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Easy 6 01-15-2013 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 9320135)
There's a big difference. Your wilderness experience aside, there have been countless carcasses of all the animals you listed found in the wild. And there's clearly fossil records of these animals in the North American ground. Enough so that we can see how the animal has changed over the past million years or so. Each of those animals has been clearly photographed thousands upon thousands of times. We have instances of each of those animals in captivity all across the world. You can go to Google right now, and find more results than you can click in a day of these animals appearing clearly on trail cams and all sorts of other pictures.

Just this last year, a mountain lion was photographed in Kansas, and it's clear as day. And the mountain lion is actually a really good example of a solitary predator being unable to escape discovery. Mountain lions are incredibly solitary and independent animals, not to mention being nocturnal. They don't live in packs, and they have a territorial range larger than any other animal in the Western hemisphere. So there's very very few of them, they cover a huge range of territory, they're very elusive and rarely out in daylight. But look at the evidence we have for their existence.

Yet we still have zero evidence of a large unknown North American primate. Zero. Nothing. Nada.

You're completely ignoring the fact that many of the eyewitnesses testimony would be enough to send a person to prison.

You think a guy like the game warden i mentioned isnt qualified to state what he seen as fact? would a guy like that risk being the butt of every joke among his co-workers, if he wasnt 100% sure of what he'd seen?

Its all very mysterious and i claim to have no answers, but laughing off dead serious testimony from qualified observers makes no sense.

Frazod 01-15-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 9320156)
You're completely ignoring the fact that many of the eyewitnesses testimony would be enough to send a person to prison.

You think a guy like the game warden i mentioned isnt qualified to state what he seen as fact? would a guy like that risk being the butt of every joke among his co-workers, if he wasnt 100% sure of what he'd seen?

Its all very mysterious and i claim to have no answers, but laughing off dead serious testimony from qualified observers makes no sense.

This isn't a ghost, or a ninja, or Predator with stealth technology. It's a ****ing ape-man. If the only place this creature was seen was the Pacific Northwest, I'd buy it - there aren't thousands of square miles of forest, there are millions of square miles of forest for it to hide in. But people report seeing them all over the country. How in the hell is there no real evidence? It just doesn't make any sense.

Easy 6 01-15-2013 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 9320166)
This isn't a ghost, or a ninja, or Predator with stealth technology. It's a ****ing ape-man. If the only place this creature was seen was the Pacific Northwest, I'd buy it - there aren't thousands of square miles of forest, there are millions of square miles of forest for it to hide in. But people report seeing them all over the country. How in the hell is there no real evidence? It just doesn't make any sense.

Like i said, i claim to have no answers.

But as far as evidence, there is quite a bit of it in the form of track castings with the kind of detailed dermal ridge patterns that would be extremely difficult to fake, tufts of hair that cannot be definitively pinned to a known animal and i've seen two different leading primatologists/physiologists say that the creature in the old Patterson footage couldnt have been faked by a man.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, i've never seen one either, but i wont ignore the testimony and evidence thats there.

Cheater5 01-15-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 9320135)
There's a big difference. Your wilderness experience aside, there have been countless carcasses of all the animals you listed found in the wild. And there's clearly fossil records of these animals in the North American ground. Enough so that we can see how the animal has changed over the past million years or so. Each of those animals has been clearly photographed thousands upon thousands of times. We have instances of each of those animals in captivity all across the world. You can go to Google right now, and find more results than you can click in a day of these animals appearing clearly on trail cams and all sorts of other pictures.

Just this last year, a mountain lion was photographed in Kansas, and it's clear as day. And the mountain lion is actually a really good example of a solitary predator being unable to escape discovery. Mountain lions are incredibly solitary and independent animals, not to mention being nocturnal. They don't live in packs, and they have a territorial range larger than any other animal in the Western hemisphere. So there's very very few of them, they cover a huge range of territory, they're very elusive and rarely out in daylight. But look at the evidence we have for their existence.

Yet we still have zero evidence of a large unknown North American primate. Zero. Nothing. Nada.

Jaysus, dude. Do you live to argue? I'm not refuting any of the above, nor am I arguing for the existence of such an animal as bigfoot- it's like you're cherry-picking what you want to read and zeroing in on it. WTF have I said time and again? I AM NOT AN ADVOCATE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF BIGFOOT, SASQUATCH, MO-MO THE MISSOURI MONSTER OR THE SWAMP APE.

Overwhelming lack of evidence suggests there is no such animal. But, when I'm in a VA retirement home in 40 years and if I happen to read that some dude killed a gigantopithecus with his pickup truck in Oregon or Montana...I'll pause and go "son of a b*tch..."

InChiefsHeaven 01-15-2013 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 9320135)
There's a big difference. Your wilderness experience aside, there have been countless carcasses of all the animals you listed found in the wild. And there's clearly fossil records of these animals in the North American ground. Enough so that we can see how the animal has changed over the past million years or so. Each of those animals has been clearly photographed thousands upon thousands of times. We have instances of each of those animals in captivity all across the world. You can go to Google right now, and find more results than you can click in a day of these animals appearing clearly on trail cams and all sorts of other pictures.

Just this last year, a mountain lion was photographed in Kansas, and it's clear as day. And the mountain lion is actually a really good example of a solitary predator being unable to escape discovery. Mountain lions are incredibly solitary and independent animals, not to mention being nocturnal. They don't live in packs, and they have a territorial range larger than any other animal in the Western hemisphere. So there's very very few of them, they cover a huge range of territory, they're very elusive and rarely out in daylight. But look at the evidence we have for their existence.

Yet we still have zero evidence of a large unknown North American primate. Zero. Nothing. Nada.

Party pooper. I BELIEVE!!:)

Fish 01-15-2013 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 9320156)
You're completely ignoring the fact that many of the eyewitnesses testimony would be enough to send a person to prison.

You think a guy like the game warden i mentioned isnt qualified to state what he seen as fact? would a guy like that risk being the butt of every joke among his co-workers, if he wasnt 100% sure of what he'd seen?

Its all very mysterious and i claim to have no answers, but laughing off dead serious testimony from qualified observers makes no sense.

Sorry, but unsubstantiated eyewitness testimonies are the most unreliable form of evidence possible. We could find eyewitness testimonies for just about anything you can dream up. We could find eyewitness testimony from multiple people claiming they've been visited by lizard aliens.

I've never heard this game warden's story, so I can't really comment on his alleged sighting. But it certainly goes against the overwhelming majority of reports from game warden types. You admit to that when you mention him being the butt of his coworkers' jokes. There's reason for that. I can't speak for why he would want to admit to something like that, but I can offer evidence for why he'd be greeted with skepticism and ridicule. He may be 100% convinced he saw a bigfoot. But it's not different than the people who are 100% convinced they've been visited by lizard aliens.

penguinz 01-15-2013 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 9320180)

It is Skunk Ape!

ThaVirus 01-16-2013 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 9319893)
I'm probably 90% against existence, but withhold 10% chance. Again, I am not a badass outdoorsman-'Great White Hunter'-type dude. But I have spent a considerable amount of time sleeping on the ground, and have never once come across a bear carcass for instance. Unless an animal was killed by predation- I haven't ever found it's remains and that includes mountain lion, wolves, bear, coyotes, or even a fox.

There are several photos of what appears to be a large predatory cat in the UK for instance, yet no remains have been found. Hell, people in Kansas say they've seen mountain lion/large cats and I remember as a kid down in Arkansas folks saying the same thing. Yes, those animals are known to exist and it isn't beyond imagination that a few might be roaming outside their range. But every now and then you read about the discovery of large animals/fish in the ocean that were thought to be extinct for 2 million years...recently a certain whale if I am not mistaken. All this is the open-minded ten percent side of me.

The overwhelming majority agrees that somehow, somewhere a person would have killed one and either cut a piece off, or gotten a very good up close photo.

Interesting if nothing else.


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 9320135)
There's a big difference. Your wilderness experience aside, there have been countless carcasses of all the animals you listed found in the wild. And there's clearly fossil records of these animals in the North American ground. Enough so that we can see how the animal has changed over the past million years or so. Each of those animals has been clearly photographed thousands upon thousands of times. We have instances of each of those animals in captivity all across the world. You can go to Google right now, and find more results than you can click in a day of these animals appearing clearly on trail cams and all sorts of other pictures.

Just this last year, a mountain lion was photographed in Kansas, and it's clear as day. And the mountain lion is actually a really good example of a solitary predator being unable to escape discovery. Mountain lions are incredibly solitary and independent animals, not to mention being nocturnal. They don't live in packs, and they have a territorial range larger than any other animal in the Western hemisphere. So there's very very few of them, they cover a huge range of territory, they're very elusive and rarely out in daylight. But look at the evidence we have for their existence.

Yet we still have zero evidence of a large unknown North American primate. Zero. Nothing. Nada.


Originally Posted by Cheater5 (Post 9320180)
Jaysus, dude. Do you live to argue? I'm not refuting any of the above, nor am I arguing for the existence of such an animal as bigfoot- it's like you're cherry-picking what you want to read and zeroing in on it. WTF have I said time and again? I AM NOT AN ADVOCATE FOR THE EXISTENCE OF BIGFOOT, SASQUATCH, MO-MO THE MISSOURI MONSTER OR THE SWAMP APE.

Overwhelming lack of evidence suggests there is no such animal. But, when I'm in a VA retirement home in 40 years and if I happen to read that some dude killed a gigantopithecus with his pickup truck in Oregon or Montana...I'll pause and go "son of a b*tch..."

LMAO This little exchange reminded me of an argument I had with a friend of mine a while back.

He's one of those super-logical types. No imagination whatsoever and zero grasp on the concept of possibility. If it's not 100% backed by current scientific theory then it just isn't real or isn't possible.

I can't remember how the exchange started, but I mentioned something about time travel and dinosaurs still living in remote parts of the Congo being possible. He flipped his shit and has brought it up on a consistent basis in an attempt to make me feel like an idiot. He couldn't seem to grasp the fact that I wasn't arguing that they exist, but that I was arguing for the possibility that they could exist. No one really knows what's is and isn't possible so arguing against it is pretty much futile..

jd1020 01-16-2013 02:31 PM

No one is going to convince me that there are hundreds of man like 9' tall bipedal apes living in NA that just haven't been discovered.

Pretty big difference between NA and the Congo.

AndysMansiere 01-16-2013 02:40 PM

i find the show funny....but how could they exist, yet a body/skeleton has never been found...ever. what happens to them when they die??? they disappear??? :lol:

Imon Yourside 06-27-2013 12:15 AM


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Rausch 06-27-2013 07:54 AM

The show is ****ing terrible.

I look at this like I look at UFO's: do I think that 20 out of thousands of sightings might be real? Yeah, I think that's possible. I think a very small percentage of what people see could be real.

It's possible in some remote location there is a small population. Not likely - but possible.

loochy 06-27-2013 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by jd1020 (Post 9325155)
No one is going to convince me that there are hundreds of man like 9' tall bipedal apes living in NA that just haven't been discovered.

Pretty big difference between NA and the Congo.

frankotank 06-27-2013 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 9778925)
The show is ****ing terrible.

I look at this like I look at UFO's: do I think that 20 out of thousands of sightings might be real? Yeah, I think that's possible. I think a very small percentage of what people see could be real.

It's possible in some remote location there is a small population. Not likely - but possible.

can't disagree with any of this.
I grew up in the upper peninsula of Michigan on an Air Force Base near Sault St Marie (pronounced Soo). we lived near the edge of the base and practically lived in the woods every day. if you took off the wrong direction and got're gone man. we were in the middle of nowhere...wilderness like a mother****er! bears and shit. real deal.

our swimming hole was Dukes lake and one day authorities took a plaster cast of a supposed bigfoot footprint. I was understandably fascinated. funny thing though...we were never afraid of anything in the woods except for bears. we figured...hey....he'd be nice to us...right? LMAO and no...I never saw one. I've seen and read everything I've come across on bigfoot. a couple of the most thought provoking things I ever came across was...
1 - a footprint cast of a bigfoot with malformed foot. it was analyzed by a foot doc and he said along with the dermal ridges that run differently in apes than they do in humans....that the deformity itself could only have been faked by a doctor. but it could have been faked I guess...still....
2 - tried to find a pic or video. but some show I saw had pics of yeti tracks in the himalayas that went on for miles. just giant barefoot tracks that run up the side of the mountain. coulda been faked but if I remember correctly they weren't even on a mission about bigfoot, they just came across the tracks. freaking weird man.

one of the only things I can think of on this show that ever really intrigued me is this....

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if it's not a's very possible someone had a pet ape of some kind and that's what it is......other than that.....WTF!

you can do a little research and find that bigfoot goes back to caveman days in multiple countries. so...imo....there MUST be SOMETHING to it...but I think whatever may have been is no longer. meaning that at some point in time, IF they were real, and it's certainly possible that they were, but at some point in time they died out. maybe they were still around when Columbus discovered this place. maybe they were gone by then. maybe the last few, with dwindling numbers and unable to reproduce, maybe they disappeared in the 50's, or the 60's.....but as of right now....come on man!

shit...didn't mean to write a book. it's a subject that I've been mucho interested in since grade school. anyways...I'll stop with this. so after saying come on man! did you know that they just discovered....I think in 2004/2007?...a brand new 300 pound species of chimpanzees in some remote rain forest!? they walk upright a lot of the times and they weigh 300 lbs! think about that!

there is so damn much of this planet we know nothing about. so damn much that a human eye has never seen. so....maybe in a rain forest somewhere you've got a bigfoot...but in Cali...or Minnesota...hell anywhere in the US....I think not.

but maybe....

Imon Yourside 06-27-2013 11:06 AM

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Any Chupacabra sightings lately?

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