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Baby Lee 11-01-2018 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 13861093)
I didn't tear up but it was funny.

Yeah, but would you stick YOUR leg* in a trap to make a hail mary from, say, Brees fall short and ensure a Chiefs SB victory? ;)

* - BACK in a trap

lcarus 11-01-2018 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 13861128)
Yeah, but would you stick YOUR leg* in a trap to make a hail mary from, say, Brees fall short and ensure a Chiefs SB victory? ;)

* - BACK in a trap

I'm a pretty hardcore fan but not that big of a fan. Fortunately I don't think there will ever be a scenario where sticking my leg in a trap will help the Chiefs win. But who knows what the future will hold? ROFL

Pitt Gorilla 11-07-2018 11:16 PM


MMXcalibur 11-08-2018 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla (Post 13877670)

I second that.

What a spectacular finale. I was waiting for the punchline to come and (thankfully) it just....never came.
The shots of DeVito during the performance were just as powerful.

Well done.

Nickhead 11-08-2018 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by KCtotheSB (Post 13877743)
I second that.

What a spectacular finale. I was waiting for the punchline to come and (thankfully) it just....never came.
The shots of DeVito during the performance were just as powerful.

Well done.

that was, for a very crass show, very endearing. was that 'sigor rous' (sp) music wise?

totally didn't see that coming, but was heart warming :D

did i detect a bit of kubrick? boy i felt it! :thumb:

Baby Lee 11-08-2018 03:15 PM

Baby Lee 11-08-2018 03:33 PM

What horrible thing does it say about me if I'm not utterly gobsmacked by this episode.

I thought it was neat, and I thought 'Mac's' commitment was admirable, and I THINK I get the sleight of hand where they really zigged when you expected the show to zag. But social media is treating this like The Miracle of Fatima.

scho63 11-09-2018 06:55 PM

I thought that was a really cool episode with a lot of funny stuff and sights and of course my favorite supporting cast member Cricket.

Interesting that Dennis was not in the episode.

Frank was a riot and all the shit he kept shoving up his nose was repulsive. At one point he looked like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld after Elaine had to draw eyebrows on him.

The dance scene was awesome but I really don't care about the Gay Agenda-it's been done to death......

rico 11-11-2018 07:52 AM

The finale was probably one of my least favorite Always Sunny episodes ever. Just....blah.

lcarus 11-11-2018 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13882918)
The finale was probably one of my least favorite Always Sunny episodes ever. Just....blah.

Agreed. I thought the dance was cool. How it was on that slick, wet surface was pretty awesome. But it just wasn't a funny episode. Maybe worse than the one where they voice the black people. The show sorely lacked Dennis the last few episodes this season...

Dayze 08-24-2019 07:09 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">14th season. Still fighting dirty. Sunny’s jumping off the top rope 9/25 on FXX. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; It&#39;s Always Sunny (@alwayssunny) <a href="">August 22, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

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WhiteWhale 08-24-2019 01:05 PM

I actually just signed up a free trial on Hulu to catch up on the past few seasons. (12 and 13)

They still have their fastball. I think my fav ep is still when they try to win an award.


It was just a '**** you' to the canned over produced shit that wins meaningless awards. It's like they made it for me, but apparently it was just because their SHOW had never been nominated for any awards. Which I didn't know and found kinda... surprising. It's a ridiculously funny show.

Dayze 08-25-2019 09:22 AM

That episode is great. The bell ringing at the bar tells us when to drink. Ie laugh track.

So many jabs to the face of all the canned shows out there

How Charlie’s first version of the song, the gang applauds him because there was no mention of spiders or goblins etc. then Charlie huffs some paint, and kicks off his new version of the song talking about spiders. LMAO.
The gangs reaction to the first line of the new song is so subtle but great

lcarus 10-25-2019 06:11 PM

This season hasn't been all that great. Last season had its moments. I miss seeing them working at Paddy's. Heck it seems they're rarely even at the bar anymore. I like seeing the gang together but in the past each character had their own thing going on which was fun. And I miss side characters like Cricket, McPoyles, Biil Ponderosa, the lawyer guy, etc. They did have the Guigino's waiter for an episode lol.

And Mac is so damn gay now lmao. If the show continues on for another 5 seasons he's gonna be an anorexic tranny or something.

Jamie 10-25-2019 07:56 PM

I think this season has been a big improvement over last season, which was easily the worst season of the series.

Also I get they probably felt like they milked Mac-in-the-closet for as long as they could, but openly gay Mac isn't as funny. It seems like the only angle they have for it so far is Mac being obsessed with Dennis, and that's not really working for me.

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