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Deberg_1990 04-07-2010 06:28 AM

Wi-Fi issues dominate iPad user complaints

Some owners of Apple Inc.'s new iPad have complained of weak wireless signals, dropped connections and slow surfing speeds, messages on the company's support forum show.

Although users have also reported problems with recharging their iPads from Windows-based PCs or synchronizing the tablet with other computers, Wi-Fi issues have garnered the most complaints, as tallied by the message counts on multiple support forum threads.

As of late Monday, the thread titled "Weak wifi" led all others with more than 130 messages, and nearly 13,000 views.

"Signal is weak, downloading anything is painfully slow and it will drop the signal and go offline every 5-10 minutes," said a user identified as "mbell75" early Sunday, near the beginning of the thread. "Pretty annoying."

"It will work fine for a while, but show a low signal. Then, after a few minutes of use, my connection will drop completely and I will have to reset my wi-fi radio," complained "mlp8104" in a message Monday afternoon.

The biggest beef was that the iPad's Wi-Fi signal indicator would fluctuate, going from full-strength to the lowest level without warning, or with any change in the tablet's location.

"My wifi went down to 1 bar after working great for a few hours," said "syunker" Monday. "My download speeds started to crawl, I couldn't even surf the web. I rebooted my router and it didn't help."

Several users said their iPads either could not acquire a signal at all or could only receive a faint signal, while other devices, including new Apple laptops and iPhones, had no similar trouble. "In our living room where laptops get a full signal, my iPad gets a very poor signal which is so bad that it even cuts completely out sometimes," complained "Panjandrum" Monday morning. "I had to walk the iPad into the same room as my router to get a movie rental to download."

As is often the case on Apple's support threads, users hoped not only that a software update to the iPad's operating system would solve their problems, but also that one would be released soon.

Others, however, chimed in to say that they were perfectly happy with the iPad's Wi-Fi signal, saying it was strong and stable at home, work and in public hot spots at locations such as Starbucks.

Some who reported that their iPads intermittently lost a Wi-Fi connection said that they solved the problem temporarily by shutting down the iPad and then restarting it. "But should I have to do that with a device that costs this much and has so much hype about changing the way we use the Net?" asked "sandersn" on Sunday in a different thread.

On Monday, Apple posted several iPad-specific support documents to its Web site, including one that suggested users modify settings on their wireless routers. Another troubleshooting document told users to "Move closer to the Wi-Fi router or hotspot," if they were having problems.

Suggestions from users ranged from disabling the iPad's "Ask to Join Networks" feature to rebooting routers.

Connectivity issues aren't new for Apple hardware. Shortly after the company's ultra-thin MacBook Air debuted in early 2008, owners complained about weak signals when their notebooks' lids were closed. And iPhone owners have complained about poor reception and lost signals over AT&T's data network since the smartphone first appeared in 2007, to the point that several filed class-action lawsuits against both Apple and the carrier.

The version of the iPad now for sale connects to the Internet only via Wi-Fi; a more expensive model that also uses AT&T's 3G data network is not slated to ship until later this month.

Over the weekend, users voiced frustration about other problems, including an apparent inability to recharge the iPad through USB ports on many computers, keyboards and hubs. On Saturday, for example, Consumer Reports said that its initial testing indicated that the iPad would recharge via the USB ports on desktop and laptop Macs, but failed to do so on USB ports in a variety of Windows PCs, or through the ports on a keyboard directly connected to a Mac.

(Computerworld noticed the same "Not Charging" message when an iPad was connected to the USB port on a wired Mac keyboard.)

Apple clarified the recharging process in a support document published Sunday, noting that the iPad requires a high-power USB 2.0 port to charge while it is in use. The iPad will only charge via older USB ports, including those on most Windows machines, when the tablet is asleep, Apple said.

Apple began selling iPads Saturday at its own retail stores and Best Buy. On Monday, the company announced that it sold 300,000 iPads the first day.

Shag 04-07-2010 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6657159)
they are "on board" .. HELL everyone is "on board" but it's implementation that is key... and again... what about your local sites? I'll tell you what... come back to me in 12 months and tell me that NO site you want to go to is a problem and I'll eat crow... if NOT, then the Ipad is obsolete before the technology caught up with its limitations....

According to that link, all the sites listed on that page are already serving their multimedia content to iPad users via HTML5. Sounds like implementation is already happening, and was driven by the iPad launch.

IMHO, the iPad could potentially have a major effect on pushing HTML5 into the market quickly. I believe there were around 300k sold on the first day, and that was a US-only launch, not including the 3G model. If that product continues to move well (and I think it will), I think it will have a huge effect on the large/popular sites implementing HTML5 versions of their sites in the near future.

Silock 04-07-2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6657160)
ONCE? once for how many damn sites? lets count... Pandora? Youtube? KCChiefs (if offered)? KCFX(if offered)? It adds up pretty damn quick. For me, it would require over 50 apps... that is just plain stupid.

Yet, it's still one or two taps away.

Step 1: Tap App Store icon (instead of web browser)
Step 2: Type in App name (instead of website URL)
Step 3: Tap to download (instead of tapping to navigate to website)
Step 4: App installs (maybe slower than loading the full webpage)

Subsequent steps: Tap App to use program, instead of having to repeat the steps in parentheses above.

Doesn't really seem like a pain in the ass to me. It's about the same amount of effort the first time around, and from there on out, it's faster access.

I think you just don't *want* to like the concept.

Mr. Laz 04-07-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 6658203)
I think you just don't *want* to like the concept.

well ... tbh the concept is irritating

it's crap that Micro$oft does too when they get too cocky about how big they are and stop asking "How can we give the customers what they want?"

teedubya 04-07-2010 02:03 PM

One of my writers on MobileLocalSocial wrote this today.

Steve Jobs is Selling Sugar Water and You Tools are Buying it….

Deena Blas | Apr 07, 2010 | Comments (3)

</td></tr><tr><td><iframe src="" width="90" frameborder="0" height="20" scrolling="no"></iframe>
</td></tr></tbody></table>$499 Mustache Rides

So you stood in line on Saturday and got your “Ipad”( clap, clap, clap.) Way to go, Flintstone, let me know how that $500 glorified Iphone works out with the one you already have….that does MORE.

Job’s is your 21st century medicine man selling you sugar water at the street fairs. The Macintosh, Macbook, Ipod, Iphone….all novelties. Innovative, yes, but just enough to suck you simpletons in with “easy to navigate”, “simple to use,” and hop on the Apple truck.

Don’t get me wrong, I do envy the Iphone. It was cool on release and three years later, the cool factor has yet to subside. So why am I busting Jobs balls??

Job’s released ANOTHER piece of hardware missing key tools that should’ve been included. He knows he could have kicked the hell out of the netbook so why is the Ipad missing just enough hardware, software and other components to make even the average geek mind go, “ WTF, Apple?”

Cmon, no USB outlets, a simple camera, not even simple Flash? Because he wants you to buy the utilities, hardware or the upgrade version you’re going to see announced in (wait for it) that only Apple can provide.


But, oh no you say, I would die without my shit…no Bozo you won’t. And don’t tell me you how you jailbreaked your Iphone to get it to do what it should’ve done in the first place.

Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you, a fool three times, you’re just a screw and deserve to have your money taken.

I, ideally, have the utmost respect for Jobs, he’s a businessman, plain and simple. But this time around, I had hoped we would start expecting more.

Final thought, don’t swallow the blue pill but if you do…don’t gag when you swallow, it aint sexy.

The Franchise 04-07-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 6658236)
One of my writers on MobileLocalSocial wrote this today.


Mr. Laz 04-07-2010 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 6658236)

pr0ntache FTW!!!!

AustinChief 04-07-2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Silock (Post 6658203)
Yet, it's still one or two taps away.

Step 1: Tap App Store icon (instead of web browser)
Step 2: Type in App name (instead of website URL)
Step 3: Tap to download (instead of tapping to navigate to website)
Step 4: App installs (maybe slower than loading the full webpage)

Subsequent steps: Tap App to use program, instead of having to repeat the steps in parentheses above.

Doesn't really seem like a pain in the ass to me. It's about the same amount of effort the first time around, and from there on out, it's faster access.

I think you just don't *want* to like the concept.

gotcha, so I am happily surfing along and I come upon an interesting link that sends me to where I read a cool article and see there is video embedded... with a REAL device I can (step 1) click video and watch it... OR with my iPAD I can (Step 1) exit browser (step 2) open app store (step 3) find app for that site (step 4) download app (step 5) install app (step 6) try to find content from site I was browsing happily 5 minutes ago....

WOW! You are right! I must be crazy! That is the most seemless intuitive process imaginable... why on earth would I not want to jump through those hoops every time I run across video online!!! Thank you Steve Jobs for showing me a better way to surf the web!

It's ridiculous. What you have is a really cool e-reader or more accurately an iphone with a bigger, better screen that won't fit in your pocket or make phone calls.

AustinChief 04-07-2010 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Shag (Post 6657320)
According to that link, all the sites listed on that page are already serving their multimedia content to iPad users via HTML5. Sounds like implementation is already happening, and was driven by the iPad launch.

IMHO, the iPad could potentially have a major effect on pushing HTML5 into the market quickly. I believe there were around 300k sold on the first day, and that was a US-only launch, not including the 3G model. If that product continues to move well (and I think it will), I think it will have a huge effect on the large/popular sites implementing HTML5 versions of their sites in the near future.

The iPad will drive some sites to cobble together whatever they can in "HTML5" as a patch for iPad users... absolutely... ACTUAL implementation of HTML5 and resolution of the standard is being driven by Google more than ANYONE... It's still not "months" away unless 12-18 months is what you mean...

JD10367 04-07-2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 6657207)
Wi-Fi issues dominate iPad user complaints

Not a surprise, I have the same issue with my iPod Touch. Goes from three bars to one bar in a flash and then back to three. Luckily, though, with the iPod Touch, the heaviest thing you're doing is downloading an app.

JD10367 04-07-2010 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ari Chi3fs (Post 6658236)
One of my writers on MobileLocalSocial wrote this today.

Steve Jobs is Selling Sugar Water and You Tools are Buying it….

So you stood in line on Saturday and got your “Ipad”( clap, clap, clap.) Way to go, Flintstone, let me know how that $500 glorified Iphone works out with the one you already have….that does MORE.

Job’s is your 21st century medicine man selling you sugar water at the street fairs. The Macintosh, Macbook, Ipod, Iphone….all novelties. Innovative, yes, but just enough to suck you simpletons in with “easy to navigate”, “simple to use,” and hop on the Apple truck.

I agree that it's a glorified iPhone. I agree that it's bullshit that Apple released (as usual) a product limited in abilites. It's stupid that there's no Flash.

However, I wouldn't list everything they've done as "novelties". The original Mac ushered in the world of modern personal computing with GUIs and mice. The iPod did the same with portable music players (and still has the easiest and most intuitive controls). The iPhone did the same for multifunctional cellphones.

The iPad is not really new or innovative. It's a tablet computer. It's a glorified e-reader. It's a giant iPhone. Whatever you want to call it. But innovative, it isn't.

teedubya 04-07-2010 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 6658251)

what does that mean?

If you know my name, check out the domain whois, beeeyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch. :-P

And I've had over 20 people write for it, so far. :-D

Fish 04-07-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 6658280)
gotcha, so I am happily surfing along and I come upon an interesting link that sends me to where I read a cool article and see there is video embedded... with a REAL device I can (step 1) click video and watch it...

Not exactly. You left out a few steps. (step 2) Open a new browser window or tab. (step 3) Browse to (step 4) Download flash player (step 5) Close your browser (step 6) Install Flash player (step 7) Reopen browser (step 8) Go back to the website with the video

Flash player isn't embedded into the OS. It requires a simple one time installation as well. No different than going to the App Store. Flash player also requires constant updates when a new version comes out.

AustinChief 04-07-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 6658359)
Not exactly. You left out a few steps. (step 2) Open a new browser window or tab. (step 3) Browse to (step 4) Download flash player (step 5) Close your browser (step 6) Install Flash player (step 7) Reopen browser (step 8) Go back to the website with the video

Flash player isn't embedded into the OS. It requires a simple one time installation as well. No different than going to the App Store. Flash player also requires constant updates when a new version comes out.

COME ON? seriously? so, let's say I buy the HTC EVO in June, I MAY have to download flash ONCE then never again... as oppossed to going thru that clusterfuck I described above EVERY SINGLE TIME...

Please. Let's not be stupid here.

Mr. Laz 04-07-2010 02:50 PM

wow ... i've never seen AustinChiefs get passionate about anything and he's ready to pull a gat and throw down over this IPad stuff. :eek:


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