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Sweet Daddy Hate 02-05-2019 10:27 PM

...cocks shotgun.... :)

Bowser 02-05-2019 10:33 PM


The one idea he floated....why did Palpatine really go into the Unknown Regions.....made me think he could *maybe* be on to a sliver of an idea? Surely it wasn't to just build a ****ing THIRD Death Star and a cruiser the size of Delaware, right? Palps cloned himself maybe, and his force essence find its way there? An army of Sith powered by whatever artifacts he found in the UR?

Eh, whatever. It's a theory, and it is Star Wars. I guess.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-06-2019 12:23 AM

The only way this works is if Snoke was given oversight to the "resurrection/cloning"-process, and simply chose to ignore his masters wishes. He could have re-ordered the system to withhold any cloning activity unless or until he was killed or died.
Palpatine could have possibly cloned his "essence" and had it on standby in case of his demise, but there's nothing in canon to imply that he had that level of mastery over the force. In past examples of cloning and essence transfer, the transferring party usually had to be present though.

I don't like it for several reasons:

1) Anything that ****s with the OT should be off-limits. I'd like to think that Disney has learned their lesson on this, but probably not.

2) If you bring Palpatine back, you have to redeem Ren or we just end up with another case of perpetual apprenticeship like Anakin/Vader; always the apprentice, never the master. And if you do that, you have to make Kylo Ren both embrace and then turn against Palpatine in the span of one movie, and that would be complete shit.
OR, we end up with ANOTHER rebellion vs. empire scenario, and the first 3 films of the OT become pointless.
So, the Palpatine Plan for Epi 9 doesn't hold water for me.

LanTera 02-07-2019 05:08 AM

Poor franchise. Star wars was magnificent, until they start to make sequel

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-07-2019 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by LanTera (Post 14095042)
Poor franchise. Star wars was magnificent, until they start to make sequel

Yes friend of Daru, this is correct.

Hammock Parties 02-11-2019 05:33 PM


Rausch 02-11-2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14093335)

I don't like it for several reasons:

1) Anything that ****s with the OT should be off-limits. I'd like to think that Disney has learned their lesson on this, but probably not.

You have less than 10 years before they remake the OT and rewrite history...:D

Hammock Parties 02-11-2019 05:43 PM

This seems to lay out pretty clearly: Disney isn't stopping with IX


For some time I’ve been laying out how how I think the Sequel Trilogy will actually end with Rey and Kylo Ren as the champions of the light and dark sides respectively.

In addition, Episode IX will not be the end of the First Order/Resistance conflict, but the start of a much larger civil war.

Further, this story will be told in parallel with that of Luke, Leia and Han following Endor.

Rausch 02-11-2019 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14102052)
This seems to lay out pretty clearly: Disney isn't stopping with IX

So absolutely no resolution with the main characters (Darth Emo/Mary Sue) and this civil war just goes on (literally) for 40 years?


TLJ trailer and rumors had me liking the idea of "grey jedi" finding a way to balance good and bad and perhaps replacing the jedi-sith extremes. I thought it would be a fresh new direction and a natural evolution after defeating the empire.


Hammock Parties 02-11-2019 07:20 PM

No...they seem to indicate there's going to be a new threat from beyond the galaxy...and Rey and Kylo will be forced to join forces to fight it.

Kind of like what has happened in Game of Thrones.

Oh...and the writers for the next trilogy....David Benioff and DB Weiss... :)


J.J. Abrams may be bringing the new sequel trilogy to its conclusion with the upcoming Star Wars: Episode 9, but we’ll be visiting a galaxy far, far away for a long time yet.

Disney and Lucasfilm have announced a series of new Star Wars movies from a duo with plenty of experience transporting audiences to bold and fantastical worlds: Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.
So if you set up VII-IX as just an origin story for Kylo and Rey and end it with a cliffhanger...suddenly their characters get a lot more interesting.

Can't wait for 10, 11 and 12 LMAO


"grey jedi" finding a way to balance good and bad and perhaps replacing the jedi-sith extremes
Actually it seems like that's exactly what they're doing.

Kylo and Rey are not going to be pure dark and pure light. We've already seen how conflicted both are.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-12-2019 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14102175)

Can't wait for 10, 11 and 12 LMAO

Indeed there is Han, and we shall dump every frame of this post-'Jedi' cinematic garbage right into it!


Bowser 02-12-2019 09:58 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-12-2019 10:48 PM

Welp, here's the official( and shitty )storyboard leak for Epi 9. This same source was about 70% on for TLJ.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 02-13-2019 03:46 AM

yep. you're going to see this movie. all of you.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-13-2019 03:13 PM

Officer: "Your thrift store coat and battle-damaged helmet are very intimidating sir. At which victory of your might did your helmet earn its scaaahs"?

Kylo: "Leave Ren alone"!

Setsuna 02-13-2019 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14104142)
yep. you're going to see this movie. all of you.

ROFL ROFL ROFL You are unhinged from reality. This move is DOA.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-13-2019 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Setsuna (Post 14105510)
ROFL ROFL ROFL You are unhinged from reality. This move is DOA.

This is true. The amount of net traffic for speculation videos and forums is WAY down compared to the first two movies. People are curious in a morbid way, but there's extremely minimal legitimate excitement.

As I've studied more of JJ's work and general MO, I am truly shocked that TFA was the very best work he could come up with for that. When you compare it on a scale to his other work, it is truly horrible. At the very least, I wonder if he is secretly a hard-core Trekkie who hates SW.

His work surely reflects it.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 02:30 AM

That's by design.

As soon as the first trailer comes out nerds will be rejoicing.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 03:32 AM



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">No it isn’t true, I’m still working on the trilogy. With all due respect to the movie bros, who I’m sure are lovely kind bros with good fraternal intentions.</p>&mdash; Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) <a href="">February 14, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Sorry 02-14-2019 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14105580)
This is true. The amount of net traffic for speculation videos and forums is WAY down compared to the first two movies. People are curious in a morbid way, but there's extremely minimal legitimate excitement.

As I've studied more of JJ's work and general MO, I am truly shocked that TFA was the very best work he could come up with for that. When you compare it on a scale to his other work, it is truly horrible. At the very least, I wonder if he is secretly a hard-core Trekkie who hates SW.

His work surely reflects it.

I think he played it safe. The dude was under immense pressure

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14105736)
That's by design.

As soon as the first trailer comes out nerds will be rejoicing.

You see, "Solo" was actually a watchable, decent movie. Not great, certainly not "Rouge One", but at least very good popcorn fare. In retrospect, I would have gone to the theater and paid money to see it, and so would have many others.

But the fan base decided to send Disney a message and put the straight-up "STAY DOWN, BITCH(!)" on that poor movie instead. And I am not exaggerating when I say unto you, that "Solo" was just a test run compared to what poor JJ is about to get in his Christmas stocking.


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14105754)


If he's allowed to create something from start to finish, it might work. Obviously, he's not the guy you want coming in behind you to pick up the baton and run with an idea though, that much has clearly been proven.
But if he's in charge and responsible for all four acts of the play, then the patrons may or may not set the theater aflame afterwards... :)

Isn't his only claim to fame the Bruce Willis time-traveler movie? Just curious. I've never seen it so I don't know if it's worth a **** or not. Maybe someone can clue me in.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sorry (Post 14105756)
I think he played it safe. The dude was under immense pressure

Toy sales are in the shitter as well. Kids don't want them because they don't offer value for the dollar and adults won't buy then because the movies are shit.

Of course, the toys featuring the OT characters and even some of the Clone Wars/Rebels stuff still sell the most, but even those sales are way down over years past.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 07:38 AM

so now they are editing the original trilogy in these cartoon shorts to make luke and han appear less competent...the comments are amazing

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

what the **** lucasfilm


Frazod 02-14-2019 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14104142)
yep. you're going to see this movie. all of you.

Nope. **** 'em. Perhaps I'll watch it when it comes out on Netflix, so I don't have to pay any extra for it. But outside of that, that **** Kennedy gets no more of my money.

Bowser 02-14-2019 09:18 AM

^ And this is why I have no interest in a Rian Johnson led Star Wars property. KK is going to have her hand firmly up RJ's ass the entire duration of the project. **** Disney's ridiculous SJW agenda.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 09:31 AM

My disdain toward Disney is slowly turning to white-hot hate. I saw that comparison you posted and I'm glad there are fans( a LOT of fans, actually )who are monitoring this garbage and calling out every bit of bullshit that "KKFilm Ltd." sees fit to try and shove down unsuspecting throats.

I truly hate that bitch and wish her a flaming AIDS tree Christmas in 2019.

Bowser 02-14-2019 09:43 AM

To be fair, Leia did fire at the Stormtroopers before she jumped down the chute. Points still stand, though.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 09:48 AM

Watch the video. It's a total bullshit edit of the original scene designed to pander to girls.

Bowser 02-14-2019 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106033)
Watch the video. It's a total bullshit edit of the original scene designed to pander to girls.

Yeah, that was brutal. And really, sad.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106033)
Watch the video. It's a total bullshit edit of the original scene designed to pander to girls.

I did. Hence, the "white-hot hate". You have to understand; this isn't fun for me. Watching SW tank and suck is not like watching PMII come riding on to the field of battle, laying waste to every dumbassed comment, theory, and idiotic statement ever made about "risky" 1st round QB's and team-building from the O-line outwards, it's a shameful disgrace to a once-brilliant mans' legacy that has endured every single test that time could throw at it.

When I was a young youngster, I was a veracious reader of the classic Greek heroes and mythology literature. Within those works lies the foundation of what Lucas tapped in to, and what so many children like myself and for years to come would appreciate, learn from, and revel in; classic heroes doing classic things( adventures, feats of honor, courage, chivalry, and valor etc. ).
Works that stood for thousands of years.

So when George tapped in to that and combined it with my other great youngster passion, the stars and heavens( astronomy ), it was like hitting the children's developmental jackpot! I and millions of other young boys and girls were transformed in to instant, life-long fans. And the reason it stayed with us was not just an adult's sentimental reflection on childhood, but because like the classic tales, Star Wars was something that could remind us from time to time to regard and keep under guard/protect our better selves, the "hero" we all set out to be when we began our further journey in to life.

So in my eyes, Star Wars will never be antiquated because like it's classical predecessors, it stood the test of time. It's something that young parents of my generation enjoyed taking their own children to see in the late 1990's when they re-released prior to commencing the Prequels. And many other parents before and after that who shared the movies with their kids on VHS, Laser Disc, and finally DVD/Blue Ray.

So for Disney to turn SW in to a "trend", in to the "latest thing/ideology" is what I find TRULY insulting. Not even the bad scripts, weak stories, shitty directors, flat characters, and **** all else offend me the same way THAT does. It's like turning Medusa in to a "poor, misunderstood strong woman who was wronged by a male God-figure for her beauty and independent ways".


And I refuse to monetarily support such nonsense.

Nirvana58 02-14-2019 11:07 AM

Just an small sample from a younger generation Star Wars Fan.

I was talking to my girlfriends boy last night. She has a 16 year old girl and the boy is 13. The 16 year old girl cares nothing about Star Wars that she says is stupid space movie.

The 13 year old boy was an avid Star Wars fan. Loves the Originals and made sure we went to every opening day with the new Star Wars Movies.

I asked him are you excited for the next Star Wars Film. His words verbatim. I really don't care about Star Wars anymore. I laugh and ask him why. I get the typical teenage response I Don't Know. I ask him if it was because The Last Jedi. Short teenage response yeah that movie really wasn't very good but its okay because the Marvel films are awesome. Then he goes on to talk about all the new Marvel movies coming out and how we have to pre order tickets.

When you piss on the hardcore fans like me. Try to court fans that are never going to be interested in "Stupid Space Movie". Then top it all off by just making a bad movie when there is so many great movies and worlds to explore now. "Marvel"

You are going to fail. There is just to many better options. It is extremely sad because if they would have just followed the books. This story could have been amazing.

lawrenceRaider 02-14-2019 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Nirvana58 (Post 14106176)
Just an small sample from a younger generation Star Wars Fan.

I was talking to my girlfriends boy last night. She has a 16 year old girl and the boy is 13. The 16 year old girl cares nothing about Star Wars that she says is stupid space movie.

The 13 year old boy was an avid Star Wars fan. Loves the Originals and made sure we went to every opening day with the new Star Wars Movies.

I asked him are you excited for the next Star Wars Film. His words verbatim. I really don't care about Star Wars anymore. I laugh and ask him why. I get the typical teenage response I Don't Know. I ask him if it was because The Last Jedi. Short teenage response yeah that movie really wasn't very good but its okay because the Marvel films are awesome. Then he goes on to talk about all the new Marvel movies coming out and how we have to pre order tickets.

When you piss on the hardcore fans like me. Try to court fans that are never going to be interested in "Stupid Space Movie". Then top it all off by just making a bad movie when there is so many great movies and worlds to explore now. "Marvel"

You are going to fail. There is just to many better options. It is extremely sad because if they would have just followed the books. This story could have been amazing.

Movies based on the Thrawn trilogy would have been amazing.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Nirvana58 (Post 14106176)
When you piss on the hardcore fans like me.

You are going to fail. There is just to many better options.

Thing is, they didn't.

Not at the box office.

Not by the critics.

You can whine all you want but Disney is still cashing out and I'm guessing not only is IX going to do VERY well, it's going to set up X-XII and anticipation is going to be extremely high.

Bowser 02-14-2019 11:41 AM

Sorry to keep bringing up the Old Republic cut scene video - but that vid is a perfect example of how you can give the fans what they want while empowering women in a way Star Wars never has without jamming some SJW agenda down the throats of fans that couldn't care less about it to begin with. Star Wars fans just want an epic space opera to revel in, not some futuristic grrrrl power movie while all the men are either portrayed as cucks, bumbling fools, or straight up incompetent. The video and meme Clay posted shows that KK is fully vested in the SJW horseshit, and it will also be why she will forever be viewed as a mistake and failure for Star Wars and Disney in spite of how much money the movies under her watch bring in.

Bowser 02-14-2019 11:42 AM

Ha! I had no idea we had a filter changing "cvcks" into "outstanding citizens". That's funny.

Nirvana58 02-14-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106211)
Thing is, they didn't.

Not at the box office.

Not by the critics.

You can whine all you want but Disney is still cashing out and I'm guessing not only is IX going to do VERY well, it's going to set up X-XII and anticipation is going to be extremely high.

We will see once the movie gets closer and trailers come out. Kind of hard to for sure set expectations when we know nothing about the next movie yet.

However, Solo did fail at the box office based on what they were expecting. (Which is kind of sad since Solo wasn't really that bad of a movie. If it had came out before The Last Jedi it would have dominated the box office)

I really don't care what critics say. User reviews tell a different story.

My guess is movie IX has the lowest box office of this trilogy. Also toy sales will continue to go down. It is all about Marvel with kids now. I pray Disney doesn't screw that Franchise up like they destroyed Star Wars.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106211)
Thing is, they didn't.

Not at the box office.

Not by the critics.

You can whine all you want but Disney is still cashing out and I'm guessing not only is IX going to do VERY well, it's going to set up X-XII and anticipation is going to be extremely high.

Let me give you the very quick breakdown of Disney's foray in to SW from a pop culture and critical perspective:

Epi 7

Fans( initial ): Yay! New SW movie! Gotta' go see it! / Super Awesome! Glad I came! Totally redeemed crappy prequels!
Fans( passage of time) : This really wasn't that great, characters kinda' weak, but decent set-up for next movie.

Box Office: $$$$$

Critics: Good popcorn fare, soft reboot, nothing exceptional.

Epi 8

Fans( initial ): Okay, let's get down to work! Rubber meets the road here, please kick our asses! / Fan 1: Okay, not what I expected, but that's good! Really unique and different take on SW, can't wait to see where this goes next! / Fan 2: Are you kidding me with this shit?!?!? Off to the Internet I go to RAGE!

Fans( passage of time ): Fan 1: I'm sticking to my initial assessment and will not be swayed by the thousands and thousands and thousands of fans who now hate this movie!
Fan 2: I have successfully RAGED on the Internet and have explained, in GREAT and painstaking detail to the fans, of why this movie sucks donkey shit, how Disney has betrayed us all and is killing SW, and how we will combat this atrocity!
Fan 3( formerly a Fan 1 ): I number in the mega-thousands and have seen the light of the Great and Wise Fan 2, and I too shall join in the fight of defeating this Evil Empire! I have overcompensated greatly in my desire to see Disney continue a great SW legacy, and will now atone for my blind, fanboi shame!

Box Office: $$$

Critics( initial ): This was the greatest SW evah! Completely subverted my expectations! Yeah, there was some cheesy stuff and Rose was not the greatest, but the way Luke Skywalker subverted my expectations was off the wall BOSS!
Critics( passage of time ): Can 70% of us have a re-do, please? Thx!

Epi 9

Fans( initial ): Fan 1 @ 25%: Still in it brah, can't WAIT to pre-order my ticket!( totally unnecessary ).
Fan 2 @ 75%: Not a chance in hell am I supporting this garbage. **** you JJ, KK, and MMouse right in your bleeding eyeballs!

Box Office: $$

Critics: Mother**** THIS. ( wet fart sound )

Chiefspants 02-14-2019 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14105807)
so now they are editing the original trilogy in these cartoon shorts to make luke and han appear less competent...the comments are amazing

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

what the **** lucasfilm


Bastardizing the original content is perhaps the biggest cardinal sin Disney is committing. They just do not get it. Stupid, stupid video. There are so many more ways they could have celebrated Leia's heroism without slandering the other original characters.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 12:57 PM

Critics didn't recant on their assessment.

Your post is flawed.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106413)
Critics didn't recant on their assessment.

Your post is flawed.

Well of course they didn't; they would lose any and all credibility if they did. But I can damned sure guarantee you a great portion of them wish they could! :D

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 01:08 PM

You are living in a fantasy world where everyone hates the movie as much as you do.

It is not so.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106429)
You are living in a fantasy world where everyone hates the movie as much as you do.

It is not so.

You're talking to the man who predicted:

a) A Chiefs playoff loss to Pittsburgh before even one down of regular season football was played in 2016, and

b) A Trump Presidency on the day he walked down the escalators at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy, and no I never once backed down from my initial prediction.

So to put it bluntly; I will be sure to wave "hello" to Kylo and Rey waiting outside the soup kitchen for their Daily Bread as I cruise swiftly by in my 2018 SS of Doom.

Hammock Parties 02-14-2019 02:01 PM

You are betting against the combined might of Lucasfilm and The Mouse.

I'm sure it will work out for you.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-14-2019 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106504)
You are betting against the combined might of Lucasfilm and The Mouse.

I'm sure it will work out for you.


CoMoChief 02-14-2019 10:43 PM

Cant wait for more scenes and dialogue with Finn and Rose


Seriously though...the franchise now is a god damn dumpster fire.

Disney doesn't care though...Star Wars is about making toys/merch more than it is making movies, they can make it as ****ing shitty as they want to...and they have.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by CoMoChief (Post 14107354)
Cant wait for more scenes and dialogue with Finn and Rose


Seriously though...the franchise now is a god damn dumpster fire.

Disney doesn't care though...Star Wars is about making toys/merch more than it is making movies, they can make it as ****ing shitty as they want to...and they have.

Except NO ONE IS BUYING THE TOYS. Seriously. The toy sales are in the shitter.

007 02-15-2019 03:24 AM

Its interesting seeing SDH and HP on opposite sides.

I loved Star Wars. Then the prequels came out and dampened my spirits. Now the new trilogy has started and made me feel that the prequels are ****ing gold in comparison.

I was willing to forgive JJ for only making a soft reboot but then to have Rian come in and shit all over the franchise? **** him.

Also, my boys lost all interest in Star Wars after Force Awakens. My daughter doesn't even care about Star Wars.

007 02-15-2019 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14106412)
Bastardizing the original content is perhaps the biggest cardinal sin Disney is committing. They just do not get it. Stupid, stupid video. There are so many more ways they could have celebrated Leia's heroism without slandering the other original characters.

That video is complete and utter bullshit. Leia was never weak. Why they felt the need to do that is beyond stupid.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 14107454)
Its interesting seeing SDH and HP on opposite sides.

I loved Star Wars. Then the prequels came out and dampened my spirits. Now the new trilogy has started and made me feel that the prequels are ****ing gold in comparison.

I was willing to forgive JJ for only making a soft reboot but then to have Rian come in and shit all over the franchise? **** him.

Also, my boys lost all interest in Star Wars after Force Awakens. My daughter doesn't even care about Star Wars.

The prequels are not better than the sequel trilogy.

They were sloppy, haphazardly written and poorly executed CGI wankfests and even Rose isn't as annoyingly awful a character as Jar Jar.

At least the ST has a consistent villain.

lawrenceRaider 02-15-2019 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14107566)
The prequels are not better than the sequel trilogy.

They were sloppy, haphazardly written and poorly executed CGI wankfests and even Rose isn't as annoyingly awful a character as Jar Jar.

At least the ST has a consistent villain.

I'd rather watch any of the prequels again than watch the stain that is TLJ. I saw TLJ in the theater and came away underwhelmed and feeling something was missing. I watched TLJ again when it hit Netflix, and sweet baby jesus it was just terrible. I'll wait for video before watching the next one.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 07:54 AM


No one wants to watch Attack of the Clones over anything ever again.

"i you!"


notorious 02-15-2019 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 14107454)
Its interesting seeing SDH and HP on opposite sides.

I loved Star Wars. Then the prequels came out and dampened my spirits. Now the new trilogy has started and made me feel that the prequels are ****ing gold in comparison.

I was willing to forgive JJ for only making a soft reboot but then to have Rian come in and shit all over the franchise? **** him.

Also, my boys lost all interest in Star Wars after Force Awakens. My daughter doesn't even care about Star Wars.

Same here, kids loved the originals, love Phantom Menace (the kid and pod racing), but won’t watch any of the new movies.

Disney is going to have major issues in the future. They pissed off a lot of their die hard fans, and have very little support from the young kids.

Discuss Thrower 02-15-2019 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14107659)
Same here, kids loved the originals, love Phantom Menace (the kid and pod racing), but won’t watch any of the new movies.

Disney is going to have major issues in the future. They pissed off a lot of their die hard fans, and have very little support from the young kids.

Which corp exec would you rather be: someone with the Mouse trying to gaslight people into thinking Rian Johnson's adventures were a good idea or the goon at Universal who has to keep interest in the Harry Potter IP to generations who did not grow up during the book releases?

notorious 02-15-2019 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 14107693)
Which corp exec would you rather be: someone with the Mouse trying to gaslight people into thinking Rian Johnson's adventures were a good idea or the goon at Universal who has to keep interest in the Harry Potter IP to generations who did not grow up during the book releases?

Both are brutal, but they made their own beds with stupid decisions.

I can’t believe Disney attacked their own fans. If they would have stayed quiet and let the disappointment blow over they would be in a much better position right now.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14107659)
Same here, kids loved the originals, love Phantom Menace (the kid and pod racing), but won’t watch any of the new movies.

Disney is going to have major issues in the future. They pissed off a lot of their die hard fans, and have very little support from the young kids.

I don't buy it.

Between BB-8 and the LEGION of young girls who love Rey they are fine.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 14107454)
Its interesting seeing SDH and HP on opposite sides.

I loved Star Wars. Then the prequels came out and dampened my spirits. Now the new trilogy has started and made me feel that the prequels are ****ing gold in comparison.

I was willing to forgive JJ for only making a soft reboot but then to have Rian come in and shit all over the franchise? **** him.

Also, my boys lost all interest in Star Wars after Force Awakens. My daughter doesn't even care about Star Wars.

It's quite simple; I like SW for specific reasons related to story and character. Those reasons have been replaced with disposable, pop-culture garbage that will be forgotten quickly. End of story.

And like others have said, Marvel is proving my hypothesis correct with each passing movie. They know how to present a hero and villain. They don't waste time murking about in "shades of gray", and doing it in a piss-poor fashion like Rian Johnson.

Simple. No great math required here at all.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14107731)
I don't buy it.

Between BB-8 and the LEGION of young girls who love Rey they are fine.

"Legion" my ass. Would you care to guess which main character is selling the least in the toy aisle?

crayzkirk 02-15-2019 12:43 PM

Jar Jar IS the main antagonist in the prequels. He is the foil to Yoda. A character that is made to look foolish only to be the most powerful SITH LORD in the galaxy.

He was just so annoying that Lucas wrote him out.

Jar Jar influences a lot of things by acting stupid, mind control on the queen, force jumps, etc. You just have to look for it.

Discuss Thrower 02-15-2019 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14107704)
Both are brutal, but they made their own beds with stupid decisions.

.. what did Universal do wrong?

notorious 02-15-2019 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 14108346)
.. what did Universal do wrong?

Timing is everything.

I really don’t know, though. I am older than the Potter generation.

notorious 02-15-2019 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by crayzkirk (Post 14108192)
Jar Jar IS the main antagonist in the prequels. He is the foil to Yoda. A character that is made to look foolish only to be the most powerful SITH LORD in the galaxy.

He was just so annoying that Lucas wrote him out.

Jar Jar influences a lot of things by acting stupid, mind control on the queen, force jumps, etc. You just have to look for it.

Snoke is Jar Jar.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 14108536)
Snoke is Jar Jar.



Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 02:48 PM

Snoke might as well be Jar Jar; it would make as much sense as anything else in this now-reeruned universe.

Setsuna 02-15-2019 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14106429)
You are living in a fantasy world where everyone hates the movie as much as you do.

It is not so.

Pot meet kettle.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 03:30 PM

principal wrapped

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 03:53 PM

Oscar is crying because he knows the funeral is next.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 04:00 PM

You're silly.

They'll all be back for X.

Hammock Parties 02-15-2019 04:02 PM


A major UK cinema chain has received a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) from Disney this morning called TT1-SW9, (Teaser Trailer 1 Star Wars 9). It’s encrypted with a KDM (Key Delivery Message) so they can’t view the contents until they get the key.

No news on when they’ll get the key, but they had the Aladdin trailer DCP for two weeks before it came out on Monday…therefore, Friday might be the day, but that’s pure speculation.


sources say that the teaser is a real tear jerker. I’m not sure if its because of the content of the trailer or because of what it means

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-15-2019 04:24 PM

We're all a quiver.

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-16-2019 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14107779)
It's quite simple; I like SW for specific reasons related to story and character. Those reasons have been replaced with disposable, pop-culture garbage that will be forgotten quickly. End of story.

And like others have said, Marvel is proving my hypothesis correct with each passing movie. They know how to present a hero and villain. They don't waste time murking about in "shades of gray", and doing it in a piss-poor fashion like Rian Johnson.

Simple. No great math required here at all.

Hell, the original Star Wars story and characters were cookie cutter but they worked well. It was a tale of good and evil. Now they are trying this gray Jedi baloney. Keep Star Wars simple. The mythology is built upon that. It is not Shakespeare.

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-16-2019 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate (Post 14106116)
I did. Hence, the "white-hot hate". You have to understand; this isn't fun for me. Watching SW tank and suck is not like watching PMII come riding on to the field of battle, laying waste to every dumbassed comment, theory, and idiotic statement ever made about "risky" 1st round QB's and team-building from the O-line outwards, it's a shameful disgrace to a once-brilliant mans' legacy that has endured every single test that time could throw at it.

When I was a young youngster, I was a veracious reader of the classic Greek heroes and mythology literature. Within those works lies the foundation of what Lucas tapped in to, and what so many children like myself and for years to come would appreciate, learn from, and revel in; classic heroes doing classic things( adventures, feats of honor, courage, chivalry, and valor etc. ).
Works that stood for thousands of years.

So when George tapped in to that and combined it with my other great youngster passion, the stars and heavens( astronomy ), it was like hitting the children's developmental jackpot! I and millions of other young boys and girls were transformed in to instant, life-long fans. And the reason it stayed with us was not just an adult's sentimental reflection on childhood, but because like the classic tales, Star Wars was something that could remind us from time to time to regard and keep under guard/protect our better selves, the "hero" we all set out to be when we began our further journey in to life.

So in my eyes, Star Wars will never be antiquated because like it's classical predecessors, it stood the test of time. It's something that young parents of my generation enjoyed taking their own children to see in the late 1990's when they re-released prior to commencing the Prequels. And many other parents before and after that who shared the movies with their kids on VHS, Laser Disc, and finally DVD/Blue Ray.

So for Disney to turn SW in to a "trend", in to the "latest thing/ideology" is what I find TRULY insulting. Not even the bad scripts, weak stories, shitty directors, flat characters, and **** all else offend me the same way THAT does. It's like turning Medusa in to a "poor, misunderstood strong woman who was wronged by a male God-figure for her beauty and independent ways".


And I refuse to monetarily support such nonsense.

100% correct.

Amazing post, sir.

Star Wars was updated Greek and medieval mythology.

But the SJW agenda hates the Western classics.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14109548)
Hell, the original Star Wars story and characters were cookie cutter but they worked well. It was a tale of good and evil. Now they are trying this gray Jedi baloney. Keep Star Wars simple. The mythology is built upon that. It is not Shakespeare.

You can't just tell the same story again.

That's why a lot of us loved TLJ. It took the OT and turned it on it's ear.

Now we are answering the question: what if Vader had overthrown the Emperor?

After IX I'm pretty sure we are going to be answering the question: what if Vader wasn't the bad guy?

Great Expectations 02-16-2019 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Nirvana58 (Post 14106277)
It is all about Marvel with kids now. I pray Disney doesn't screw that Franchise up like they destroyed Star Wars.

By turning Captain America into a girl and making her extroidanarily powerful?

I didnt read the comics, maybe that actually happened?:shrug:

lawrenceRaider 02-16-2019 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 14109613)
By turning Captain America into a girl and making her extroidanarily powerful?

I didnt read the comics, maybe that actually happened?:shrug:

Marvel has done a ton of stupid shit in their books in recent years. Enough stupid that they've lost a ton of circulation. If not for the movies, they would likely have gone under.

Al Bundy 02-16-2019 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Great Expectations (Post 14109613)
By turning Captain America into a girl and making her extroidanarily powerful?

I didnt read the comics, maybe that actually happened?:shrug:

The female version of Captain Marvel first appeared in 1982. So, not exactly new.

Al Bundy 02-16-2019 09:41 AM

The prequels made me not ever want to watch Star Wars again. I tend to like all of the new ones. I simply didn't like anything about the prequels.

Sweet Daddy Hate 02-16-2019 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 14109548)
Hell, the original Star Wars story and characters were cookie cutter but they worked well. It was a tale of good and evil. Now they are trying this gray Jedi baloney. Keep Star Wars simple. The mythology is built upon that. It is not Shakespeare.

I don't even have a problem with Gray Jedi. If done properly, it's a VERY intriguing aspect of the SW culture that would be worth exploring. But if that was their intent, then they've done ZERO research on the matter because this nonsense with Kylo Ren has nothing to do with that.


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14109589)
You can't just tell the same story again.

That's why a lot of us loved TLJ. It took the OT and turned it on it's ear.

Now we are answering the question: what if Vader had overthrown the Emperor?

After IX I'm pretty sure we are going to be answering the question: what if Vader wasn't the bad guy?

Apparently, you CAN tell the same story again. I assume you watched "The Force Awakens"?

No we aren't! Jesus, I could sit here and write a 1000 word essay on how wrong that is, Clay.

Kylo Ren doesn't work as a character in SW because there is NO FOUNDATION. None of these characters have a foundation of any kind or compelling motivation sans Leia, and she's DEAD. Same with Luke. Same with Han. This whole thing was done in such a horrible, rushed, and unimaginative way when it didn't have to be.
In an attempt to be "edgy", Rian Johnson straight-up killed this thing with his short-sightedness and arrogance, and JJ Abrams is in no way talented enough as a writer to fix the damage. If those storyboard leaks are even 50% correct, this movie has already lost. It's a HUGE bag of dicks before it even hits the theaters.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 09:53 AM


Kylo Ren doesn't work as a character in SW because there is NO FOUNDATION.
They are building the foundation, honey.


When all is said and done, the ST will come to be known as a coming of age for Kylo and Rey, how they found themselves, and eventually allied together to fight a common enemy...which will be the conflict going forward in X.

It's going to be WIZARD!

MarkDavis'Haircut 02-16-2019 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 14109589)
You can't just tell the same story again.

That's why a lot of us loved TLJ. It took the OT and turned it on it's ear.

Now we are answering the question: what if Vader had overthrown the Emperor?

After IX I'm pretty sure we are going to be answering the question: what if Vader wasn't the bad guy?

Fine. That is a salient point.

But the Last Jedi didn't give us a better story. All that movie had were lame twists for the sake of twists. It is a film that a pretentious film major would shoot. Oh look, I am defying convention. Too bad, it ruined the story and characters. All the villains are either dead or buffoons. Ren is a mess. Rey isn't much better. Finn's arc is on repeat. Poe is disgraced. Rose is a joke. The Resistance is down to one ship.

There is nothing there to get excited about.

Hammock Parties 02-16-2019 10:05 AM

The Resistance is down to one ship and you aren't excited to see what happens next?

I'm pretty stoked to be honest.

They made the odds even worse. So much potential now. Any number of paths they could go on.

They really get to make this their own story now, instead of just a rehash of the OT, which was the path they were on after TFA.

TLJ breathed a lot of life into the franchise for some of us.

I won't deny that Finn and Rose are terrible characters, but it's not like the OT and PT didn't have their share of that.

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