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Raiderhater 11-10-2003 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Mr. B, you are focusing on one over the other. My point was that they both are wrong. And as far as racist posts go...

not always are they directed towards individuals on the board but in general about a particular group of people in general. Try reading any thread on Muslims or lately the French and see if you don't find a few offensive remarks geared at an entire group of people based on the actions of a few who are often times not even representative of the entire group.



Lzen 11-10-2003 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Clint in Wichita
As far as I can tell from reading some of the ridiculous crap on this thread, at least part of the uproar over the use of racial slurs stems from Taco's mother being called a "Mexican whore".

The last time I checked, a Mexican whore can move to another country and be a whore there...becoming a Canadian whore or a Hungarian whore, or whatever.

If anything, the "whore" part of the insult is worse than the "Mexican" part. I'd much rather be born in Chihuahua than suck cock for a living.


KCWolfman 11-10-2003 01:00 PM

BTW - Fair warning. This thread has run it's course. You can continue to post on it, but I am moving to the new forum Phil created for such issues.

If you wish to continue the banter it is in T-aco's Butt Forum, but will continue to remain unlocked.

Too many of you have side saddled the issue and decided it needed to be politicized and generalized to fit many more situations here than the current one.

Fact is that Otter made an obscene remark in private - it was not racist. TJ decided to attempt to make it a public racist issue. Both were reprimanded for their childishness. TJ cried because he wanted more attention so he took his ball and went home. That is the end of the facts. From there, the speculation is rampant and generally incorrect on both sides.

Clint in Wichita 11-10-2003 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
as far as racist posts go...

not always are they directed towards individuals on the board but in general about a particular group of people in general. Try reading any thread on Muslims or lately the French and see if you don't find a few offensive remarks geared at an entire group of people based on the actions of a few who are often times not even representative of the entire group.

It's a shame that a small number of Mexican whores can tarnish the image of Mexican women everywhere.

Listen up people: Not ALL Mexican women are whores!

Some give it up for nothing.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by raiderhader



MrBlond 11-10-2003 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Mr. B, you are focusing on one over the other. My point was that they both are wrong. And as far as racist posts go...

not always are they directed towards individuals on the board but in general about a particular group of people in general. Try reading any thread on Muslims or lately the French and see if you don't find a few offensive remarks geared at an entire group of people based on the actions of a few who are often times not even representative of the entire group.

No, no, no. Now you are trying to revise your statement that I have clearly and in bold print quoted.

You said that racial or obscene name calling towards women happen almost every day on the chiefsplanet.

You say that your point was that these types of posts are wrong. But you used deliberate false information to make your argument.

BTW, France isnt a race.

Otter 11-10-2003 01:05 PM

Can this thread please be locked, I think its ran its course.

If anyone wishes to beat me up further for a snippet of a month-long conversation of a situation you otherwise no nothing about and is none of your business, send me a smoke signal.

Stop letting this guy play you, its pitiful.

Lzen 11-10-2003 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi

What's that? Your internet browser will only allow you to go to


Clint in Wichita 11-10-2003 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi

Because it's not really a big deal to you, but it does give you something to chatter about if you pretend to care?

redbrian 11-10-2003 01:08 PM

So mememe it’s ok to call the conservative white guys a bunch of grand wizards, an offensive racial stereo type if there ever was one.
If your going to talk the talk you had best walk the walk and remove all racial stereo types from your discourse.

Raiderhater 11-10-2003 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi




memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by redbrian
So mememe it’s ok to call the conservative white guys a bunch of grand wizards, an offensive racial stereo type if there ever was one.
If your going to talk the talk you had best walk the walk and remove all racial stereo types from your discourse.

No not all. I didn't say that, you are. Not all the conservative white guys on this board post racist or sexist remarks. Some do pretty regularly.

memyselfI 11-10-2003 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Clint in Wichita
Because it's not really a big deal to you, but it does give you something to chatter about if you pretend to care?

Nope, check the history of this argument. I've taken TJ's side on this since the original 'person of Hispanic heritage' debacle. He's made it clear he finds those remarks to be insulting and will expose the user as a racist. So to use them by choice and then pretend that there was a lack of intent is comical.

Rausch 11-10-2003 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
not always are they directed towards individuals on the board but in general about a particular group of people in general. Try reading any thread on Muslims or lately the French and see if you don't find a few offensive remarks geared at an entire group of people based on the actions of a few who are often times not even representative of the entire group.

For the record, I may be a hateful b@st@rd but I'm not a racist. France is not a race. France is not a religon. France is not of only one ethnicity. If one is to say that one is racist to call the french "frogs" then one is likely talking about the majority group in that country.

Which currently is white people. Which I am. So I'd be using an ethnic slur (if I was at all, which I'm trying to point out I'm not) against my own people. I also, unfortunately, am assured of a VERY small amount of frog blood in my own person.

2nd, this comment:


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Try reading any thread on Muslims or lately the French and see if you don't find a few offensive remarks geared at an entire group of people based on the actions of a few who are often times not even representative of the entire group.

shows your double standard and hipocracy. You do the same thing when you talk about the military, our own government, or republicans. You use words that slander the whole and not the ignorance of the few. You, YOURSELF, as much or more than anyone are guilty of this.

3rd, I hate the frogs. I don't ho-hum around. I don't hate french Americans, because they are Americans, and to me that's all that matters. I hate the french, their long standing philosophy regarding warfare and international diplomacy, and the way they relate with both their allies and their enemies. I despise them. A nation. A mentality that permiates an entire culture of people of all races and religons that seems to validify being unwilling to fight at anytime for anything.

That's my opinion. You don't have to agree. Heck, you have every right to call me out or even call me names (with respect to the terms of use on this BB) and that's fine. But try and be accurate.

Racism is racism. Sexism is sexism. I descriminate based on a percieved mentality they posess that spans all sexes, colors, and religons, and is not due to being one of those groups. It may be hate, but it is not an "ism" other than Nationalism.

Phobia 11-10-2003 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Agreed. I stand corrected. My observation was more based towards the mods allowing the crap to stand vs. the number of folks actually making the remarks.

Thank you for pointing out the err in my statement.

Have you ever tried to moderate a site which has 2500+ posts per day? I'm not searching for infractions. Sorry, I don't have time to babysit. If there is a problem with a post appearing on this site, every single one of them have a convenient "report this post to a moderator" button. USE IT.

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