out there that have a skill ceiling that is lower than your average gamer. It may be easy on a forum or in an internet space to discount those players, but it’s a different story when you’re talking about real people you want to play with. One of my close friends gets extreme motion sickness when he plays certain games. In MMOs, using the mouse to pan the camera triggers his condition, so he uses his keyboard for both movement and activating skills. He’s defter at playing like this than most people I’ve seen, but his performance might suffer with the action-oriented combat of Guild Wars 2. My dad loves MMOs. He was a dedicated raider and one of our main tanks for 6 years in World of Warcraft. The fact is, however, that he’s 65 years old and his reflexes aren’t as fast as they used to be. I created a video that discussed the same topic as this article (check it out below) and I received many messages in reaction to it from gamers who had all sorts of physical limitations that impacted their skill ceilings. So this concern is more widespread than we may realize. Gear-based MMOs are very friendly to these players because they allow them to surpass their own personal power limit with the acquisition of shiny loot. If they can’t defeat a challenging boss now, they can continue practicing knowing that eventually their gear may give them the boost they need to defeat it. In a skill-based system all you can do is keep trying until you overcome the obstacle or give up.

The good news is Guild Wars 2 is not designed with a structured raiding environment where gamers converge for countless hours spanning several weeks in an attempt at defeating a single boss encounter. Players with lower skill levels aren’t going to be holding back an entire raiding team’s progression. Large-scale dynamic events, world vs. world, crafting and personal story can be enjoyed by everyone equally. Structured PvP and the explorable mode dungeons may prove to be more prohibitive, but since they don’t yield more powerful loot for completing them, gamers won’t be hindered from accessing other areas of the game if they aren’t successful.

Some gamers simply won’t like the skill-based approach to Guild Wars 2. To some, the allure of seeking new items is not strong enough if they don’t include a power increase with them. Others may be frustrated by the difficulty rather than inspired to rise to the challenge. For me, personally, after playing gear-based MMOs for over a decade now, I’m ready for something different. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy my time in those worlds; in fact, they are some of my best gaming moments. But I feel that I’ve seen what that approach has to offer and I’m curious as to where my adventures in Tyria will lead me.

hometeam 07-09-2012 05:53 PM

I got a beta key from curse as a non permium member last night.. not sure how it happened, i refreshed the page at basically the moment it opened up, and got my key.

Definitely not a premium member

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