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kc rush 06-13-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7695562)
I don't think you could skip the entire season, but you could certainly skip about half the episodes without a problem. Here are the key episodes of season 1:

Episode 1: Gwen's origin w/ Torchwood, & introduction to the glove.
Episode 3: Ghost Machine- key for understanding Owen and Gwen.
Episode 4: Cyberwoman- Boring, but key for Ianto's background.
Episode 8: They keep Killing Susie- more about the glove
Episode 10: Out of time- key for Owen
Episode 11: Combat- key for Gwen & Rhys
Episode 12: Capt Jack Harkness- I'd personally like to never see this uber gay episode again, but it ties directly into the finale, which is probably the most Important episode of the Season.
Episode 13: End of Days- Probably the most important episode of the season. It has a bit of summary of sorts. If you had to skip a lot of the eps, this one and episode 1 are probably the most mandatory to understanding things. And
This episode ties directly to the DW episode "Utopia."

Thanks. Rep sent.

Jawshco 06-13-2011 02:02 PM

Those are not necessarily the best episodes of Season 1, IMO, but they are what I would consider the most essential for the story line. The search for the Shoes episode is quite nice, but storywise is skippable.

Third Eye 06-13-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7695596)
Those are not necessarily the best episodes of Season 1, IMO, but they are what I would consider the most essential for the story line. The search for the Shoes episode is quite nice, but storywise is skippable.

Probably my favorite episode of the series.

keg in kc 06-29-2011 07:34 AM



Within hours of the last Private Eye being published, a panicked BBC press officer was on the blower begging to have our story about how problems behind the scenes meant there would be no full series of Doctor Who in 2012 read down the phone to him. There then followed a fumbling attempt at spin.

At 5.25 that evening BBC1’s head of communications announced on Twitter: “Doctor Who is returning. Fourteen new episodes have been commissioned with Matt Smith as the Doctor.” What the BBC would not say, however, was how many of those episodes were actually scheduled for next year.

As angry Who fans bombarded the Eye with online demands that we issue an “apology and retraction”, showrunner Steven Moffat went on the offensive. “Private Eye seems like such fun until it’s YOUR friends they’re spreading nasty, inaccurate gossip about. How horrible,” he tweeted the following morning. Which bits of the story he considered inaccurate, he would not say.

But BBC1 controller Danny Cohen was quite happy to confirm what was accurate. Cohen used a conference appearance a week after the Eye was published to officially confirm a lack of Doctor Who for 2012. “There will be some episodes, but there won’t be a full series. We won’t have a 13-part run.” He blamed Moffat’s workload, specifically the fact that he is also the executive producer of Sherlock, the second series of which he is working on right now for the BBC. “That’s the genuine reason,” he assured questioners.

Moffat himself, meanwhile, took to Twitter again with a terse message: “Misquotes and misunderstandings. But I’m not being bounced into announcing the cool stuff before we’re ready.”

He reckons? Two days later, the BBC News website gave him one hell of a bounce, publishing a story with copious quotes from Cohen, putting the full blame on Moffat for the fact that there will not be a full series of Doctor Who next year: “Sherlock success will hit Doctor Who, says BBC1 boss.”

It took just minutes for a furious Moffat to strike back on Twitter: “The scheduling of Dr Who has got NOTHING to do with Sherlock.” In response to a message from fellow writer Neil Gaiman as to whether he was “being shafted”, Moffat replied publicly: “It’s not your imagination. Unbelievable. Unacceptable.” While the BBC amended its story to include Moffat’s denial, Cohen has declined to issue any kind of clarification.

So there you go. Doesn’t sound like there are any problems behind the scenes at all, does it? But in the meantime BBC Worldwide has already started reining back its plans for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary in 2013 because it’s worried that demand for merchandise will have dropped due to the shortage of episodes between now and then – especially if the BBC goes with one plan now being mooted for the handful of 2012 episodes, that of broadcasting them stripped across a single week.

keg in kc 07-01-2011 11:48 AM

This is pretty cool. All the title sequences from beginning to now:

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

kc rush 07-01-2011 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7725187)
This is pretty cool. All the title sequences from beginning to now:

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

I dug through several Netflix episodes just to see how it changed. Cool to see it in one place.

Jawshco 07-01-2011 12:12 PM

My favorite title sequence is still the original Tom Baker sequence. I also like the latter Pertwee title sequence and the Eccleston title sequence. The colon Baker and McCoy era ones were irritating.

The new "cloudy" one is okay. I don't like that the changed the tune so much though, it was bad enough that the changed it for series four.

Jawshco 07-01-2011 12:16 PM

All the Moff vs the Beeb stuff is ridiculous. I'd hate to see DW become Americanized, but if it has to leave BBC, then so be it. It's obvious that the controller doesn't have any love for the show that is the longest running scifi program of all time. It seems like Moffat is doing all he can to keep it alive. Once he departs, we may be in for another long hiatus.

vailpass 07-01-2011 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7725234)
All the Moff vs the Beeb stuff is ridiculous. I'd hate to see DW become Americanized, but if it has to leave BBC, then so be it. It's obvious that the controller doesn't have any love for the show that is the longest running scifi program of all time. It seems like Moffat is doing all he can to keep it alive. Once he departs, we may be in for another long hiatus.

Why your username isn't "Doctor" or "Who" or "Dalek" or something I have no idea. This board is full of subject matter experts in all kinds of fields, you are definetely the doctor of The Doctor.

Jawshco 07-01-2011 10:00 PM

I'm an SME in a couple areas of business, but believe me there are many more who are superior experts regarding Doctor Who than I am. I just enjoy the show and listen to a podcast or two. The folks who post on the DocBacks at the Ain't it Cool News site and over at Tardis Newsroom, are true experts.

I'm a fan of the show, but as far as being a fanatic well I'm only fanatical in regards to the dude who's my avatar. I probably should change my username to something that's not my actual nickname, but I really don't care. Hey, is it my fault that there's no football to discuss right now? LOL! I like Doctor Who now, Doctor Who is cool.

Jawshco 07-13-2011 11:47 PM

Is anybody watching "Touchwood:Miracle Day?" Ha! When I heard the lady at the beginning of the new show call it Touchwood, I haven't been able to call it anything else since! That was freaking hilarious.

I don't know if the move to America helps the show yet. I've only seen the first episode, but it's okay so far. It was a bit of slow set up, I thought, but it was solid. The tone doesn't have the cheesy feel of the first season, so at least there's that, but it does lack some of the charm of season two.

I'm not a fan Mehki Pheifer, but the main two stars are what is really important. The big new star is Bill Pullman. Some Hollywood stars cut way their age or hide it some odd way, but man... not Pullman. I'm all for the natural look, but that dude's face no longer looks the way it used to. Luckily it really works for his creepy killer/rapist character. He's almost too good in the role, and I'm definitely interested in seeing where they're going to take his story.

kc rush 07-14-2011 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7747666)
Is anybody watching "Touchwood:Miracle Day?" Ha! When I heard the lady at the beginning of the new show call it Touchwood, I haven't been able to call it anything else since! That was freaking hilarious.

I don't know if the move to America helps the show yet. I've only seen the first episode, but it's okay so far. It was a bit of slow set up, I thought, but it was solid. The tone doesn't have the cheesy feel of the first season, so at least there's that, but it does lack some of the charm of season two.

I'm not a fan Mehki Pheifer, but the main two stars are what is really important. The big new star is Bill Pullman. Some Hollywood stars cut way their age or hide it some odd way, but man... not Pullman. I'm all for the natural look, but that dude's face no longer looks the way it used to. Luckily it really works for his creepy killer/rapist character. He's almost too good in the role, and I'm definitely interested in seeing where they're going to take his story.

I've caught up thanks to your suggestions on Season 1. I actually liked Children of Earth quite a bit. It was uneven in places, but good overall.

Watched the first Miracle Day and thought it was alright. It was a lot of setup, now we'll see how they pay it off.

bevischief 07-24-2011 07:18 PM

A Promo For The Next Wave Of DOCTOR WHO Season/Series Six Episodes Is Now Online!!

A Promo For The Next Wave Of DOCTOR WHO Season/Series Six Episodes Is Now Online!!

Published at: Jul 24, 2011 3:45:20 PM CDT

Merrick here...

BBC has brought a preview of the episodes 8-13 of Season/Series Six online.

U.K. viewers can see it HERE - I'm not sure if the emebed below will play in the U.K.

BBC America has brought the promo online HERE - an embed of the same appears below.

August 27 my friends! If we hope and wish hard enough and collectively, maybe we can bend time and get to that date much faster.

keg in kc 07-25-2011 05:21 AM

Here's the embed:

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

vailpass 07-25-2011 11:07 AM

Excellent. I thought I read here that Amy Pond might not be back next season. Apparently that is not the case? Schwing.

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