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Hammock Parties 06-08-2017 08:27 AM


Donald Glover is having a blast shooting Disney and Lucasfilm's untitled Han Solo standalone Star Wars film. The Atlanta and Community star is playing Lando Calrissian, the role defined by Billy Dee Williams in The Empire Strikes Back. The 33-year-old actor isn't taking his role for granted, and

Speaking to Deadline, Glover said, "This is probably one of my favorite experiences ever. For working under, like, a huge conglomerate, it’s actually been quite an enjoyable, artistic thing. I get to play him in a way that I think is honest and true and cool. And it’s great ’cause I didn’t have to write anything, I’m focused strictly on being this guy. And I really respect him and I respect the actor who played him before."

"I’ve learned a lot about this character, so it’s actually been really fulfilling and nice to just turn off everything else and focus on just being someone. So it’s been cool," Glover added.

Glover described what he like about his character: "I think even Han isn't as complicated as Lando is. From the first time you meet him, you don’t know whether to trust him or not, and you’re constantly not knowing whether to trust him. I like that about him."

patteeu 06-08-2017 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 12498268)
I saw Star Wars, empire, and ROTJ and haven't been able to get into any since then. Maybe it's time to try and watch the newer ones again. For some reason I just couldn't get into them last time.

Try Rogue One. IMO, it's the best of the bunch.

InChiefsHeaven 06-08-2017 09:11 AM

Another ****ing desert??? Jesus people...

InChiefsHeaven 06-08-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 12907615)
Try Rogue One. IMO, it's the best of the bunch.

Disagree. It's good, but it's no Empire.

patteeu 06-08-2017 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by InChiefsHell (Post 12907647)
Disagree. It's good, but it's no Empire.

He's talking about all the movies after the original three.

Frazod 06-08-2017 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by patteeu (Post 12907615)
Try Rogue One. IMO, it's the best of the bunch.


Hammock Parties 06-09-2017 02:02 PM

Yep, that's Lando.

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Hammock Parties 06-15-2017 02:42 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Best. Crew T-shirt. Ever <a href="">#StarWars</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; NME (@NME) <a href="">June 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

ToxSocks 06-15-2017 04:49 PM

Star Wars has introduced some neat vehicles. They've also introduced some of the dumbest shit i ever seen.

DaneMcCloud 06-20-2017 05:45 PM

Miller and Lord have been dropped!

The Untitled Han Solo film will move forward with a directorial change.

“Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are talented filmmakers who have assembled an incredible cast and crew, but it’s become clear that we had different creative visions on this film, and we’ve decided to part ways. A new director will be announced soon,” said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm.

“Unfortunately, our vision and process weren’t aligned with our partners on this project. We normally aren’t fans of the phrase ‘creative differences’ but for once this cliché is true. We are really proud of the amazing and world-class work of our cast and crew,” stated Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.

The untitled Han Solo film remains scheduled for a May 2018 release.

DaneMcCloud 06-20-2017 05:45 PM

I thought they were an odd choice because they're comedy guys

Hammock Parties 06-20-2017 05:57 PM

Jesus, so this is going to be a cluster**** now.

At least they're trying to get it right, though.

Deberg_1990 06-20-2017 06:26 PM

Wow. Kinda shocked. Lord and Miller are pretty talented guys.

Sweet Daddy Hate 06-20-2017 06:45 PM

And so it begins.

DaneMcCloud 06-20-2017 06:57 PM

KK will end up hiring a better fit than Lord & Miller, who are talented but quirky. I'd imagine the dailies were strange and enough for her to pull the cord quickly.

I'd think someone like Joe Johnston or Andrew Stanton will be high on the list.

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