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keg in kc 05-22-2010 12:36 PM

I'm not big on space combat either. Although if it's done well I'll probably enjoy it.

I actually left SWG before Jump to Lightspeed.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-22-2010 12:36 PM

Just embrace the Awesomeness.

keg in kc 05-27-2010 04:26 PM

Big news this week - first real details on companions:

Star Wars: The Old Republic Companions

From Chewie to Artoo, we've got new details on the game's companion characters.
May 27, 2010

Today BioWare's giving us an advance look at the first details on the companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic. BioWare's provided us with an intriguing write-up that's going up on The Old Republic website tomorrow. To make things even sweeter, BioWare's creative director and lead designer James Ohlen consented to answer some of our questions.

Every Star Wars hero needs a companion. Han had Chewie, Luke had R2-D2 -- even Jabba had the cackling monkey lizard Salacious B. Crumb. These characters compliment a player's strengths or weaknesses, and provide company for the epic journey you will inevitably undertake. Whether they're combative, friendly, flirtatious, or even just good for a laugh, companions always contribute to your adventure.

In Star Wars: The Old Republic, a variety of these Companion Characters will join your cause. Some will join you for adventure, some for greed, and some for motivations that will remain hidden until much further along in your adventure. The Companions run the gamut from intelligent droids to bizarre aliens, from an honorable princess to a roguish pirate, and each class has a completely unique set to of Companions.

While traveling the galaxy, your Companion Characters will provide commentary, information on plots and directions to points of interest-- all from their own unique perspectives. Companion Characters may act as your conscience, and try to influence your decisions. In turn, you will influence them, and change how they develop as the story progresses. Based on your choices, some Companions will become your closest friends, others may become your lovers, and a few may even become your enemies!

You will be introduced to your first Companion Character early in your adventure. But as you become more seasoned, more will rally to your cause. As you travel with your Companions and get to know them better, they will not only become more powerful but they will also introduce you to a unique series of quests and rewards. Furthermore, you will be able to enhance your companions by equipping them with various gear.

As your team grows and develops, new options, strategies, and tactics will become available. When you're headed to "The Tomb" on Belsavis, who will you bring to watch your back and help out the rest of your group? Do you bring the hard-as-nails soldier who will help keep your enemies' attention off of your group, the gifted battlefield medic who can help keep everyone alive, or do you bring your ever-faithful Astromech whose computer skills may be the only hope for completing the mission? These are just some of the choices you will make while you and your Companions roam the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

-- BioWare

IGNPC: Companions have been part of BioWare games from Mincs to Liara. How has the role or design of companions evolved over the years? How will The Old Republic improve on the existing companion systems? What have you learned about players' expectations for the companions?

James Ohlen: Companions have evolved a lot since the days of Minsc and Baldur's Gate. In Baldur's Gate the companion characters we created were limited to voice over barks and a little bit of story. In Baldur's Gate 2 we expanded that significantly, adding the ability for players to get to know his companion through intricate conversation trees, companion centered quest lines and romances. Occasionally we wouldn't have companions as part of our initial design (Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire were examples of that), but we'd always add them back because companions had become such a staple of our games. In fact, Mass Effect 2 has a storyline that is focused primarily on the collection of companion characters.

With Star Wars: The Old Republic we had to solve for the fact that this is the first Bioware (MMO)RPG that is entirely real time. All of our previous RPGs allow the player to pause the game. We have had to approach how a player controls his companion much differently than before.

IGNPC: Can you give us a few specific examples of how companions might impact a particular player's experience?

James Ohlen: Companion characters have a significant impact on the player's experience. They are integral to the player's storyline. They interject during conversation to give the player their view on things. They give commentary as the player explores the world. They are an important part of combat, providing extra DPS, healing, tanking abilities or even crowd control.

IGNPC: How flexible are the companions' story arcs? Are they merely scripted to provide a solid context for the player's own moral choices or will the player have an opportunity to change a companion's goals and attitudes?

James Ohlen: Players can change his companion's attitudes and sometimes even his moral leaning. It is dependant on who the companion is and what kind of person the player is role-playing as. Some companions can be twisted to the darkside of the Force and others can be redeemed. Some companions can become stronger and more independent or be beaten down until they are subservient. This is done through a system that we are tentatively calling the Affection system. It's loosely based on the Dragon Age affection system and allows the player to change his companion's attitude through his actions, words and even through gifts.

IGNPC: Companions play an important part in the story, but they also impact the player's gameplay options. What types of tactical contributions will companions be able to make?

James Ohlen: Companions add a lot to a player's combat capabilities. Each companion has a specific role, whether it be additional DPS, tanking, healing or crowd control. Companions also have special abilities that can be activated to significantly change what's going on during a battle. One companion might lay down suppressing fire, giving the player some breathing room to escape or turn the tide of the battle. Another companion might trap a tough enemy in an energy bubble, allowing the player to use a divide and conquer strategy in a battle. Players can also equip items to his companion character. This includes standard gear such as armor and weapons. Additionally, what a player equips to his companion can change the companion's behavior.

IGNPC: How do you determine which types of companions work best for each class and each story arc? Will the different classes have the same range of companions? Will Troopers have fewer or more combat companions than, say, imperial agents? Can you tell us how different character types might work with the same companion type?

James Ohlen: Each character class gets his own stable of unique companion characters. All of the companions available to a class are useful in combat. The companions have been built to complement a class, so a class with tank options like the Sith Warrior isn't going to have a bunch of tank companions as it would be redundant.

IGNPC: Who have been your favorite companions from past BioWare games?

James Ohlen: I could give the standard answer of Minsc, Boo and HK-47, but I'll go with something different. From way back I would say my favorite companion was Viconia. She had a long and convoluted development history, and the fact that she became the most popular romance in Baldur's Gate 2 was a relief.

My favorite recent companion is Alistair from Dragon Age. The concept for Alistair is a little bland and unoriginal. He's also competing against the player to be the 'hero' of the story (and players hate that). But Dave Gaider (lead writer of Dragon Age) created a personality for Alistair that worked really well. The voice acting was also phenomenal, so I found myself liking Alistair more than I ever thought I would.

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-27-2010 05:04 PM


Pants 05-27-2010 08:42 PM

God, this is bordering on the edge of insanity as far as the scale of the game. And I thought WoW was huge.

I really hope everything is streamlined through the character advancement process and there isn't an oversaturation of content. You don't want to overwhelm the player, IMO.

keg in kc 05-28-2010 10:20 AM

Oh my...

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keg in kc 05-28-2010 10:22 AM

Holy shit, check out 1:15. I missed that the first time.

Fish 05-28-2010 10:27 AM

This game is going to ruin my social life.......

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-28-2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6786159)
This game is going to ruin my social life.......


keg in kc 05-28-2010 02:27 PM

Fortunately other games have already ruined my social life, so I'll have plenty of time!

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-29-2010 02:28 PM

I got my O.R. update in the mail today. The advanced classes and skills look awesome.

keg in kc 06-08-2010 10:41 PM

Just read that there's going to be a new cinematic trailer for E3, by some of the same folks who put together last year's awesome Deceived trailer. Not a big surprise or anything, but I think it's just the first of a shitload of new TOR stuff in the next week and a half. Might see some kind of a preview on Friday.

Taco John 06-09-2010 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6774137)
I'm not big on space combat either. Although if it's done well I'll probably enjoy it.

I actually left SWG before Jump to Lightspeed.

Have you played Empire at War? I really enjoyed the space combat in that one.

CrazyPhuD 06-09-2010 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Taco John (Post 6808819)
Have you played Empire at War? I really enjoyed the space combat in that one.

Hell I'll always remember X-wing V Tie Fighter.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-09-2010 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6808593)
Just read that there's going to be a new cinematic trailer for E3, by some of the same folks who put together last year's awesome Deceived trailer. Not a big surprise or anything, but I think it's just the first of a shitload of new TOR stuff in the next week and a half. Might see some kind of a preview on Friday.


Fish 06-09-2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyPhuD (Post 6808853)
Hell I'll always remember X-wing V Tie Fighter.

Agreed on that. That game was ****ing awesome. I had a bad ass joystick I bought specifically for that game. That was some of my first "multiplayer" experience, and at the time I thought it was just the coolest thing in the world.

Did you know that Lucasarts is talking about remaking the game?

keg in kc 06-11-2010 10:31 AM

And so it begins!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-11-2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6814256)
And so it begins!

<EMBED src= width=640 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

We have Tie-In!

Awesome. ****ing...Awesome.

keg in kc 06-11-2010 08:47 PM

It's a long 'un. Part the first:

http://Star Wars: The Old Republic E...d Sith Warrior

By Andrew Park, GameSpot
Jun 11, 2010 4:23 pm PT

We've played as six of the eight professions in this highly anticipated online game. Read our hands-on account and get new info on gameplay, playable races, combat skills, and new game mechanics inside.

Star Wars: The Old Republic will take the pre-A New Hope universe of Star Wars that appeared in Knights of the Old Republic and combine story-rich gameplay with massively multiplayer online adventuring. The result will be highly differentiated experiences for the game's different professions, which will start off in different parts of the universe along different story paths until those paths converge in and around the war waged by the evil Empire with its Sith allies against the peace-loving Republic with their Jedi allies.

In advance of this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, we took the opportunity to play through the early story content for six of the game's eight character classes: the Republic trooper, the smuggler, the bounty hunter, the agent, the Sith inquisitor, and the Sith Warrior. As we found, several classes are linked by their initial starting area and quest sets, though their differing powers and combat styles make playing each one a unique experience. Here is our report on these six professions. Please keep in mind that our impressions are based on an early version of the game and everything covered here is subject to change. Also, please also note that this story contains minor spoilers.

Republic Trooper and Smuggler

The Republic trooper and the smuggler professions begin their lives in the same area under different circumstances. As a trooper, we started our career as the newest member of the elite Republic commando unit known as Havoc squad--a handsome human soldier riding on the inside of a giant walker into a war zone on the planet of Ord Mantell. The planet is a Republic world torn apart by a civil war waged by separatist rebels. As a smuggler, we played as a Twi'lek, which is the humanoid Star Wars race that has long tentacles down either side of their heads, similar to the Bib Fortuna character in Return of the Jedi.

Yes, the Twi'lek are playable, and this one was a Han Solo-like ship captain who lands her Millennium Falcon-esque ship on Ord Mantell to drop off a weapon shipment to the Republic fort. Unfortunately for both characters, the Republic's on-the-ground contacts double-cross the standing armies, siding with the separatists instead. As a result, the separatists steal the smuggler's ship and hack into the local artillery banks, which means that the beginner smuggler must go out on foot (or risk being shot down), while the trooper's walker gets blasted by the commandeered guns and needs to go it alone on foot as well.

The trooper class begins with four different primary combat skills, which are keyed to the number keys on your keyboard, and all pertain to using your heavy blaster rifle. Most of the trooper's combat abilities operate based on ammo (this has been changed from the previous time we played the class, when it relied on action points). The abilities include hammer shot, a basic ranged attack that consumes a single round of ammo; rifle grenade, which consumes several rounds and activates your character's rifle-mounted grenade launcher to knock all enemies in the blast radius flat on their backs; fast reload, which reloads your weapon to full; and stock strike, a melee attack that lets you pistol-whip your foes with the butt of your rifle once you get up close.

The smuggler class, on the other hand, is one of the game's "cover classes" and focuses on acquiring cover behind various environmental objects. These objects then grant various offensive and defensive bonuses while accruing energy points with basic attacks and expending them with advanced ones. The smuggler tends to favor a single, handheld blaster (again, not unlike Han Solo), and the profession's starting abilities currently include flurry of bolts, a basic ranged attack that builds energy points; take cover, which lets the profession acquire any nearby cover indicated by a transparent green paper-doll model; burst, which fires off three times as many rounds as flurry of bolts but costs energy points; and flash grenade, a hand-thrown projectile that has a chance of stunning all targets within its short radius but also costs energy points.

From cover, the smuggler's action bar changes to include flurry of bolts (which causes the smuggler to quickly pop out of cover to fire), detaching from cover, and charged burst, which is a new skill that slowly charges up a blast before causing the character to peek out behind cover and deliver a highly damaging burst of three charged-up rounds at a great cost of energy points. (And aside from these character-specific abilities, all characters in the game will universally have some kind of fast-healing, meditative skill to use when out of combat to decrease the amount of downtime required for characters to recover from the wounds they've suffered.)

Each character has different entries into Ord Mantell. The trooper meets up with the rest of Havoc squad in short order, including Wraith, the stealth specialist; Fuse, the demolitions expert; Needles, the medic; and the squad commander, Tavus, who briefed us on our mission to track down a stolen orbital strike bomb with enough power to wipe the Republic fort and the nearby civilian refugee encampment off the face of the planet. Our mission required us to infiltrate a besieged village to meet with a refugee informant with intel on the bomb, fighting through a few waves of separatist guerillas and guard droids. We'll say that they didn't put up much of a fight; we took on groups of three or four rather easily and pounded them into the ground by unloading hammer shots and grenade blasts. We also periodically reloaded and used the stock strike melee attack to smack down the few rebels that dared to get in close.

We reached our checkpoint rather easily but found that the separatists had gotten to our informant first and left him for dead in an alley. After checking in with our commanding officer by remote communicator, we accepted our updated mission to find the deceased spy's data pad in his house, where his nerve-wracked wife waited for her husband's return. Unfortunately, it was clearly our duty to inform her of her husband's demise, which she took poorly to say the least, but rather than simply strong-arm the data pad away from the hysterical widow, we instead chose to hear her out--to listen to her vent her frustrations and assure her that her husband died a hero. While either approach would likely have gotten us what we wanted, our choice to delve deeper into the conversation netted us a "conversation bonus"--an as-yet nonfunctioning gameplay mechanic that LucasArts producers tell us may affect your character's light side or dark side alignment or result in some kind of other reward.

The smuggler, on the other hand, begins her adventure with the aforementioned betrayal and grand theft spaceship, learning quickly that the smooth-talking informant who worked with her contact in the Republic military was actually a con man who not only stole her spacecraft and weapon shipment, but also stole the Republic soldier's prized blaster pistol, which was built with rare, antique parts. After holding off the attacks from a handful of separatist ambushers, we sallied forth in search of our lost ship (and the soldier's valuable blaster), battling through the same refugee village. But we had a different goal and a final location--to locate and disable the hacked antiair guns and, eventually, locate our stolen ship.

Because we were playing the very first missions for each character in the game, we fortunately had little trouble dispatching our enemies once we acquired cover. The smuggler is clearly not a hardy class that can walk right into the thick of battle, and the few times we tried this, we nearly died. The key to the smuggler's survival seems to be finding good cover in the environment and then firing from cover. Fortunately, the flash grenade ability generally gives her at least a moment or two to find a decent hidey-hole, and the charged burst ability from cover deals an impressive amount of damage, so the smuggler seems like she can definitely hold her own in combat. We can imagine that in larger, group battles, the smuggler's stun-based and burst-fire skills will make it a powerful support class (even as the profession's stun grenade ability can penetrate cover), but its own need to seek cover will make it vulnerable to aggressive flanking.

Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent

We moved from the clear but troubled skies of Ord Mantell to the toxic yellow haze of Hutta, a homeworld of Hutt gangsters. While The Old Republic takes place centuries before Return of the Jedi's Jabba the Hutt ever reared his ugly head, his predecessors are very much a part of the game--wheeling, dealing, and squabbling over territory. Hutta is the starting point for two of the game's professions: the heavy-artillery-packing bounty hunter and the sneaky Imperial agent. Characters from both professions find themselves having to curry the favor of the local slumlord, Nemro the Hutt, for different reasons.

In the case of the bounty hunter, we played as a character of the Rattataki race--a breed of pale-skinned, bald humanoids with a pronounced mean streak. The bounty hunter starts her life seeking the Hutt gang leader's support to enter The Great Hunt, an intergalactic bounty competition that takes place once every 10 years and promises great riches to the winner. In the case of the Imperial agent, we played as a member of the Chiss race--a species of self-reliant, blue-skinned, red-eyed humanoids that aren't normally prone to direct acts of war. As the agent, our job was to infiltrate the Hutt's palace while posing as an honored guest and "persuade" the brigand to join forces with the Empire because the Hutt's illicit activities are monopolizing a valuable trade sector. This sector's huge profits rightfully belong to the kindly and just Empire--a faction so equitable that it sends assassins and fixers like us to do its dirty work.

The bounty hunter is a heavily armed, heavily armored walking tank with enough tactical weapons to make any Star Wars nerd sit up and take notice. At the very beginning of her career, she has four primary combat abilities: rapid shots, a standard firing mode from her wrist-mounted blaster; missile blast, which launches a concussive rocket that can strike up to three targets and send them all sprawling; flamethrower, which causes a damage-over-time effect to all enemies in a cone-shaped area immediately in front of you (it may even stun weaker foes); and vent heat, the character's most important ability. Unlike the trooper, who needs to constantly reload after firing, the bounty hunter instead builds up internal heat within her armor after firing continuously and must periodically vent that heat to continue the attack.

In contrast, the agent is, like the smuggler, a cover class, though this profession seems like less of a scout and more of an assassin. In addition to carrying an actual blaster sniper rifle, the agent accrues and expends energy points with different attacks (also like the smuggler) but starts out with subtly different skills. These include rifle shot, a basic attack that fires two standard rounds and builds energy points; take cover, which, like the smuggler's ability, acquires nearby cover after selecting from a handful of possible positions outlined by green silhouettes; and shiv, a devastating close-range melee attack that costs a good chunk of energy points but lets you bury a steely vibro-blade into your enemies to deal huge damage. From cover, the agent gains the snipe attack, which deals tons of damage, as well as the laze target skill, which marks a target and makes it much more vulnerable to damage--not unlike the Hunter's mark skill from World of Warcraft.

As a bounty hunter, our life on Hutta began with a briefing from the non-player characters running the small bounty hunting outfit our character had apparently joined. These money-hungry adventurers weren't exactly above twisting a few arms and pulling a few strings to impress the Hutt crime lord and get us into The Great Hunt (plus a chance at all those wonderful, wonderful credits). However, it was our job to perform enough reputable jobs to get the Hutt's attention, so we were tasked with hunting down a dashing smuggler so brazen and so dangerous that he would steal credits from Republic soldier pay kiosks in broad daylight.

We tracked our mark to the nearest hangar, dispatching his pirate underlings, with ease. Again, we had been playing through the very beginning of each profession's adventuring lives, so naturally, we didn't expect the fights to be tough, but for whatever reason, the bounty hunter seemed like a real beast in battle. We can't quite put our finger on why he was so tough, but it might've had something to do with the way the character can soften enemies up with a few quick rapid shot volleys, launch a missile right into their faces--knocking them clean off their feet--and then run right up to their prone bodies to burn what's left of them to a crisp with her flamethrower.

After cutting through a few waves of pirates guarding the hangar, we finally tracked down the pirate boss to find that he was a bit of a foppish dandy who talked like he was from the streets but dressed more like the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. We confronted our mark and started a dramatic conversation with him that was clearly building toward a Wild West-style quick-draw duel, but in this case, we chose to forgo the conversation bonus and chose the dialogue option to do as A New Hope's legendary scumbag Greedo did in a certain special-edition DVD set: shoot first.

Unfortunately, our victory was short lived--after returning to base, we found most of the bounty hunting support team slain. The surviving character from the team pulled up the base's security log, which showed that a rival bounty hunter, who played even faster and looser with the law than we did, had been making the rounds among potential entrants to The Great Hunt, ordering his henchman to murder most of your support characters to take you out of the game. The stakes for gaining the Hutt's favor were raised considerably because we weren't just out for credits anymore--but for revenge.

The agent's experience, on the other hand, seems even more cynical and even more removed. Rather than meet up face-to-face with a briefing team, the agent receives his orders remotely by holographic communications from his dispatcher, who is known only as "Keeper." This dispatcher is a sharp-tongued Twi'lek who demands that you remain discreet at all times, lest your existence be disavowed by the Imperial syndicate. As mentioned, the agent's job is to gain the support--willing or otherwise--of Nemro the Hutt by posing as a mysterious and rarely-seen crime lord known as The Red Blade, infiltrating the palace and entering into the Hutt's confidence. After a frigidly unfriendly mission briefing, we made our way to the palace through the broken-down streets of Hutta, which have erupted into open gang violence between Nemro's forces and those of a rival Hutt crime boss from a neighboring sector looking to expand his territory.

In combat, the agent, much like the smuggler, can't survive a full-on frontal assault for long and must take cover. However, when behind cover, the agent's devastating sniping and lazing abilities seem to make it a highly effective support class. However, these cover abilities, while powerful, are also potentially dangerous to use because they require the agent to poke his neck out of cover for several precious seconds while acquiring his target--seconds during which the character is not in cover and may take a beating. We're told by LucasArts staff that in the current version of the game, when dueling other enemies with blasters, you can actually carefully time your sniper shots to go off right when your enemies are reloading and avoid incoming damage, though this system, like everything else in this story, is subject to change. In any case, the agent, like the smuggler, brings an interesting positional element to battle and makes flanking a lot more important. But unlike the smuggler, the agent has a trump card up his sleeve in the shiv ability should his foes get the drop on him.

Once we infiltrated the Hutt's palace, we quickly gained access to him and sweet-talked him into believing our cover story. We were summarily admitted to our own private chambers, where we performed a brief minigame to search for good spots to hide listening devices so that we could better eavesdrop on the slumlord. We also became acquainted with the crime lord's two advisors: an ambitious Twi'lek and rising star in Nemro's court, as well as an older human heavy who has seemingly fallen out of favor. We quickly found out from a subsequent remote briefing that the human has fallen out of favor because he's sympathetic to the Empire and its efficient, calculating ways.

Clearly our mission was to get to the Hutt through his advisor, though the task wouldn't be easy. Among other things, we bumped into some lowlife in an antechamber who claimed that he was a close friend of the real Red Blade and then demanded a fistful of credits in exchange for his silence. We blew him off without paying him; this was partially because we're so brave that we never cave in to threats and partially because our play time with the Imperial agent had come to an end.

keg in kc 06-11-2010 08:48 PM

Part the second:

Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor

If the bounty hunter and agent's starting missions seem cold and mercenary, the atmosphere for new Sith characters could be described as downright hostile. Both of these professions begin their lives on Korriban, the Sith homeworld, which has appeared in both Knights of the Old Republic games as the location of the cutthroat Sith academy, where new recruits routinely resort to extortion, manipulation, and murder to outshine their classmates. It also appeared as the place where teams of archeologists routinely brave the arid desert to dig through the trap-laden tombs in the Valley of the Sith Lords in search of rare artifacts and ceremonial weapons. Korriban is every bit as unfriendly a place as it was in the previous games--more so, in fact, because you start your career at the very lowest rung of the ladder here. Both of the game's Sith professions--the warrior and the inquisitor--will find themselves interrogating prisoners detained in the academy and exploring the tombs.

The Sith warrior starts his career as an acolyte serving a bitter, angry overseer who leads the training of you and your fellow acolytes, including Vemrin, the apprentice to a powerful Sith lord. At the outset of your training, the overseer very bluntly explains that this other apprentice clearly outclasses you and is your enemy and shockingly points out that you must kill Vemrin as soon as possible, lest you be killed by him first. The Sith inquisitor reports to a different Sith overseer as part of the slave caste--a group of low-born wannabes who are not of proper Sith bloodlines but have been admitted simply because they are Force sensitive. It's actually implied that the Sith ranks are dwindling, which is why the academy's entrance requirements have been relaxed. As it turns out, the inquisitor has an opportunity to become apprentice to a powerful Sith lord but finds herself in competition with another ambitious recruit who is further along in his training. Both of our Sith characters were human.

The Sith warrior is the melee powerhouse of the evil, lightsaber-wielding faction and possesses powerful melee combat abilities that crush opponents at close range. The character's powers are based on rage points, which he accrues by performing basic attacks and can then expend with more-powerful abilities. The warrior's starting combat skills include assault, a standard lightsaber attack that earns a few rage points; vicious slash, a slower melee attack that deals significant damage to a single target; and Force charge, which is essentially the Knights of the Old Republic's Force jump power. This ability lets your character perform a superhuman leap across a long distance to immediately engage a faraway opponent with a powerful lightsaber attack.

The Sith inquisitor also wields a lightsaber, but the profession's true strengths come from its devastating Force powers, which are tied to a Force power meter not unlike that of the Knights of the Old Republic games. The inquisitor has a basic saber strike attack that deals lightsaber melee damage; shock, a Force power that zaps a single target with a lightning bolt; and lightning drain, a highly damaging Force power that bathes a single target with damaging lightning, a la Emperor Palpatine from Return of the Jedi. It also drains Force power and potentially stuns and slows the movement of its target.

As the warrior, our experience started with a mission to raid the tomb of a long-dead Sith lord to extract an ancient, ceremonial war blade (not unlike the early mission we undertook in our first hands-on session with the game many moons ago).On the way to the tomb, we quickly picked up a few extra side quests within the tomb itself; one came from an Imperial officer who asked us to clear out some of the K'lor slugs (huge, pale, centipede-like critters) that inhabited the tomb, where a stray data pad revealed that a security malfunction had allowed pesky tomb robbers to enter the various tombs to scrounge for artifacts to sell.

As the Sith warrior, we had no trouble dispatching anything foolish enough to cross our paths. In fact, the biggest challenge we faced in combat was that we couldn't Force charge every single enemy we encountered because our enemies were clustered in groups (the powerful leaping attack requires you to stand at a distance from your target). There's no mystery about how the warrior's basic lightsaber attacks work--they're simple, work only at close range, and do decent damage. Of the character's starting skills, the Force charge ability will make Sith warriors deadly in player-versus-player battles because as soon as they get within moderate range, they can use this skill to automatically engage in hand-to-hand combat; this is a very difficult scenario for more-fragile characters that rely on ranged damage, such as the smuggler.

After retrieving the war blade from the bottom level of the tomb, we returned to the academy, and en route to our superior, we encountered Vemrin, who confronted us and dared to offer us the choice to be his vassal. The ambitious apprentice bluntly stated his intent to overthrow and replace the overseer, insinuating that joining forces was in our best interest, but we declined the offer with a few threats of our own and reported back to the overseer. It seemed that our superior was already aware of the apprentice's designs and suggested a plan of his own--one about which he hadn't informed his own daughter, Eskella, who openly voiced her resentment at her father's harboring another Sith warrior and sending him out to retrieve a war blade, no less. The overseer callously dismissed his daughter and instead sent us out on our next mission--to interrogate three subjects held in the facility's detention center.

Upon entering, we watched a brief cutscene that showed the academy's jailor interrogating Vette, the wisecracking Twi'lek who, as we revealed in our exclusive preview, can join the Sith warrior as a NPC companion. We then introduced ourselves to the portly officer, who had already been briefed on our mission and introduced us to the three prisoners. The first was a defiant young human woman and freelance assassin who had killed a key Imperial officer under Sith watch and awaited her sentence. She insisted she was ignorant of the target's true identity and was merely following orders, and rather than torture her, we decided to take the unorthodox dialogue choice of insisting that the woman not only be freed, but also brought into the service of the Empire as an assassin herself. This was a choice we hoped would add light side points to our character, though this feature apparently hasn't been implemented yet. The jailor expressed mild surprise at our choices but let us continue to the second subject, a disgraced Sith warrior with many years of service under his belt, who had made a crucial mistake on a recent mission that cost many men their lives. Realizing that light side and dark side points weren't in the game yet, we went right to the Force choke option, eventually killing him. We decided to cut to the chase again with the third and final prisoner, a member of the Rodian race (to which Greedo belonged) who strenuously argued that he had no idea the supplies he kept shipping were ending up in Republic hands. We immediately chose the Force lightning option and repeatedly zapped him until he confessed, and for some reason, we felt a lot better about ourselves afterward.

As the Sith inquisitor, our experience was even more mean spirited and nasty. We began as one of a group of students of a different overseer who, as mentioned, addressed us as slaves and demanded that we head to the valley and seek out the council of a Sith hermit who had taken up residence in one of the tombs. We wasted no time heading out to the area to find the old man in meditation with four other disciples. We also found a nasty surprise when the hermit revealed that the disciples were fallen Sith pupils who had come before us and failed--and given a second chance to prove themselves by attacking us.

In battle, the Sith inquisitor definitely has powerful skills--and a lightsaber to boot--but seems to have trouble standing up to a melee onslaught from multiple foes. The character's starting Force powers can target only a single enemy, and though it's possible that later abilities can zap multiple foes, the profession seems like it might be at its best with a bounty hunter or Sith warrior covering the front lines while the inquisitor hurls blazing electric death from a distance.

Having played through six of the game's classes, it seems clear that The Old Republic will offer a great deal of variety in terms of branching paths, differing dialogue choices, and interesting gameplay nuances. We're intrigued by the prospect of playing through a massively multiplayer version of BioWare's best story-driven experiences while also playing through diverse PVP battles where smart use of your character's skills will seemingly make all the difference. We'll continue to bring you more updates on this highly anticipated game.

keg in kc 06-14-2010 10:28 AM

The new trailer ("Hope") leaked over the weekend. You can probably find it on youtube if you're an enterprising individual. I'm not going to post it until it's officially released, I'm assuming during the EA presser at 6 this afternoon.

I gave in to the dark side of the force, and lets just say it doesn't quite have the epic feel that Deceived had last year (and how could it...that was the reveal trailer...) but it's pretty awesome.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-14-2010 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6819825)
The new trailer ("Hope") leaked over the weekend. You can probably find it on youtube if you're an enterprising individual. I'm not going to post it until it's officially released, I'm assuming during the EA presser at 6 this afternoon.

I gave in to the dark side of the force, and lets just say it doesn't quite have the epic feel that Deceived had last year (and how could it...that was the reveal trailer...) but it's pretty awesome.">
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><EMBED src="<a href=" type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" target="_blank" -n0kEjwcdnU&hl='en_US&fs=1"' v http:>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></EMBED></P>
Embed doesn't seem to work right anymore.

keg in kc 06-14-2010 01:28 PM

Whether it embeds or not, EA's been removing youtube links of the trailer all morning, that's why I'm waiting until it's official to post one, so the link will remain good long term...

I've watched it 3 or 4 times now, it's a really good trailer.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-14-2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6820292)
Whether it embeds or not, EA's been removing youtube links of the trailer all morning, that's why I'm waiting until it's official to post one, so the link will remain good long term...

I've watched it 3 or 4 times now, it's a really good trailer.

I meant here, on teh Planet. Used to be 'cut and paste'. I don't know what the deal is anymore...:(

keg in kc 06-14-2010 01:54 PM

I've embedded a few youtube links in the last 24 hours. Don't think there's been any problem.

I'm going to say it's pilot error. :D

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-14-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6820398)
I've embedded a few youtube links in the last 24 hours. Don't think there's been any problem.

I'm going to say it's pilot error. :D


keg in kc 06-14-2010 03:01 PM

Two hours until the countdown timer on the TOR website expires!

Hopefully it's going to be something cool.

keg in kc 06-14-2010 03:31 PM

New IGN UK article on smugglers with a bit of major news:

Ships are apparently now confirmed.

(A little PvP info, too)

E3 2010: Star Wars The Old Republic - A Smuggler's Run

Even Twi'lek's get the blues.

US, June 14, 2010

If you weren't excited for BioWare's MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic yet, perhaps some of the new things I learned and experienced at E3 2010 will change your mind.

Every player, regardless of their chosen class, will get their own starship to command across the galaxy. Always dreamed of flying a Corellian vessel? Choose the Vanguard class when playing. Or maybe you've had some sort of sick dream where you gangster walk through the galaxy aboard an Imperial transport (if so, choose the Sith Fury class).

Of course, it would be pretty boring to have an entire galaxy packed with a handful of similar ships. To combat this, BioWare has created a robust customization package so that you can fully trick out your ship with premade gear sets or your own hand-picked items. Though BioWare isn't showing off the ships in action just yet, they assure us that there will be thousands of different variations so that each person can feel as if they have a unique vessel.

That same level of customization is also given to your character in the form of various PvP gear. Though you start out pretty basic in terms of gear, by completing PvP challenges (which BioWare isn't discussing yet), you earn new goods. Some of this stuff is cosmetic, some is highly functional and all of it seems to change based on class and race. In the example BioWare showed off, one bad ass ended up with a jetpack and devilish armor that made him look like Boba Fett spawned from Hell. In other words, you can build up your character to look more awesome than anything the Star Wars universe has seen before.

BioWare continues to insist that Old Republic can be played as a single-player game if you are the type who likes buying Massively Multiplayer games for the express purpose of not playing them correctly. However, the PvP rewards system is meant as encouragement for engaging with other players as often as possible. There will be other ways to earn gear, but it sounds like the quickest way to maximizing your get-up is by teaming up with other players (or shooting them in the face).

At E3 2010, BioWare offered up a half-dozen classes to try out, but I was immediately attracted to the Twi'lek smuggler, because I am a letch. But also, because the success of The Old Republic largely depends on the strength of the non-combat specialist classes. People will be drawn to play as the bounty hunter or the Sith Warrior, but if the smuggler and its ilk aren't fun, then the online balance weighs even more heavily towards just one or two classes. And that could very quickly spoil a promising MMO.

The smuggler is not the most combat savvy, but she's crafty. She uses cover to survive and has a set of available actions that better suit someone who can't overpower an enemy like a weapons-heavy bounty hunter. The cover system itself is basic. A green silhouette shows where you can take cover. And once in cover, you can use those icons to move from one spot to the next and eventually flank your enemies. Grenades and a rapid shot ability are key to taking down enemies without suffering too much damage. The smuggler is not a brute, so standing in the open taking pot shots is suicidal.

On the field of battle, the smuggler isn't useless by any means. And if you team up with more offensive-minded individuals, you can use cover to sneak to objectives or get the drop on protected enemies. But the smuggler's value will be more strongly felt outside of combat. After all, The Old Republic doesn't take place on one planet, but in a galaxy ripe for exploration. While the E3 demo didn't let us go off-world, obviously a smuggler will have some advantages aboard a ship that a Sith Inquisitor will not.

While you won't be Force-choking enemies or brandishing a lightsaber, combat for one of the least combat-focused classes is fun. As long as BioWare balances any combat deficiencies with some other benefits--better ship, more useful conversation options, etc.--plenty of people will be giving the smuggler class a go. And that can only help The Old Republic to succeed.

keg in kc 06-14-2010 04:42 PM

Apparently the Hope trailer got people excited, cuz the website's down now.

keg in kc 06-14-2010 05:47 PM

We'll see if it stays online...

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

ceebz 06-14-2010 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6820960)
We'll see if it stays online...

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

That battle scene was cooler than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that was in those 6 films. :clap:

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-14-2010 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by ceebz (Post 6821678)
That battle scene was cooler than anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that was in those 6 films. :clap:

Yep, they should have done the Clone Wars tv show in that style.

kaplin42 06-15-2010 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by ROR (Post 6821753)
Yep, they should have done the Clone Wars tv show in that style.

Yeah the animation is way better.

I really think it would be awesome if they made a movie out of the old republic storyline.

KCChiefsMan 06-15-2010 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by kaplin42 (Post 6822164)
Yeah the animation is way better.

I really think it would be awesome if they made a movie out of the old republic storyline.

yes it would be, but they better do better than the crap the 3 prequels were.

kaplin42 06-15-2010 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan (Post 6822197)
yes it would be, but they better do better than the crap the 3 prequels were.

For sure. but if one were to use those graphics, and set in that era, or another (since the old republic can be any time really), you wouldnt be forced into certain plot points that the current 6 are. I bet you could create something that would totally blow away all 6 of the movies now.

Pants 06-15-2010 12:15 PM

Really happy to hear the PvP news. Really happy.

KCChiefsMan 06-15-2010 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by kaplin42 (Post 6822251)
For sure. but if one were to use those graphics, and set in that era, or another (since the old republic can be any time really), you wouldnt be forced into certain plot points that the current 6 are. I bet you could create something that would totally blow away all 6 of the movies now.

oh, I see what you mean. I just can't get into Animation for some reason. I need to see the actors act.

KCChiefsMan 06-15-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6822554)
Really happy to hear the PvP news. Really happy.

wait, what is the PvP news?

Pants 06-15-2010 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan (Post 6822564)
wait, what is the PvP news?

That it, in fact, exists and is actually encouraged. We kind of ****ed up with the Warhammer deal. When this comes out, we need CP people to all at least join the same server so we have a chance of playing together at some point.

KCChiefsMan 06-15-2010 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6822575)
That it, in fact, exists and is actually encouraged. We kind of ****ed up with the Warhammer deal. When this comes out, we need CP people to all at least join the same server so we have a chance of playing together at some point.

hell ya, I'm down for that. I loved Warhammer, until the endgame. Endgame was a snooze for me. Some parts were fun, like the city sieges, but doing the same instances over and over and over at the end bored me to death. T2 had the best scenarios, I kept making new characters just for that.

But I'm def getting Star Wars and plan for it to consume me.

keg in kc 06-15-2010 02:01 PM

G4s dedicating an entire half hour (including live gameplay) to The Old Republic at 4 pm, which is apparently unprecedented live coverage by them for any single game.

Fish 06-15-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6820960)
We'll see if it stays online...

<object width="640" height="385">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></object>

Holy ****ing JIMP.......... That was amazing....

keg in kc 06-15-2010 03:14 PM

Bounty hunter armor progression:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Player ships:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

keg in kc 06-15-2010 03:18 PM

Holy shit those ships look awesome.

Bounty Hunter vid was pretty sweet too.

Barret 06-15-2010 03:25 PM

About the player ships. The one big thing that players wanted in Star Trek Online was an ability to move around in your own ships. You were basically given a bridge and told to piss off. The Player ships here in SWTOR are much better detailed and adds more depth to the game.

I am looking forward to this game. Also the trailer video was extremely good as well.

Fish 06-15-2010 03:32 PM

I'm thinking the pull to the dark side will be too great with this game. In previous KOTOR games and such, I've always played as a neutral(slightly evil) jedi. But this game may require me to go all out evil....

Pants 06-15-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6823198)
I'm thinking the pull to the dark side will be too great with this game. In previous KOTOR games and such, I've always played as a neutral(slightly evil) jedi. But this game may require me to go all out evil....

Make sure you roll on the same server as the rest of us here (the willing ones anyway) that way I can smite your evil ass, brah.

Fish 06-15-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Metrolike (Post 6823207)
Make sure you roll on the same server as the rest of us here (the willing ones anyway) that way I can smite your evil ass, brah.

Bring it Republic scum....

keg in kc 06-15-2010 03:42 PM

I'll probably be rolling on a server with people I know from lotro, but it's almost a year away so who knows. I don't pvp, though, so I don't think you fellas would miss me.

Gravedigger 06-15-2010 04:11 PM

I'll do the same thing with this MMO that I've done with the previous ones. I'll pay the 50 bucks to try and rid my WoW addiction, ride out the free month and figure out if it's good or not. Didn't last with Aion or AoC... I'll just keep using my Chiefs yearly statement, "This could be the year!"

Pants 06-15-2010 04:14 PM

LFGuild to get phat lewtz all teh time and pwn all newbz!!1

keg in kc 06-15-2010 04:52 PM

Bounty hunter and imperial agent in combat:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

keg in kc 06-15-2010 05:18 PM

Trooper and Smuggler quest:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor quest:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

keg in kc 06-15-2010 05:25 PM

First look at a Chiss ingame:

KCChiefsMan 06-15-2010 08:32 PM

this game is gonna be so sick

Pants 06-15-2010 09:06 PM

Must resist...want to maintain life....

keg in kc 06-15-2010 11:21 PM

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

KCChiefsMan 06-16-2010 11:34 AM

I can't wait to see what the PvP looks like

keg in kc 06-16-2010 01:21 PM

IGN will have a live demo running at 5:40, probably the same stuff we saw on G4 yesterday. You can catch it live on their youtube channel.

Pants 06-16-2010 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by KCChiefsMan (Post 6825106)
I can't wait to see what the PvP looks like

Same here. My only little gripe so far with the game is the combat animations. They need to improve on that before the game goes live, but I think they're way beyond that stage of development. It's a shame, but not really a deal breaker in any way for me.

keg in kc 06-16-2010 01:25 PM

My only little gripe is that I can't play the goddamn game right ****ing now.

keg in kc 06-16-2010 05:20 PM

Probably the most informative interview I've seen so far. Talks about a ton of stuff.

<object classid="clsid:D<param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="fake=1"/><embed src="" width="437" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="fake=1" name="viddler" ></embed></object>

Really like when he talks about how completely different all the class stories are (key point from E3'09...) and then how completely differently all the classes play.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-17-2010 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by kaplin42 (Post 6822164)
Yeah the animation is way better.

I really think it would be awesome if they made a movie out of the old republic storyline.

OR has become my favorite era of the whole SW experience.


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6823119)
Holy shit those ships look awesome.

Bounty Hunter vid was pretty sweet too.

Those ****ing ships have me jack-wired to play the living piss-whizzle out of this game; my life is all but over.

kaplin42 06-17-2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by ROR (Post 6826940)
OR has become my favorite era of the whole SW experience.

Those ****ing ships have me jack-wired to play the living piss-whizzle out of this game; my life is all but over.

On release day just kiss the wife and kids good bye. Tell your mom you love her, and enjoy the sun while you can on the way to the store to get the game. Cause you will never see any of them again.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-17-2010 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by kaplin42 (Post 6828133)
On release day just kiss the wife and kids good bye. Tell your mom you love her, and enjoy the sun while you can on the way to the store to get the game. Cause you will never see any of them again.

There's no denying or fighting it:

We're ALL going "Full Cartman" come release date.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-02-2010 04:25 PM


keg in kc 07-10-2010 03:38 PM

Testing has officially begun.

But I'm not part of it. :banghead:

Valiant 07-10-2010 05:31 PM

Looks like it should be a blast.. disappointed that they are going to reuse character models so much.. I want to see a damn mmo have a vast character skins..

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-11-2010 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 6872177)
Looks like it should be a blast.. disappointed that they are going to reuse character models so much.. I want to see a damn mmo have a vast character skins..

Meh, it didn't hurt KOTOR. Besides, maybe "Rukil wrinkle-skin" will make his triumphant return!!!! WOOT! ELEVENTY!!!!!1111

keg in kc 07-11-2010 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 6872177)
Looks like it should be a blast.. disappointed that they are going to reuse character models so much.. I want to see a damn mmo have a vast character skins..

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I don't believe they are going to reuse character models.

keg in kc 07-21-2010 10:43 AM

Didn't realize I hadn't posted this. Last week's developer's dispatch, on the music. Really cool.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

keg in kc 07-24-2010 07:28 AM

Space combat is in:

First, thank you to all of you who participated in our Comic-Con Reveal mission! While we didn't quite make the numbers, we definitely saw how excited the community is about this and how everyone came together. After all of that, there's no way we could hold back with our special reveal at Comic-Con!

If you’ve been following the news coming out of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ panel at Comic-Con International, you’ve heard the announcement that we will indeed have Space Combat as part of the TOR experience! But what does that mean? Space combat is an alternative gameplay experience to the primary game of storytelling, questing, and ground-based combat. In space combat, you fly your personal ship to various “hot spots” on your galaxy map. From there, you will blast your way through asteroid fields, enemy fighters, frigates, destroyers, and a variety of other obstacles that will evoke memories of some of the great Star Wars™ space battles.

To learn more, pick up the October 2010 edition of PC Gamer which hits newsstands starting August 17th for screenshots and an exclusive interview or check back with us in the weeks to come.

Check out the cover of PC Gamer's October edition here:

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-25-2010 01:29 PM


Hammock Parties 07-25-2010 11:52 PM

jesus christ

if they get this right, I may just become asexual

Swanman 07-26-2010 08:39 AM

They are now coming out with a series of books that will parallel the game. I just received the first one from Amazon. I haven't started it yet, but read the summary and it seems pretty sweet.

Basically, there is an artifact that many different factions are bidding on, including a Sith Apprentice, Jedi Padawan, Mandalorian and a few others and they end up having to band together to fight some evil force when they come together to try to get the artifact for themselves.

For those not familiar with the Bane Trilogy, this time period was centered around an all-out war between the Jedi and Sith, back when the Sith had many members, not just the master and apprentice post-Darth Bane.

SDChiefs 07-26-2010 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6898315)
jesus christ

if they get this right, I may just become asexual

You mean you werent already?

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-26-2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by GoChiefs (Post 6898315)
jesus christ

if they get this right, I may just become asexual

And you can be best buds with...

keg in kc 07-26-2010 12:30 PM

I'm probably going to go from asexual to not even surfing porn anymore.

Anywho, here's the comic con panel:

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=""><PARAM NAME=scale VALUE="noScale"><PARAM NAME=salign VALUE="lt"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=allowscriptaccess VALUE="always"><PARAM NAME=allowFullScreen VALUE="true"><PARAM NAME=flashvars VALUE="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=false & bedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml"><embed id="mymovie" width="640" height="391" flashvars="bwr=0&playerMode=embedded&movieAspect=16.9&mapp=embedded_640&gen=1&viewMode=sd&autoPlay=f alse& 3Dembedded%26width%3D640%26height%3D391%26newplayer%3D1%26skin%3DeidotheaEmbedded640_169.xml" wmode="opaque" allowscriptaccess="always" scale="noScale" salign="lt" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" name="mymovie" style="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></embed></OBJECT>

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-26-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Swanman (Post 6898505)
They are now coming out with a series of books that will parallel the game. I just received the first one from Amazon. I haven't started it yet, but read the summary and it seems pretty sweet.

Basically, there is an artifact that many different factions are bidding on, including a Sith Apprentice, Jedi Padawan, Mandalorian and a few others and they end up having to band together to fight some evil force when they come together to try to get the artifact for themselves.

For those not familiar with the Bane Trilogy, this time period was centered around an all-out war between the Jedi and Sith, back when the Sith had many members, not just the master and apprentice post-Darth Bane.

That's good readin' right there. Finished the third one a couple of weeks ago. At least Bane went out swinging.

Swanman 07-26-2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by ROR (Post 6898963)
That's good readin' right there. Finished the third one a couple of weeks ago. At least Bane went out swinging.

It seemed to me that the ending was a left a bit open about the outcome, just my interpretation.

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