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keg in kc 10-02-2009 10:05 AM

The Story of the Sith Warrior

Think back to when you first watched Star Wars™: A New Hope™ — to the moment when Darth Vader enters the besieged Republic ship, surveying the carnage, single-mindedly hunting his target, Princess Leia. If you were like me, your eyes bulged and you thought, “I wanna be that guy.”

Now, maybe I was alone in that visceral response. Maybe it reveals something disturbing about me, I don’t know. On subsequent screenings, I seem to recall hearing a chorus of hisses and boos when Vader emerges. So maybe most of the Star Wars™ fan community are Luke lovers, or Solo sycophants . But something tells me there are more of me out there. And all these years, like me, you’ve been waiting for the opportunity to express your inner Vader.

Well, I’m here to tell you, our time has come.

Get ready, my friends, Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is going to be our coming out party. It’s time to ignite your red lightsaber and grind the galaxy under your steel platform boot.

The Sith Warrior is about domination and control, as he seeks to utterly annihilate his enemies. No one wields a lightsaber with more devastating effect as he brings ferocity and all his rage to bear on every strike. He is feared, he is a melee master, and he can choke you to death without even touching you.

NPCs that give a bounty hunter attitude cower and wet themselves when the Sith Warrior walks into the room. The Warrior glares and Jedi—even Masters—tremble and feel their devout beliefs weaken within them. The Warrior wades into a battalion of Republic soldiers and leaves a pile of steaming parts behind.

You begin the Sith Warrior story as the apprentice of one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the Empire. Yes, you serve him, as Vader served the Emperor, but he knows that you are at your best and most powerful the more you can flex your muscles. As long as your master’s ultimate directives are met, you are encouraged to entertain your every impulse and do as you please.

Unbound and unleashed on the galaxy, you wage war against the Jedi, relentlessly hunting and neutralizing their most powerful and important players. You can leave an indelible darkness on every planet you visit or find less wanton routes to your goals, as you eliminate rivals, acquire your own minions and build your personal power base.

The enemies of the Sith quickly realize that you are the real threat that cannot be ignored. Other Sith you encounter and confront come to revere and revile you, as much as—if not more than—your master. And eventually, the Emperor himself may take notice of your exploits.

Where is this all leading? That’s up to you. You can serve dutifully and pound away by the letter of your master’s law, or you can risk plotting to someday destroy him and grab his power (as Vader reveals in his plea for Luke to join him). You can even have secret designs to redeem yourself, embrace the light and destabilize the Empire from within.

If this excites you, if you’re like me and already have Darth Vader’s theme music playing in the background of your mind 24-7, then crank up the volume to 11 and point those internal speakers out the window. Don’t get caught up in the debate over who shot first. Don’t be tied down by the Jedi Code. Embrace the darkness within you! Revel in your emotions, grab for glory and bend the galaxy to your will.

Neil Pollner

Garcia Bronco 10-02-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6131054)
I know, I had one when I was a kid. And so did other kids. Console games are comprised of a bunch of goofy kid-shit like Zelda and Mario etc.

Pong was really the first mainstream game and it was console. PAC-MAN was the second game craz and every adult wanted to play it on the Atari at home. The console market is also bigger. The advantage is that you can have a system that you know will run the game. I don't mind a PC game, but damn...I might have to spend an additional 5 hundred just to run it.

Garcia Bronco 10-02-2009 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6130435)
Pong was a console.

Missed your post. Good memory

keg in kc 10-30-2009 12:14 PM

Latest class reveal: Jedi Knight


Star Wars: The Old Republic Q&A - The Jedi Knight

By Staff, GameSpotPosted Oct 30, 2009 10:25 am PT

Get the details on the Jedi knight profession in this upcoming massively multiplayer game that will take place in a galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a massively multiplayer game that lets you play as one of many classic Star Wars archetypes from the earlier time period BioWare introduced in its single-player Knights of the Old Republic game. One of the professions you can play is the Jedi knight, a character aligned with the light side of the Force and the peace-loving Republic. We have the details from BioWare's director of production Dallas Dickinson and senior game designer William Wallace.

GameSpot: We're pleased to be able to reveal the early details on the Jedi knight profession. This is obviously an iconic character class represented by some of the most famous characters in Star Wars fiction. Give us an overview of this profession.

Dallas Dickinson: The Jedi knight is based very much on [Samuel L. Jackson's] Mace Windu archetype [from the Phantom Menace motion picture]. He is a powerful, force-wielding warrior who will be called on to protect the galaxy from a great evil. Players should expect to be involved in a bit of intrigue but mostly to be focused on hunting down and combating the Sith and their representatives throughout the galaxy.

GS: We understand that Jedi knights find themselves in a precarious political position in the world of The Old Republic. The Jedi Order--facing a growing threat from the combined forces of the Sith--has retreated to the world of Tython, which hasn't made it popular among Republic senators. What kind of political and faction-related challenges will Jedi knight characters need to be aware of?

DD: Without giving away too much of the story, all the tensions you outlined will be at play. Many political players in the Republic's hierarchy have negative views of the Jedi and some of them are mistrustful because they feel the Jedi Order has abandoned them. Add this to direct [opposition from] the Sith Empire and you have a class (and a story) that is fraught with challenges.

GS: How will the political position of the Jedi Order affect the experience of a Jedi knight player? What sort of missions will these characters undertake? For instance, in addition to defending the Republic against the Sith, will knight characters have bodyguard or diplomatic missions, like the characters in the Episode 1 film?

DD: Without going into specifics, this is absolutely the kind of work that the Jedi knight is cut out for. There are powerful and important members of the Republic's political hierarchy, and the Jedi are often sent to protect these individuals--especially when those individuals are threatened by the Sith. That said, you can expect a wide variety of mission types as a Jedi knight.

GS: The Jedi knight class seems to closely resemble the guardian profession from the Knights of the Old Republic games, possessing such powers as Force push and saber throw. Is it fair to make the comparison between the professions? What kind of player will want to play as a Jedi knight?

William Wallace: It's fair to make that comparison. Besides Force push and saber throw, the Jedi Knight gets some abilities similar to the guardian's "Force valor" that give various benefits to both Jedi knights and their entire party, as well as the ability to wield two lightsabers at once. The guardian profession was definitely a major influence on the concept and design of the Jedi knight.

At its core, the Jedi knight is about getting into battle as quickly as possible, dominating the fight and protecting allies. Players who enjoy fast melee combat will identify with this class--there's no passive auto-attack combat here. The Jedi knight has a smorgasbord of lightsaber abilities to choose from as the situation dictates and must continue to evaluate the battle to see whether he should strike hard at one or two targets or swing widely to keep a whole cluster of enemies at bay. Sometimes it's more advantageous to simply push them all back with the Force, take a second to breathe, and then leap back into the fray with both lightsabers drawn. Players who enjoy that kind of tactical decision making in combat will find a lot to like in the Jedi knight.

GS: Tell us about the role of the Jedi knight in battle. How do these characters support their comrades when the going gets tough?

WW: The Jedi knight can fill a couple of roles in combat. In one-on-one combat, the Jedi knight is practically unmatched in melee power. He excels in getting into the fight very quickly by charging into a group of enemies and then has a number of strong single and double lightsaber attacks to damage his enemies and keep them from damaging him. In group combat, the Jedi knight excels at staying at the forefront of the fight and has a number of ways to keep the battle focused on him, letting his allies concentrate on what they do best and also keeping any Sith lightsabers away from unarmored targets. Even if the Jedi knight isn't leading the group, the character is still a valuable asset to his comrades by virtue of his wide range of melee abilities and his ability to augment the party's strength with Force abilities and auras.

GS: And tell us about the role of the Jedi knight outside of battle. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo, for instance, we witnessed the first showing of The Old Republic's group dialogue system. How will having a Jedi knight in your party be a different experience from playing without? Will knights have a Force persuade power, for instance? How differently will other characters think of and treat parties that include a Jedi knight or two?

DD: Many non-player characters react differently, depending on the class of player character talking with them. Some NPCs are impressed by Jedi, while some don't trust them. You will have some different experiences than if you were to play as a smuggler, for example, when talking to seedy underworld characters. And, as with previous BioWare games, there will also be some abilities that players can use to change their dialogue (and story) options.

GS: Thanks, gentlemen.

scorpio 11-03-2009 07:53 AM

The Jedi page is up at the official site:

keg in kc 11-18-2009 03:34 PM

Another class reveal: Imperial Agent.

Sweet Daddy Hate 11-18-2009 05:11 PM


Valiant 11-18-2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by kcpasco (Post 6124136)
Play Aion in the meantime guys, its actually kinda fun.

And I'm not going back to WoW until they fix the priest class and nerf paladins

Uhh Priests are badass.. Paladin's you just have to be the right class to fight, which unfortunately is three..

Valiant 11-18-2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Garcia Bronco (Post 6130316)
Consoles have been around longer than any mainstream PC game.

Consoles are PC's now..

keg in kc 11-24-2009 12:50 PM

Last two classes have been revealed, although no official information has been released yet. They are the Jedi Consular and the Sith Inquisitor.

So the final class list is as follows:

Bounty Hunter
Imperial Agent
Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight
Sith Inquisitor
Sith Warrior

thecoffeeguy 11-24-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 6290765)
Last two classes have been revealed, although no official information has been released yet. They are the Jedi Consular and the Sith Inquisitor.

So the final class list is as follows:

Bounty Hunter
Imperial Agent
Jedi Consular
Jedi Knight
Sith Inquisitor
Sith Warrior

Another game that will own me...first DragonAge, now this!

keg in kc 11-24-2009 05:31 PM

And mass effect 2 hits january 26.

Sweet Daddy Hate 11-24-2009 09:59 PM

I loves me some BIOWARE.

kcpasco 11-25-2009 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Valiant (Post 6274442)
Uhh Priests are badass.. Paladin's you just have to be the right class to fight, which unfortunately is three..

I was refering to PVE not PVP, I don't PVP much.

A Paladin shouldn't be able to be a better healer then me, tank and do insane damage. While shadow priest absolutley suck balls right now when it comes to damage.

But I blame the arenas for this mess, Blizz is finally owning up and admitting that arenas were a mistake.

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-11-2009 03:54 PM


Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor

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