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Sfeihc 04-11-2013 07:02 AM

I thought for a minute before going to tribal that Stealth R Us could have flushed Reynold's idol and voted Malcolm out last night. Andrea crapped her pants and ruined the chances for that.

NJChiefsFan 04-11-2013 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9577247)
I want to know if Reynold can figure out who voted for him.

I'm curious if Philip still would have made the speech if they were voting for Malcolm

Cochran is making me laugh a lot more this year and dawn is actually fooling people with her lying

MagicHef 04-11-2013 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by NJChiefsFan (Post 9577474)
I'm curious if Philip still would have made the speech if they were voting for Malcolm

Cochran is making me laugh a lot more this year and dawn is actually fooling people with her lying

Yeah, I was thinking that Philip was an idiot for what he was saying, now I'm wondering if it was intentional.

I've always liked Cochran, he's like a young red headed Woody Allen.

Chiefnj2 04-11-2013 09:23 AM

Why did Malcolm vote for Reynold?

And what's the deal with super secret agent man being the first out of the water torture competition. Didn't they teach him how to deal with water boarding?

MagicHef 04-11-2013 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 9577561)
Why did Malcolm vote for Reynold?

And what's the deal with super secret agent man being the first out of the water torture competition. Didn't they teach him how to deal with water boarding?

I think Philip's speech scared him, he wanted to look like he was in with the favorites still while keeping himself safe. The last thing he heard from Andrea was that the guys were voting for Reynold and the girls were voting for Eddie.

NJChiefsFan 04-11-2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9577593)
I think Philip's speech scared him, he wanted to look like he was in with the favorites still while keeping himself safe. The last thing he heard from Andrea was that the guys were voting for Reynold and the girls were voting for Eddie.

If his plan was to still look like he was in then standing up and acting not only sure but cocky about snuffing out the Favorites plan wasn't a great idea.

Fairplay 04-12-2013 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9576896)
I really hope Cochran wins. He is hilarious.

And Malcolm did some serious sixth-sense spur-of-the-moment figuring there, to not only realize they had sniffed him out, but to then quickly talk Reynold out of his immunity idol when he had a perfectly good one himself. If not for Eddie thinking he had a brain or a good idea, he would have taken out Andrea and completely flipped the game.

I want Cochran to win also, every time he talks he makes he chuckle.

He's not physical, I can't see him winning anymore immunity's unless the show comes up with puzzle type games to solve. A non-threatening player, he can go under the radar for quite some time I think.

buddha 04-12-2013 12:39 AM

When is anybody going to see that Dawn is the snake of all snakes?

Aries Walker 04-12-2013 04:08 AM

I don't know, but they should. This past episode was the third time in a row that someone let her in on a perfectly good plan, and she went a-runnin' immediately to Philip and ratted them out. The first two people got voted out; Malcolm got off lucky by having his plan submarined and losing an ally and an immunity idol.

I can't stand Dawn. She's the kind of terrible player who has no chance of winning but no one wants to get rid of because they're "nice" and non-threatening. She's also melodramatic and irritating. Ugh.

MagicHef 04-12-2013 07:21 AM

Dawn is a snake? Why, for staying loyal to the people she has an alliance with? I'm pretty sure she didn't make any of those idiots blab their plan to her, they just couldn't help themselves. Any of them should have seen that telling Dawn was at best risky and at worst stupid, not because of who Dawn is, but because of her alliance.

I think Dawn has a pretty good shot at winning actually. Better than Malcolm, Eddie, Reynold or Philip, certainly.

NJChiefsFan 04-13-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9579969)
Dawn is a snake? Why, for staying loyal to the people she has an alliance with? I'm pretty sure she didn't make any of those idiots blab their plan to her, they just couldn't help themselves. Any of them should have seen that telling Dawn was at best risky and at worst stupid, not because of who Dawn is, but because of her alliance.

I think Dawn has a pretty good shot at winning actually. Better than Malcolm, Eddie, Reynold or Philip, certainly.

My friend said the same thing about Dawn that the others said and I don't get it. Dawn is just staying loyal to her alliance. Just because people assume Dawn will flip and run with anyone who will talk nice to her doesn't mean she is a bitch for not following along. I like that she is sticking with a plan that she believes in.

Aries Walker 04-13-2013 09:00 PM

I think Malcolm and Reynold both have very good chances of winning. If the Strong Guys alliance gets picked off, whoever is the last one left has a really good chance of making an immunity run, and Malcolm has an idol to back it up. Even Philip has a fairly good chance - he's wacky and this Stealth R Us thing is one step short of mental illness, but he's keeping a strong alliance together, is really good at challenges (especially for being his age), and the only person he really infuriated missed being on the jury. His chances are a lot better now than they were three or so weeks ago.

Eddie, of course, is dead man walking.

NJChiefsFan 04-14-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9584769)
I think Malcolm and Reynold both have very good chances of winning. If the Strong Guys alliance gets picked off, whoever is the last one left has a really good chance of making an immunity run, and Malcolm has an idol to back it up. Even Philip has a fairly good chance - he's wacky and this Stealth R Us thing is one step short of mental illness, but he's keeping a strong alliance together, is really good at challenges (especially for being his age), and the only person he really infuriated missed being on the jury. His chances are a lot better now than they were three or so weeks ago.

Eddie, of course, is dead man walking.

It's unreal how Eddie is concerned not just about keeping Reynold as a member of his alliance but as a friend. If the choice was put in his hands in a final 4, I don't think he would vote out Reynold, even if it meant him having a better chance in the final 3. I have to admit Phillip has impressed me a little bit this season, especially in challenges.

OmahaChief 04-18-2013 08:30 AM

One of the best episodes of Survior I have seen in a long time. Loved it!

Chiefnj2 04-18-2013 08:34 AM

That was a fun tribal council. The only way it would have been better is if: (a) the favs stuck to their original plan - including Erik, and (b) the bro-alliance ended up splitting their vote for Philip, Cochran and Andrea.

Forcing the favs to scramble on a three way re-vote would have been great. Watch them turn on each other.

thecoffeeguy 04-18-2013 04:02 PM

The other thing I thought would have been great, it just to blindside 'fillup'.
Basically, not show the third idol in front of everyone. Just let them assume Malcom and Reynold were safe, and put all votes for Eddie.
Everyone votes.
Then, they bring out the third idol and Phillip gets blindsided.

Probably more entertaining to do it they way the did though

MagicHef 04-19-2013 10:29 AM

This season has been surprisingly good.

buddha 04-19-2013 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9603422)
This season has been surprisingly good.

It has been. I was starting to think that the show had run its course, but there have been some very good moments this season.


I wouldn't bet against the Three Amigos at this point. I see them pulling Sherry and Andrea over next week.

MagicHef 04-19-2013 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by buddha (Post 9604290)
It has been. I was starting to think that the show had run its course, but there have been some very good moments this season.


I wouldn't bet against the Three Amigos at this point. I see them pulling Sherry and Andrea over next week.

Philip may not have been the leader of the alliance, but he was certainly the most vocal about targeting anyone that showed signs of turning. Getting rid of him may make others in the alliance more likely to make other plans.

DaKCMan AP 05-02-2013 07:09 AM


Buck 05-02-2013 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP (Post 9651745)

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Iron Chief 05-02-2013 04:42 PM

Well if you need a little bit of Andrea to ward off your hangover her episode of the Ponderosa is already out..

Bump 05-02-2013 06:52 PM

man, my favorite piece of ass to look at is gone.

That Asian chick is pretty hot, I reckon that she's next.

MagicHef 05-02-2013 07:46 PM

It didn't end up mattering, but why did Andrea get to keep the idol? Erik found it, grabbed it, and she just took it out of his hand. It should be his.

Lex Luthor 05-02-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9653787)
It didn't end up mattering, but why did Andrea get to keep the idol? Erik found it, grabbed it, and she just took it out of his hand. It should be his.

Because he gave it to her. He made no attempt to keep it for himself.

MagicHef 05-02-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Brainiac (Post 9653821)
Because he gave it to her. He made no attempt to keep it for himself.

She took it, he wasn't handing it to her. It is true that he didn't say, "give it back," but my understanding of the rules is that he doesn't have to. It's his the moment he picked it up until he makes it clear that he's giving it away.

Sfeihc 05-03-2013 07:14 PM

How ironic is it that Malcolm was voted out because he couldn't find it because Andrea was hounding him and she gets voted out because she didn't play it?

One idol got two people voted out and it never got played.

It's either Corcoran or Brenda to win now.

KChiefer 05-03-2013 07:47 PM

Yeah, Andrea got power drunk and messed up big time. Who tries to turn on their own alliance when their alliance knows you have an idol?!?

I like Eric's chances. Sure he's a dunce b/c of his last game, but he probably would have won that season. He's a threat to go on an immunity streak and hasn't rocked the boat. Contrary to what Cochran said, Eric giving Andrea the idol was the smart move.

All that said, getting Eddie out needs to be their priority IMO.

Bump 05-04-2013 10:47 AM

it seems that pasty white dude might be fan favorite.

So my question is, can he win fan favorite again? Or does it have to be a fan to win the favorite?

Fairplay 05-04-2013 10:56 AM

We want Brandon!!!!!!!!!

Chiefnj2 05-08-2013 08:13 PM

That was cold.

Aries Walker 05-08-2013 08:22 PM

But it was the right thing to do. The only brain left in the game is Cochran, and right now I figure it's even money if any of the other four dunces can figure out that he's dominating.

Chiefnj2 05-08-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9669608)
But it was the right thing to do. The only brain left in the game is Cochran, and right now I figure it's even money if any of the other four dunces can figure out that he's dominating.

Erik and Eddie better hope they can make an immunity run. The jury isn't going to like the likely final 3 - Cochran, Dawn and Cherrie. Cochran will take it.

SPchief 05-08-2013 08:39 PM

Knowing how smart Cochran is, he'll probably bring Eddie along with him to the final 3 before he brings Sherry.

MagicHef 05-09-2013 12:35 AM

"I was honest to you!"

Uh, you weren't very honest to Andrea.

Chiefnj2 05-09-2013 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief (Post 9669682)
Knowing how smart Cochran is, he'll probably bring Eddie along with him to the final 3 before he brings Sherry.

Why would he do that? Sherry doesn't really have any friends. She's been a pawn to the favorites and the fans on the jury never liked her.

Lex Luthor 05-09-2013 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 9669573)
That was cold.


Originally Posted by Aries Walker (Post 9669608)
But it was the right thing to do. The only brain left in the game is Cochran, and right now I figure it's even money if any of the other four dunces can figure out that he's dominating.

It was cold. It was great strategy. But man, it was sad. I'm rooting for either Eddie or Erik now, because the other three stabbed Brenda in the back and made her cry.

The strategy was totally correct, even if it was cynical and it penalized Brenda for the sins of being good, honest, and likable. Cochran summed it up well when he said "at this point, likability is a liability". And yes, Cochran is totally running the game now.

Both times that Brenda has been voted off of Survivor she was totally blindsided and totally shocked. The first time, though, she came across as a little arrogant at tribal council. When Jeff asked her just before the vote if there was any chance she would be voted off, she just smiled and said "no". Then she got voted off, and it was hard to really feel sorry for her. This time there was none of that, and I thought about that earlier in last night's show when she said her dad had told her to "be humble".

The look of terror on her face when the second vote was read for her was a Survivor classic. And then when she broke down in tears was great drama and it was 100% real.

I suspect she'll be back in another season. Plus, it doesn't hurt that she is one of the hottest women ever on the show.

Lex Luthor 05-09-2013 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 9670217)
Why would he do that? Sherry doesn't really have any friends. She's been a pawn to the favorites and the fans on the jury never liked her.

Has there ever been another woman with such a plain and unattractive face combined with a SMOKING HOT body? I'd post a picture but it's not easy to do from a mobile device.

frankotank 05-09-2013 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Brainiac (Post 9670227)
Has there ever been another woman with such a plain and unattractive face combined with a SMOKING HOT body? I'd post a picture but it's not easy to do from a mobile device.

she reminds me a little of Sandra Bullock. am I crazy?

frankotank 05-09-2013 06:36 AM

I have grown to absolutely HATE Dawn! stop your damn crying woman! and those stupid stupid FACES! stop making them!
she makes me kinda sick. she's done NOTHING. (her win last night....whatever!) I so want her gone....yet she's a perfect candidate to take to the end because she's completely worthless.
her pathetic reaction to Brenda's generosity last night sealed the deal for me.....she needs to go!
she had a HUGE opportunity to really do something with Malcolm last season and she pussed out. you have NO CHANCE! now she's trying to act like THIS time she's doing something. no you're not.
you ain't doing JACK SQUAT!

The Iron Chief 05-09-2013 07:25 AM

With Brenda leaving the eye candy is gone.
I'll be fine with Cochran winning but I just cant stand the thought of Dawn winning.
There is something about her that wreaks odd...shes that neighbor or that parent at school events that everyone goes she comes.

Lex Luthor 05-09-2013 07:28 AM

This thread is worthless without pictures of Brenda.

The Iron Chief 05-09-2013 07:37 AM


Pictures are sweet but I need to see her in motion.
Sure this video take is Blah Blah Blah as she rattles on and on but in truth I'd love to be sitting there with a couple of cold ones in our hands while I pretend to be sympathetic and care.
All the while thinking about how many drinks I can pour down her throat & all the positions I could bend that frame in later.
Blah Blah Blah..I know I know..blah blah blah..I agree completely.....hey heres another ice cold one can I get you anything else?

Bump 05-09-2013 08:04 AM

I cannot stand these emotional episodes. People crying frantically because their loved one showed up. JFC.

But Brenda sure learned a life lesson. Never be nice to other people. Or it will come back to bite you.

MagicHef 05-09-2013 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9670239)
I have grown to absolutely HATE Dawn! stop your damn crying woman! and those stupid stupid FACES! stop making them!
she makes me kinda sick. she's done NOTHING. (her win last night....whatever!) I so want her gone....yet she's a perfect candidate to take to the end because she's completely worthless.
her pathetic reaction to Brenda's generosity last night sealed the deal for me.....she needs to go!
she had a HUGE opportunity to really do something with Malcolm last season and she pussed out. you have NO CHANCE! now she's trying to act like THIS time she's doing something. no you're not.
you ain't doing JACK SQUAT!

She personally crushed like 3 different attempts to overthrow her alliance. Without Dawn, Corinne and Malcolm would probably be running things right now.

buddha 05-09-2013 09:20 AM

Dawn is pathetic. She's not a good player...she's a disloyal player. She has ZERO chance of winning because anybody who has approached her has gotten stabbed in the back.

At this point, I'm pulling for Eddie...he's dumb as a dog, but he hasn't screwed anybody.

MagicHef 05-09-2013 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by buddha (Post 9670506)
Dawn is pathetic. She's not a good player...she's a disloyal player. She has ZERO chance of winning because anybody who has approached her has gotten stabbed in the back.

At this point, I'm pulling for Eddie...he's dumb as a dog, but he hasn't screwed anybody.

How is she disloyal? Those people approaching her were trying to convince her to betray her alliance. Deciding not to betray someone is now considered disloyal?

That's not even going into how stupid it was for Corrine to tell Dawn her plans. Corrine didn't need Dawn at all, but still decided to tell her everything. Corrine went home because she's an idiot, not because Dawn is disloyal.

Chiefnj2 05-09-2013 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9670435)
She personally crushed like 3 different attempts to overthrow her alliance. Without Dawn, Corinne and Malcolm would probably be running things right now.

Except her "alliance" is her Cochran and Sherry, all three likely in the final 3. She stabbed the jury in the back.

Passepartout 05-09-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by The Iron Chief (Post 9670290)

With Brenda leaving the eye candy is gone.
I'll be fine with Cochran winning but I just cant stand the thought of Dawn winning.
There is something about her that wreaks odd...shes that neighbor or that parent at school events that everyone goes she comes.

I actual feel bad for Brenda. As Brenda did not deserve to go home. As she was such a sweetheart. Only to get stabbed in the back.
Used to like Dawn but now, really dislike her as hate is such a strong word!

MagicHef 05-09-2013 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefnj2 (Post 9670897)
Except her "alliance" is her Cochran and Sherry, all three likely in the final 3. She stabbed the jury in the back.

No more than Cochran did.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 03:56 PM

[QUOTE=frankotank;9670235]she reminds me a little of Sandra Bullock. am I crazy?

Yes, I think you are crazy. :)

Fairplay 05-12-2013 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Iron Chief (Post 9670290)
With Brenda leaving the eye candy is gone.
I'll be fine with Cochran winning but I just cant stand the thought of Dawn winning.
There is something about her that wreaks odd...shes that neighbor or that parent at school events that everyone goes she comes.

Thanks for the video, I like seeing behind the scenes stuff like that.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 9670333)
I cannot stand these emotional episodes. People crying frantically because their loved one showed up. JFC.

But Brenda sure learned a life lesson. Never be nice to other people. Or it will come back to bite you.

Yeah I agree man, I've seen quite a few times where a person will be nice on this show and then they will turn on you like a snake and vote you out.
Best to have some Russell in you and be a dick sometimes.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by buddha (Post 9670506)
Dawn is pathetic. She's not a good player...she's a disloyal player. She has ZERO chance of winning because anybody who has approached her has gotten stabbed in the back.

At this point, I'm pulling for Eddie...he's dumb as a dog, but he hasn't screwed anybody.

Heh, that would be funny to see Eddie win at this point. Like a big f*** you to the other players.

I'm still rooting for Cochran though.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 04:05 PM

Anyone that doesn't think Brenda is hot can click out of this thread right now and don't let the door hit you on the ass.

The Iron Chief 05-12-2013 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 9677572)
Thanks for the video, I like seeing behind the scenes stuff like that.

No problem sometimes I like the behind the scenes more than the show itself.
I didnt even realize that "Survivor ponderosa" was an actual series on youtube put out by the show itself til a friend of mine asked,Did you watch the ponderosa of so an so voted out? I was like WTF are you talking about.
I usually only peek in when there's a crazy tribal council..or a hot chick voted out.

For pure behind the scenes just youtube survivor behind the scenes some good stuff there to be found.

Wife and I plan on a big plate of nachos tonight a bottle of wine watch these crazy Fu2Ks go at each other then hopefully we will go at each other. ;)

If Cochran makes it to the end I'd say its an easy win for him.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 06:16 PM

I cry like a little baby when the last survivors stroll past the markers of the others that fell on the sword before them, forgive me.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="cry baby photo: cry-baby-2 cry-baby-1.jpg"/></a>

Fairplay 05-12-2013 06:29 PM

My main man Cochran is in the final four!

Anyone else think that Dawn reminds you of this girl?

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="gif photo: Sexy. face-3.gif"/></a>

Lex Luthor 05-12-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 9677784)

Um, no. That girl is good looking.

Fairplay 05-12-2013 07:12 PM

Almost there Cochran, almost there...........

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="thumbs up photo: thumbs up Thumbs_Up_Bro.gif"/></a>

Fairplay 05-12-2013 07:24 PM

Eddie is through, its over for you..........

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="cut throat photo: Cut Throat Gif CutThroat.gif"/></a>

DaKCMan AP 05-12-2013 07:44 PM

Dawn is getting crushed at final tribal. Awesome!

Fairplay 05-12-2013 08:09 PM

Cochran with the win!!

Lex Luthor 05-12-2013 10:09 PM

I'm hoping Brenda's kid looks just like Cochran.

Bump 05-12-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 9677784)

too fat


frankotank 05-13-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9670235)
she reminds me a little of Sandra Bullock. am I crazy?


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 9677572)
Yes, I think you are crazy. :)


Originally Posted by Fairplay (Post 9677784)

OK. I see what you did there.
so funny I forgot to laugh! :cuss:

You're right. they look NOTHING alike! I'm sooooooooo crazy!


Good job Cochran....

Bump 05-13-2013 12:08 PM

that chick has a great body, obviously. But her face looks like she's been through a few too many plastic surgeries or something.

Bump 05-13-2013 12:10 PM

and how was dawn ever a fan favorite? such an annoying cry baby biotch

frankotank 05-13-2013 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bump (Post 9678801)
and how was dawn ever a fan favorite? such an annoying cry baby biotch

thank GOD she didn't win!
I gagged when she went running to cochran when he won that last competition. those faces she was always making....bleh....

also, glad Brandon wasn't on the reunion show. what a waste of flesh.

frankotank 05-13-2013 12:59 PM

and how well spoken is cochran!
every answer was pretty much perfect. during the last tribal and during the reunion. the dude is quick. I died laughing when he said "well I do look like an 11 year old"

MagicHef 05-13-2013 06:29 PM

Wait... Dawn has to apologize to Brenda for voting her off (a strategic move that was clearly her best move for advancing in the game) but Brenda doesn't have to apologize for forcing Dawn to take out her teeth (a revenge move simply to humiliate Dawn that obviously did not benefit Brenda, since she wasn't in the game any more)?

Also, has there ever been anyone more bitter than Brenda?

Chiefnj2 05-14-2013 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9678902)
thank GOD she didn't win!
I gagged when she went running to cochran when he won that last competition. those faces she was always making....bleh....

also, glad Brandon wasn't on the reunion show. what a waste of flesh.

I think some people on the jury were up in the air between Dawn and Cochran and when Malcolm first spoke and told her he was trying to help her - he was being sincere. I think the jury wanted Dawn to own up to the fact that she was playing a game and put aside her so called morals to do so. They wanted her to be 100% honest and she couldn't just come clean. Her argument, which she didn't do a good job of making was that she and Cochran played the exact same game except she was the one who got dirty doing it while Cochran sat in the background and reaped the benefits.

OmahaChief 05-14-2013 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9679523)
Wait... Dawn has to apologize to Brenda for voting her off (a strategic move that was clearly her best move for advancing in the game) but Brenda doesn't have to apologize for forcing Dawn to take out her teeth (a revenge move simply to humiliate Dawn that obviously did not benefit Brenda, since she wasn't in the game any more)?

Also, has there ever been anyone more bitter than Brenda?

Yes. Susan on the first season of was the most bitter of all.

Buck 05-14-2013 08:57 AM

Did Cochran get all 9 jury votes? Jeff only read off the first 5 because it was enough.

MagicHef 05-14-2013 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 9681155)
Did Cochran get all 9 jury votes? Jeff only read off the first 5 because it was enough.

Yep, only the 3rd unanimous winner.

Buck 05-14-2013 09:02 AM

The file I watched of the reunion was corrupt and I only got to the part where that little girl w/ braces was talking about Malcolm. Is there any reason to find a new file and watch the last 10 min or so w/ the non-jury members? Do they even appear?

MagicHef 05-14-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Buck (Post 9681165)
The file I watched of the reunion was corrupt and I only got to the part where that little girl w/ braces was talking about Malcolm. Is there any reason to find a new file and watch the last 10 min or so w/ the non-jury members? Do they even appear?

No. No one that wasn't on the jury spoke at all. Neither did Sherri. They basically spent the whole time with poor, poor Brenda. Fairly ridiculous that 3 people that weren't on this season all got more screentime than one of the final 3.

frankotank 05-14-2013 10:36 AM

sherri just crapped the bed man. she got nervous and scared and seemingly forgot what she was going to say. she could have pointed out her leading the charge to dismantle the two couples....and she didn't even mention it. not that it would have helped her much.

Lex Luthor 05-14-2013 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by MagicHef (Post 9679523)
Wait... Dawn has to apologize to Brenda for voting her off (a strategic move that was clearly her best move for advancing in the game) but Brenda doesn't have to apologize for forcing Dawn to take out her teeth (a revenge move simply to humiliate Dawn that obviously did not benefit Brenda, since she wasn't in the game any more)?

Also, has there ever been anyone more bitter than Brenda?

I guess I missed the part where Brenda "forced" Dawn to take out her teeth. Did she wrestle her to the ground and yank the teeth out herself, or did she pull a knife on Dawn and threaten to slice her up if she didn't take those teeth out?

The only thing Brenda did wrong was to be a little too gullible. She was stupid enough to think that the woman she saved from having numerous emotional breakdowns would actually be honest with her.

Lex Luthor 05-14-2013 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9681418)
sherri just crapped the bed man. she got nervous and scared and seemingly forgot what she was going to say. she could have pointed out her leading the charge to dismantle the two couples....and she didn't even mention it. not that it would have helped her much.

And yet Sherry's best moment was when Erick tried to bully her and she told firmly him to go sit down, and he did. If she had shown that much chutzpah earlier in the game, she wouldn't have been mocked and ridiculed at the end.

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